#' @title normalizeData
#' @description Data normalization.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param object A metflowClass object.
#' @param method Normalization method, mean, median, total svr or loess,
#' default is svr. Please see the details.
#' @param keep.scale Remain scale or not. Default is TRUE.
#' @return A new metflowClass object.
#' @examples
name = "normalizeData",
def = function(object,
method = c("svr", "total", "median", "mean", "pqn"),
keep.scale = TRUE) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if (class(object) != "metflowClass") {
stop("Only the metflowClass is supported!\n")
ms1_data <- object@ms1.data
if(length(ms1_data) > 1){
stop("Please align batch first.\n")
ms1_data <- ms1_data[[1]]
qc_data <- getData(object = object, slot = "QC")
subject_data <- getData(object = object, slot = "Subject")
if(sum(is.na(qc_data)) + sum(is.na(subject_data)) > 0){
stop("Please impute MV first.\n")
if(method %in% c("svr", "loess")){
stop("No QC samples in your data, please change other method.\n")
##sample-wise methods
if(method %in% c("total", "median", "mean")){
subject_data <- apply(subject_data, 2, function(x){
x <- as.numeric(x)
total = {x/sum(x)},
median = {x/median(x)},
mean = {x/mean(x)}
subject_data <- as.data.frame(subject_data)
qc_data <- apply(qc_data, 2, function(x){
x <- as.numeric(x)
total = {x/sum(x)},
median = {x/median(x)},
mean = {x/mean(x)}
qc_data <- as.data.frame(qc_data)
##pqn (Probabilistic Quotient Normalization) method
if(method == "pqn"){
subject_data <- KODAMA::normalization(Xtrain = subject_data,
method = "pqn")$newXtrain
qc_data <- KODAMA::normalization(Xtrain = qc_data,
method = "pqn")$newXtrain
object@process.info$normalizeData <- list()
object@process.info$normalizeData$method <- method
object@process.info$normalizeData$keep.scale <- keep.scale
sample_info <- object@sample.info
subject_qc_data <- cbind(qc_data, subject_data)
subject_qc_name <- dplyr::filter(.data = sample_info, class %in% c("Subject", "QC")) %>%
dplyr::pull(., sample.name)
subject_qc_data <- subject_qc_data[, match(subject_qc_name, colnames(subject_qc_data))]
ms1_data[,match(subject_qc_name, colnames(ms1_data))] <- subject_qc_data
ms1_data <- list(ms1_data)
object@ms1.data <- ms1_data
#' DataNormalization <- function(MetFlowData,
#' path = ".",
#' method = "svr",
#' dimension1 = TRUE,
#' ## parameters for loess normalization
#' optimization = TRUE,
#' begin = 0.5,
#' end = 1,
#' step = 0.2,
#' ##svr parameters
#' multiple = 5,
#' threads = 2,
#' rerun.loess = TRUE,
#' rerun.svr = TRUE,
#' peakplot = TRUE,
#' datastyle = "tof",
#' user = "other") {
#' options(warn = -1)
#' if (path != ".") {
#' dir.create(path)
#' }
#' #
#' path1 <- file.path(path, "7 Normalization result")
#' dir.create(path1)
#' qc <- MetFlowData@qc
#' subject <- MetFlowData@subject
#' tags <- MetFlowData@tags
#' subject.info <- MetFlowData@subject.info
#' qc.info <- MetFlowData@qc.info
#' if (sum(is.na(MetFlowData@qc))+sum(is.na(MetFlowData@subject)) != 0)
#' {
#' stop("Plase impute MV in sampe first.")
#' }
#' ##mean normalization
#' if (method == "mean") {
#' qc1 <- apply(qc, 2, function(x) {
#' x / mean(x)
#' })
#' subject1 <- apply(subject, 2, function(x) {
#' x / mean(x)
#' })
#' if (dimension1)
#' {
#' qc.mean <- apply(qc, 1, mean)
#' qc2 <- qc1 * qc.mean
#' subject2 <- subject1 * qc.mean
#' MetFlowData@qc <- as.matrix(qc2)
#' MetFlowData@subject <- as.matrix(subject2)
#' }
#' else {
#' MetFlowData@qc <- as.matrix(qc1)
#' MetFlowData@subject <- as.matrix(subject1)
#' }
#' }
#' #median normalization
#' if (method == "median") {
#' qc1 <- apply(qc, 2, function(x) {
#' x / median(x)
#' })
#' subject1 <- apply(subject, 2, function(x) {
#' x / median(x)
#' })
#' if (dimension1)
#' {
#' qc.median <- apply(qc, 1, median)
#' qc2 <- qc1 * qc.median
#' subject2 <- subject1 * qc.median
#' MetFlowData@qc <- as.matrix(qc2)
#' MetFlowData@subject <- as.matrix(subject2)
#' }
#' else {
#' MetFlowData@qc <- as.matrix(qc1)
#' MetFlowData@subject <- as.matrix(subject1)
#' }
#' }
#' ##total intensity normalization
#' if (method == "total") {
#' qc1 <- apply(qc, 2, function(x) {
#' x / sum(x)
#' })
#' subject1 <- apply(subject, 2, function(x) {
#' x / sum(x)
#' })
#' if (dimension1)
#' {
#' qc.mean <- apply(qc, 1, mean)
#' qc2 <- qc1 * qc.mean
#' subject2 <- subject1 * qc.mean
#' MetFlowData@qc <- as.matrix(qc2)
#' MetFlowData@subject <- as.matrix(subject2)
#' }
#' else {
#' MetFlowData@qc <- as.matrix(qc1)
#' MetFlowData@subject <- as.matrix(subject1)
#' }
#' }
#' #
#' ## split batch
#' data <- SplitBatch(MetFlowData = MetFlowData)
#' subject1 <- data[[1]]
#' qc1 <- data[[2]]
#' subject.info1 <- data[[3]]
#' qc.info1 <- data[[4]]
#' ##SVR normalization
#' if (method == "svr") {
#' for (i in seq_along(qc1)) {
#' cat(paste("Batch", i))
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("------------------\n")
#' MetFlowData@normalization <- "yes"
#' tags <- MetFlowData@tags
#' data <- cbind(tags, qc1[[i]], subject1[[i]])
#' sample.info <- rbind(subject.info1[[i]], qc.info1[[i]])
#' path2 <- file.path(path1, paste("Batch", i, "normalization"))
#' dir.create(path2)
#' write.csv(data, file.path(path2, "data.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
#' write.csv(sample.info,
#' file.path(path2, "worklist.csv"),
#' row.names = FALSE)
#' MetNormalizer(
#' normalization.method = "svr",
#' peakplot = peakplot,
#' multiple = multiple,
#' rerun.svr = rerun.svr,
#' datastyle = datastyle,
#' dimension1 = dimension1,
#' user = user,
#' path = path2
#' )
#' }
#' #
#' ## replace subject and qc
#' for (i in seq_along(qc1)) {
#' path.for.data <- file.path(path1, paste("Batch", i, "normalization"))
#' sample.nor <- NA
#' QC.nor <- NA
#' load(file.path(path.for.data, "svr normalization result/data svr nor"))
#' subject1[[i]] <- t(sample.nor)
#' qc1[[i]] <- t(QC.nor)
#' }
#' subject2 <- subject1[[1]]
#' qc2 <- qc1[[1]]
#' if (length(qc1) > 1) {
#' for (i in 2:length(subject1)) {
#' subject2 <- cbind(subject2, subject1[[i]])
#' qc2 <- cbind(qc2, qc1[[i]])
#' }
#' }
#' MetFlowData@subject <- as.matrix(subject2)
#' MetFlowData@qc <- as.matrix(qc2)
#' }
#' ## LOESS normalization
#' if (method == "loess") {
#' for (i in seq_along(qc1)) {
#' cat(paste("Batch", i))
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("------------------\n")
#' tags <- MetFlowData@tags
#' data <- cbind(tags, subject1[[i]], qc1[[i]])
#' sample.info <- rbind(subject.info1[[i]], qc.info1[[i]])
#' path2 <- file.path(path1, paste("Batch", i, "normalization"))
#' dir.create(path2)
#' write.csv(data, file.path(path2, "data.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
#' write.csv(sample.info,
#' file.path(path2, "worklist.csv"),
#' row.names = FALSE)
#' MetNormalizer(
#' normalization.method = "loess",
#' peakplot = peakplot,
#' begin = begin,
#' end = end,
#' step = step,
#' rerun.loess = rerun.loess,
#' dimension1 = dimension1,
#' datastyle = datastyle,
#' user = user,
#' path = path2
#' )
#' load(file.path(path2, "loess normalization result/data loess nor"))
#' qc1[[i]] <- t(QC.nor)
#' subject1[[i]] <- t(sample.nor)
#' }
#' subject2 <- subject1[[1]]
#' qc2 <- qc1[[1]]
#' if (length(qc1) > 1) {
#' for (i in 2:length(subject1)) {
#' subject2 <- cbind(subject2, subject1[[i]])
#' qc2 <- cbind(qc2, qc1[[i]])
#' }
#' }
#' MetFlowData@subject <- as.matrix(subject2)
#' MetFlowData@qc <- as.matrix(qc2)
#' }
#' MetFlowData@normalization <- "yes"
#' MetFlowData@normalization.method <- method
#' options(warn = 0)
#' return(MetFlowData)
#' }
#' #' Normalize data using different normalization methods.
#' #'
#' #' @title MetNormalizer
#' #' @description Normalize data using different normalization methods.
#' #' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' #' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' #' @param filename Default is "Metabolomics data".
#' #' @param polarity The polarity of data, default is "none".
#' #' @param minfrac.qc Default is 0.
#' #' @param minfrac.sample Default is 0.
#' #' @param filter Default is "no".
#' #' @param normalization.method svr: SVR normalization;
#' #' loess: LOESS normalization; all: SVR&LOESS.Default is svr.
#' #' @param optimization Parameter optimization or not?.Default is TRUE.
#' #' @param begin The begin of span to optimize.
#' #' @param end The end of span to optimize.
#' #' @param step The step for begin to end.
#' #' @param multiple If multiple = 1, the svr will be built using injection order.
#' #' If multiple >= 2, the svr is built using top mutiple peaks correlated peaks.
#' #' For tof data, default is 5, for mrm data, default is 1.
#' #' @param threads Number of thread.
#' #' @param rerun.loess Default is TRUE.
#' #' @param rerun.svr Default is TRUE.
#' #' @param peakplot Draw peakplot for each peak or nor? Default is TRUE.
#' #' @param datastyle Default is "tof".
#' #' @param user Default is "other".
#' #' @param path Directory
#' #' @param dimension1 The data after normalization is given dimension or not.
#' #' Defaulte is TRUE.
#' #' @return peakplot: A folder contains all the peaks plot before and sfter
#' #' SVR normalization.
#' #' @return data svr nor.csv: A csv data after SVR normalization.
#' #' @return normalization file: The intermediate data.
#' #' @return RSD compare plot.jpeg: A figure show the comparing of
#' #' RSDs of peaks before and after SVR normalization.
#' #' @return RSD distribution.csv: RSD distributions of data before
#' #' and after SVR normalization.
#' #' @return RSD distribution.jpeg: A figure show the RSD distributions
#' #' before and after SVR normalization.
#' #' @return rsd.change.csv: A table show the RSDs of peaks before and
#' #' after SVR normalization.
#' MetNormalizer <- function(filename = "Metabolomics data",
#' polarity = "none",
#' minfrac.qc = 0,
#' minfrac.sample = 0,
#' filter = "no",
#' normalization.method = "svr",
#' optimization = TRUE,
#' begin = 0.5,
#' end = 1,
#' step = 0.2,
#' ##loess parameters
#' multiple = 5,
#' threads = 3,
#' ##svr parameters
#' rerun.loess = TRUE,
#' rerun.svr = TRUE,
#' peakplot = TRUE,
#' datastyle = "tof",
#' dimension1 = TRUE,
#' user = "other",
#' path = ".") {
#' options(warn = -1)
#' #
#' if (datastyle == "mrm") {
#' multiple <- 1
#' }
#' options(warn = -1)
#' temp <- dir()
#' if (path != ".") {
#' dir.create(path)
#' }
#' path1 <- file.path(path,"running results")
#' dir.create(path1)
#' temp <- dir(path1)
#' if (length(grep("after",temp)) == 2) {
#' cat("Using previous filter data\n")
#' load(file.path(path1,paste(filename,"after filter")))
#' } else {
#' ####importing data
#' if (polarity == "both") {
#' cat("Positive & Negative\n")
#' file <- dir()[!file.info(dir())$isdir]
#' if (user == "other") {
#' if (length(grep("worklist",file)) == 0) {
#' stop("There are no worklist file.")
#' }
#' file <- file[-grep("worklist",file)]
#' }
#' if (length(file) != 2) {
#' stop(paste("There are",length(file),"files,not two files."))
#' }
#' if (length(grep("POS",c(toupper(file)))) == 0)
#' stop("The file name should contains POS or NEG")
#' if (length(grep("NEG",c(toupper(file)))) == 0)
#' stop("The file name should contains POS or NEG")
#' file.pos <- file[grep("POS",c(toupper(file)))]
#' file.neg <- file[grep("NEG",c(toupper(file)))]
#' cat("Importing POS data...\n")
#' if (substr(file.pos,nchar(file.pos) - 2,nchar(file.pos)) == "csv")
#' {
#' # pos.data <- read.csv(file.pos, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
#' pos.data <- readr::read_csv(file.pos, col_types = readr::cols(),
#' progress = FALSE)
#' pos.data <- as.data.frame(pos.data)
#' }
#' else
#' {
#' # require(xlsx)
#' # pos.data <- read.xlsx(file.pos,1)
#' }
#' cat("Importing NEG data...\n")
#' if (substr(file.neg,nchar(file.neg) - 2,nchar(file.neg)) == "csv")
#' {
#' # neg.data <- read.csv(file.neg, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
#' neg.data <- readr::read_csv(file.neg, col_types = readr::cols(),
#' progress = FALSE)
#' neg.data <- as.data.frame(neg.data)
#' } else {
#' # require(xlsx)
#' # neg.data <- read.xlsx(file.neg,1)
#' }
#' cat("Getting POS data...\n")
#' SXTgetdata(
#' data = pos.data,filename = paste(filename,"POS"), polarity = "positive",
#' path = path, user = user ,datastyle = datastyle
#' )
#' qc <- NA
#' tags <- NA
#' sample <- NA
#' sampleorder <- NA
#' qcorder <- NA
#' load(file.path(path,paste(filename,"POS")))
#' sample.pos = sample
#' qc.pos = qc
#' tags.pos = tags
#' cat("Filtering POS data...\n")
#' SXTdatafilter(
#' sample = sample.pos,
#' qc = qc.pos,
#' tags = tags.pos,
#' sampleorder = sampleorder,
#' qcorder = qcorder,
#' filter = filter,
#' minfrac.qc = minfrac.qc,
#' minfrac.sample = minfrac.sample,
#' path = path,
#' filename = paste(filename,"POS","after filter")
#' )
#' cat("Getting NEG data...\n")
#' SXTgetdata(
#' data = neg.data,filename = paste(filename,"NEG"),polarity = "negative",
#' path = path,user = user,datastyle = datastyle
#' )
#' load(file.path(path,paste(filename,"NEG")))
#' sample.neg = sample
#' qc.neg = qc
#' tags.neg = tags
#' cat("Filtering NEG data...\n")
#' SXTdatafilter(
#' sample = sample.neg, qc = qc.neg, tags = tags.neg, sampleorder = sampleorder,
#' qcorder = qcorder, filter = filter,
#' minfrac.qc = minfrac.qc, minfrac.sample = minfrac.sample, path = path,
#' filename = paste(filename,"NEG","after filter")
#' )
#' path1 <- "combine data"
#' path1 <- file.path(path,path1)
#' dir.create(path1)
#' file.copy(file.path(path,paste(filename,"POS","after filter")),path1)
#' file.copy(file.path(path,paste(filename,"NEG","after filter")),path1)
#' setwd(path1)
#' cat("Combining POS and NEG data...\n")
#' SXTcbindposneg(filename = paste(filename,"after filter"),path = path1)
#' setwd("..")
#' file.copy(from = file.path(path1,paste(filename,"after filter")),path)
#' }
#' else {
#' file <- dir(path)######
#' if (user == "other") {
#' if (length(grep("worklist",file)) == 0) {
#' stop("There are no worklist file.")
#' }
#' file <- file[-grep("worklist",file)]
#' }
#' cat("Importing data...\n")
#' data <- readr::read_csv(file.path(path,"data.csv"),
#' col_types = readr::cols(),
#' progress = FALSE)
#' data <- as.data.frame(data)
#' # data <- read.csv(file.path(path,"data.csv"),
#' # stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
#' cat("Getting data...\n")
#' SXTgetdata(
#' data = data,filename = filename,
#' polarity = polarity, path = path, user = user,
#' datastyle = datastyle
#' )
#' load(file.path(path,filename))
#' cat("Filtering data...\n")
#' SXTdatafilter(
#' sample = sample,qc = qc,tags = tags,sampleorder = sampleorder,
#' qcorder = qcorder,filter = filter,
#' minfrac.qc = 0, minfrac.sample = 0,path =
#' path,
#' filename = paste(filename,"after filter")
#' )
#' }
#' load(file.path(path,paste(filename,"after filter")))
#' }
#' ##########normalization
#' if (normalization.method == "loess") {
#' cat("LOESS normalization...\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(time = 1)
#' SXTloessNor(
#' sample = sample,QC = qc,tags = tags, sample.order = sampleorder,
#' QC.order = qcorder,optimization = optimization, begin = begin,end = end,
#' step = step, rerun = TRUE, peakplot = peakplot, datastyle = datastyle,
#' dimension1 = dimension1, path = path
#' )
#' }
#' if (normalization.method == "svr") {
#' cat("SVR normalization...\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(time = 1)
#' SXTsvrNor(
#' sample = sample,
#' QC = qc,
#' tags = tags,
#' sample.order = sampleorder,
#' QC.order = qcorder,
#' multiple = multiple,
#' path = path,
#' rerun = TRUE,
#' peakplot = peakplot,
#' datastyle = datastyle,
#' dimension1 = dimension1,
#' threads = threads
#' )
#' }
#' if (normalization.method == "all") {
#' cat("LOESS normalization...\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(time = 1)
#' SXTloessNor(
#' sample = sample,QC = qc,tags = tags,sample.order = sampleorder,
#' QC.order = qcorder,optimization = optimization,begin = begin,end = end,
#' step = step,rerun = TRUE,peakplot = peakplot,datastyle = datastyle,
#' dimension1 = dimension1,path = path
#' )
#' cat("SVR normalization...\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(time = 1)
#' SXTsvrNor(
#' sample = sample,QC = qc,tags = tags,sample.order = sampleorder,
#' QC.order = qcorder,multiple = multiple,
#' rerun = TRUE,peakplot = peakplot,datastyle = datastyle,
#' dimension1 = dimension1,path = path
#' )
#' }
#' options(warn = 0)
#' }
#' ####LOESS normalization function
#' SXTloessNor <- function(sample,
#' QC,
#' tags,
#' sample.order,
#' QC.order,
#' #used data
#' optimization = TRUE,
#' begin = 0.5,
#' end = 1,
#' step = 0.2,
#' rerun = TRUE,
#' peakplot = TRUE,
#' datastyle = "tof",
#' dimension1 = TRUE,
#' path = NULL
#' #parameters setting
#' ){
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path <- getwd()
#' }
#' path1 <- file.path(path,"loess normalization result")
#' dir.create(path1)
#' if (!rerun) {
#' cat("Use previous normalization data\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' load(file.path(path1,"normalization file"))
#' }
#' else{
#' cat("rerun=TRUE\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' #loess normalization is time-cosuming so
#' #save this file and load if the rerun is FALSE
#' cat("LOESS normalization is finished: %\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' QC.nor <- NULL
#' sample.nor <- NULL
#' best.span <- NULL
#' best.degree <- NULL
#' for (i in 1:ncol(QC)) {
#' if (optimization) {
#' para <- cvMSE( unlist(QC[,i]),QC.order,
#' begin1 = begin,end1 = end,step1 = step)
#' loess.reg <-
#' loess(unlist(QC[,i]) ~ QC.order,span = para[2],degree = para[1])
#' best.span[i] <- para[2]
#' best.degree[i] <- para[1]
#' }
#' else {
#' loess.reg <- loess(unlist(QC[,i]) ~ QC.order)
#' }
#' predict.QC <- summary(loess.reg)$fitted
#' QC.nor1 <- QC[,i] / predict.QC
#' #if the predict value is 0, then set the ratio to 0
#' QC.nor1[is.nan(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[is.infinite(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[is.na(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[which(unlist(QC.nor1) < 0)] <- 0
#' predict.sample <-
#' predict(loess.reg,data.frame(QC.order = c(sample.order)))
#' sample.nor1 <- sample[,i] / predict.sample
#' sample.nor1[is.nan(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[is.infinite(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[is.na(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[which(unlist(sample.nor1) < 0)] <- 0
#' QC.nor <- cbind(QC.nor,QC.nor1)
#' sample.nor <- cbind(sample.nor,sample.nor1)
#' count <- floor(ncol(sample) * c(seq(0,1,0.01)))
#' if (any(i == count)) {
#' cat(ceiling(i * 100 / ncol(sample)))
#' cat(" ")
#' }
#' }
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("Normalized sample and qc data are got\n")
#' }
#' if (datastyle == "tof") {
#' colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample.nor) <- tags["name",]
#' }
#' if (datastyle == "mrm") {
#' colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample.nor) <- tags["name",]
#' }
#' QC.median <- apply(QC,2,median)
#' if (dimension1) {
#' QC.nor <- t(t(QC.nor) * QC.median)
#' sample.nor <- t(t(sample.nor) * QC.median)
#' }
#' save(QC.nor,sample.nor,best.span,best.degree,
#' file = file.path(path1,"normalization file"))
#' rsd <- function(x) {
#' x <- sd(x) * 100 / mean(x)
#' }
#' #following objects are the rsd of sample and QC before
#' #and after normalization
#' sample.rsd <- apply(sample,2,rsd)
#' sample.nor.rsd <- apply(sample.nor,2,rsd)
#' QC.rsd <- apply(QC,2,rsd)
#' QC.nor.rsd <- apply(QC.nor,2,rsd)
#' #sample.no.nor is the no normalization data added rsd information
#' #sample.loess is the normalization data added rsd information
#' sample.no.nor <- rbind(tags, sample.rsd, QC.rsd, sample,QC)
#' sample.loess <-
#' rbind(tags, sample.nor.rsd, QC.nor.rsd, sample.nor, QC.nor)
#' save(sample.nor, QC.nor, tags, sample.order, QC.order,
#' file = file.path(path1,"data loess nor"))
#' write.csv(t(sample.loess),file.path(path1, "data loess nor.csv"))
#' #generate all peaks plot
#' if (peakplot) {
#' path2 <- file.path(path1,"peak plot")
#' dir.create(path2)
#' if (datastyle == "tof")
#' {
#' peakplot1(sample = sample,sample.nor = sample.nor,
#' QC = QC,QC.nor = QC.nor,sample.order =
#' sample.order, QC.order = QC.order,tags = tags,path = path2,
#' best.span = best.span,best.degree = best.degree,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd,optimization = optimization
#' )
#' }
#' else {
#' peakplot2(
#' sample = sample,sample.nor = sample.nor,QC = QC,QC.nor = QC.nor,
#' sample.order = sample.order,
#' QC.order = QC.order,tags = tags,path = path2,best.span =
#' best.span,best.degree = best.degree,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,QC.rsd = QC.rsd,sample.nor.rsd =
#' sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd,optimization = optimization
#' )
#' }
#' }
#' ##generate some statistics information
#' compare.rsd(
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.rsd = QC.rsd,QC.nor.rsd =
#' QC.nor.rsd,
#' path = path1
#' )
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("LOESS normalization is done\n")
#' }
#' #cvMSE is loess parameter optimization function
#' cvMSE <- function(qc,QC.order,begin1,end1,step1) {
#' mse <- NULL
#' nmse <- NULL
#' cvmse <- NULL
#' cvmse2 <- NULL
#' para <- seq(begin1,end1,by = step1)
#' for (i in 1:2) {
#' for (j in para) {
#' for (k in 2:(length(qc) - 1)) {
#' loess.reg <- loess(qc[-k] ~ QC.order[-k],span = j,degree = i)
#' predict.qc <- predict(loess.reg,QC.order[k])
#' mse[k] <- (qc[k] - predict.qc) ^ 2
#' nmse[k] <- (qc[k] - mean(qc)) ^ 2
#' }
#' cvmse1 <- rbind(j,mean(mse,na.rm = TRUE) / mean(nmse,na.rm = TRUE))
#' cvmse2 <- cbind(cvmse2,cvmse1)
#' mse <- NULL
#' nmse <- NULL
#' }
#' cvmse3 <- rbind(i,cvmse2)
#' cvmse <- cbind(cvmse,cvmse3)
#' cvmse3 <- NULL
#' cvmse2 <- NULL
#' }
#' return(cvmse[,which.min(cvmse[3,])])
#' }
#' ##peakplot1 and peakplot2 are functions to draw peak plot
#' peakplot1 <-
#' function(sample,sample.nor,QC,QC.nor,sample.order,QC.order,tags,path = NULL,
#' best.span = best.span,best.degree = best.degree,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,QC.rsd = QC.rsd,sample.nor.rsd =
#' sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd,optimization = optimization) {
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path = getwd()
#' }
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("Drawing the peak plots: %\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' for (i in 1:ncol(sample)) {
#' jpeg(file.path(path,sprintf('Peak %s plot.jpeg',tags["name",i])),width =
#' 960,height = 480)
#' layout(matrix(c(1,2),ncol = 2))
#' par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
#' plot(
#' c(sample.order,QC.order),c(sample[,i],QC[,i]),
#' xlab = "Injection order",ylab = "Intensity",
#' main = sprintf('Peak %s',tags["name",i]), pch = 19,
#' col = c(rep("royalblue",length(sample.order)),
#' rep("firebrick1",length(QC.order))),
#' cex.lab = 1.3,cex.axis = 1.3
#' )
#' loess.reg <-
#' loess(unlist(QC[,i]) ~ QC.order,span = best.span[i],
#' degree = best.degree[i])
#' lines(
#' QC.order,summary(loess.reg)$fitted,lty = 2,lwd = 1.5,col = "firebrick1"
#' )
#' legend(
#' "topleft",c(
#' sprintf("Sample RSD %.2f%s",sample.rsd[i],"%"),
#' sprintf("QC RSD %.2f%s",QC.rsd[i],"%")
#' ),col = c("royalblue","firebrick1"),
#' pch = c(19,19), bty = "n", cex = 1.3,pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' if (optimization) {
#' legend(
#' "topright",c(
#' sprintf("span: %s",best.span[i]),
#' sprintf("degree: %s",best.degree[i])
#' ),bty = "n",
#' cex = 1.3, pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' }
#' plot(
#' c(sample.order,QC.order),c(sample.nor[,i],QC.nor[,i]),
#' xlab = "Injection order",ylab = "Intensity (LOESS)",
#' main = sprintf('Peak %s',tags["name",i]),pch = 19,
#' col = c(rep("royalblue",length(sample.order)),
#' rep("firebrick1",length(QC.order))),
#' cex.lab = 1.3,cex.axis = 1.3
#' )
#' legend(
#' "top",c(
#' sprintf("Sample RSD %.2f%s",sample.nor.rsd[i],"%"),
#' sprintf("QC RSD %.2f%s",QC.nor.rsd[i],"%")
#' ),col = c("royalblue","firebrick1"),
#' pch = c(19,19),horiz = TRUE,bty = "n"
#' )
#' dev.off()
#' count <- floor(ncol(sample) * c(seq(0,1,0.01)))
#' if (any(i == count)) {
#' cat(ceiling(i * 100 / ncol(sample)))
#' cat(" ")
#' }
#' }
#' cat("Peak plot is done\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' }
#' peakplot2 <-
#' function(sample,sample.nor,QC,QC.nor,sample.order,QC.order,tags,path =
#' NULL,
#' best.span = best.span,best.degree = best.degree,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,QC.rsd = QC.rsd,sample.nor.rsd =
#' sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd,optimization = optimization) {
#' cat("Drawing the peak plots: %\n")
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path = getwd()
#' }
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' for (i in 1:ncol(sample)) {
#' jpeg(file.path(path,sprintf('Peak %s plot.jpeg',tags["name",i])),width =
#' 960,height = 480)
#' layout(matrix(c(1,2),ncol = 2))
#' plot(
#' c(sample.order,QC.order),c(sample[,i],QC[,i]),xlab = "Injection order",
#' ylab = "Intensity",
#' main = sprintf('Peak %s',tags["name",i]),pch = 19,
#' col = c(rep("royalblue",length(sample.order)),
#' rep("firebrick1",length(QC.order))),cex.lab = 1.3,cex.axis = 1.3
#' )
#' loess.reg <-
#' loess(unlist(QC[,i]) ~ QC.order,
#' span = best.span[i],degree = best.degree[i])
#' lines(
#' QC.order,summary(loess.reg)$fitted,lty = 2,lwd = 1.5,col = "firebrick1"
#' )
#' legend(
#' "topleft",c(
#' sprintf("Sample RSD %.2f%s",sample.rsd[i],"%"),
#' sprintf("QC RSD %.2f%s",QC.rsd[i],"%")
#' ),col = c("royalblue","firebrick1"),
#' pch = c(19,19),bty = "n",cex = 1.3, pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' if (optimization) {
#' legend( "topright",
#' c( sprintf("span: %s",best.span[i]),sprintf("degree: %s",best.degree[i])),
#' bty = "n", cex = 1.3, pt.cex = 1.3)
#' }
#' plot(
#' c(sample.order,QC.order),c(sample.nor[,i],QC.nor[,i]),
#' xlab = "Injection order",ylab = "Intensity",
#' main = sprintf('Peak %s',tags["name",i]),pch = 19,
#' col = c(rep("royalblue",length(sample.order)),
#' rep("firebrick1",length(QC.order))),cex.lab =
#' 1.3,cex.axis = 1.3
#' )
#' legend(
#' "top",c(
#' sprintf("Sample RSD %.2f%s",sample.nor.rsd[i],"%"),
#' sprintf("QC RSD %.2f%s",QC.nor.rsd[i],"%")
#' ),col = c("royalblue","firebrick1"),pch = c(19,19),
#' horiz = TRUE,bty = "n"
#' )
#' dev.off()
#' count <- floor(ncol(sample) * c(seq(0,1,0.01)))
#' if (any(i == count)) {
#' cat(ceiling(i * 100 / ncol(sample)))
#' cat(" ")
#' }
#' }
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("Peak plot is done\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' }
#' ##compare.rsd is a function to compare sample
#' ##and qc rsd before and after normalization
#' compare.rsd <-
#' function(sample.rsd,sample.nor.rsd,QC.rsd,QC.nor.rsd,path = NULL) {
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path = getwd()
#' }
#' colour1 <- NULL
#' colour2 <- NULL
#' colour1[(sample.nor.rsd / sample.rsd) > 1] <- "firebrick1"
#' colour1[(sample.nor.rsd / sample.rsd) == 1] <- "royalblue"
#' colour1[(sample.nor.rsd / sample.rsd) < 1] <- "palegreen"
#' colour2[(QC.nor.rsd / QC.rsd) > 1] <- "firebrick1"
#' colour2[(QC.nor.rsd / QC.rsd) == 1] <- "royalblue"
#' colour2[(QC.nor.rsd / QC.rsd) < 1] <- "palegreen"
#' s.rsd.up <-
#' sum(colour1 == "firebrick1",na.rm = TRUE) * 100 / length(colour1)
#' s.rsd.no <-
#' sum(colour1 == "royalblue",na.rm = TRUE) * 100 / length(colour1)
#' s.rsd.down <-
#' sum(colour1 == "palegreen",na.rm = TRUE) * 100 / length(colour1)
#' q.rsd.up <-
#' sum(colour2 == "firebrick1",na.rm = TRUE) * 100 / length(colour2)
#' q.rsd.no <-
#' sum(colour2 == "royalblue",na.rm = TRUE) * 100 / length(colour2)
#' q.rsd.down <-
#' sum(colour2 == "palegreen",na.rm = TRUE) * 100 / length(colour2)
#' par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
#' pdf(file.path(path,"RSD compare plot.pdf"),width = 14)
#' layout(matrix(c(1,2),ncol = 2))
#' par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
#' plot(
#' sample.rsd,sample.nor.rsd,xlab = "RSD (Before normalization)",
#' ylab = "RSD (After normalization)",
#' col = colour1,cex.lab = 1.3,cex.axis = 1.3,
#' main = "Sample RSD change",cex.main = 1.3,pch = 19
#' )
#' abline(0,1,lwd = 1,lty = 2)
#' abline(h = 30,lwd = 1,lty = 2)
#' abline(v = 30,lwd = 1,lty = 2)
#' legend(
#' "topleft",c(
#' paste("Increase after normaliztion:",round(s.rsd.up),"%"),
#' paste("No change after normaliztion:",round(s.rsd.no),"%"),
#' paste("Decrease after normaliztion:",round(s.rsd.down),"%")
#' ),
#' col = c("firebrick1","royalblue","palegreen"),
#' pch = 19, cex = 1.3, pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
#' plot(
#' QC.rsd,QC.nor.rsd,xlab = "RSD (Before normalization)",
#' ylab = "RSD (After normalization)",
#' col = colour2,cex.lab = 1.3,cex.axis = 1.3,main = "QC RSD change",
#' cex.main = 1.3,pch = 19
#' )
#' abline(0,1,lwd = 1,lty = 2)
#' abline(h = 30,lwd = 1,lty = 2)
#' abline(v = 30,lwd = 1,lty = 2)
#' legend(
#' "topleft",c(
#' paste("Increase after normaliztion:",round(q.rsd.up),"%"),
#' paste("No change after normaliztion:",round(q.rsd.no),"%"),
#' paste("Decrease after normaliztion:",round(q.rsd.down),"%")
#' ),
#' col = c("firebrick1","royalblue","palegreen"),
#' pch = 19, cex = 1.3,pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' dev.off()
#' ##
#' s.rsd.dis <-
#' sapply(seq(0,190,10),function (x) {
#' sum(sample.rsd > x &
#' sample.rsd <= x + 10,na.rm = TRUE)
#' }) * 100 / length(sample.rsd)
#' s.nor.rsd.dis <-
#' sapply(seq(0,190,10),function (x) {
#' sum(sample.nor.rsd > x &
#' sample.nor.rsd <= x + 10,na.rm = TRUE)
#' }) * 100 / length(sample.nor.rsd)
#' q.rsd.dis <-
#' sapply(seq(0,190,10),function (x) {
#' sum(QC.rsd > x & QC.rsd <= x + 10,na.rm = TRUE)
#' }) * 100 / length(QC.rsd)
#' q.nor.rsd.dis <-
#' sapply(seq(0,190,10),function (x) {
#' sum(QC.nor.rsd > x &
#' QC.nor.rsd <= x + 10,na.rm = TRUE)
#' }) * 100 / length(QC.nor.rsd)
#' rsd.dis <- rbind(s.rsd.dis,s.nor.rsd.dis,q.rsd.dis,q.nor.rsd.dis)
#' colnames(rsd.dis) <-
#' paste(paste(seq(0,190,10),seq(10,200,10),sep = "-"),"%",sep = "")
#' rownames(rsd.dis) <- c("sample","sample.nor","QC","QC.nor")
#' # write.csv(rsd.dis,file.path(path,"RSD distribution.csv"))
#' pdf(file.path(path,"RSD distribution.pdf"),width = 14)
#' layout(matrix(c(1,2),ncol = 2))
#' par(mar = c(8,8,4,2))
#' par(mgp = c(5,1,0))
#' barplot(
#' rsd.dis[1:2,],horiz = TRUE,
#' beside = TRUE,col = c("firebrick1", "palegreen"),
#' names.arg = paste(seq(0,190,10),seq(10,200,10),sep = "-"),
#' xlab = "Feature Percentage (%)",
#' ylab = "RSD range (%)",
#' las = 2,cex.lab = 1.3,main = "Sample",cex.main = 1.3, border = NA
#' )
#' legend(
#' "topright",c("Before normaliztion","After normalization"),pch = 15,
#' col = c("firebrick1","palegreen")
#' )
#' par(mar = c(8,8,4,2))
#' par(mgp = c(5,1,0))
#' barplot(
#' rsd.dis[3:4,],horiz = TRUE,
#' beside = TRUE,col = c("firebrick1", "palegreen"),
#' names.arg = paste(seq(0,190,10),seq(10,200,10),sep = "-"),
#' xlab = "Feature Percentage (%)",
#' ylab = "RSD range (%)",
#' las = 2,cex.lab = 1.3,main = "QC",cex.main = 1.3, border = NA
#' )
#' legend(
#' "topright",c("Before normaliztion","After normalization"),pch = 15,
#' col = c("firebrick1", "palegreen")
#' )
#' par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
#' par(mgp = c(3,1,0))
#' dev.off()
#' }
#' ##SXTcbindposneg function
#' SXTcbindposneg <- function(filename = "SXT data",path = NULL)
#' {
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path <- getwd()
#' }
#' file <- dir(path)
#' file.pos <- file[grep("POS",file)]
#' file.neg <- file[grep("NEG",file)]
#' sampleorder <- NA
#' qcorder <- NA
#' pos <- load(file.path(path,file.pos))
#' sample.pos <- sample
#' qc.pos <- qc
#' tags.pos <- tags
#' neg <- load(file.path(path,file.neg))
#' sample.neg <- sample
#' qc.neg <- qc
#' tags.neg <- tags
#' sample <- cbind(sample.pos,sample.neg)
#' qc <- cbind(qc.pos,qc.neg)
#' tags <- cbind(tags.pos,tags.neg)
#' save(sample,qc,tags,sampleorder,qcorder,file = file.path(path,filename))
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("Combine data is done\n")
#' }
#' ####get data function
#' SXTgetdata <- function(data, filename = "SXT data", polarity = "positive",
#' path = NULL, user = "other",datastyle = "tof") {
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path <- getwd()
#' }
#' data <- t(data)
#' if (user == "other") {
#' worklist <-
#' read.csv(file.path(path,"worklist.csv"),stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#' check.names = FALSE)
#' name <- worklist[,1]
#' ###judge if worklist name contains POS or NEG
#' pos.have <- length(grep("POS", toupper(name)))
#' neg.have <- length(grep("NEG", toupper(name)))
#' if (pos.have != 0 | neg.have != 0) {
#' if (polarity == "positive") {
#' name <- gsub("neg", "NEG", name); name <- gsub("NEG", "POS", name)
#' }
#' if (polarity == "negative") {
#' name <- gsub("pos", "POS", name); name <- gsub("POS", "NEG", name)
#' }
#' }
#' all.order <- as.numeric(worklist[,2])
#' type <- worklist[,3]
#' qc.index <- grep("QC",type)
#' sample.index <- grep("Subject",type)
#' sample.name <- name[sample.index]
#' qc.name <- name[qc.index]
#' sample <- data[match(sample.name,rownames(data)),]
#' qc <- data[match(qc.name,rownames(data)),]
#' tags <-
#' data[-c(match(sample.name,rownames(data)),match(qc.name,rownames(data))),]
#' sampleorder <- all.order[sample.index]
#' qcorder <- all.order[qc.index]
#' }
#' else {
#' sample <- data[grep("Sample",rownames(data)),]
#' qc <- sample[grep("QC",rownames(sample)),]
#' sample <- sample[-grep("QC",rownames(sample)),]
#' tags <- data[-grep("Sample",rownames(data)),]
#' }
#' ######data have positive or negative mode?
#' if (polarity == "positive") {
#' tags <- rbind(rep("POS", ncol(tags)), tags)
#' rownames(tags)[1] <- "polarity"
#' tags["name",] <- paste(tags["name",],"POS",sep = "_")
#' }
#' if (polarity == "none") {
#' tags <- tags
#' }
#' if (polarity == "negative") {
#' tags <- rbind(rep("NEG",ncol(tags)), tags)
#' rownames(tags)[1] <- "polarity"
#' tags["name",] <- paste(tags["name",],"NEG",sep = "_")
#' }
#' colnames(sample) <- colnames(qc) <- tags["name",]
#' if (user != "other") {
#' a <- gregexpr("\\.",rownames(qc))
#' qcorder <-
#' mapply(
#' FUN = function(x,y) {
#' as.numeric(substr(x,7,y[1] - 1))
#' }, rownames(qc), a
#' )
#' qcname <-
#' mapply(
#' FUN = function(x,y) {
#' substr(x,y[1] + 1,y[2] - 1)
#' }, rownames(qc), a
#' )
#' rownames(qc) <- qcname
#' qc <- qc[order(qcorder),]
#' qcorder <- sort(qcorder)
#' b <- gregexpr("\\.",rownames(sample))
#' sampleorder <-
#' mapply(
#' FUN = function(x,y) {
#' as.numeric(substr(x,7,y[1] - 1))
#' }, rownames(sample), b
#' )
#' samplename <-
#' mapply(
#' FUN = function(x,y) {
#' substr(x,y[1] + 1,y[2] - 1)
#' }, rownames(sample), b
#' )
#' rownames(sample) <- samplename
#' sample <- sample[order(sampleorder),]
#' sampleorder <- sort(sampleorder)
#' }
#' sample1 <- matrix(as.numeric(sample),ncol = ncol(sample))
#' colnames(sample1) <- colnames(sample)
#' rownames(sample1) <- rownames(sample)
#' sample <- sample1
#' qc1 <- matrix(as.numeric(qc),ncol = ncol(qc))
#' colnames(qc1) <- colnames(qc)
#' rownames(qc1) <- rownames(qc)
#' qc <- qc1
#' ####any NA in sample or QC?
#' NA.sample <- sum(is.na(sample))
#' NA.qc <- sum(is.na(qc))
#' options(warn = 1)
#' if (NA.sample > 0)
#' warning(paste("There are", NA.sample, "NAs in your sample."))
#' sample[is.na(sample)] <- 0
#' if (NA.qc > 0)
#' warning(paste("There are", NA.qc, "NAs in your QC."))
#' qc[is.na(qc)] <- 0
#' save(sample,qc,tags,sampleorder,qcorder,file = file.path(path,filename))
#' cat("Get data is done\n")
#' }
#' ###filter data function
#' SXTdatafilter <- function(sample, qc, tags, sampleorder, qcorder,
#' #used data
#' filter = c("no","mono","both"), minfrac.qc = 0.8,
#' minfrac.sample = 0.5,
#' filename = "SXT data after filter",
#' path = NULL
#' #parameters setting
#' ) {
#' #if all is TRUE, the not annotated peak are also regarded as monoisotopes
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path <- getwd()
#' }
#' if (filter == "both")
#' {
#' isotopes <- as.character(tags["isotopes",])
#' sample1 <-
#' sample[,c(grep("\\[M\\]\\+",isotopes),grep("\\[M\\]\\-",isotopes))]
#' sample2 <- sample[,as.character(tags["isotopes",]) == ""]
#' sample <- cbind(sample1,sample2)
#' qc1 <-
#' qc[,c(grep("\\[M\\]\\+",isotopes),grep("\\[M\\]\\-",isotopes))]
#' qc2 <- qc[,as.character(tags["isotopes",]) == ""]
#' qc <- cbind(qc1,qc2)
#' tags1 <-
#' tags[,c(grep("\\[M\\]\\+",isotopes),grep("\\[M\\]\\-",isotopes))]
#' tags2 <- tags[,as.character(tags["isotopes",]) == ""]
#' tags <- cbind(tags1,tags2)
#' }
#' if (filter == "mono")
#' {
#' isotopes <- as.character(tags["isotopes",])
#' sample <-
#' sample[,c(grep("\\[M\\]\\+",isotopes),grep("\\[M\\]\\-",isotopes))]
#' qc <-
#' qc[,c(grep("\\[M\\]\\+",isotopes),grep("\\[M\\]\\-",isotopes))]
#' tags <-
#' tags[,c(grep("\\[M\\]\\+",isotopes),grep("\\[M\\]\\-",isotopes))]
#' }
#' if (filter == "no")
#' {
#' sample = sample
#' qc = qc
#' tags = tags
#' }
#' #minfrac.filter is a function to filter the peak which > minfrac
#' minfrac.filter <- function(x, minfrac = 0.8) {
#' ifelse(sum(x != 0,na.rm = TRUE) / length(x) >= minfrac,!0,!1)
#' }
#' #use qc to filter sample, tags and qc
#' sample <-
#' sample[,apply(qc,2,function(x) {
#' minfrac.filter(x, minfrac = minfrac.qc)
#' })]
#' tags <-
#' tags[,apply(qc,2,function(x) {
#' minfrac.filter(x, minfrac = minfrac.qc)
#' })]
#' qc <-
#' qc[,apply(qc,2,function(x) {
#' minfrac.filter(x, minfrac = minfrac.qc)
#' })]
#' #use sample to filter sample, tags and qc
#' tags <-
#' tags[,apply(sample,2,function(x) {
#' minfrac.filter(x, minfrac = minfrac.sample)
#' })]
#' qc <-
#' qc[,apply(sample,2,function(x) {
#' minfrac.filter(x, minfrac = minfrac.sample)
#' })]
#' sample <-
#' sample[,apply(sample,2,function(x) {
#' minfrac.filter(x, minfrac = minfrac.sample)
#' })]
#' save(sample,qc,tags,sampleorder,qcorder,file = file.path(path,filename))
#' write.csv(t(rbind(tags,sample,qc)),file.path(path,paste(filename,"csv",sep =
#' ".")))
#' cat("Data filter is done\n")
#' }
#' ##############svr normalization function
#' # SXTsvrNor(
#' # sample = sample,
#' # QC = qc,
#' # tags = tags,
#' # sample.order = sampleorder,
#' # QC.order = qcorder,
#' # multiple = 5,
#' # path = path,
#' # rerun = TRUE,
#' # peakplot = FALSE,
#' # datastyle = "tof",
#' # dimension1 = TRUE,
#' # threads = 3
#' # )
#' SXTsvrNor <- function(sample,
#' QC,
#' tags,
#' sample.order,
#' QC.order,
#' #used data
#' multiple = 5,
#' rerun = TRUE,
#' peakplot = TRUE,
#' path = NULL,
#' datastyle = "tof",
#' dimension1 = TRUE,
#' threads = 1
#' #parameters setting
#' ) {
#' options(warn = -1)
#' ######is there the e1071?
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path <- getwd()
#' } else{
#' dir.create(path)
#' }
#' path1 <- file.path(path, "svr normalization result")
#' dir.create(path1)
#' if (!rerun) {
#' cat("Use previous normalization data\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' load(file.path(path1, "normalization file"))
#' } else {
#' # library(snow)
#' # library(wordcloud)
#' ichunks <- split((1:ncol(sample)), 1:threads)
#' svr.data <- BiocParallel::bplapply(ichunks,
#' FUN = svr.function,
#' BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads,
#' progressbar = TRUE),
#' sample = sample,
#' QC = QC,
#' sample.order = sample.order,
#' QC.order = QC.order,
#' multiple = multiple)
#' sample.nor <- lapply(svr.data, function(x) {
#' x[[1]]
#' })
#' QC.nor <- lapply(svr.data, function(x) {
#' x[[2]]
#' })
#' index <- lapply(svr.data, function(x) {
#' x[[3]]
#' })
#' sample.nor <- do.call(cbind, sample.nor)
#' QC.nor <- do.call(cbind, QC.nor)
#' index <- unlist(index)
#' sample.nor <- sample.nor[,order(index)]
#' QC.nor <- QC.nor[,order(index)]
#' QC.median <- apply(QC, 2, median)
#' if (dimension1) {
#' QC.nor <- t(t(QC.nor) * QC.median)
#' sample.nor <- t(t(sample.nor) * QC.median)
#' }
#' # if (datastyle == "tof") {
#' # colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample.nor) <- tags["name", ]
#' # }
#' # if (datastyle == "mrm") {
#' # colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample.nor) <- tags["name", ]
#' # }
#' save(QC.nor, sample.nor, file = file.path(path1, "normalization file"))
#' }
#' rsd <- function(x) {
#' x <- sd(x) * 100 / mean(x)
#' }
#' #following objects are the rsd of sample
#' #and QC before and after normalization
#' sample.rsd <- apply(sample, 2, rsd)
#' sample.nor.rsd <- apply(sample.nor, 2, rsd)
#' QC.rsd <- apply(QC, 2, rsd)
#' QC.nor.rsd <- apply(QC.nor, 2, rsd)
#' #sample.no.nor is the no normalization data added rsd information
#' #sample.svr is the normalization data added rsd information
#' sample.no.nor <- rbind(tags, sample.rsd, QC.rsd, sample, QC)
#' sample.svr <-
#' rbind(tags, sample.nor.rsd, QC.nor.rsd, sample.nor, QC.nor)
#' save(sample.nor,
#' QC.nor,
#' tags,
#' sample.order,
#' QC.order,
#' file = file.path(path1, "data svr nor"))
#' write.csv(t(sample.svr), file.path(path1, "data svr nor.csv"))
#' #generate all peaks plot
#' if (peakplot) {
#' path2 <- file.path(path1, "peak plot")
#' dir.create(path2)
#' cl <- snow::makeCluster(threads, type = "SOCK")
#' nc <- length(cl)
#' options(warn = -1)
#' ichunks <- split((1:ncol(sample)), 1:threads)
#' if (datastyle == "tof")
#' {
#' snow::clusterApply(
#' cl,
#' x = ichunks,
#' fun = peakplot5,
#' sample = sample,
#' sample.nor = sample.nor,
#' QC = QC,
#' QC.nor = QC.nor,
#' sample.order = sample.order,
#' QC.order = QC.order,
#' tags = tags,
#' path = path2,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd
#' )
#' }
#' else {
#' snow::clusterApply(
#' cl,
#' x = ichunks,
#' fun = peakplot6,
#' sample = sample,
#' sample.nor = sample.nor,
#' QC = QC,
#' QC.nor = QC.nor,
#' sample.order = sample.order,
#' QC.order = QC.order,
#' tags = tags,
#' path = path2,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd
#' )
#' }
#' }
#' ##generate some statistics information
#' compare.rsd(
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd =
#' QC.nor.rsd,
#' path = path1
#' )
#' options(warn = 0)
#' cat("SVR normalization is done\n")
#' }
#' #backup of old version
#' ##############svr normalization function
#' # SXTsvrNor <- function(sample,
#' # QC,
#' # tags,
#' # sample.order,
#' # QC.order,
#' # #used data
#' # multiple = 5,
#' # rerun = TRUE,
#' # peakplot = TRUE,
#' # path = NULL,
#' # datastyle = "tof",
#' # dimension1 = TRUE,
#' # threads = 1
#' # #parameters setting
#' # ) {
#' # #
#' # options(warn = -1)
#' # ######is there the e1071?
#' # if (is.null(path)) {
#' # path <- getwd()
#' # } else{
#' # dir.create(path)
#' # }
#' #
#' # path1 <- file.path(path, "svr normalization result")
#' #
#' # dir.create(path1)
#' #
#' # if (!rerun) {
#' # cat("Use previous normalization data\n")
#' # # Sys.sleep(1)
#' # load(file.path(path1, "normalization file"))
#' # } else {
#' # # library(snow)
#' # # library(wordcloud)
#' # cl <- snow::makeCluster(threads, type = "SOCK")
#' # nc <- length(cl)
#' # options(warn = -1)
#' # ichunks <- split((1:ncol(sample)), 1:threads)
#' # options(warn = 0)
#' # # clusterExport (cl, "imputefunction")
#' # ######PLSDCV is the double cross validation
#' # svr.data <-
#' # snow::clusterApply(
#' # cl,
#' # x = ichunks,
#' # fun = svr.function,
#' # sample = sample,
#' # QC = QC,
#' # sample.order = sample.order,
#' # QC.order = QC.order,
#' # multiple = multiple
#' # )
#' # snow::stopCluster(cl)
#' # save(svr.data, file = file.path(path, "svr.data"))
#' #
#' # sample.nor <- NULL
#' # QC.nor <- NULL
#' # index <- NULL
#' #
#' # for (i in 1:nc) {
#' # sample.nor <- cbind(sample.nor, svr.data[[i]]$sample.nor)
#' # QC.nor <- cbind(QC.nor, svr.data[[i]]$QC.nor)
#' # index <- c(index, svr.data[[i]]$index)
#' # }
#' #
#' # sample.nor <- sample.nor[, order(index)]
#' # QC.nor <- QC.nor[, order(index)]
#' #
#' # QC.median <- apply(QC, 2, median)
#' # if (dimension1) {
#' # QC.nor <- t(t(QC.nor) * QC.median)
#' # sample.nor <- t(t(sample.nor) * QC.median)
#' # }
#' #
#' # if (datastyle == "tof") {
#' # colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample.nor) <- tags["name", ]
#' # }
#' # if (datastyle == "mrm") {
#' # colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample.nor) <- tags["name", ]
#' # }
#' #
#' # save(QC.nor, sample.nor, file = file.path(path1, "normalization file"))
#' # }
#' #
#' # rsd <- function(x) {
#' # x <- sd(x) * 100 / mean(x)
#' # }
#' #
#' # #following objects are the rsd of sample
#' # #and QC before and after normalization
#' # sample.rsd <- apply(sample, 2, rsd)
#' # sample.nor.rsd <- apply(sample.nor, 2, rsd)
#' # QC.rsd <- apply(QC, 2, rsd)
#' # QC.nor.rsd <- apply(QC.nor, 2, rsd)
#' #
#' #
#' # #sample.no.nor is the no normalization data added rsd information
#' # #sample.svr is the normalization data added rsd information
#' #
#' #
#' # sample.no.nor <- rbind(tags, sample.rsd, QC.rsd, sample, QC)
#' # sample.svr <-
#' # rbind(tags, sample.nor.rsd, QC.nor.rsd, sample.nor, QC.nor)
#' #
#' # save(sample.nor,
#' # QC.nor,
#' # tags,
#' # sample.order,
#' # QC.order,
#' # file = file.path(path1, "data svr nor"))
#' # write.csv(t(sample.svr), file.path(path1, "data svr nor.csv"))
#' #
#' # #generate all peaks plot
#' #
#' # if (peakplot) {
#' # path2 <- file.path(path1, "peak plot")
#' # dir.create(path2)
#' #
#' # cl <- snow::makeCluster(threads, type = "SOCK")
#' # nc <- length(cl)
#' # options(warn = -1)
#' # ichunks <- split((1:ncol(sample)), 1:threads)
#' #
#' # if (datastyle == "tof")
#' # {
#' # snow::clusterApply(
#' # cl,
#' # x = ichunks,
#' # fun = peakplot5,
#' # sample = sample,
#' # sample.nor = sample.nor,
#' # QC = QC,
#' # QC.nor = QC.nor,
#' # sample.order = sample.order,
#' # QC.order = QC.order,
#' # tags = tags,
#' # path = path2,
#' # sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' # QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' # sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' # QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd
#' # )
#' # }
#' # else {
#' # snow::clusterApply(
#' # cl,
#' # x = ichunks,
#' # fun = peakplot6,
#' # sample = sample,
#' # sample.nor = sample.nor,
#' # QC = QC,
#' # QC.nor = QC.nor,
#' # sample.order = sample.order,
#' # QC.order = QC.order,
#' # tags = tags,
#' # path = path2,
#' # sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' # QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' # sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' # QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd
#' # )
#' # }
#' # }
#' #
#' #
#' # ##generate some statistics information
#' #
#' # compare.rsd(
#' # sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' # sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' # QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' # QC.nor.rsd =
#' # QC.nor.rsd,
#' # path = path1
#' # )
#' # options(warn = 0)
#' # cat("SVR normalization is done\n")
#' # }
#' setGeneric(name = "svr.function",
#' def = function(index,
#' sample,
#' QC,
#' sample.order,
#' QC.order,
#' multiple){
#' # library(e1071)
#' colnames(sample) <- colnames(QC)
#' sample <- sample[,index]
#' QC <- QC[,index]
#' # cat("SVR normalization is finished: %\n")
#' data.order <- c(sample.order, QC.order)
#' data.nor <- lapply(c(1:ncol(sample)), function(i){
#' if(sum(QC[,i] == 0)/nrow(QC) > 0.8){
#' sample.nor1 <- sample[,i]
#' QC.nor1 <- QC[,i]
#' return(list(sample.nor1, QC.nor1))
#' }
#' if (multiple != 1) {
#' correlation <- abs(cor(x = rbind(sample, QC)[,i], y = rbind(sample, QC))[1,])
#' # cor.peak <-
#' # as.numeric(which(QC.cor[, i] %in% rev(sort(QC.cor[-i, i]))[1:as.numeric(multiple)]))
#' cor.peak <- match(names(sort(correlation, decreasing = TRUE)[1:6][-1]),
#' names(correlation))
#' rm(list = "correlation")
#' svr.reg <- e1071::svm(QC[, cor.peak], QC[, i])
#' } else{
#' svr.reg <- e1071::svm(unlist(QC[, i]) ~ QC.order)
#' }
#' predict.QC <- summary(svr.reg)$fitted
#' QC.nor1 <- QC[, i] / predict.QC
#' #if the predict value is 0, then set the ratio to 0
#' QC.nor1[is.nan(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[is.infinite(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[is.na(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[which(unlist(QC.nor1) < 0)] <- 0
#' if (multiple != 1) {
#' predict.sample <- predict(svr.reg, sample[, cor.peak])
#' } else{
#' predict.sample <-
#' predict(svr.reg, data.frame(QC.order = c(sample.order)))
#' }
#' sample.nor1 <- sample[, i] / predict.sample
#' sample.nor1[is.nan(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[is.infinite(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[is.na(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[which(unlist(sample.nor1) < 0)] <- 0
#' return(list(sample.nor1, QC.nor1))
#' })
#' sample.nor <- lapply(data.nor, function(x) x[[1]])
#' QC.nor <- lapply(data.nor, function(x) x[[2]])
#' rm(list = "data.nor")
#' sample.nor <- t(do.call(rbind, sample.nor))
#' QC.nor <- t(do.call(rbind, QC.nor))
#' colnames(sample.nor) <- colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample)
#' rm(list = c("sample", "QC"))
#' svr.data <-
#' list(sample.nor = sample.nor,
#' QC.nor = QC.nor,
#' index = index)
#' rm(list = c("sample.nor", "QC.nor"))
#' return(svr.data)
#' })
#' ##backup of old version
#' # svr.function <-
#' # function(index,
#' # sample,
#' # QC,
#' # sample.order,
#' # QC.order,
#' # multiple) {
#' # # library(e1071)
#' # cat("SVR normalization is finished: %\n")
#' # QC.nor <- NULL
#' # sample.nor <- NULL
#' #
#' # data.order <- c(sample.order, QC.order)
#' #
#' # # if(multiple != 1){
#' # # data <- rbind(sample, QC)
#' # # QC.cor <- cor(data, method = "spearman")
#' # # #not normal distribution, so use spearman correction
#' # # }
#' #
#' # for (i in index) {
#' # if (multiple != 1) {
#' # cor.peak <-
#' # as.numeric(which(QC.cor[, i] %in% rev(sort(QC.cor[-i, i]))[1:as.numeric(multiple)]))
#' # svr.reg <- e1071::svm(QC[, cor.peak], QC[, i])
#' # } else{
#' # svr.reg <- e1071::svm(unlist(QC[, i]) ~ QC.order)
#' # }
#' #
#' # predict.QC <- summary(svr.reg)$fitted
#' # QC.nor1 <- QC[, i] / predict.QC
#' #
#' # #if the predict value is 0, then set the ratio to 0
#' # QC.nor1[is.nan(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' # QC.nor1[is.infinite(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' # QC.nor1[is.na(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' # QC.nor1[which(unlist(QC.nor1) < 0)] <- 0
#' #
#' # colnames(sample) <- colnames(QC)
#' # if (multiple != 1) {
#' # predict.sample <- predict(svr.reg, sample[, cor.peak])
#' # }
#' # else{
#' # predict.sample <-
#' # predict(svr.reg, data.frame(QC.order = c(sample.order)))
#' # }
#' #
#' # sample.nor1 <- sample[, i] / predict.sample
#' # sample.nor1[is.nan(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' # sample.nor1[is.infinite(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' # sample.nor1[is.na(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' # sample.nor1[which(unlist(sample.nor1) < 0)] <- 0
#' #
#' # QC.nor <- cbind(QC.nor, QC.nor1)
#' # sample.nor <- cbind(sample.nor, sample.nor1)
#' # count <- floor(ncol(sample[, index]) * c(seq(0, 1, 0.01)))
#' # if (any(match(i, index) == count)) {
#' # cat(ceiling(match(i, index) * 100 / ncol(sample[, index])))
#' # cat(" ")
#' # }
#' #
#' # }
#' # svr.data <-
#' # list(sample.nor = sample.nor,
#' # QC.nor = QC.nor,
#' # index = index)
#' # return(svr.data)
#' # cat("\n")
#' # cat("Normalization sample and QC are got\n")
#' # }
#' ##peakplot5 and peakplot6 are functions to draw peak plot
#' peakplot5 <-
#' function(index,
#' sample,
#' sample.nor,
#' QC,
#' QC.nor,
#' sample.order,
#' QC.order,
#' tags,
#' path = NULL,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd) {
#' cat("Drawing the peak plots: %\n")
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path = getwd()
#' }
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' for (i in index) {
#' jpeg(file.path(path, sprintf('Peak %s plot.jpg', tags["name", i])),
#' width =
#' 1600,
#' height = 800)
#' layout(matrix(c(1, 2), ncol = 2))
#' plot(
#' sample.order,
#' sample[, i],
#' xlab = "Injection order",
#' ylim = c(0, 2 * median(c(sample[, i], QC[, i]))),
#' ylab = "Intensity",
#' main = sprintf('Peak %s', tags["name", i]),
#' pch = 19,
#' col = "royalblue",
#' cex.lab = 1.3,
#' cex.axis = 1.3
#' )
#' points(QC.order, QC[, i], pch = 19, col = "firebrick1")
#' legend(
#' "topleft",
#' c(
#' sprintf("Sample RSD %.2f%s", sample.rsd[i], "%"),
#' sprintf("QC RSD %.2f%s", QC.rsd[i], "%")
#' ),
#' col = c("royalblue", "firebrick1"),
#' pch = c(19, 19),
#' bty = "n",
#' cex = 1.3,
#' pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' plot(
#' sample.order,
#' sample.nor[, i],
#' xlab = "Injection order",
#' ylim = c(0, 2 * median(c(
#' sample.nor[, i], QC.nor[, i]
#' ))),
#' ylab = "Intensity(svr)",
#' main = sprintf('Peak %s', tags["name", i]),
#' pch =
#' 19,
#' col = "royalblue",
#' cex.lab = 1.3,
#' cex.axis = 1.3
#' )
#' legend(
#' "top",
#' c(
#' sprintf("Sample RSD %.2f%s", sample.nor.rsd[i], "%"),
#' sprintf("QC RSD %.2f%s", QC.nor.rsd[i], "%")
#' ),
#' col = c("royalblue", "firebrick1"),
#' pch = c(19, 19),
#' horiz = TRUE,
#' bty = "n",
#' cex = 1.3,
#' pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' points(QC.order, QC.nor[, i], pch = 19, col = "firebrick1")
#' dev.off()
#' count <- floor(ncol(sample[, index]) * c(seq(0, 1, 0.01)))
#' if (any(match(i, index) == count)) {
#' cat(ceiling(match(i, index) * 100 / ncol(sample[, index])))
#' cat(" ")
#' }
#' }
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("Peak plot is done\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' }
#' peakplot6 <-
#' function(index,
#' sample,
#' sample.nor,
#' QC,
#' QC.nor,
#' sample.order,
#' QC.order,
#' tags,
#' path = NULL,
#' best.span = best.span,
#' best.degree = best.degree,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' sample.nor.rsd =
#' sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd) {
#' cat("Drawing the peak plots: %\n")
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path = getwd()
#' }
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' par(mar = c(5, 5, 4, 2))
#' for (i in 1:ncol(sample)) {
#' jpeg(file.path(path, sprintf('Peak %s plot.jpg', tags["name", i])),
#' width =
#' 1600,
#' height = 800)
#' layout(matrix(c(1, 2), ncol = 2))
#' plot(
#' sample.order,
#' sample[, i],
#' xlab = "Injection order",
#' ylim = c(0, 2 * median(c(sample[, i], QC[, i]))),
#' ylab = "Intensity",
#' main = sprintf('Peak %s', tags["name", i]),
#' pch =
#' 19,
#' col = "royalblue",
#' cex.lab = 1.3,
#' cex.axis = 1.3
#' )
#' points(QC.order, QC[, i], pch = 19, col = "firebrick1")
#' legend(
#' "topleft",
#' c(
#' sprintf("Sample RSD %.2f%s", sample.rsd[i], "%"),
#' sprintf("QC RSD %.2f%s", QC.rsd[i], "%")
#' ),
#' col = c("royalblue", "firebrick1"),
#' pch = c(19, 19),
#' bty = "n",
#' cex = 1.3,
#' pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' plot(
#' sample.order,
#' sample.nor[, i],
#' xlab = "Injection order",
#' ylim = c(0, 2 * median(c(
#' sample.nor[, i], QC.nor[, i]
#' ))),
#' ylab = "Intensity(svr)",
#' main = sprintf('Peak %s', tags["name", i]),
#' pch =
#' 19,
#' col = "royalblue",
#' cex.lab = 1.3,
#' cex.axis = 1.3
#' )
#' legend(
#' "top",
#' c(
#' sprintf("Sample RSD %.2f%s", sample.nor.rsd[i], "%"),
#' sprintf("QC RSD %.2f%s", QC.nor.rsd[i], "%")
#' ),
#' col = c("royalblue", "firebrick1"),
#' pch = c(19, 19),
#' horiz = TRUE,
#' bty =
#' "n",
#' cex = 1.3,
#' pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' points(QC.order, QC.nor[, i], pch = 19, col = "firebrick1")
#' dev.off()
#' count <- floor(ncol(sample[, index]) * c(seq(0, 1, 0.01)))
#' if (any(match(i, index) == count)) {
#' cat(ceiling(match(i, index) * 100 / ncol(sample[, index])))
#' cat(" ")
#' }
#' }
#' cat("Peak plot is done\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' }
#' ##############svr normalization function
#' SXTsvrNor1 <- function(sample,
#' QC,
#' tags = tags,
#' sample.order,
#' QC.order,
#' #used data
#' multiple = 5,
#' rerun = TRUE,
#' peakplot = TRUE,
#' path = NULL,
#' datastyle = "tof",
#' dimension1 = TRUE,
#' threads = 1
#' #parameters setting
#' ){
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path <- getwd()
#' }
#' path1 <- file.path(path,"svr normalization result")
#' dir.create(path1)
#' if (!rerun) {
#' cat("Use previous normalization data\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' load(file.path(path1,"normalization file"))
#' }
#' else{
#' cat("rerun=TRUE\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' #svr normalization is time-cosuming so save this file
#' #and load if the rerun is FALSE
#' cat("SVR normalization is finished: %\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' QC.nor <- NULL
#' sample.nor <- NULL
#' data <- apply(rbind(sample, QC), 2, function(x) list(x))
#' for (i in 1:ncol(QC)) {
#' all.cor <- unlist(lapply(data, function(x) {cor(data[[1]][[1]], x[[1]])}))
#' cor.peak <-
#' match(sort(all.cor, decreasing = TRUE)[2:(as.numeric(multiple)+1)], all.cor)
#' if (multiple != 1) {
#' svr.reg <- svm(QC[,cor.peak],QC[,i])
#' } else{
#' svr.reg <- svm(unlist(QC[,i]) ~ QC.order)
#' }
#' predict.QC <- summary(svr.reg)$fitted
#' QC.nor1 <- QC[,i] / predict.QC
#' #if the predict value is 0, then set the ratio to 0
#' QC.nor1[is.nan(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[is.infinite(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[is.na(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[which(unlist(QC.nor1) < 0)] <- 0
#' colnames(sample) <- colnames(QC)
#' if (multiple != 1) {
#' predict.sample <- predict(svr.reg,sample[,cor.peak])
#' }
#' else{
#' predict.sample <-
#' predict(svr.reg,data.frame(QC.order = c(sample.order)))
#' }
#' sample.nor1 <- sample[,i] / predict.sample
#' sample.nor1[is.nan(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[is.infinite(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[is.na(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[which(unlist(sample.nor1) < 0)] <- 0
#' QC.nor <- cbind(QC.nor,QC.nor1)
#' sample.nor <- cbind(sample.nor,sample.nor1)
#' count <- floor(ncol(sample) * c(seq(0,1,0.01)))
#' if (any(i == count)) {
#' cat(ceiling(i * 100 / ncol(sample)))
#' cat(" ")
#' }
#' }
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("Normalization sample and QC are got\n")
#' }
#' ########################error
#' # dir.create("svr normalization result")
#' QC.median <- apply(QC,2,median)
#' if (dimension1) {
#' QC.nor <- t(t(QC.nor) * QC.median)
#' sample.nor <- t(t(sample.nor) * QC.median)
#' }
#' if (datastyle == "tof") {
#' colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample.nor) <- tags["name",]
#' }
#' if (datastyle == "mrm") {
#' colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample.nor) <- tags["name",]
#' }
#' save(QC.nor,sample.nor,file = file.path(path1,"normalization file"))
#' rsd <- function(x) {
#' x <- sd(x) * 100 / mean(x)
#' }
#' #following objects are the rsd of sample and QC before and after normalization
#' sample.rsd <- apply(sample,2,rsd)
#' sample.nor.rsd <- apply(sample.nor,2,rsd)
#' QC.rsd <- apply(QC,2,rsd)
#' QC.nor.rsd <- apply(QC.nor,2,rsd)
#' #sample.no.nor is the no normalization data added rsd information
#' #sample.svr is the normalization data added rsd information
#' sample.no.nor <- rbind(tags,sample.rsd,QC.rsd,sample,QC)
#' sample.svr <-
#' rbind(tags,sample.nor.rsd,QC.nor.rsd,sample.nor,QC.nor)
#' write.csv(t(sample.svr),file.path(path1,"data svr nor.csv"))
#' #generate all peaks plot
#' if (peakplot) {
#' path2 <- file.path(path1,"peak plot")
#' dir.create(path2)
#' if (datastyle == "tof")
#' {
#' peakplot5(
#' sample = sample,sample.nor = sample.nor,
#' QC = QC,QC.nor = QC.nor,sample.order = sample.order,
#' QC.order = QC.order,tags = tags,path = path2,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,QC.rsd = QC.rsd,sample.nor.rsd =
#' sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd
#' )
#' }
#' else {
#' peakplot6(
#' sample = sample,sample.nor = sample.nor,QC = QC,QC.nor = QC.nor,
#' sample.order = sample.order,
#' QC.order = QC.order,tags = tags,path = path2,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,QC.rsd = QC.rsd,sample.nor.rsd =
#' sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd
#' )
#' }
#' }
#' compare.rsd(
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,QC.rsd = QC.rsd,QC.nor.rsd =
#' QC.nor.rsd,path = path1
#' )
#' cat("SVR normalization is done\n")
#' }
#' #' @title DataNormalization
#' #' @description Normalize dataset.
#' #' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' #' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' #' @param MetFlowData MetFlowData.
#' #' @param path Workdirectory.
#' #' @param method Normalization method, mean, median, total svr or loess,
#' #' default is svr. Please see the details.
#' #' @param dimension1 Remain dimension or not. Default is TRUE.
#' #' @param optimization Optimize span and degree or not.
#' #' @param begin Begin of span.
#' #' @param end End of span.
#' #' @param step Step of span.
#' #' @param multiple See ?SXTsvrNor.
#' #' @param threads Thread number.
#' #' @param rerun.loess Rerun loess or not.
#' #' @param rerun.svr Rerun SVR or not.
#' #' @param peakplot Peak plot or not.
#' #' @param datastyle Default is "tof".
#' #' @param user Default is "other".
#' #' @return The normalization results can be got from help of
#' #' \code{\link{MetNormalizer}}.
#' #' @seealso \code{\link{MetNormalizer}}
#' #' @details Data normalization is a useful method to reduce unwanted variances
#' #' in metabolomics data. The most used normalization methods is
#' #' \href{https://www.readcube.com/library/fe13374b-5bc9-4c61-9b7f-6a354690947e:2303e537-2864-4df5-91f0-c3ae731711af}{sample scale method}
#' #' (median, mean and total intensity). In large
#' #' scale metabolomics, QC based normalization methods are more useful.
#' #' \href{https://www.readcube.com/library/fe13374b-5bc9-4c61-9b7f-6a354690947e:abe41368-d08d-4806-871f-3aa035d21743}{LOESS}
#' #' and \href{https://www.readcube.com/library/fe13374b-5bc9-4c61-9b7f-6a354690947e:2303e537-2864-4df5-91f0-c3ae731711af}{SVR}
#' #' normalization are two most used normalization
#' #' methods.
#' #' @examples
#' #' \donttest{
#' #' #load the demo data
#' #' data(data, package = "metflowR")
#' #' data(sample.information, package = "metflowR")
#' #'
#' #' ##create a folder for demo
#' #' dir.create("demo")
#' #' setwd("demo")
#' #'
#' #' # export the demo data as csv
#' #' write.csv(data, "data.csv", row.names = FALSE)
#' #' write.csv(sample.information, "sample.information.csv", row.names = FALSE)
#' #'
#' #' # metflowR process
#' #' metflowR(#ImportData para
#' #' data = "data.csv",
#' #' sample.information = "sample.information.csv",
#' #' polarity = "positive",
#' #' #DataNormalization
#' #' method = "svr",
#' #' threads = 2)
#' #'## run
#' #'new.met.data <- DataNormalization(MetFlowData = met.data.after.pre)
#' #'}
#' ### Data normalization for MetFlowData
#' #fix bug
#' # temp <- DataNormalization(
#' # MetFlowData = met.data,
#' # method = "svr",
#' # multiple = 5,
#' # threads = 2,
#' # path = ".",
#' # peakplot = FALSE
#' # )
#' DataNormalization <- function(MetFlowData,
#' path = ".",
#' method = "svr",
#' dimension1 = TRUE,
#' ## parameters for loess normalization
#' optimization = TRUE,
#' begin = 0.5,
#' end = 1,
#' step = 0.2,
#' ##svr parameters
#' multiple = 5,
#' threads = 2,
#' rerun.loess = TRUE,
#' rerun.svr = TRUE,
#' peakplot = TRUE,
#' datastyle = "tof",
#' user = "other") {
#' options(warn = -1)
#' if (path != ".") {
#' dir.create(path)
#' }
#' #
#' path1 <- file.path(path, "7 Normalization result")
#' dir.create(path1)
#' qc <- MetFlowData@qc
#' subject <- MetFlowData@subject
#' tags <- MetFlowData@tags
#' subject.info <- MetFlowData@subject.info
#' qc.info <- MetFlowData@qc.info
#' if (sum(is.na(MetFlowData@qc))+sum(is.na(MetFlowData@subject)) != 0)
#' {
#' stop("Plase impute MV in sampe first.")
#' }
#' ##mean normalization
#' if (method == "mean") {
#' qc1 <- apply(qc, 2, function(x) {
#' x / mean(x)
#' })
#' subject1 <- apply(subject, 2, function(x) {
#' x / mean(x)
#' })
#' if (dimension1)
#' {
#' qc.mean <- apply(qc, 1, mean)
#' qc2 <- qc1 * qc.mean
#' subject2 <- subject1 * qc.mean
#' MetFlowData@qc <- as.matrix(qc2)
#' MetFlowData@subject <- as.matrix(subject2)
#' }
#' else {
#' MetFlowData@qc <- as.matrix(qc1)
#' MetFlowData@subject <- as.matrix(subject1)
#' }
#' }
#' #median normalization
#' if (method == "median") {
#' qc1 <- apply(qc, 2, function(x) {
#' x / median(x)
#' })
#' subject1 <- apply(subject, 2, function(x) {
#' x / median(x)
#' })
#' if (dimension1)
#' {
#' qc.median <- apply(qc, 1, median)
#' qc2 <- qc1 * qc.median
#' subject2 <- subject1 * qc.median
#' MetFlowData@qc <- as.matrix(qc2)
#' MetFlowData@subject <- as.matrix(subject2)
#' }
#' else {
#' MetFlowData@qc <- as.matrix(qc1)
#' MetFlowData@subject <- as.matrix(subject1)
#' }
#' }
#' ##total intensity normalization
#' if (method == "total") {
#' qc1 <- apply(qc, 2, function(x) {
#' x / sum(x)
#' })
#' subject1 <- apply(subject, 2, function(x) {
#' x / sum(x)
#' })
#' if (dimension1)
#' {
#' qc.mean <- apply(qc, 1, mean)
#' qc2 <- qc1 * qc.mean
#' subject2 <- subject1 * qc.mean
#' MetFlowData@qc <- as.matrix(qc2)
#' MetFlowData@subject <- as.matrix(subject2)
#' }
#' else {
#' MetFlowData@qc <- as.matrix(qc1)
#' MetFlowData@subject <- as.matrix(subject1)
#' }
#' }
#' #
#' ## split batch
#' data <- SplitBatch(MetFlowData = MetFlowData)
#' subject1 <- data[[1]]
#' qc1 <- data[[2]]
#' subject.info1 <- data[[3]]
#' qc.info1 <- data[[4]]
#' ##SVR normalization
#' if (method == "svr") {
#' for (i in seq_along(qc1)) {
#' cat(paste("Batch", i))
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("------------------\n")
#' MetFlowData@normalization <- "yes"
#' tags <- MetFlowData@tags
#' data <- cbind(tags, qc1[[i]], subject1[[i]])
#' sample.info <- rbind(subject.info1[[i]], qc.info1[[i]])
#' path2 <- file.path(path1, paste("Batch", i, "normalization"))
#' dir.create(path2)
#' write.csv(data, file.path(path2, "data.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
#' write.csv(sample.info,
#' file.path(path2, "worklist.csv"),
#' row.names = FALSE)
#' MetNormalizer(
#' normalization.method = "svr",
#' peakplot = peakplot,
#' multiple = multiple,
#' rerun.svr = rerun.svr,
#' datastyle = datastyle,
#' dimension1 = dimension1,
#' user = user,
#' path = path2
#' )
#' }
#' #
#' ## replace subject and qc
#' for (i in seq_along(qc1)) {
#' path.for.data <- file.path(path1, paste("Batch", i, "normalization"))
#' sample.nor <- NA
#' QC.nor <- NA
#' load(file.path(path.for.data, "svr normalization result/data svr nor"))
#' subject1[[i]] <- t(sample.nor)
#' qc1[[i]] <- t(QC.nor)
#' }
#' subject2 <- subject1[[1]]
#' qc2 <- qc1[[1]]
#' if (length(qc1) > 1) {
#' for (i in 2:length(subject1)) {
#' subject2 <- cbind(subject2, subject1[[i]])
#' qc2 <- cbind(qc2, qc1[[i]])
#' }
#' }
#' MetFlowData@subject <- as.matrix(subject2)
#' MetFlowData@qc <- as.matrix(qc2)
#' }
#' ## LOESS normalization
#' if (method == "loess") {
#' for (i in seq_along(qc1)) {
#' cat(paste("Batch", i))
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("------------------\n")
#' tags <- MetFlowData@tags
#' data <- cbind(tags, subject1[[i]], qc1[[i]])
#' sample.info <- rbind(subject.info1[[i]], qc.info1[[i]])
#' path2 <- file.path(path1, paste("Batch", i, "normalization"))
#' dir.create(path2)
#' write.csv(data, file.path(path2, "data.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
#' write.csv(sample.info,
#' file.path(path2, "worklist.csv"),
#' row.names = FALSE)
#' MetNormalizer(
#' normalization.method = "loess",
#' peakplot = peakplot,
#' begin = begin,
#' end = end,
#' step = step,
#' rerun.loess = rerun.loess,
#' dimension1 = dimension1,
#' datastyle = datastyle,
#' user = user,
#' path = path2
#' )
#' load(file.path(path2, "loess normalization result/data loess nor"))
#' qc1[[i]] <- t(QC.nor)
#' subject1[[i]] <- t(sample.nor)
#' }
#' subject2 <- subject1[[1]]
#' qc2 <- qc1[[1]]
#' if (length(qc1) > 1) {
#' for (i in 2:length(subject1)) {
#' subject2 <- cbind(subject2, subject1[[i]])
#' qc2 <- cbind(qc2, qc1[[i]])
#' }
#' }
#' MetFlowData@subject <- as.matrix(subject2)
#' MetFlowData@qc <- as.matrix(qc2)
#' }
#' MetFlowData@normalization <- "yes"
#' MetFlowData@normalization.method <- method
#' options(warn = 0)
#' return(MetFlowData)
#' }
#' #' Normalize data using different normalization methods.
#' #'
#' #' @title MetNormalizer
#' #' @description Normalize data using different normalization methods.
#' #' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' #' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' #' @param filename Default is "Metabolomics data".
#' #' @param polarity The polarity of data, default is "none".
#' #' @param minfrac.qc Default is 0.
#' #' @param minfrac.sample Default is 0.
#' #' @param filter Default is "no".
#' #' @param normalization.method svr: SVR normalization;
#' #' loess: LOESS normalization; all: SVR&LOESS.Default is svr.
#' #' @param optimization Parameter optimization or not?.Default is TRUE.
#' #' @param begin The begin of span to optimize.
#' #' @param end The end of span to optimize.
#' #' @param step The step for begin to end.
#' #' @param multiple If multiple = 1, the svr will be built using injection order.
#' #' If multiple >= 2, the svr is built using top mutiple peaks correlated peaks.
#' #' For tof data, default is 5, for mrm data, default is 1.
#' #' @param threads Number of thread.
#' #' @param rerun.loess Default is TRUE.
#' #' @param rerun.svr Default is TRUE.
#' #' @param peakplot Draw peakplot for each peak or nor? Default is TRUE.
#' #' @param datastyle Default is "tof".
#' #' @param user Default is "other".
#' #' @param path Directory
#' #' @param dimension1 The data after normalization is given dimension or not.
#' #' Defaulte is TRUE.
#' #' @return peakplot: A folder contains all the peaks plot before and sfter
#' #' SVR normalization.
#' #' @return data svr nor.csv: A csv data after SVR normalization.
#' #' @return normalization file: The intermediate data.
#' #' @return RSD compare plot.jpeg: A figure show the comparing of
#' #' RSDs of peaks before and after SVR normalization.
#' #' @return RSD distribution.csv: RSD distributions of data before
#' #' and after SVR normalization.
#' #' @return RSD distribution.jpeg: A figure show the RSD distributions
#' #' before and after SVR normalization.
#' #' @return rsd.change.csv: A table show the RSDs of peaks before and
#' #' after SVR normalization.
#' # MetNormalizer(
#' # normalization.method = "svr",
#' # peakplot = FALSE,
#' # multiple = 5,
#' # rerun.svr = TRUE,
#' # datastyle = "tof",
#' # dimension1 = TRUE,
#' # user = "other",
#' # path = "D:/study/test/7 Normalization result/Batch 1 normalization"
#' # )
#' MetNormalizer <- function(filename = "Metabolomics data",
#' polarity = "none",
#' minfrac.qc = 0,
#' minfrac.sample = 0,
#' filter = "no",
#' normalization.method = "svr",
#' optimization = TRUE,
#' begin = 0.5,
#' end = 1,
#' step = 0.2,
#' ##loess parameters
#' multiple = 5,
#' threads = 3,
#' ##svr parameters
#' rerun.loess = TRUE,
#' rerun.svr = TRUE,
#' peakplot = TRUE,
#' datastyle = "tof",
#' dimension1 = TRUE,
#' user = "other",
#' path = ".") {
#' options(warn = -1)
#' #
#' if (datastyle == "mrm") {
#' multiple <- 1
#' }
#' options(warn = -1)
#' temp <- dir()
#' if (path != ".") {
#' dir.create(path)
#' }
#' path1 <- file.path(path,"running results")
#' dir.create(path1)
#' temp <- dir(path1)
#' if (length(grep("after",temp)) == 2) {
#' cat("Using previous filter data\n")
#' load(file.path(path1,paste(filename,"after filter")))
#' } else {
#' ####importing data
#' if (polarity == "both") {
#' cat("Positive & Negative\n")
#' file <- dir()[!file.info(dir())$isdir]
#' if (user == "other") {
#' if (length(grep("worklist",file)) == 0) {
#' stop("There are no worklist file.")
#' }
#' file <- file[-grep("worklist",file)]
#' }
#' if (length(file) != 2) {
#' stop(paste("There are",length(file),"files,not two files."))
#' }
#' if (length(grep("POS",c(toupper(file)))) == 0)
#' stop("The file name should contains POS or NEG")
#' if (length(grep("NEG",c(toupper(file)))) == 0)
#' stop("The file name should contains POS or NEG")
#' file.pos <- file[grep("POS",c(toupper(file)))]
#' file.neg <- file[grep("NEG",c(toupper(file)))]
#' cat("Importing POS data...\n")
#' if (substr(file.pos,nchar(file.pos) - 2,nchar(file.pos)) == "csv")
#' {
#' # pos.data <- read.csv(file.pos, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
#' pos.data <- readr::read_csv(file.pos, col_types = readr::cols(),
#' progress = FALSE)
#' pos.data <- as.data.frame(pos.data)
#' }
#' else
#' {
#' # require(xlsx)
#' # pos.data <- read.xlsx(file.pos,1)
#' }
#' cat("Importing NEG data...\n")
#' if (substr(file.neg,nchar(file.neg) - 2,nchar(file.neg)) == "csv")
#' {
#' # neg.data <- read.csv(file.neg, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
#' neg.data <- readr::read_csv(file.neg, col_types = readr::cols(),
#' progress = FALSE)
#' neg.data <- as.data.frame(neg.data)
#' } else {
#' # require(xlsx)
#' # neg.data <- read.xlsx(file.neg,1)
#' }
#' cat("Getting POS data...\n")
#' SXTgetdata(
#' data = pos.data,filename = paste(filename,"POS"), polarity = "positive",
#' path = path, user = user ,datastyle = datastyle
#' )
#' qc <- NA
#' tags <- NA
#' sample <- NA
#' sampleorder <- NA
#' qcorder <- NA
#' load(file.path(path,paste(filename,"POS")))
#' sample.pos = sample
#' qc.pos = qc
#' tags.pos = tags
#' cat("Filtering POS data...\n")
#' SXTdatafilter(
#' sample = sample.pos,
#' qc = qc.pos,
#' tags = tags.pos,
#' sampleorder = sampleorder,
#' qcorder = qcorder,
#' filter = filter,
#' minfrac.qc = minfrac.qc,
#' minfrac.sample = minfrac.sample,
#' path = path,
#' filename = paste(filename,"POS","after filter")
#' )
#' cat("Getting NEG data...\n")
#' SXTgetdata(
#' data = neg.data,filename = paste(filename,"NEG"),polarity = "negative",
#' path = path,user = user,datastyle = datastyle
#' )
#' load(file.path(path,paste(filename,"NEG")))
#' sample.neg = sample
#' qc.neg = qc
#' tags.neg = tags
#' cat("Filtering NEG data...\n")
#' SXTdatafilter(
#' sample = sample.neg, qc = qc.neg, tags = tags.neg, sampleorder = sampleorder,
#' qcorder = qcorder, filter = filter,
#' minfrac.qc = minfrac.qc, minfrac.sample = minfrac.sample, path = path,
#' filename = paste(filename,"NEG","after filter")
#' )
#' path1 <- "combine data"
#' path1 <- file.path(path,path1)
#' dir.create(path1)
#' file.copy(file.path(path,paste(filename,"POS","after filter")),path1)
#' file.copy(file.path(path,paste(filename,"NEG","after filter")),path1)
#' setwd(path1)
#' cat("Combining POS and NEG data...\n")
#' SXTcbindposneg(filename = paste(filename,"after filter"),path = path1)
#' setwd("..")
#' file.copy(from = file.path(path1,paste(filename,"after filter")),path)
#' }
#' else {
#' file <- dir(path)######
#' if (user == "other") {
#' if (length(grep("worklist",file)) == 0) {
#' stop("There are no worklist file.")
#' }
#' file <- file[-grep("worklist",file)]
#' }
#' cat("Importing data...\n")
#' data <- readr::read_csv(file.path(path,"data.csv"),
#' col_types = readr::cols(),
#' progress = FALSE)
#' data <- as.data.frame(data)
#' # data <- read.csv(file.path(path,"data.csv"),
#' # stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
#' cat("Getting data...\n")
#' SXTgetdata(
#' data = data,filename = filename,
#' polarity = polarity, path = path, user = user,
#' datastyle = datastyle
#' )
#' load(file.path(path,filename))
#' cat("Filtering data...\n")
#' SXTdatafilter(
#' sample = sample,qc = qc,tags = tags,sampleorder = sampleorder,
#' qcorder = qcorder,filter = filter,
#' minfrac.qc = 0, minfrac.sample = 0,path =
#' path,
#' filename = paste(filename,"after filter")
#' )
#' }
#' load(file.path(path,paste(filename,"after filter")))
#' }
#' ##########normalization
#' if (normalization.method == "loess") {
#' cat("LOESS normalization...\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(time = 1)
#' SXTloessNor(
#' sample = sample,QC = qc,tags = tags, sample.order = sampleorder,
#' QC.order = qcorder,optimization = optimization, begin = begin,end = end,
#' step = step, rerun = TRUE, peakplot = peakplot, datastyle = datastyle,
#' dimension1 = dimension1, path = path
#' )
#' }
#' if (normalization.method == "svr") {
#' cat("SVR normalization...\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(time = 1)
#' SXTsvrNor(
#' sample = sample,
#' QC = qc,
#' tags = tags,
#' sample.order = sampleorder,
#' QC.order = qcorder,
#' multiple = multiple,
#' path = path,
#' rerun = TRUE,
#' peakplot = peakplot,
#' datastyle = datastyle,
#' dimension1 = dimension1,
#' threads = threads
#' )
#' }
#' if (normalization.method == "all") {
#' cat("LOESS normalization...\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(time = 1)
#' SXTloessNor(
#' sample = sample,QC = qc,tags = tags,sample.order = sampleorder,
#' QC.order = qcorder,optimization = optimization,begin = begin,end = end,
#' step = step,rerun = TRUE,peakplot = peakplot,datastyle = datastyle,
#' dimension1 = dimension1,path = path
#' )
#' cat("SVR normalization...\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(time = 1)
#' SXTsvrNor(
#' sample = sample,QC = qc,tags = tags,sample.order = sampleorder,
#' QC.order = qcorder,multiple = multiple,
#' rerun = TRUE,peakplot = peakplot,datastyle = datastyle,
#' dimension1 = dimension1,path = path
#' )
#' }
#' options(warn = 0)
#' }
#' ####LOESS normalization function
#' SXTloessNor <- function(sample,
#' QC,
#' tags,
#' sample.order,
#' QC.order,
#' #used data
#' optimization = TRUE,
#' begin = 0.5,
#' end = 1,
#' step = 0.2,
#' rerun = TRUE,
#' peakplot = TRUE,
#' datastyle = "tof",
#' dimension1 = TRUE,
#' path = NULL
#' #parameters setting
#' ){
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path <- getwd()
#' }
#' path1 <- file.path(path,"loess normalization result")
#' dir.create(path1)
#' if (!rerun) {
#' cat("Use previous normalization data\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' load(file.path(path1,"normalization file"))
#' }
#' else{
#' cat("rerun=TRUE\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' #loess normalization is time-cosuming so
#' #save this file and load if the rerun is FALSE
#' cat("LOESS normalization is finished: %\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' QC.nor <- NULL
#' sample.nor <- NULL
#' best.span <- NULL
#' best.degree <- NULL
#' for (i in 1:ncol(QC)) {
#' if (optimization) {
#' para <- cvMSE( unlist(QC[,i]),QC.order,
#' begin1 = begin,end1 = end,step1 = step)
#' loess.reg <-
#' loess(unlist(QC[,i]) ~ QC.order,span = para[2],degree = para[1])
#' best.span[i] <- para[2]
#' best.degree[i] <- para[1]
#' }
#' else {
#' loess.reg <- loess(unlist(QC[,i]) ~ QC.order)
#' }
#' predict.QC <- summary(loess.reg)$fitted
#' QC.nor1 <- QC[,i] / predict.QC
#' #if the predict value is 0, then set the ratio to 0
#' QC.nor1[is.nan(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[is.infinite(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[is.na(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[which(unlist(QC.nor1) < 0)] <- 0
#' predict.sample <-
#' predict(loess.reg,data.frame(QC.order = c(sample.order)))
#' sample.nor1 <- sample[,i] / predict.sample
#' sample.nor1[is.nan(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[is.infinite(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[is.na(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[which(unlist(sample.nor1) < 0)] <- 0
#' QC.nor <- cbind(QC.nor,QC.nor1)
#' sample.nor <- cbind(sample.nor,sample.nor1)
#' count <- floor(ncol(sample) * c(seq(0,1,0.01)))
#' if (any(i == count)) {
#' cat(ceiling(i * 100 / ncol(sample)))
#' cat(" ")
#' }
#' }
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("Normalized sample and qc data are got\n")
#' }
#' if (datastyle == "tof") {
#' colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample.nor) <- tags["name",]
#' }
#' if (datastyle == "mrm") {
#' colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample.nor) <- tags["name",]
#' }
#' QC.median <- apply(QC,2,median)
#' if (dimension1) {
#' QC.nor <- t(t(QC.nor) * QC.median)
#' sample.nor <- t(t(sample.nor) * QC.median)
#' }
#' save(QC.nor,sample.nor,best.span,best.degree,
#' file = file.path(path1,"normalization file"))
#' rsd <- function(x) {
#' x <- sd(x) * 100 / mean(x)
#' }
#' #following objects are the rsd of sample and QC before
#' #and after normalization
#' sample.rsd <- apply(sample,2,rsd)
#' sample.nor.rsd <- apply(sample.nor,2,rsd)
#' QC.rsd <- apply(QC,2,rsd)
#' QC.nor.rsd <- apply(QC.nor,2,rsd)
#' #sample.no.nor is the no normalization data added rsd information
#' #sample.loess is the normalization data added rsd information
#' sample.no.nor <- rbind(tags, sample.rsd, QC.rsd, sample,QC)
#' sample.loess <-
#' rbind(tags, sample.nor.rsd, QC.nor.rsd, sample.nor, QC.nor)
#' save(sample.nor, QC.nor, tags, sample.order, QC.order,
#' file = file.path(path1,"data loess nor"))
#' write.csv(t(sample.loess),file.path(path1, "data loess nor.csv"))
#' #generate all peaks plot
#' if (peakplot) {
#' path2 <- file.path(path1,"peak plot")
#' dir.create(path2)
#' if (datastyle == "tof")
#' {
#' peakplot1(sample = sample,sample.nor = sample.nor,
#' QC = QC,QC.nor = QC.nor,sample.order =
#' sample.order, QC.order = QC.order,tags = tags,path = path2,
#' best.span = best.span,best.degree = best.degree,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd,optimization = optimization
#' )
#' }
#' else {
#' peakplot2(
#' sample = sample,sample.nor = sample.nor,QC = QC,QC.nor = QC.nor,
#' sample.order = sample.order,
#' QC.order = QC.order,tags = tags,path = path2,best.span =
#' best.span,best.degree = best.degree,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,QC.rsd = QC.rsd,sample.nor.rsd =
#' sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd,optimization = optimization
#' )
#' }
#' }
#' ##generate some statistics information
#' compare.rsd(
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.rsd = QC.rsd,QC.nor.rsd =
#' QC.nor.rsd,
#' path = path1
#' )
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("LOESS normalization is done\n")
#' }
#' #cvMSE is loess parameter optimization function
#' cvMSE <- function(qc,QC.order,begin1,end1,step1) {
#' mse <- NULL
#' nmse <- NULL
#' cvmse <- NULL
#' cvmse2 <- NULL
#' para <- seq(begin1,end1,by = step1)
#' for (i in 1:2) {
#' for (j in para) {
#' for (k in 2:(length(qc) - 1)) {
#' loess.reg <- loess(qc[-k] ~ QC.order[-k],span = j,degree = i)
#' predict.qc <- predict(loess.reg,QC.order[k])
#' mse[k] <- (qc[k] - predict.qc) ^ 2
#' nmse[k] <- (qc[k] - mean(qc)) ^ 2
#' }
#' cvmse1 <- rbind(j,mean(mse,na.rm = TRUE) / mean(nmse,na.rm = TRUE))
#' cvmse2 <- cbind(cvmse2,cvmse1)
#' mse <- NULL
#' nmse <- NULL
#' }
#' cvmse3 <- rbind(i,cvmse2)
#' cvmse <- cbind(cvmse,cvmse3)
#' cvmse3 <- NULL
#' cvmse2 <- NULL
#' }
#' return(cvmse[,which.min(cvmse[3,])])
#' }
#' ##peakplot1 and peakplot2 are functions to draw peak plot
#' peakplot1 <-
#' function(sample,sample.nor,QC,QC.nor,sample.order,QC.order,tags,path = NULL,
#' best.span = best.span,best.degree = best.degree,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,QC.rsd = QC.rsd,sample.nor.rsd =
#' sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd,optimization = optimization) {
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path = getwd()
#' }
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("Drawing the peak plots: %\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' for (i in 1:ncol(sample)) {
#' jpeg(file.path(path,sprintf('Peak %s plot.jpeg',tags["name",i])),width =
#' 960,height = 480)
#' layout(matrix(c(1,2),ncol = 2))
#' par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
#' plot(
#' c(sample.order,QC.order),c(sample[,i],QC[,i]),
#' xlab = "Injection order",ylab = "Intensity",
#' main = sprintf('Peak %s',tags["name",i]), pch = 19,
#' col = c(rep("royalblue",length(sample.order)),
#' rep("firebrick1",length(QC.order))),
#' cex.lab = 1.3,cex.axis = 1.3
#' )
#' loess.reg <-
#' loess(unlist(QC[,i]) ~ QC.order,span = best.span[i],
#' degree = best.degree[i])
#' lines(
#' QC.order,summary(loess.reg)$fitted,lty = 2,lwd = 1.5,col = "firebrick1"
#' )
#' legend(
#' "topleft",c(
#' sprintf("Sample RSD %.2f%s",sample.rsd[i],"%"),
#' sprintf("QC RSD %.2f%s",QC.rsd[i],"%")
#' ),col = c("royalblue","firebrick1"),
#' pch = c(19,19), bty = "n", cex = 1.3,pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' if (optimization) {
#' legend(
#' "topright",c(
#' sprintf("span: %s",best.span[i]),
#' sprintf("degree: %s",best.degree[i])
#' ),bty = "n",
#' cex = 1.3, pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' }
#' plot(
#' c(sample.order,QC.order),c(sample.nor[,i],QC.nor[,i]),
#' xlab = "Injection order",ylab = "Intensity (LOESS)",
#' main = sprintf('Peak %s',tags["name",i]),pch = 19,
#' col = c(rep("royalblue",length(sample.order)),
#' rep("firebrick1",length(QC.order))),
#' cex.lab = 1.3,cex.axis = 1.3
#' )
#' legend(
#' "top",c(
#' sprintf("Sample RSD %.2f%s",sample.nor.rsd[i],"%"),
#' sprintf("QC RSD %.2f%s",QC.nor.rsd[i],"%")
#' ),col = c("royalblue","firebrick1"),
#' pch = c(19,19),horiz = TRUE,bty = "n"
#' )
#' dev.off()
#' count <- floor(ncol(sample) * c(seq(0,1,0.01)))
#' if (any(i == count)) {
#' cat(ceiling(i * 100 / ncol(sample)))
#' cat(" ")
#' }
#' }
#' cat("Peak plot is done\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' }
#' peakplot2 <-
#' function(sample,sample.nor,QC,QC.nor,sample.order,QC.order,tags,path =
#' NULL,
#' best.span = best.span,best.degree = best.degree,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,QC.rsd = QC.rsd,sample.nor.rsd =
#' sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd,optimization = optimization) {
#' cat("Drawing the peak plots: %\n")
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path = getwd()
#' }
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' for (i in 1:ncol(sample)) {
#' jpeg(file.path(path,sprintf('Peak %s plot.jpeg',tags["name",i])),width =
#' 960,height = 480)
#' layout(matrix(c(1,2),ncol = 2))
#' plot(
#' c(sample.order,QC.order),c(sample[,i],QC[,i]),xlab = "Injection order",
#' ylab = "Intensity",
#' main = sprintf('Peak %s',tags["name",i]),pch = 19,
#' col = c(rep("royalblue",length(sample.order)),
#' rep("firebrick1",length(QC.order))),cex.lab = 1.3,cex.axis = 1.3
#' )
#' loess.reg <-
#' loess(unlist(QC[,i]) ~ QC.order,
#' span = best.span[i],degree = best.degree[i])
#' lines(
#' QC.order,summary(loess.reg)$fitted,lty = 2,lwd = 1.5,col = "firebrick1"
#' )
#' legend(
#' "topleft",c(
#' sprintf("Sample RSD %.2f%s",sample.rsd[i],"%"),
#' sprintf("QC RSD %.2f%s",QC.rsd[i],"%")
#' ),col = c("royalblue","firebrick1"),
#' pch = c(19,19),bty = "n",cex = 1.3, pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' if (optimization) {
#' legend( "topright",
#' c( sprintf("span: %s",best.span[i]),sprintf("degree: %s",best.degree[i])),
#' bty = "n", cex = 1.3, pt.cex = 1.3)
#' }
#' plot(
#' c(sample.order,QC.order),c(sample.nor[,i],QC.nor[,i]),
#' xlab = "Injection order",ylab = "Intensity",
#' main = sprintf('Peak %s',tags["name",i]),pch = 19,
#' col = c(rep("royalblue",length(sample.order)),
#' rep("firebrick1",length(QC.order))),cex.lab =
#' 1.3,cex.axis = 1.3
#' )
#' legend(
#' "top",c(
#' sprintf("Sample RSD %.2f%s",sample.nor.rsd[i],"%"),
#' sprintf("QC RSD %.2f%s",QC.nor.rsd[i],"%")
#' ),col = c("royalblue","firebrick1"),pch = c(19,19),
#' horiz = TRUE,bty = "n"
#' )
#' dev.off()
#' count <- floor(ncol(sample) * c(seq(0,1,0.01)))
#' if (any(i == count)) {
#' cat(ceiling(i * 100 / ncol(sample)))
#' cat(" ")
#' }
#' }
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("Peak plot is done\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' }
#' ##compare.rsd is a function to compare sample
#' ##and qc rsd before and after normalization
#' compare.rsd <-
#' function(sample.rsd,sample.nor.rsd,QC.rsd,QC.nor.rsd,path = NULL) {
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path = getwd()
#' }
#' colour1 <- NULL
#' colour2 <- NULL
#' colour1[(sample.nor.rsd / sample.rsd) > 1] <- "firebrick1"
#' colour1[(sample.nor.rsd / sample.rsd) == 1] <- "royalblue"
#' colour1[(sample.nor.rsd / sample.rsd) < 1] <- "palegreen"
#' colour2[(QC.nor.rsd / QC.rsd) > 1] <- "firebrick1"
#' colour2[(QC.nor.rsd / QC.rsd) == 1] <- "royalblue"
#' colour2[(QC.nor.rsd / QC.rsd) < 1] <- "palegreen"
#' s.rsd.up <-
#' sum(colour1 == "firebrick1",na.rm = TRUE) * 100 / length(colour1)
#' s.rsd.no <-
#' sum(colour1 == "royalblue",na.rm = TRUE) * 100 / length(colour1)
#' s.rsd.down <-
#' sum(colour1 == "palegreen",na.rm = TRUE) * 100 / length(colour1)
#' q.rsd.up <-
#' sum(colour2 == "firebrick1",na.rm = TRUE) * 100 / length(colour2)
#' q.rsd.no <-
#' sum(colour2 == "royalblue",na.rm = TRUE) * 100 / length(colour2)
#' q.rsd.down <-
#' sum(colour2 == "palegreen",na.rm = TRUE) * 100 / length(colour2)
#' par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
#' pdf(file.path(path,"RSD compare plot.pdf"),width = 14)
#' layout(matrix(c(1,2),ncol = 2))
#' par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
#' plot(
#' sample.rsd,sample.nor.rsd,xlab = "RSD (Before normalization)",
#' ylab = "RSD (After normalization)",
#' col = colour1,cex.lab = 1.3,cex.axis = 1.3,
#' main = "Sample RSD change",cex.main = 1.3,pch = 19
#' )
#' abline(0,1,lwd = 1,lty = 2)
#' abline(h = 30,lwd = 1,lty = 2)
#' abline(v = 30,lwd = 1,lty = 2)
#' legend(
#' "topleft",c(
#' paste("Increase after normaliztion:",round(s.rsd.up),"%"),
#' paste("No change after normaliztion:",round(s.rsd.no),"%"),
#' paste("Decrease after normaliztion:",round(s.rsd.down),"%")
#' ),
#' col = c("firebrick1","royalblue","palegreen"),
#' pch = 19, cex = 1.3, pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
#' plot(
#' QC.rsd,QC.nor.rsd,xlab = "RSD (Before normalization)",
#' ylab = "RSD (After normalization)",
#' col = colour2,cex.lab = 1.3,cex.axis = 1.3,main = "QC RSD change",
#' cex.main = 1.3,pch = 19
#' )
#' abline(0,1,lwd = 1,lty = 2)
#' abline(h = 30,lwd = 1,lty = 2)
#' abline(v = 30,lwd = 1,lty = 2)
#' legend(
#' "topleft",c(
#' paste("Increase after normaliztion:",round(q.rsd.up),"%"),
#' paste("No change after normaliztion:",round(q.rsd.no),"%"),
#' paste("Decrease after normaliztion:",round(q.rsd.down),"%")
#' ),
#' col = c("firebrick1","royalblue","palegreen"),
#' pch = 19, cex = 1.3,pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' dev.off()
#' ##
#' s.rsd.dis <-
#' sapply(seq(0,190,10),function (x) {
#' sum(sample.rsd > x &
#' sample.rsd <= x + 10,na.rm = TRUE)
#' }) * 100 / length(sample.rsd)
#' s.nor.rsd.dis <-
#' sapply(seq(0,190,10),function (x) {
#' sum(sample.nor.rsd > x &
#' sample.nor.rsd <= x + 10,na.rm = TRUE)
#' }) * 100 / length(sample.nor.rsd)
#' q.rsd.dis <-
#' sapply(seq(0,190,10),function (x) {
#' sum(QC.rsd > x & QC.rsd <= x + 10,na.rm = TRUE)
#' }) * 100 / length(QC.rsd)
#' q.nor.rsd.dis <-
#' sapply(seq(0,190,10),function (x) {
#' sum(QC.nor.rsd > x &
#' QC.nor.rsd <= x + 10,na.rm = TRUE)
#' }) * 100 / length(QC.nor.rsd)
#' rsd.dis <- rbind(s.rsd.dis,s.nor.rsd.dis,q.rsd.dis,q.nor.rsd.dis)
#' colnames(rsd.dis) <-
#' paste(paste(seq(0,190,10),seq(10,200,10),sep = "-"),"%",sep = "")
#' rownames(rsd.dis) <- c("sample","sample.nor","QC","QC.nor")
#' # write.csv(rsd.dis,file.path(path,"RSD distribution.csv"))
#' pdf(file.path(path,"RSD distribution.pdf"),width = 14)
#' layout(matrix(c(1,2),ncol = 2))
#' par(mar = c(8,8,4,2))
#' par(mgp = c(5,1,0))
#' barplot(
#' rsd.dis[1:2,],horiz = TRUE,
#' beside = TRUE,col = c("firebrick1", "palegreen"),
#' names.arg = paste(seq(0,190,10),seq(10,200,10),sep = "-"),
#' xlab = "Feature Percentage (%)",
#' ylab = "RSD range (%)",
#' las = 2,cex.lab = 1.3,main = "Sample",cex.main = 1.3, border = NA
#' )
#' legend(
#' "topright",c("Before normaliztion","After normalization"),pch = 15,
#' col = c("firebrick1","palegreen")
#' )
#' par(mar = c(8,8,4,2))
#' par(mgp = c(5,1,0))
#' barplot(
#' rsd.dis[3:4,],horiz = TRUE,
#' beside = TRUE,col = c("firebrick1", "palegreen"),
#' names.arg = paste(seq(0,190,10),seq(10,200,10),sep = "-"),
#' xlab = "Feature Percentage (%)",
#' ylab = "RSD range (%)",
#' las = 2,cex.lab = 1.3,main = "QC",cex.main = 1.3, border = NA
#' )
#' legend(
#' "topright",c("Before normaliztion","After normalization"),pch = 15,
#' col = c("firebrick1", "palegreen")
#' )
#' par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
#' par(mgp = c(3,1,0))
#' dev.off()
#' }
#' ##SXTcbindposneg function
#' SXTcbindposneg <- function(filename = "SXT data",path = NULL)
#' {
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path <- getwd()
#' }
#' file <- dir(path)
#' file.pos <- file[grep("POS",file)]
#' file.neg <- file[grep("NEG",file)]
#' sampleorder <- NA
#' qcorder <- NA
#' pos <- load(file.path(path,file.pos))
#' sample.pos <- sample
#' qc.pos <- qc
#' tags.pos <- tags
#' neg <- load(file.path(path,file.neg))
#' sample.neg <- sample
#' qc.neg <- qc
#' tags.neg <- tags
#' sample <- cbind(sample.pos,sample.neg)
#' qc <- cbind(qc.pos,qc.neg)
#' tags <- cbind(tags.pos,tags.neg)
#' save(sample,qc,tags,sampleorder,qcorder,file = file.path(path,filename))
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("Combine data is done\n")
#' }
#' ####get data function
#' SXTgetdata <- function(data, filename = "SXT data", polarity = "positive",
#' path = NULL, user = "other",datastyle = "tof") {
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path <- getwd()
#' }
#' data <- t(data)
#' if (user == "other") {
#' worklist <-
#' read.csv(file.path(path,"worklist.csv"),stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#' check.names = FALSE)
#' name <- worklist[,1]
#' ###judge if worklist name contains POS or NEG
#' pos.have <- length(grep("POS", toupper(name)))
#' neg.have <- length(grep("NEG", toupper(name)))
#' if (pos.have != 0 | neg.have != 0) {
#' if (polarity == "positive") {
#' name <- gsub("neg", "NEG", name); name <- gsub("NEG", "POS", name)
#' }
#' if (polarity == "negative") {
#' name <- gsub("pos", "POS", name); name <- gsub("POS", "NEG", name)
#' }
#' }
#' all.order <- as.numeric(worklist[,2])
#' type <- worklist[,3]
#' qc.index <- grep("QC",type)
#' sample.index <- grep("Subject",type)
#' sample.name <- name[sample.index]
#' qc.name <- name[qc.index]
#' sample <- data[match(sample.name,rownames(data)),]
#' qc <- data[match(qc.name,rownames(data)),]
#' tags <-
#' data[-c(match(sample.name,rownames(data)),match(qc.name,rownames(data))),]
#' sampleorder <- all.order[sample.index]
#' qcorder <- all.order[qc.index]
#' }
#' else {
#' sample <- data[grep("Sample",rownames(data)),]
#' qc <- sample[grep("QC",rownames(sample)),]
#' sample <- sample[-grep("QC",rownames(sample)),]
#' tags <- data[-grep("Sample",rownames(data)),]
#' }
#' ######data have positive or negative mode?
#' if (polarity == "positive") {
#' tags <- rbind(rep("POS", ncol(tags)), tags)
#' rownames(tags)[1] <- "polarity"
#' tags["name",] <- paste(tags["name",],"POS",sep = "_")
#' }
#' if (polarity == "none") {
#' tags <- tags
#' }
#' if (polarity == "negative") {
#' tags <- rbind(rep("NEG",ncol(tags)), tags)
#' rownames(tags)[1] <- "polarity"
#' tags["name",] <- paste(tags["name",],"NEG",sep = "_")
#' }
#' colnames(sample) <- colnames(qc) <- tags["name",]
#' if (user != "other") {
#' a <- gregexpr("\\.",rownames(qc))
#' qcorder <-
#' mapply(
#' FUN = function(x,y) {
#' as.numeric(substr(x,7,y[1] - 1))
#' }, rownames(qc), a
#' )
#' qcname <-
#' mapply(
#' FUN = function(x,y) {
#' substr(x,y[1] + 1,y[2] - 1)
#' }, rownames(qc), a
#' )
#' rownames(qc) <- qcname
#' qc <- qc[order(qcorder),]
#' qcorder <- sort(qcorder)
#' b <- gregexpr("\\.",rownames(sample))
#' sampleorder <-
#' mapply(
#' FUN = function(x,y) {
#' as.numeric(substr(x,7,y[1] - 1))
#' }, rownames(sample), b
#' )
#' samplename <-
#' mapply(
#' FUN = function(x,y) {
#' substr(x,y[1] + 1,y[2] - 1)
#' }, rownames(sample), b
#' )
#' rownames(sample) <- samplename
#' sample <- sample[order(sampleorder),]
#' sampleorder <- sort(sampleorder)
#' }
#' sample1 <- matrix(as.numeric(sample),ncol = ncol(sample))
#' colnames(sample1) <- colnames(sample)
#' rownames(sample1) <- rownames(sample)
#' sample <- sample1
#' qc1 <- matrix(as.numeric(qc),ncol = ncol(qc))
#' colnames(qc1) <- colnames(qc)
#' rownames(qc1) <- rownames(qc)
#' qc <- qc1
#' ####any NA in sample or QC?
#' NA.sample <- sum(is.na(sample))
#' NA.qc <- sum(is.na(qc))
#' options(warn = 1)
#' if (NA.sample > 0)
#' warning(paste("There are", NA.sample, "NAs in your sample."))
#' sample[is.na(sample)] <- 0
#' if (NA.qc > 0)
#' warning(paste("There are", NA.qc, "NAs in your QC."))
#' qc[is.na(qc)] <- 0
#' save(sample,qc,tags,sampleorder,qcorder,file = file.path(path,filename))
#' cat("Get data is done\n")
#' }
#' ###filter data function
#' SXTdatafilter <- function(sample, qc, tags, sampleorder, qcorder,
#' #used data
#' filter = c("no","mono","both"), minfrac.qc = 0.8,
#' minfrac.sample = 0.5,
#' filename = "SXT data after filter",
#' path = NULL
#' #parameters setting
#' ) {
#' #if all is TRUE, the not annotated peak are also regarded as monoisotopes
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path <- getwd()
#' }
#' if (filter == "both")
#' {
#' isotopes <- as.character(tags["isotopes",])
#' sample1 <-
#' sample[,c(grep("\\[M\\]\\+",isotopes),grep("\\[M\\]\\-",isotopes))]
#' sample2 <- sample[,as.character(tags["isotopes",]) == ""]
#' sample <- cbind(sample1,sample2)
#' qc1 <-
#' qc[,c(grep("\\[M\\]\\+",isotopes),grep("\\[M\\]\\-",isotopes))]
#' qc2 <- qc[,as.character(tags["isotopes",]) == ""]
#' qc <- cbind(qc1,qc2)
#' tags1 <-
#' tags[,c(grep("\\[M\\]\\+",isotopes),grep("\\[M\\]\\-",isotopes))]
#' tags2 <- tags[,as.character(tags["isotopes",]) == ""]
#' tags <- cbind(tags1,tags2)
#' }
#' if (filter == "mono")
#' {
#' isotopes <- as.character(tags["isotopes",])
#' sample <-
#' sample[,c(grep("\\[M\\]\\+",isotopes),grep("\\[M\\]\\-",isotopes))]
#' qc <-
#' qc[,c(grep("\\[M\\]\\+",isotopes),grep("\\[M\\]\\-",isotopes))]
#' tags <-
#' tags[,c(grep("\\[M\\]\\+",isotopes),grep("\\[M\\]\\-",isotopes))]
#' }
#' if (filter == "no")
#' {
#' sample = sample
#' qc = qc
#' tags = tags
#' }
#' #minfrac.filter is a function to filter the peak which > minfrac
#' minfrac.filter <- function(x, minfrac = 0.8) {
#' ifelse(sum(x != 0,na.rm = TRUE) / length(x) >= minfrac,!0,!1)
#' }
#' #use qc to filter sample, tags and qc
#' sample <-
#' sample[,apply(qc,2,function(x) {
#' minfrac.filter(x, minfrac = minfrac.qc)
#' })]
#' tags <-
#' tags[,apply(qc,2,function(x) {
#' minfrac.filter(x, minfrac = minfrac.qc)
#' })]
#' qc <-
#' qc[,apply(qc,2,function(x) {
#' minfrac.filter(x, minfrac = minfrac.qc)
#' })]
#' #use sample to filter sample, tags and qc
#' tags <-
#' tags[,apply(sample,2,function(x) {
#' minfrac.filter(x, minfrac = minfrac.sample)
#' })]
#' qc <-
#' qc[,apply(sample,2,function(x) {
#' minfrac.filter(x, minfrac = minfrac.sample)
#' })]
#' sample <-
#' sample[,apply(sample,2,function(x) {
#' minfrac.filter(x, minfrac = minfrac.sample)
#' })]
#' save(sample,qc,tags,sampleorder,qcorder,file = file.path(path,filename))
#' write.csv(t(rbind(tags,sample,qc)),file.path(path,paste(filename,"csv",sep =
#' ".")))
#' cat("Data filter is done\n")
#' }
#' ##############svr normalization function
#' # SXTsvrNor(
#' # sample = sample,
#' # QC = qc,
#' # tags = tags,
#' # sample.order = sampleorder,
#' # QC.order = qcorder,
#' # multiple = 5,
#' # path = path,
#' # rerun = TRUE,
#' # peakplot = FALSE,
#' # datastyle = "tof",
#' # dimension1 = TRUE,
#' # threads = 3
#' # )
#' SXTsvrNor <- function(sample,
#' QC,
#' tags,
#' sample.order,
#' QC.order,
#' #used data
#' multiple = 5,
#' rerun = TRUE,
#' peakplot = TRUE,
#' path = NULL,
#' datastyle = "tof",
#' dimension1 = TRUE,
#' threads = 1
#' #parameters setting
#' ) {
#' options(warn = -1)
#' ######is there the e1071?
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path <- getwd()
#' } else{
#' dir.create(path)
#' }
#' path1 <- file.path(path, "svr normalization result")
#' dir.create(path1)
#' if (!rerun) {
#' cat("Use previous normalization data\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' load(file.path(path1, "normalization file"))
#' } else {
#' # library(snow)
#' # library(wordcloud)
#' ichunks <- split((1:ncol(sample)), 1:threads)
#' svr.data <- BiocParallel::bplapply(ichunks,
#' FUN = svr.function,
#' BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads,
#' progressbar = TRUE),
#' sample = sample,
#' QC = QC,
#' sample.order = sample.order,
#' QC.order = QC.order,
#' multiple = multiple)
#' sample.nor <- lapply(svr.data, function(x) {
#' x[[1]]
#' })
#' QC.nor <- lapply(svr.data, function(x) {
#' x[[2]]
#' })
#' index <- lapply(svr.data, function(x) {
#' x[[3]]
#' })
#' sample.nor <- do.call(cbind, sample.nor)
#' QC.nor <- do.call(cbind, QC.nor)
#' index <- unlist(index)
#' sample.nor <- sample.nor[,order(index)]
#' QC.nor <- QC.nor[,order(index)]
#' QC.median <- apply(QC, 2, median)
#' if (dimension1) {
#' QC.nor <- t(t(QC.nor) * QC.median)
#' sample.nor <- t(t(sample.nor) * QC.median)
#' }
#' # if (datastyle == "tof") {
#' # colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample.nor) <- tags["name", ]
#' # }
#' # if (datastyle == "mrm") {
#' # colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample.nor) <- tags["name", ]
#' # }
#' save(QC.nor, sample.nor, file = file.path(path1, "normalization file"))
#' }
#' rsd <- function(x) {
#' x <- sd(x) * 100 / mean(x)
#' }
#' #following objects are the rsd of sample
#' #and QC before and after normalization
#' sample.rsd <- apply(sample, 2, rsd)
#' sample.nor.rsd <- apply(sample.nor, 2, rsd)
#' QC.rsd <- apply(QC, 2, rsd)
#' QC.nor.rsd <- apply(QC.nor, 2, rsd)
#' #sample.no.nor is the no normalization data added rsd information
#' #sample.svr is the normalization data added rsd information
#' sample.no.nor <- rbind(tags, sample.rsd, QC.rsd, sample, QC)
#' sample.svr <-
#' rbind(tags, sample.nor.rsd, QC.nor.rsd, sample.nor, QC.nor)
#' save(sample.nor,
#' QC.nor,
#' tags,
#' sample.order,
#' QC.order,
#' file = file.path(path1, "data svr nor"))
#' write.csv(t(sample.svr), file.path(path1, "data svr nor.csv"))
#' #generate all peaks plot
#' if (peakplot) {
#' path2 <- file.path(path1, "peak plot")
#' dir.create(path2)
#' cl <- snow::makeCluster(threads, type = "SOCK")
#' nc <- length(cl)
#' options(warn = -1)
#' ichunks <- split((1:ncol(sample)), 1:threads)
#' if (datastyle == "tof")
#' {
#' snow::clusterApply(
#' cl,
#' x = ichunks,
#' fun = peakplot5,
#' sample = sample,
#' sample.nor = sample.nor,
#' QC = QC,
#' QC.nor = QC.nor,
#' sample.order = sample.order,
#' QC.order = QC.order,
#' tags = tags,
#' path = path2,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd
#' )
#' }
#' else {
#' snow::clusterApply(
#' cl,
#' x = ichunks,
#' fun = peakplot6,
#' sample = sample,
#' sample.nor = sample.nor,
#' QC = QC,
#' QC.nor = QC.nor,
#' sample.order = sample.order,
#' QC.order = QC.order,
#' tags = tags,
#' path = path2,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd
#' )
#' }
#' }
#' ##generate some statistics information
#' compare.rsd(
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd =
#' QC.nor.rsd,
#' path = path1
#' )
#' options(warn = 0)
#' cat("SVR normalization is done\n")
#' }
#' #backup of old version
#' ##############svr normalization function
#' # SXTsvrNor <- function(sample,
#' # QC,
#' # tags,
#' # sample.order,
#' # QC.order,
#' # #used data
#' # multiple = 5,
#' # rerun = TRUE,
#' # peakplot = TRUE,
#' # path = NULL,
#' # datastyle = "tof",
#' # dimension1 = TRUE,
#' # threads = 1
#' # #parameters setting
#' # ) {
#' # #
#' # options(warn = -1)
#' # ######is there the e1071?
#' # if (is.null(path)) {
#' # path <- getwd()
#' # } else{
#' # dir.create(path)
#' # }
#' #
#' # path1 <- file.path(path, "svr normalization result")
#' #
#' # dir.create(path1)
#' #
#' # if (!rerun) {
#' # cat("Use previous normalization data\n")
#' # # Sys.sleep(1)
#' # load(file.path(path1, "normalization file"))
#' # } else {
#' # # library(snow)
#' # # library(wordcloud)
#' # cl <- snow::makeCluster(threads, type = "SOCK")
#' # nc <- length(cl)
#' # options(warn = -1)
#' # ichunks <- split((1:ncol(sample)), 1:threads)
#' # options(warn = 0)
#' # # clusterExport (cl, "imputefunction")
#' # ######PLSDCV is the double cross validation
#' # svr.data <-
#' # snow::clusterApply(
#' # cl,
#' # x = ichunks,
#' # fun = svr.function,
#' # sample = sample,
#' # QC = QC,
#' # sample.order = sample.order,
#' # QC.order = QC.order,
#' # multiple = multiple
#' # )
#' # snow::stopCluster(cl)
#' # save(svr.data, file = file.path(path, "svr.data"))
#' #
#' # sample.nor <- NULL
#' # QC.nor <- NULL
#' # index <- NULL
#' #
#' # for (i in 1:nc) {
#' # sample.nor <- cbind(sample.nor, svr.data[[i]]$sample.nor)
#' # QC.nor <- cbind(QC.nor, svr.data[[i]]$QC.nor)
#' # index <- c(index, svr.data[[i]]$index)
#' # }
#' #
#' # sample.nor <- sample.nor[, order(index)]
#' # QC.nor <- QC.nor[, order(index)]
#' #
#' # QC.median <- apply(QC, 2, median)
#' # if (dimension1) {
#' # QC.nor <- t(t(QC.nor) * QC.median)
#' # sample.nor <- t(t(sample.nor) * QC.median)
#' # }
#' #
#' # if (datastyle == "tof") {
#' # colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample.nor) <- tags["name", ]
#' # }
#' # if (datastyle == "mrm") {
#' # colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample.nor) <- tags["name", ]
#' # }
#' #
#' # save(QC.nor, sample.nor, file = file.path(path1, "normalization file"))
#' # }
#' #
#' # rsd <- function(x) {
#' # x <- sd(x) * 100 / mean(x)
#' # }
#' #
#' # #following objects are the rsd of sample
#' # #and QC before and after normalization
#' # sample.rsd <- apply(sample, 2, rsd)
#' # sample.nor.rsd <- apply(sample.nor, 2, rsd)
#' # QC.rsd <- apply(QC, 2, rsd)
#' # QC.nor.rsd <- apply(QC.nor, 2, rsd)
#' #
#' #
#' # #sample.no.nor is the no normalization data added rsd information
#' # #sample.svr is the normalization data added rsd information
#' #
#' #
#' # sample.no.nor <- rbind(tags, sample.rsd, QC.rsd, sample, QC)
#' # sample.svr <-
#' # rbind(tags, sample.nor.rsd, QC.nor.rsd, sample.nor, QC.nor)
#' #
#' # save(sample.nor,
#' # QC.nor,
#' # tags,
#' # sample.order,
#' # QC.order,
#' # file = file.path(path1, "data svr nor"))
#' # write.csv(t(sample.svr), file.path(path1, "data svr nor.csv"))
#' #
#' # #generate all peaks plot
#' #
#' # if (peakplot) {
#' # path2 <- file.path(path1, "peak plot")
#' # dir.create(path2)
#' #
#' # cl <- snow::makeCluster(threads, type = "SOCK")
#' # nc <- length(cl)
#' # options(warn = -1)
#' # ichunks <- split((1:ncol(sample)), 1:threads)
#' #
#' # if (datastyle == "tof")
#' # {
#' # snow::clusterApply(
#' # cl,
#' # x = ichunks,
#' # fun = peakplot5,
#' # sample = sample,
#' # sample.nor = sample.nor,
#' # QC = QC,
#' # QC.nor = QC.nor,
#' # sample.order = sample.order,
#' # QC.order = QC.order,
#' # tags = tags,
#' # path = path2,
#' # sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' # QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' # sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' # QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd
#' # )
#' # }
#' # else {
#' # snow::clusterApply(
#' # cl,
#' # x = ichunks,
#' # fun = peakplot6,
#' # sample = sample,
#' # sample.nor = sample.nor,
#' # QC = QC,
#' # QC.nor = QC.nor,
#' # sample.order = sample.order,
#' # QC.order = QC.order,
#' # tags = tags,
#' # path = path2,
#' # sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' # QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' # sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' # QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd
#' # )
#' # }
#' # }
#' #
#' #
#' # ##generate some statistics information
#' #
#' # compare.rsd(
#' # sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' # sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' # QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' # QC.nor.rsd =
#' # QC.nor.rsd,
#' # path = path1
#' # )
#' # options(warn = 0)
#' # cat("SVR normalization is done\n")
#' # }
#' setGeneric(name = "svr.function",
#' def = function(index,
#' sample,
#' QC,
#' sample.order,
#' QC.order,
#' multiple){
#' # library(e1071)
#' colnames(sample) <- colnames(QC)
#' sample <- sample[,index]
#' QC <- QC[,index]
#' # cat("SVR normalization is finished: %\n")
#' data.order <- c(sample.order, QC.order)
#' data.nor <- lapply(c(1:ncol(sample)), function(i){
#' if(sum(QC[,i] == 0)/nrow(QC) > 0.8){
#' sample.nor1 <- sample[,i]
#' QC.nor1 <- QC[,i]
#' return(list(sample.nor1, QC.nor1))
#' }
#' if (multiple != 1) {
#' correlation <- abs(cor(x = rbind(sample, QC)[,i], y = rbind(sample, QC))[1,])
#' # cor.peak <-
#' # as.numeric(which(QC.cor[, i] %in% rev(sort(QC.cor[-i, i]))[1:as.numeric(multiple)]))
#' cor.peak <- match(names(sort(correlation, decreasing = TRUE)[1:6][-1]),
#' names(correlation))
#' rm(list = "correlation")
#' svr.reg <- e1071::svm(QC[, cor.peak], QC[, i])
#' } else{
#' svr.reg <- e1071::svm(unlist(QC[, i]) ~ QC.order)
#' }
#' predict.QC <- summary(svr.reg)$fitted
#' QC.nor1 <- QC[, i] / predict.QC
#' #if the predict value is 0, then set the ratio to 0
#' QC.nor1[is.nan(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[is.infinite(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[is.na(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[which(unlist(QC.nor1) < 0)] <- 0
#' if (multiple != 1) {
#' predict.sample <- predict(svr.reg, sample[, cor.peak])
#' } else{
#' predict.sample <-
#' predict(svr.reg, data.frame(QC.order = c(sample.order)))
#' }
#' sample.nor1 <- sample[, i] / predict.sample
#' sample.nor1[is.nan(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[is.infinite(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[is.na(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[which(unlist(sample.nor1) < 0)] <- 0
#' return(list(sample.nor1, QC.nor1))
#' })
#' sample.nor <- lapply(data.nor, function(x) x[[1]])
#' QC.nor <- lapply(data.nor, function(x) x[[2]])
#' rm(list = "data.nor")
#' sample.nor <- t(do.call(rbind, sample.nor))
#' QC.nor <- t(do.call(rbind, QC.nor))
#' colnames(sample.nor) <- colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample)
#' rm(list = c("sample", "QC"))
#' svr.data <-
#' list(sample.nor = sample.nor,
#' QC.nor = QC.nor,
#' index = index)
#' rm(list = c("sample.nor", "QC.nor"))
#' return(svr.data)
#' })
#' ##backup of old version
#' # svr.function <-
#' # function(index,
#' # sample,
#' # QC,
#' # sample.order,
#' # QC.order,
#' # multiple) {
#' # # library(e1071)
#' # cat("SVR normalization is finished: %\n")
#' # QC.nor <- NULL
#' # sample.nor <- NULL
#' #
#' # data.order <- c(sample.order, QC.order)
#' #
#' # # if(multiple != 1){
#' # # data <- rbind(sample, QC)
#' # # QC.cor <- cor(data, method = "spearman")
#' # # #not normal distribution, so use spearman correction
#' # # }
#' #
#' # for (i in index) {
#' # if (multiple != 1) {
#' # cor.peak <-
#' # as.numeric(which(QC.cor[, i] %in% rev(sort(QC.cor[-i, i]))[1:as.numeric(multiple)]))
#' # svr.reg <- e1071::svm(QC[, cor.peak], QC[, i])
#' # } else{
#' # svr.reg <- e1071::svm(unlist(QC[, i]) ~ QC.order)
#' # }
#' #
#' # predict.QC <- summary(svr.reg)$fitted
#' # QC.nor1 <- QC[, i] / predict.QC
#' #
#' # #if the predict value is 0, then set the ratio to 0
#' # QC.nor1[is.nan(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' # QC.nor1[is.infinite(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' # QC.nor1[is.na(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' # QC.nor1[which(unlist(QC.nor1) < 0)] <- 0
#' #
#' # colnames(sample) <- colnames(QC)
#' # if (multiple != 1) {
#' # predict.sample <- predict(svr.reg, sample[, cor.peak])
#' # }
#' # else{
#' # predict.sample <-
#' # predict(svr.reg, data.frame(QC.order = c(sample.order)))
#' # }
#' #
#' # sample.nor1 <- sample[, i] / predict.sample
#' # sample.nor1[is.nan(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' # sample.nor1[is.infinite(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' # sample.nor1[is.na(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' # sample.nor1[which(unlist(sample.nor1) < 0)] <- 0
#' #
#' # QC.nor <- cbind(QC.nor, QC.nor1)
#' # sample.nor <- cbind(sample.nor, sample.nor1)
#' # count <- floor(ncol(sample[, index]) * c(seq(0, 1, 0.01)))
#' # if (any(match(i, index) == count)) {
#' # cat(ceiling(match(i, index) * 100 / ncol(sample[, index])))
#' # cat(" ")
#' # }
#' #
#' # }
#' # svr.data <-
#' # list(sample.nor = sample.nor,
#' # QC.nor = QC.nor,
#' # index = index)
#' # return(svr.data)
#' # cat("\n")
#' # cat("Normalization sample and QC are got\n")
#' # }
#' ##peakplot5 and peakplot6 are functions to draw peak plot
#' peakplot5 <-
#' function(index,
#' sample,
#' sample.nor,
#' QC,
#' QC.nor,
#' sample.order,
#' QC.order,
#' tags,
#' path = NULL,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd) {
#' cat("Drawing the peak plots: %\n")
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path = getwd()
#' }
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' for (i in index) {
#' jpeg(file.path(path, sprintf('Peak %s plot.jpg', tags["name", i])),
#' width =
#' 1600,
#' height = 800)
#' layout(matrix(c(1, 2), ncol = 2))
#' plot(
#' sample.order,
#' sample[, i],
#' xlab = "Injection order",
#' ylim = c(0, 2 * median(c(sample[, i], QC[, i]))),
#' ylab = "Intensity",
#' main = sprintf('Peak %s', tags["name", i]),
#' pch = 19,
#' col = "royalblue",
#' cex.lab = 1.3,
#' cex.axis = 1.3
#' )
#' points(QC.order, QC[, i], pch = 19, col = "firebrick1")
#' legend(
#' "topleft",
#' c(
#' sprintf("Sample RSD %.2f%s", sample.rsd[i], "%"),
#' sprintf("QC RSD %.2f%s", QC.rsd[i], "%")
#' ),
#' col = c("royalblue", "firebrick1"),
#' pch = c(19, 19),
#' bty = "n",
#' cex = 1.3,
#' pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' plot(
#' sample.order,
#' sample.nor[, i],
#' xlab = "Injection order",
#' ylim = c(0, 2 * median(c(
#' sample.nor[, i], QC.nor[, i]
#' ))),
#' ylab = "Intensity(svr)",
#' main = sprintf('Peak %s', tags["name", i]),
#' pch =
#' 19,
#' col = "royalblue",
#' cex.lab = 1.3,
#' cex.axis = 1.3
#' )
#' legend(
#' "top",
#' c(
#' sprintf("Sample RSD %.2f%s", sample.nor.rsd[i], "%"),
#' sprintf("QC RSD %.2f%s", QC.nor.rsd[i], "%")
#' ),
#' col = c("royalblue", "firebrick1"),
#' pch = c(19, 19),
#' horiz = TRUE,
#' bty = "n",
#' cex = 1.3,
#' pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' points(QC.order, QC.nor[, i], pch = 19, col = "firebrick1")
#' dev.off()
#' count <- floor(ncol(sample[, index]) * c(seq(0, 1, 0.01)))
#' if (any(match(i, index) == count)) {
#' cat(ceiling(match(i, index) * 100 / ncol(sample[, index])))
#' cat(" ")
#' }
#' }
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("Peak plot is done\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' }
#' peakplot6 <-
#' function(index,
#' sample,
#' sample.nor,
#' QC,
#' QC.nor,
#' sample.order,
#' QC.order,
#' tags,
#' path = NULL,
#' best.span = best.span,
#' best.degree = best.degree,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' QC.rsd = QC.rsd,
#' sample.nor.rsd =
#' sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd) {
#' cat("Drawing the peak plots: %\n")
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path = getwd()
#' }
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' par(mar = c(5, 5, 4, 2))
#' for (i in 1:ncol(sample)) {
#' jpeg(file.path(path, sprintf('Peak %s plot.jpg', tags["name", i])),
#' width =
#' 1600,
#' height = 800)
#' layout(matrix(c(1, 2), ncol = 2))
#' plot(
#' sample.order,
#' sample[, i],
#' xlab = "Injection order",
#' ylim = c(0, 2 * median(c(sample[, i], QC[, i]))),
#' ylab = "Intensity",
#' main = sprintf('Peak %s', tags["name", i]),
#' pch =
#' 19,
#' col = "royalblue",
#' cex.lab = 1.3,
#' cex.axis = 1.3
#' )
#' points(QC.order, QC[, i], pch = 19, col = "firebrick1")
#' legend(
#' "topleft",
#' c(
#' sprintf("Sample RSD %.2f%s", sample.rsd[i], "%"),
#' sprintf("QC RSD %.2f%s", QC.rsd[i], "%")
#' ),
#' col = c("royalblue", "firebrick1"),
#' pch = c(19, 19),
#' bty = "n",
#' cex = 1.3,
#' pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' plot(
#' sample.order,
#' sample.nor[, i],
#' xlab = "Injection order",
#' ylim = c(0, 2 * median(c(
#' sample.nor[, i], QC.nor[, i]
#' ))),
#' ylab = "Intensity(svr)",
#' main = sprintf('Peak %s', tags["name", i]),
#' pch =
#' 19,
#' col = "royalblue",
#' cex.lab = 1.3,
#' cex.axis = 1.3
#' )
#' legend(
#' "top",
#' c(
#' sprintf("Sample RSD %.2f%s", sample.nor.rsd[i], "%"),
#' sprintf("QC RSD %.2f%s", QC.nor.rsd[i], "%")
#' ),
#' col = c("royalblue", "firebrick1"),
#' pch = c(19, 19),
#' horiz = TRUE,
#' bty =
#' "n",
#' cex = 1.3,
#' pt.cex = 1.3
#' )
#' points(QC.order, QC.nor[, i], pch = 19, col = "firebrick1")
#' dev.off()
#' count <- floor(ncol(sample[, index]) * c(seq(0, 1, 0.01)))
#' if (any(match(i, index) == count)) {
#' cat(ceiling(match(i, index) * 100 / ncol(sample[, index])))
#' cat(" ")
#' }
#' }
#' cat("Peak plot is done\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' }
#' ##############svr normalization function
#' SXTsvrNor1 <- function(sample,
#' QC,
#' tags = tags,
#' sample.order,
#' QC.order,
#' #used data
#' multiple = 5,
#' rerun = TRUE,
#' peakplot = TRUE,
#' path = NULL,
#' datastyle = "tof",
#' dimension1 = TRUE,
#' threads = 1
#' #parameters setting
#' ){
#' if (is.null(path)) {
#' path <- getwd()
#' }
#' path1 <- file.path(path,"svr normalization result")
#' dir.create(path1)
#' if (!rerun) {
#' cat("Use previous normalization data\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' load(file.path(path1,"normalization file"))
#' }
#' else{
#' cat("rerun=TRUE\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' #svr normalization is time-cosuming so save this file
#' #and load if the rerun is FALSE
#' cat("SVR normalization is finished: %\n")
#' # Sys.sleep(1)
#' QC.nor <- NULL
#' sample.nor <- NULL
#' data <- apply(rbind(sample, QC), 2, function(x) list(x))
#' for (i in 1:ncol(QC)) {
#' all.cor <- unlist(lapply(data, function(x) {cor(data[[1]][[1]], x[[1]])}))
#' cor.peak <-
#' match(sort(all.cor, decreasing = TRUE)[2:(as.numeric(multiple)+1)], all.cor)
#' if (multiple != 1) {
#' svr.reg <- svm(QC[,cor.peak],QC[,i])
#' } else{
#' svr.reg <- svm(unlist(QC[,i]) ~ QC.order)
#' }
#' predict.QC <- summary(svr.reg)$fitted
#' QC.nor1 <- QC[,i] / predict.QC
#' #if the predict value is 0, then set the ratio to 0
#' QC.nor1[is.nan(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[is.infinite(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[is.na(unlist(QC.nor1))] <- 0
#' QC.nor1[which(unlist(QC.nor1) < 0)] <- 0
#' colnames(sample) <- colnames(QC)
#' if (multiple != 1) {
#' predict.sample <- predict(svr.reg,sample[,cor.peak])
#' }
#' else{
#' predict.sample <-
#' predict(svr.reg,data.frame(QC.order = c(sample.order)))
#' }
#' sample.nor1 <- sample[,i] / predict.sample
#' sample.nor1[is.nan(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[is.infinite(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[is.na(unlist(sample.nor1))] <- 0
#' sample.nor1[which(unlist(sample.nor1) < 0)] <- 0
#' QC.nor <- cbind(QC.nor,QC.nor1)
#' sample.nor <- cbind(sample.nor,sample.nor1)
#' count <- floor(ncol(sample) * c(seq(0,1,0.01)))
#' if (any(i == count)) {
#' cat(ceiling(i * 100 / ncol(sample)))
#' cat(" ")
#' }
#' }
#' cat("\n")
#' cat("Normalization sample and QC are got\n")
#' }
#' ########################error
#' # dir.create("svr normalization result")
#' QC.median <- apply(QC,2,median)
#' if (dimension1) {
#' QC.nor <- t(t(QC.nor) * QC.median)
#' sample.nor <- t(t(sample.nor) * QC.median)
#' }
#' if (datastyle == "tof") {
#' colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample.nor) <- tags["name",]
#' }
#' if (datastyle == "mrm") {
#' colnames(QC.nor) <- colnames(sample.nor) <- tags["name",]
#' }
#' save(QC.nor,sample.nor,file = file.path(path1,"normalization file"))
#' rsd <- function(x) {
#' x <- sd(x) * 100 / mean(x)
#' }
#' #following objects are the rsd of sample and QC before and after normalization
#' sample.rsd <- apply(sample,2,rsd)
#' sample.nor.rsd <- apply(sample.nor,2,rsd)
#' QC.rsd <- apply(QC,2,rsd)
#' QC.nor.rsd <- apply(QC.nor,2,rsd)
#' #sample.no.nor is the no normalization data added rsd information
#' #sample.svr is the normalization data added rsd information
#' sample.no.nor <- rbind(tags,sample.rsd,QC.rsd,sample,QC)
#' sample.svr <-
#' rbind(tags,sample.nor.rsd,QC.nor.rsd,sample.nor,QC.nor)
#' write.csv(t(sample.svr),file.path(path1,"data svr nor.csv"))
#' #generate all peaks plot
#' if (peakplot) {
#' path2 <- file.path(path1,"peak plot")
#' dir.create(path2)
#' if (datastyle == "tof")
#' {
#' peakplot5(
#' sample = sample,sample.nor = sample.nor,
#' QC = QC,QC.nor = QC.nor,sample.order = sample.order,
#' QC.order = QC.order,tags = tags,path = path2,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,QC.rsd = QC.rsd,sample.nor.rsd =
#' sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd
#' )
#' }
#' else {
#' peakplot6(
#' sample = sample,sample.nor = sample.nor,QC = QC,QC.nor = QC.nor,
#' sample.order = sample.order,
#' QC.order = QC.order,tags = tags,path = path2,
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,QC.rsd = QC.rsd,sample.nor.rsd =
#' sample.nor.rsd,
#' QC.nor.rsd = QC.nor.rsd
#' )
#' }
#' }
#' compare.rsd(
#' sample.rsd = sample.rsd,
#' sample.nor.rsd = sample.nor.rsd,QC.rsd = QC.rsd,QC.nor.rsd =
#' QC.nor.rsd,path = path1
#' )
#' cat("SVR normalization is done\n")
#' }
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