#' MIGSAres exploratory functions
#' Several R base overwritten functions to manipulate a MIGSAres object as a
#' data.frame way.
#' NOTE: When subsetting a MIGSAres object, if it does not have the id, GS_Name
#' and (at least) one experiment columns, then it wont be a MIGSAres object,
#' i.e., migsaRes[,c("id","igsaInput1")] is no longer a MIGSAres object.
#' @param x MIGSAres object.
#' @param y MIGSAres object.
#' @param object MIGSAres object.
#' @param name as used in \code{$}.
#' @param n as used in \code{\link[utils]{head}} and \code{tail}.
#' @param i as used in \code{[}.
#' @param j as used in \code{[}.
#' @param drop as used in \code{[} (default: FALSE).
#' @return Desired object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name MIGSAres-common
#' @rdname MIGSAres-common
#' @include MIGSAres-class.R
#' @aliases dim,MIGSAres-method
#' @exportMethod dim
#' @examples
#' data(migsaRes)
#' ## As we ran MIGSA for two experiments and 200 gene sets, it must have 200
#' ## rows, and five columns (id, Name, GS_Name, and the experiments names).
#' dim(migsaRes)
#' ## migsaRes shown as data.frame has these column names: id, Name, GS_Name,
#' ## and the experiments names. As we ran two experiments, names igsaInput1
#' ## and igsaInput2, we can use $ in these ways:
#' head(migsaRes$id)
#' table(migsaRes$Name)
#' table(migsaRes$GS_Name)
#' head(migsaRes$igsaInput1)
#' head(migsaRes$igsaInput2)
#' colnames(migsaRes)
#' head(migsaRes)
#' ## Or see the first 10
#' head(migsaRes, n = 10)
#' tail(migsaRes)
#' ## Or see the last 10
#' tail(migsaRes, n = 10)
#' ## migsaRes shown as data.frame has these column names: id, Name, GS_Name,
#' ## and the experiments names. As we ran two experiments, names igsaInput1
#' ## and igsaInput2, we can use [ in these ways:
#' ## Lets get the first 5 rows and 4 columns (the result is a MIGSAres object).
#' migsaRes[1:5, 1:4]
#' class(migsaRes[1:5, 1:4])
#' ## Lets get the experiments results. Note that this is not any more a
#' ## MIGSAres object.
#' migsaRes[, c("igsaInput1", "igsaInput2")]
#' class(migsaRes[, c("igsaInput1", "igsaInput2")])
#' migsaRes
#' migsaResDFrame <- as.data.frame(migsaRes)
#' head(migsaResDFrame)
#' migsaRes1 <- migsaRes[, 1:4]
#' migsaRes2 <- migsaRes[, c(1:3, 5)]
#' migsaResMerged <- merge(migsaRes1, migsaRes2)
signature = c("MIGSAres"),
function(x) {
#' @rdname MIGSAres-common
#' @aliases $,MIGSAres-method
#' @include MIGSAres.R
#' @exportMethod $
signature = c("MIGSAres"),
function(x, name) {
res <- get_summary(x)
return(res[, name])
#' @rdname MIGSAres-common
#' @aliases colnames,MIGSAres
#' @exportMethod colnames
signature = c("MIGSAres"),
function(x) {
## todo: define colnames(migsaRes) <-
#' @rdname MIGSAres-common
#' @aliases head,MIGSAres
#' @exportMethod head
signature = c("MIGSAres"),
function(x, n = 6L) {
n <- min(nrow(x@migsa_res_summary), n)
return(x[1:n, , drop = FALSE])
#' @rdname MIGSAres-common
#' @aliases tail,MIGSAres
#' @exportMethod tail
signature = c("MIGSAres"),
function(x, n = 6L) {
n <- min(nrow(x@migsa_res_summary), n)
return(x[(nrow(x) - n + 1):nrow(x), , drop = FALSE])
#' @rdname MIGSAres-common
#' @aliases [,MIGSAres,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
#' @include MIGSAres.R
#' @exportMethod "["
signature = c("MIGSAres"),
function(x, i, j, drop = FALSE) {
# subset from the results summary
data_frame <- x@migsa_res_summary[i, j, drop = drop]
if (is.null(dim(data_frame)) || ncol(data_frame) == 0 ||
nrow(data_frame) == 0) {
# if the structure has broken then return a non MIGSAres object
res <- get_summary(x)[i, j, drop = drop]
# present experiments in the subsetted object
act_methods <- setdiff(
c("id", "GS_Name", "Name")
data_frame_all <- x@migsa_res_all
# if id and GS_Name are removed then object is not valid, so we return
# just the data.frame
if (!all(c("id", "GS_Name") %in% colnames(data_frame)) |
length(act_methods) == 0) {
res <- get_summary(x)[i, j, drop = drop]
# filter the removed experiments from the all results data frame
data_frame_all <- data_frame_all[
data_frame_all$experiment_name %in% act_methods &
data_frame_all$id %in% data_frame$id &
data_frame_all$gene_set_name %in% data_frame$GS_Name,
x@migsa_res_all <- data_frame_all
x@migsa_res_summary <- data_frame
#' @rdname MIGSAres-common
#' @aliases show,MIGSAres
#' @include MIGSAres.R
#' @exportMethod show
signature = c("MIGSAres"),
function(object) {
res <- get_summary(object)
#' @rdname MIGSAres-common
#' @aliases as.data.frame,MIGSAres
#' @include MIGSAres.R
#' @exportMethod as.data.frame
f = "as.data.frame",
signature = c("MIGSAres"),
definition = function(x) {
res <- get_summary(x)
#' @rdname MIGSAres-common
#' @aliases merge,MIGSAres,MIGSAres
#' @include MIGSAres.R
#' @exportMethod merge
f = "merge",
signature = c("MIGSAres", "MIGSAres"),
definition = function(x, y) {
x_all <- x@migsa_res_all
y_all <- y@migsa_res_all
merged_all <- rbind(x_all, y_all)
# checking that we dont have experiment names repeated between x and y
if (nrow(unique(merged_all[, list(experiment_name, gene_set_name, id)]))
!= nrow(merged_all[, list(experiment_name, gene_set_name, id)])) {
stop("Merging: Experiment names can not be the same")
newGenesRank <- unique(c(x@genes_rank, y@genes_rank))
.Object <- MIGSAres(merged_all,
genes_rank = newGenesRank
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