# Results computation ------------------------------------------------------
# Returns the analysis results matrix
results <- reactive ({
classes <- input$factorsinput
results <- data.frame(matrix(NA, 1, ncol=6+length(classes)))#
colnames(results) <- c("Variables set name","N of Networks","Set size", "Test statistic", "Nominal p-value", "q-value",classes)#
if (!values$canExecute || input$start==0)
createAlert(session, anchorId = "resultsWarning",
content = paste("The analysis is running..."),
style = "info",
dismiss = TRUE,
append = FALSE)
expr <- values$expr
labels <- values$labels
classes <- input$factorsinput
geneSets <- values$filteredGeneSets
numPermutations <- values$numPermutations
correlationMeasure <- input$correlationMeasure
thrMeasure <- values$thrMeasure
edgeWeight <- input$edgeWeight
networkType <- values$networkType
threshold <- input$thrValue
networkTest <- values$networkTest
options <- values$networkTestOptions
seed <- values$seed
printParameters <- function(){print(values$parameters)}
if (is.null(expr) || is.null(labels) ||# is.null(geneSets) ||
is.null(numPermutations) || is.null(correlationMeasure))
if (!is.null(options)) {
name <- networkTestsMatrix[networkTest, "Options"]
name <- strsplit(name, "=")[[1]][1]
ops <- list()
ops[tolower(name)] <- options
options <- ops
ifelse(thrMeasure=="correlation", "corr",
ifelse(thrMeasure=="qvalue", "fdr", "pvalue")))
print <- F
adjacencyMatrix <- adjacencyMatrix(method = correlationMeasures[correlationMeasure, 1],
association = ifelse(edgeWeight=="correlation","corr", ifelse(edgeWeight=="qvalue","fdr", "pvalue")),
threshold = thrEdge,
thr.value = ifelse(thrEdge=="corr",threshold,1-threshold),
weighted = ifelse(networkType=="weighted", T, F))
method <- match.fun(networkTestsMatrix[networkTest, 2])
if(is.null(geneSets)) geneSets <- list(c("all",colnames(expr)))
results <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=length(geneSets), ncol=5+length(classes)))#
names <- array(NA, length(geneSets))
for (i in 1:length(geneSets)) {
names[i] <- geneSets[[i]][1]
rownames(results) <- names
colnames(results) <- c("N of Networks","Set size", "Test statistic", "Nominal p-value", "q-value",classes)#
temp <- tempfile(paste(paste(classes,collapse = ", "), "are being compared", sep=""),
withProgress(session, min=1, max=length(geneSets), {
setProgress(message = 'Analysis in progress',
detail = 'This may take a while...')
for (i in 1:length(geneSets)) {
setName <- geneSets[[i]][1]
setProgress(value = i)
msg <- paste("Testing ", setName, " (", i, " of ", length(geneSets),
" sets)", sep="")
setProgress(detail = msg)
if (print)
cat(msg, file=logFile, append=T)
genes <- geneSets[[i]][geneSets[[i]] %in% colnames(expr)]
if (!is.null(seed))
result <- method(expr[,genes], labels, adjacencyMatrix=
adjacencyMatrix, numPermutations=
numPermutations, options=options)
results[setName, "N of Networks"] <<- sum(unique(labels)!=-1)
results[setName, "Test statistic"] <<- round(result[[1]],4)
results[setName, "Nominal p-value"] <<- round(result$p.value,4)
results[setName, "Set size"] <<- length(genes)
# results[setName, 6:ncol(results)] <<- round(result$Partial,1)
if(is.list(result)) results[, "q-value"] <<- round(p.adjust(results[, "Nominal p-value"], method="fdr"),4)#
# results <- cbind(rownames(results), results)
# colnames(results)[1] <- "Set name"
# Rendering --------------------------------------------------------------------
# _____Results tab
# Render application messages
output$appMessages <- renderUI({
if (input$start == 0) {
expr <- exprInput()
labels <- labels()
geneSets <-geneSetsInput()
min <- input$minSize
max <- input$maxSize
numPermutations <- input$numPermutations
correlationMeasure <- input$correlationMeasure
thrMeasure <- input$thrMeasure
networkTest <- input$networkTest
networkType <- input$networkType
edgeWeight <- input$edgeWeight
threshold <- input$thrValue
values$canExecute <- F
seed <- input$seed
options <- input$networkTestOptions
exprInputFileName <- input$expr$name
geneSetsInputFileName <- input$geneSets$name
labelsInputFileName <- input$labels$name
if (is.null(expr)) {
msg <- paste("To run the analysis, you must load the variables",
"data. Please, load the data on the side panel and",
"try again.")
if (is.null(labels)) {
msg <- paste("To run the analysis, you must load the variables data with conditions information.",
"Please, load the variables data containing a column with conditions labels on the side panel and",
"try again.")
# if (is.null(geneSets)) {
# msg <- paste("To run the analysis, you must load the gene set data.",
# "Please, load the data on the side panel and",
# "try again.")
# stop(msg)
# }
if (is.na(min)) {
msg <- "Please, enter a valid minimum set size."
if (is.na(max)) {
msg <- "Please, enter a valid maximum set size."
if (min > max) {
msg <- paste("Minimum set size should be less than or",
"equal to the maximum set size.")
if (min < minSize()) {
min <- minSize()
updateNumericInput(session, "minSize", min)
if (max > maxSize()) {
max <- maxSize()
updateNumericInput(session, "maxSize", max)
if (length(filteredGeneSets) == 0) {
msg <- paste("There are no gene sets with sizes between",
min, "and", max, ". Please, choose a new size",
"interval on the side panel and try to run",
if (minSize() < 2 && min < 2) {
msg <- paste("All gene sets should contain at least 2 variables.",
"Please, choose a new minimum size on the side",
"panel and try again.")
if (numPermutations < 1) {
msg <- paste("The number of permutations should be positive.")
geneSetDatabase <- ifelse(is.null(geneSetsInputFileName),paste("all variables of ",exprInputFileName),paste("\"", geneSetsInputFileName, "\"", sep=""))
classes <- input$factorsinput
# classes <- strsplit(classes, " ")
l <- labels()
names <- input$factorsinput
if(any(names(table(l))=="-1")) samples<-table(l)[-which(names(table(l))=="-1")]
else samples<-table(l)
phen <- paste(paste(names, " (", samples,
" samples)",
sep=""),collapse = ", ")
associationMsg <- c("correlation"="absolute correlation",
"pvalue"="1 - pvalue", "qvalue"="1 - qvalue")
if (is.null(seed))
seedMsg <- "created from the current time and the process ID"
seedMsg <- seed
if (networkTestsMatrix[networkTest, "Options"] == "")
options <- NULL
if (is.null(options))
optionsMsg <- ""
else {
name <- networkTestsMatrix[networkTest, "Options"]
name <- strsplit(name, "=")[[1]][1]
optionsMsg <- paste("*", name, "-", options, "\n")
thresholdMsg <- ""
if (thrMeasure != "none")
thresholdMsg <- paste("* Association degree threshold for edge",
"selection -", thrMeasure, "(",threshold,")","\n")
parameters <- paste("* Variables values and conditions data from \"", exprInputFileName, "\"",
" - ", ncol(expr)," variables and ", nrow(expr), " samples",
"\n", "* Conditions data - ", phen, "\n",
"* Variable sets from ", geneSetDatabase, " - ",
length(filteredGeneSets()), " filtered gene sets.",
" The set sizes vary between ", min, " and ",
max, "\n",
"* Network type - ", networkType, "\n",
"* Association measure - ", correlationMeasure, " (",
associationMsg[edgeWeight], ")", "\n",
"* Method for networks comparison - ", networkTest, "\n",
"* Number of label permutations - ", input$numPermutations,
"* Seed used to generate random permutations - ",
seedMsg, "\n\n", sep="")
msg <- paste("The analysis is running with the following parameters:",
"\n\n", parameters, sep="")
if (optionsMsg != "")
optionsMsg <- div(optionsMsg, br())
if (thresholdMsg != "")
thresholdMsg <- div(thresholdMsg, br())
msg <- p(h5("Execution parameters"),
"* Variables values data from \"", exprInputFileName, "\"",
" - ", ncol(expr)," variables and ", nrow(expr), " samples",
br(), "* Conditions data from \"", exprInputFileName,
"\" - ", phen, br(),
"* Variable sets from ", geneSetDatabase, " - ",
length(filteredGeneSets()), " filtered variable sets.",
" The set sizes vary between ", min, " and ",
max, br(),
"* Network type - ", networkType, br(),
"* Association measure - ", correlationMeasure, " (",
associationMsg[thrMeasure], ")", br(),
"* Method for networks comparison - ", networkTest, br(),
"* Number of label permutations - ", input$numPermutations,
"* Seed used to generate random permutations - ",
values$expr <- expr
values$filteredGeneSets <- geneSets[filteredGeneSets()]
values$labels <- l
values$numPermutations <- numPermutations
values$completed <- F
values$canExecute <- T
values$classes <- classes
values$edgeWeight <- edgeWeight
values$thrMeasure <- thrMeasure
values$networkTest <- networkTest
values$networkType <- networkType
values$threshold <- threshold
values$seed <- seed
values$networkTestOptions <- options
values$parameters <- parameters
values$exprInputFileName <- exprInputFileName
values$labelsInputFileName <- labelsInputFileName
values$geneSetsInputFileName <- geneSetsInputFileName
# # Render table results
# output$results <- renderDataTable({
# if (!values$completed)
# return(NULL)
# isolate({
# return(results())
# })}, options=list(aoColumns = list(list(bSearchable = FALSE),
# list(bSearchable = FALSE),
# list(bSearchable = FALSE),
# list(bSearchable = FALSE),
# list(bSearchable = FALSE))))
output$results <- DT::renderDataTable({
table <- results()
# colnames(table)[5] <- paste("Q-value <img src=\"images/info.png\" ",
# "title=\"Adjusted p-value for ",
# "multiple comparisons (Benjamin and ",
# "Hochberg FDR method)\" />", sep="")
# output$results <- renderChart({
# table <- results()
# colnames(table)[5] <- paste("Q-value <img src=\"images/info.png\" ",
# "title=\"Adjusted p-value for ",
# "multiple comparisons (Benjamin and ",
# "Hochberg FDR method)\" />", sep="")
# # return(dTable(table))
# return(table)
# })
# Render radio buttons that show the result file format options.
output$resultsType <- renderUI({
if (!values$completed) {
radioButtons("resultsType", "Select a file format to save the results:",
c("CSV", "R data"))
# Render download results button
output$downloadResultsButton <- renderUI({
if (!values$completed)
downloadButton("downloadResults", "Create table of results")
# Prepare results file for download
output$downloadResults <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
classes <- values$classes
if (input$resultsType == "R data")
name <- paste("BioNetStat_res_", paste(classes,collapse = "_"),".RData", sep="")
name <- paste("BioNetStat_res_", paste(classes,collapse = "_"),".csv" , sep="")
content = function(filename) {
results <- results()
rownames(results) <- NULL
parameters <- matrix(NA, 18, ncol(results))
expr <- values$expr
classes <- input$factorsinput
labels <- values$labels
associationMsg <- c("correlation"="absolute correlation",
"pvalue"="1 - pvalue", "qvalue"="1 - qvalue")
options <- values$networkTestOptions
if (is.null(values$seed))
seedMsg <- "created from the current time and the process ID"
seedMsg <- values$seed
if (networkTestsMatrix[values$networkTest, "Options"] == "")
options <- NULL
if (is.null(options))
optionsMsg <- ""
else {
name <- networkTestsMatrix[values$networkTest, "Options"]
name <- strsplit(name, "=")[[1]][1]
optionsMsg <- paste(tolower(name), "-", options)
thresholdMsg <- "none (full graph)"
if (values$networkType == "unweighted")
thresholdMsg <- values$threshold
parameters[1, 1] <- "BioNetStat differential network analysis"
parameters[2, 1] <- "Date:"
parameters[2, 2] <- date()
parameters[3, 1] <- "Variables values input file:"
parameters[3, 2] <- values$exprInputFileName
parameters[4, 1] <- "Number of variables:"
parameters[4, 2] <- ncol(expr)
parameters[5, 1] <- "Total number of samples:"
parameters[5, 2] <- nrow(expr)
parameters[6, 1] <- "Sample labels input file:"
# parameters[6, 2] <- values$labelsInputFileName
parameters[7, 1] <- paste("Classes",
parameters[7, 2:(length(classes)+1)] <- classes
parameters[8, 1] <- paste("Number of samples from each class:",
parameters[8, 2:(length(classes)+1)] <- table(labels[which(labels!=-1)])
parameters[9, 1] <- "Variable sets collection:"
parameters[9, 2] <- ifelse(is.null(values$geneSetsInputFileName),"All viriables",values$geneSetsInputFileName)
parameters[10, 1] <- "Number of tested variable sets:"
parameters[10, 2] <- ifelse(is.null(values$filteredGeneSets),1,length(values$filteredGeneSets))
parameters[11, 1] <- "Minimum variable set size:"
parameters[11, 2] <- min(as.numeric(lapply(values$filteredGeneSets,
parameters[12, 1] <- "Maximum variable set size:"
parameters[12, 2] <- max(as.numeric(lapply(values$filteredGeneSets,
parameters[13, 1] <- "Network type:"
parameters[13, 2] <- values$networkType
parameters[14, 1] <- "Association measure:"
parameters[14, 2] <- paste(values$correlationMeasure, " (",
")", sep="")
parameters[15, 1] <- "Association degree threshold for edge selection:"
parameters[15, 2] <- thresholdMsg
parameters[16, 1] <- "Method for networks comparison:"
parameters[16, 2] <- values$networkTest
if (!is.null(options))
parameters[16, 2] <- paste(parameters[16, 2], " (", optionsMsg, ")",
parameters[17, 1] <- "Number of label permutations:"
parameters[17, 2] <- values$numPermutations
parameters[18, 1] <- "Seed used to generate random permutations:"
parameters[18, 2] <- seedMsg
if (input$resultsType == "R data") {
parameters <- parameters[,1:2]
parameters <- as.table(parameters)
rownames(parameters) <- NULL
colnames(parameters) <- NULL
save(results, parameters, file=filename)
else {
parameters <- rbind(parameters, rep(NA, ncol(results)))
parameters <- rbind(parameters, rep(NA, ncol(results)))
parameters <- rbind(parameters, colnames(results))
write.table(parameters, filename, na="", col.names=F, row.names=F,
sep=";",quote = F)
write.table(results, filename, append=T, row.names=F, col.names=F,
sep=";", dec=".",quote = F)
# Render message when GNEA analysis completes
output$isCompleted <- renderUI({
if (!values$completed || input$start==0)
msg <- "The analysis completed successfully."
if (!is.null(results)) {
cat(paste("\n", msg, "\n", sep=""))
updateTabsetPanel(session, "tabSelected",
selected="Analysis results")
# Observing user inputs --------------------------------------------------------
# Verifies when it must run GNEA
if (values$canExecute) {
if (!is.null(results)) {
values$completed <- T
# Select the application messages tab when the user clicks on the Start GNEA
# button
if (input$start != 0)
updateTabsetPanel(session, "tabSelected", selected =
"Analysis results")
# Alerts -----------------------------------------------------------------------
createAlert(session, anchorId = "resultsWarning",
content = paste("The analysis is not running. To start, load the",
"data, set the execution parameters, and then",
"click on the \"Start analysis\" button on the",
style = "info",
dismiss = TRUE,
append = FALSE)
if (values$completed) {
r <- results()
if (sum(is.na(r)) > 0) {
createAlert(session, anchorId = "resultsWarning",
content = paste("There are missing results in your analysis.",
"Please, check out the \"Help\" section on",
"\"Interpreting results\" to know",
"more about missing p-values."),
style = "warning",
dismiss = TRUE,
append = FALSE
else {
createAlert(session,anchorId = "resultsWarning",
content = paste("The analysis completed successfully."),
style = "success",
dismiss = TRUE,
append = FALSE
#else {
# closeAlert(session, "resultsWarning")
# createAlert(session, anchorId = "resultsWarning",
# message = paste("The analysis is not running. To start, load the",
# "data, set the execution parameters, and then",
# "click on the \"Start analysis\" button on the",
# "sidebar."),
# type = "info",
# dismiss = TRUE,
# block = FALSE,
# append = FALSE)
# observe({
# if (values$completed) {
# r <- results()
# if (sum(is.na(r)) > 0) {
# createAlert(session, anchorId = "resultsWarning",
# message = paste("There are missing results in your analysis.",
# "Please, check out the \"Help\" section on",
# "\"Interpreting results\" to know",
# "more about missing p-values."),
# type = "warning",
# dismiss = TRUE,
# block = FALSE,
# append = FALSE
# )
# }
# else {
# createAlert(session, anchorId = "resultsWarning",
# message = paste("The analysis completed successfully."),
# type = "success",
# dismiss = TRUE,
# block = FALSE,
# append = FALSE
# )
# }
# }
# #else {
# # closeAlert(session, "resultsWarning")
# #}
# })
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.