# # library(RColorBrewer);
# percentages: two column dataframe with the percentage of enriched datasets
# for each method (SEA, mGSZ)
# nColors: the number of opacities used for each one of the 3 colors
# giveColors <- function(percentages, nColors) {
# nColors <- ceiling(nColors);
# SEA_colors <- brewer.pal(max(3,nColors), "Blues");
# mGSZ_colors <- brewer.pal(max(3,nColors), "Reds");
# both_colors <- brewer.pal(max(3,nColors), "Greens");
# colors <- rep("white", nrow(percentages));
# names(colors) <- rownames(percentages);
# both_rows <- apply(percentages>0, 1, function(x) (x[1] && x[2]));
# mGSZ_rows <- apply(percentages>0, 1, function(x) (!x[1] && x[2]));
# SEA_rows <- apply(percentages>0, 1, function(x) (x[1] && !x[2]));
# colors[both_rows] <- both_colors[floor(rowSums(percentages)[both_rows]/2)];
# colors[mGSZ_rows] <- mGSZ_colors[ percentages[mGSZ_rows, "mGSZ"] ];
# colors[SEA_rows] <- SEA_colors[ percentages[SEA_rows, "SEA"] ];
# return(colors);
# }
# convert2percentages <- function(enrichedCounts, percentages, nDatasets) {
# percentages <- sort(percentages);
# minEnricheds <- percentages*nDatasets/100;
# result <- enrichedCounts;
# result[ enrichedCounts < minEnricheds[1] ] <- 0;
# for(perc in (1:length(percentages))) {
# result[ enrichedCounts >= minEnricheds[perc] ] <- perc;
# };
# return(result);
# }
# createtree <- function(data2plot, percentages, importantGO=NULL) {
# dataResult <- lapply(names(data2plot), function(dataSetName) {
# dataSet <- data2plot[[ dataSetName ]];
# methodResult <- lapply(names(dataSet), function(methodName) {
# method <- dataSet[[ methodName ]];
# Reduce(rbind, lapply(names(method), function(ontology) {
# expResult <- method[[ ontology ]];
# return(cbind(expResult[,c("NAME", "Enriched")], ont=ontology));
# }));
# })
# dataSetResult <- Reduce(function(...) merge(...,by=c("NAME", "ont"),
# all=!F), methodResult);
# colnames(dataSetResult)[3:4] <- paste(dataSetName, names(dataSet),
# sep="_");
# return(dataSetResult);
# });
# dataResult <- Reduce(function(...) merge(...,by=c("NAME", "ont"), all=!F),
# dataResult);
# ontologies <- c("BP", "CC", "MF");
# treeData <- lapply(ontologies, function(actualOnt) {
# actualResults <- subset(dataResult, ont==actualOnt, select=-2);
# rownames(actualResults) <- actualResults$NAME;
# actualResults <- actualResults[,-1];
# # actualResults <- actualResults[
# rowSums(actualResults, na.rm=!F) > 0, ];
# actualResults[is.na(actualResults)] <- F;
# actualSEAResults <- actualResults[, grep("SEA",
# colnames(actualResults))];
# actualSEAResults <- rowSums(actualSEAResults);
# actualmGSZResults <- actualResults[, grep("mGSZ",
# colnames(actualResults))];
# actualmGSZResults <- rowSums(actualmGSZResults);
# actualResults <- cbind(SEA=actualSEAResults, mGSZ=actualmGSZResults);
# actualResults <- convert2percentages(actualResults, percentages,
# length(data2plot));
# out <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(actualResults), ncol=3));
# colnames(out) <- c("Enriched", "Important", "Color");
# rownames(out) <- rownames(actualResults);
# out$Enriched <- rowSums(actualResults) > 0;
# out$Important <- rownames(out) %in% importantGO;
# out$Color <- giveColors(actualResults, length(percentages));
# return(out);
# });
# names(treeData) <- ontologies;
# return(treeData);
# }
# terms: list of GO Ids to plot
# setGeneric(name="createTreeFromList", def=function(terms, ...) {
# standardGeneric("createTreeFromList")
# })
# internal function
# #'@importFrom AnnotationDbi Ontology
# #'@importFrom futile.logger flog.info
# #'@importFrom GO.db GOTERM
# setMethod(
# f="createTreeFromList",
# signature=c("character"),
# definition=function(terms, color="red") {
# stopifnot(length(terms) > 0);
# terms <- cbind(terms, ont=Ontology(GOTERM)[terms]);
# terms <- terms[ !is.na(rownames(terms)), ];
# ontsPresent <- names(table(terms[,"ont"]));
# flog.info(ontsPresent);
# treeData <- lapply(ontsPresent, function(actOnt) {
# actualResults <- terms[ terms[,"ont"] == actOnt, ];
# out <- data.frame(matrix(!FALSE, nrow=nrow(actualResults),
# ncol=3));
# colnames(out) <- c("Enriched", "Important", "Color");
# rownames(out) <- rownames(actualResults);
# out$Important <- FALSE;
# out$Color <- color;
# return(out);
# });
# names(treeData) <- ontsPresent;
# graph <- createGoGraph(treeData);
# return(list(graph=graph, gotree=treeData));
# }
# )
setGeneric(name = "createGoGraph", def = function(ontologies) {
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi Ontology
#' @importFrom GOstats GOGraph
#' @importFrom graph nodes removeNode
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
f = "createGoGraph",
signature = c("list"),
definition = function(ontologies) {
# For each ontology create the GO graph
GOgraph <- lapply(ontologies, function(ontology, GOparents) {
graph <- GOGraph(
rownames(ontology)[ontology$Enriched | ontology$Important],
# Remove "all" node if present
if ("all" %in% nodes(graph)) {
graph <- removeNode("all", graph)
# invert the graph (if not it plots it 180 degrees)
graph <- nodeLevel(invertGraph(graph))
}, GOparents)
setGeneric(name = "invertGraph", def = function(graph) {
#' @importClassesFrom graph graphNEL
#' @importFrom graph addEdge edges nodes
#' @importFrom RBGL isomorphism
f = "invertGraph",
signature = c("graphNEL"),
definition = function(graph) {
invEdges <- do.call(
lapply(names(edges(graph)), function(nodeto) {
# for each edge, get its starting node
do.call(rbind, lapply(edges(graph)[[nodeto]], function(nodefrom) {
# for each destination, return the other way round
return(c(nodefrom, nodeto))
fromNodes <- unique(invEdges[, 1])
# return it as a list
invEdges <- lapply(fromNodes, function(nodefrom) {
invEdges[invEdges[, 1] == nodefrom, 2]
names(invEdges) <- lapply(invEdges, function(x) names(x)[[1]])
# dont give the edges to graphNEL, so it creates also the edges of the
# nodes with no children
ginv <- new("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed", nodes = nodes(graph))
newEdges <- edges(ginv)
# over write edges that we inverted
newEdges[names(invEdges)] <- invEdges
# create the new graph with the complete edges structure
ginv <- new("graphNEL",
edgemode = "directed", nodes = nodes(graph),
edgeL = newEdges
# control
stopifnot(isomorphism(graph, ginv)$isomorphism)
setGeneric(name = "nodeLevel", def = function(graph, ...) {
#' @importClassesFrom graph graphNEL
#' @importFrom graph degree
#' @importFrom Rgraphviz 'nodeData<-' 'nodeDataDefaults<-'
f = "nodeLevel",
signature = c("graphNEL"),
definition = function(graph, root = NULL) {
# default attribute "-1"
nodeDataDefaults(graph, "level") <- -1
# inicialization
if (is.null(root)) {
root <- names(which(degree(graph)$inDegree == 0))
if (length(root) > 1) {
warning("Unmatching GO ids found")
root <- root[which(degree(graph)$outDegree[root] ==
nodeData(graph, root, "level") <- 0
# doGOtree <- function(data2plot, percentages=c(50, 75, 100),
# importantGO=NULL) {
# gotree <- createtree(data2plot, percentages, importantGO);
# flog.info(checkEnrichment(gotree));
# graph <- createGoGraph(gotree);
# return(list(graph=graph, gotree=gotree));
# }
setGeneric(name = "checkEnrichment", def = function(ontologies) {
f = "checkEnrichment",
signature = c("list"),
definition = function(ontologies) {
# Check for enrichment presence
do.call(c, lapply(ontologies, function(onto) {
setGeneric(name = "plotGoTree", def = function(graph, ont) {
f = "plotGoTree",
signature = c("list", "character"),
definition = function(graph, ont) {
gotree <- graph$gotree
GOgraph <- graph$graph
# name.height: node height
# name.width: node width
# name.fontsize: node name size
# name.lwd: vert spessor
# this is for pretty printing, well the best I could do :P
# vertSpessor: connectors and outter circles
vertSpessor <- 50 / checkEnrichment(gotree)[[ont]]
fontSize <- max(50, checkEnrichment(gotree)[[ont]] / 16)
size <- c(
name.legend.pt = 8, name.legend.text = 3, name.height = 1.9,
name.width = 0.9, name.fontsize.full = 11, name.fontsize = fontSize,
name.lwd = vertSpessor
plotGo(GOgraph[[ont]], gotree[[ont]], lroot = ont, size)
setGeneric(name = "plotGo", def = function(graph, ontology, ...) {
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi Term
#' @importFrom GO.db GOTERM
#' @importClassesFrom graph graphNEL
#' @importFrom graph 'edgeRenderInfo<-' 'nodeRenderInfo<-' 'graphRenderInfo<-'
#' @importFrom Rgraphviz layoutGraph nodeData renderGraph
f = "plotGo",
signature = c("graphNEL", "data.frame"),
definition = function(graph, ontology, lroot = "MF",
size = c(
name.lwd = 3, name.height = 1.9, name.width = 0.9,
name.fontsize = 30
)) {
# only nodes to plot
plotNodes <- rownames(ontology)[ontology$Enriched |
# change the id for the Name
terms <- sapply(plotNodes, function(id) {
if (!is.null(GOTERM[[id]])) {
} else {
id # database version issue!!!!
terms <- gsub(
"\nor", " or",
"cell\n", "cell ",
"\nof", " of",
gsub(" ", "\n", terms)
# add GO root name
root <- unlist(nodeData(graph, attr = "level"))[
unlist(nodeData(graph, attr = "level")) == 0
root[1] <- lroot
terms <- c(terms, root)
# color look up
color <- ontology$Color
names(color) <- rownames(ontology)
if (!(names(root[1]) %in% names(color))) {
color <- c("white", color)
names(color)[1] <- names(root[1])
color <- color[names(terms)]
# if no letters are needed, just a circule for the nodes
stopifnot(size[["name.fontsize.full"]] > 0)
# size
width <- sapply(terms, function(term) {
max(nchar((unlist(strsplit(term, split = "\n")))))
}) * size["name.width"]
height <- sapply(terms, function(term) {
length(unlist(strsplit(term, split = "\n")))
}) * size["name.height"]
# not in use right now, but if we have important nodes then change the
# shape
importantGO <- rownames(ontology[ontology$Important, ])
shapes <- ifelse(names(terms) %in% importantGO, "box", "ellipse")
# shape: The shape of the node. Current acceptable values are circle,
# rectangle, rect, box and ellipse. The circle shape is the default.
# Note that box, rect and rectangle all correspond to the same actual
# shape
names(width) <- names(height) <- names(shapes) <- names(terms)
nodeAttrs <- list(width = width, height = height, shape = shapes)
node <- list()
node$node <- list(fixedsize = FALSE)
graph <- layoutGraph(graph, nodeAttrs = nodeAttrs, attrs = node)
edgeRenderInfo(graph) <- list(
lwd = size[["name.lwd"]],
arrowhead = "none"
# other possible ways of encoding info
# color: Basic drawing color for the node, corresponding to the outside edge
# of the node.
# fontcolor: Color used for text. This defaults to black.
# fontname: Font used for text. The default of this is Times Roman.
# others
nodeRenderInfo(graph) <- list(
label = terms, fill = color,
fontsize = size[["name.fontsize"]],
lwd = size[["name.lwd"]] / 2
graphRenderInfo(graph) <- list(main = lroot)
# rendering at last
graph <- renderGraph(graph)
setGeneric(name = "mixColors", def = function(colorList) {
f = "mixColors",
signature = c("character"),
definition = function(colorList) {
# if (length(colorList) == 1) {
# return(colorList);
# }
# colMeans(do.call(rbind, lapply(colorList, function(actColor) {
# newColor <- t(col2rgb(actColor, alpha=TRUE)/255);
# newColor <- newColor * newColor[, "alpha"];
# return(newColor[,1:3])
# })))
newColors <- colSums(do.call(
lapply(colorList, function(actColor) {
newColor <- t(col2rgb(actColor, alpha = TRUE) / 255)
newColor <- newColor * (newColor[, "alpha"] != 0)
return(newColor[, 1:3])
unlist(lapply(newColors, min, 1))
setGeneric(name = "getHeight", def = function(term, minHeight, allParents) {
f = "getHeight",
signature = c("character", "logical", "list"),
definition = function(term, minHeight, allParents) {
# bp, mf and cc ids
fstTerms <- c("GO:0008150", "GO:0003674", "GO:0005575")
actualHeight <- 1
actualParents <- allParents[[term]]
if (term %in% fstTerms) {
} else if (is.null(actualParents)) {
if (minHeight) {
# while we dont get to the root node sum 1 to the result.
# remember we are starting from our node, finding its parents
# pseudo recursively
while ((!any(fstTerms %in% actualParents)) &&
(!"all" %in% actualParents)) {
actualHeight <- actualHeight + 1
actualParents <- unique(unlist(allParents[actualParents]))
} else {
while (!all(actualParents %in% as.list(c("all", fstTerms)))) {
actualHeight <- actualHeight + 1
actualParents <- unique(unlist(allParents[actualParents]))
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