
Defines functions availableHeaderTemps headerTemp binnerDP binnerDPopt binnerDPenv

binnerDPenv <- function(){
	dp <- Sys.getenv('BINNER_DP')
	if (dp != '') {
		dp <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(dp))
	} else {
		dp <- 2
	if (is.na(dp)){
		warning("The environment variable 'BINNER_DP' is not numeric. Using 2 decimal places instead.",
										call. = FALSE)
		dp <- 2
	if (dp > 5){
		warning("The environment variable 'BINNER_DP' is greater than 5. Using 2 decimal places instead.",
										call. = FALSE)
		dp <- 2

binnerDPopt <- function(){
	dp <- options()$binner_dp
	if (is.null(dp)){
		dp <- 2
	if (!is.numeric(dp)){
		warning("The global option 'binner_dp' is not numeric. Using 2 decimal places instead.",
										call. = FALSE)
		dp <- 2
	if (dp > 5){
		warning("The global option 'binner_dp' is greater than 5. Using 2 decimal places instead.",
										call. = FALSE)
		dp <- 2

binnerDP <- function(){
	dp_env <- binnerDPenv()
	dp_opt <- binnerDPopt()
	dp <- c(dp_opt,
									dp_env) %>% 
		if (length(dp) > 1) {
			warning("The environment variable 'BINNER_DP' and global option 'binner_dp' are differentially set. Using the value of 'binner_dp'.",
											call. = FALSE)
			dp <- dp[1]

#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext

headerTemp <- function(file,header_table){
	temp_dir <- paste0(tempdir(),'/binneR-headers')
	if (!dir.exists(temp_dir)){
	file_name <- file %>% 
		basename() %>% 
		file_path_sans_ext(compression = TRUE)
	temp_file <- paste0(temp_dir,'/',file_name,'.rds')

availableHeaderTemps <- function(files){
	temp_dir <- paste0(tempdir(),'/binneR-headers')
	temp_files <- files %>% 
		basename() %>% 
		file_path_sans_ext(compression = TRUE) %>% 
	temp_files <- temp_files[file.exists(temp_files)]
jasenfinch/OrbiFIEproc documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 9:21 a.m.