#'@include All-classes.R
#' Classification of the one dimensional points in a Pcp or Mlp object.
#' Classification based on ROC params (TN TP FP FN).
#' Tests all possible discrimination lines and picks the one with highest score
#' based on a score which is simply calculated by the formula
#' (TP - FP) + (TN - FN).
#' The plot shows the distribution of scores for different discrimination lines.
#' Each line is a separator that has a score for the separation of the two
#' groups, and the height of the line marks the score for this separation.
#' @name classify
#' @rdname classify
#' @aliases classify classify,Pcp-method classify,Mlp-method ClassifiedPoints
#' @param x Pcp or Mlp Object for the function classify otherwise it is a
#' ClassifiedPoints object
#' @param class.color user assigned group coloring scheme
#' @param n data to extract from ClassifiedPoints (NULL gives all)
#' @param y default plot param, which should be set to NULL
#' @param .Object internal object
#' @param object ClassifiedPoints Object
#' @param scores final scores
#' @param scores.points sorted points
#' @param scores.index index of sorted points
#' @param ROC parameters (TN, TP, FN and FP)
#' @param AUC area under the curve
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass on
#' @return The classify function returns an object of class ClassifiedPoints
#' @author Jesper R. Gadin and Jason T. Serviss
#' @keywords classification
#' @examples
#' #use demo data
#' data(pcpMatrix)
#' classes <- rownames(pcpMatrix)
#' #run function
#' prj <- pcp(pcpMatrix, classes)
#' cl <- classify(prj)
#' #getData accessor
#' getData(cl)
#' #getData accessor specific
#' getData(cl, "scores")
#' #plot result
#' plot(cl)
#' @exportMethod classify
#' @rdname classify
setGeneric("classify", function(x, ...){
#' @rdname classify
setMethod("classify", "Pcp", function(x, ...){
.classifyWrapper(x, ...)
#' @rdname classify
setMethod("classify", "Mlp", function(x, ...){
.classifyWrapper(x, ...)
# helpers as units
.classifyWrapper <- function(
class.color = NULL,
group.color <- class.color
##import and order data
points <- getData(x, "points.onedim")
names(points) <- getData(x, "classes")
sp <- sort(points, decreasing = FALSE, index.return = TRUE)
order <- names(points)[sp$ix]
#find all group comparisons to be made
allCombos <- combn(unique(order), 2)
allCombos <- apply(allCombos, 2, sort)
##make a list holding matrixes of all group positions coded as 0 or 1
codedMat <- .codedMatrix(allCombos, order)
##select the upper triangle and assign "2" to the values not to be
##included in the score calculation
sepCalc <- .upperTriangle(mat = codedMat)
grp1.mat <- sepCalc[[1]]
grp2.mat <- sepCalc[[2]]
##calculate the true positives, false positives, false negatives, and true
truth <- .TpFpFnTn(grp1.mat, grp2.mat)
TP <- truth[[1]]
FP <- truth[[2]]
FN <- truth[[3]]
TN <- truth[[4]]
##score each seperation
#scores <- .Scores(TP = TP, FP = FP, FN = FN, TN = TN)
#check if we get better score by changing the predicted class
#scores <- .Bscore(scores)
scores <- .newScores(TP, TN, FP, FN)
##order the scores variable
scores <- scores[order(names(scores))]
#set color
if(is.null(group.color)) group.color <- getData(x, "class.color")
if(!is.null(group.color)) group.color
#return ClassifiedPoints object
scores = scores,
scores.points = sp$x,
scores.index = sp$ix,
ROC = list(TP = TP, FP = FP, FN = FN, TN = TN),
AUC = .AUC.calc(sp$x, allCombos),
class.color = group.color
##make a list holding matrixes of all group positions coded as 0 or 1
.codedMatrix <- function(
##Outputs a list with one element per group seperation to be scored.
##Each list element contains a character vector.
##Each character vector contains the groups names. The group names are
##repeated the same numer of times as there are points for each group.
groupList <- lapply(1:ncol(allCombos),
function(oo, order)
order[order %in% allCombos[, oo]], order = order)
##Code each group name as 0 or 1
codedList <- lapply(1:length(groupList),
function(pp, groupList)
groupList[[pp]] == unique(groupList[[pp]])[1],
), groupList = groupList
##Assemble a martix for each group comparison to be scored where all
##possible seperations can be easily represented.
mat <- lapply(1:length(codedList),
ncol = length(codedList[[oo]]),
nrow = length(codedList[[oo]])))
#add names
names(mat) <- sapply(1:length(mat),
function(x) paste(allCombos[,x], collapse = " vs "))
##select the upper triangle and assign 2 to values not to be included in the
##score calculation
.upperTriangle <- function(
tfmat <- lapply(1:length(mat),
function(ee, mat) upper.tri(mat[[ee]]), mat = mat)
grp1.mat <- mat
grp2.mat <- mat
grp1.mat <- lapply(1:length(grp1.mat),
function(x, grp1.mat){
grp1.mat[[x]][!tfmat[[x]]] <- 2
}, grp1.mat = grp1.mat
grp2.mat <- lapply(1:length(grp2.mat),
function(x, grp2.mat){
grp2.mat[[x]][tfmat[[x]]] <- 2
}, grp2.mat = grp2.mat
names(grp1.mat) <- names(mat)
names(grp2.mat) <- names(mat)
l <- list(grp1.mat, grp2.mat)
##calculate false/true positives/negatives
#TP - actual grp 1 classified as group one
#FP - actual grp 1 classified as group two
#FN - actual grp 2 classified as group one
#TN - actual grp 2 classified as group two
##outputs a list with 4 elements (TP, FP, FN, TN) where each element includes
#one list for each group comparison
.TpFpFnTn <- function(
TP <- lapply(1:length(grp1.mat),
function(x, y) apply(y[[x]][,-1] == 1, 2, sum), y = grp1.mat
FP <- lapply(1:length(grp1.mat),
function(x, y) apply(y[[x]][,-1] == 0, 2, sum), y = grp1.mat
FN <- lapply(1:length(grp2.mat),
function(x, y) apply(y[[x]][,-1] == 1, 2, sum), y = grp2.mat
TN <- lapply(1:length(grp2.mat),
function(x, y) apply(y[[x]][,-1] == 0, 2, sum), y = grp2.mat
names(TP) <- names(grp1.mat)
names(FP) <- names(grp1.mat)
names(FN) <- names(grp1.mat)
names(TN) <- names(grp1.mat)
l <- list(TP, FP, FN, TN)
#calculate score for each group and classification
#scores <- 1-sqrt((1-sensitivity)^2 - (1-specificity)^2)
.newScores <- function(
specificity1 <- .specificity(TN, FP)
sensitivity1 <- .sensitivity(TP, FN)
specificity2 <- .specificity(FN, TP)
sensitivity2 <- .sensitivity(FP, TN)
tDistances <- .ROCdistance(sensitivity1, specificity1)
fDistances <- .ROCdistance(sensitivity2, specificity2)
pick <- lapply(1:length(tDistances), function(o)
if(sum(tDistances[[o]]) < sum(fDistances[[o]])) {
1 - tDistances[[o]]
} else {
1 - fDistances[[o]]
names(pick) <- names(TP)
#calculates the specificity
.specificity <- function(
specificity <- lapply(1:length(TN), function(xx)
TN[[xx]] / (TN[[xx]] + FP[[xx]])
#calculates the specificity
.sensitivity <- function(
sensitivity <- lapply(1:length(TP), function(xx)
TP[[xx]] / (TP[[xx]] + FN[[xx]])
#calculates the distance from sensivity = 1 and specificity = 1
.ROCdistance <- function(
distances <- lapply(1:length(sensitivity), function(x)
sapply(1:length(sensitivity[[x]]), function(y)
sqrt(((1 - sensitivity[[x]][y])^2) + ((1 - specificity[[x]][y])^2))
#calculates AUC
.AUC.calc <- function(scores.points, allCombos) {
p <- lapply(1:ncol(allCombos), function(y)
scores.points[names(scores.points) %in% allCombos[,y]],
names(scores.points)[names(scores.points) %in% allCombos[,y]]
names(p) <- unlist(lapply(1:ncol(allCombos), function(c)
paste(allCombos[,c], collapse = " vs. ")
.AUC <- function(x, group) {
group <- as.integer(factor(group)) - 1
y <- sort(x[group == 0])
x <- sort(x[group == 1])
nx <- length(x)
ny <- length(y)
AUC <- (nx * ny + nx * (nx + 1) / 2 - sum(rank(c(x, y))[1:nx]))/(nx * ny)
if(AUC < 0.5){
return(1 - AUC)
} else {
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