#' @importFrom jmvcore .
contTablesPairedClass <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = contTablesPairedBase,
private = list(
.cleanData = function() {
rowVarName <- self$options$rows
colVarName <- self$options$cols
countsName <- self$options$counts
data <- jmvcore::select(self$data, c(rowVarName, colVarName, countsName))
data <- jmvcore::naOmit(data)
if ( ! is.null(rowVarName))
data[[rowVarName]] <- as.factor(data[[rowVarName]])
if ( ! is.null(colVarName))
data[[colVarName]] <- as.factor(data[[colVarName]])
if ( ! is.null(countsName))
data[[countsName]] <- jmvcore::toNumeric(data[[countsName]])
.run = function() {
rowVarName <- self$options$rows
colVarName <- self$options$cols
countsName <- self$options$counts
if (is.null(rowVarName) || is.null(colVarName))
data <- private$.cleanData()
if (nlevels(data[[rowVarName]]) < 2)
jmvcore::reject(.("Row variable '{var}' contains fewer than 2 levels"), code='', var=rowVarName)
if (nlevels(data[[colVarName]]) < 2)
jmvcore::reject(.("Column variable '{var}' contains fewer than 2 levels"), code='', var=colVarName)
if ( ! is.null(countsName)) {
countCol <- jmvcore::toNumeric(data[[countsName]])
if (any(countCol < 0, na.rm=TRUE))
jmvcore::reject(.('Counts may not be negative'))
if (any(is.infinite(countCol)))
jmvcore::reject(.('Counts may not be infinite'))
rowVar <- data[[rowVarName]]
colVar <- data[[colVarName]]
freqs <- self$results$freqs
test <- self$results$test
if (! is.null(countsName))
result <- stats::xtabs(countCol ~ rowVar + colVar)
result <- base::table(rowVar, colVar)
colTotals <- apply(result, 2, base::sum)
freqRowNo <- 1
for (rowNo in seq_len(nrow(result))) {
counts <- result[rowNo,]
if (length(counts) > 0) {
rowTotal <- sum(counts)
pcRow <- counts / rowTotal
pcCol <- counts / colTotals
names(counts) <- paste0(seq_len(length(counts)), '[count]')
names(pcRow) <- paste0(seq_len(length(counts)), '[pcRow]')
names(pcCol) <- paste0(seq_len(length(counts)), '[pcCol]')
names(rowTotal) <- '.total[count]'
freqs$setRow(rowNo=rowNo, values=c(counts, pcRow, pcCol, rowTotal))
freqRowNo <- freqRowNo + 1
nCols <- length(colTotals)
N <- base::sum(colTotals)
rowTotal <- N
values <- as.list(colTotals)
names(values) <- paste0(1:nCols, '[count]')
values[['.total[count]']] <- rowTotal
pcRow <- colTotals / rowTotal
pcRow <- as.list(pcRow)
names(pcRow) <- paste0(1:nCols, '[pcRow]')
pcCol <- rep(1, nCols)
pcCol <- as.list(pcCol)
names(pcCol) <- paste0(1:nCols, '[pcCol]')
names(rowTotal) <- '.total[count]'
values <- c(values, pcRow, pcCol, rowTotal)
freqs$setRow(freqRowNo, values=values)
wocor <- try(stats::mcnemar.test(result, correct=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
wcor <- try(stats::mcnemar.test(result, correct=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
exact <- try(exact2x2::exact2x2(result, paired=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
values <- list()
if (base::inherits(wocor, 'try-error') || is.na(wocor$statistic)) {
values[['value[mcn]']] <- NaN
values[['df[mcn]']] <- ''
values[['p[mcn]']] <- ''
} else {
values[['value[mcn]']] <- wocor$statistic
values[['df[mcn]']] <- wocor$parameter
values[['p[mcn]']] <- wocor$p.value
if (base::inherits(wcor, 'try-error') || is.na(wcor$statistic)) {
values[['value[cor]']] <- NaN
values[['df[cor]']] <- ''
values[['p[cor]']] <- ''
} else {
values[['value[cor]']] <- wcor$statistic
values[['df[cor]']] <- wcor$parameter
values[['p[cor]']] <- wcor$p.value
if (base::inherits(exact, 'try-error') || is.na(exact$estimate)) {
values[['value[exa]']] <- NaN
values[['df[exa]']] <- ''
values[['p[exa]']] <- ''
if (self$options$exact && ! requireNamespace('exact2x2', quietly=TRUE))
stop('exact2x2 must be installed to calculate an exact log odds ratio', call.=FALSE)
} else {
values[['value[exa]']] <- log(exact$estimate)
values[['df[exa]']] <- ''
values[['p[exa]']] <- exact$p.value
values[['value[n]']] <- N
test$setRow(rowNo=1, values=values)
if (base::inherits(wocor, 'try-error')) {
error <- jmvcore::extractErrorMessage(wocor)
if (error == "'x' must be square with at least two rows and columns")
error <- .('McNemar requires a 2x2 table')
else if (error == "all entries of 'x' must be nonnegative and finite")
error <- .('Counts must be non-negative and finite')
test$addFootnote(rowNo=1, 'value[mcn]', error)
if (base::inherits(wcor, 'try-error')) {
error <- jmvcore::extractErrorMessage(wcor)
if (error == "'x' must be square with at least two rows and columns")
error <- .('McNemar requires a 2x2 table')
else if (error == "all entries of 'x' must be nonnegative and finite")
error <- .('Counts must be non-negative and finite')
test$addFootnote(rowNo=1, 'value[cor]', error)
if (base::inherits(exact, 'try-error')) {
error <- jmvcore::extractErrorMessage(exact)
if (error == "table must be 2 by 2")
error <- .('McNemar requires a 2x2 table')
else if (error == "all entries of 'x' must be nonnegative and finite")
error <- .('Counts must be non-negative and finite')
test$addFootnote(rowNo=1, 'value[exa]', error)
.init = function() {
freqs <- self$results$get('freqs')
rowVarName <- self$options$rows
colVarName <- self$options$cols
data <- private$.cleanData()
# add the row column, containing the row variable
# fill in dots, if no row variable specified
if ( ! is.null(rowVarName))
title <- rowVarName
title <- '.'
# add the column columns (from the column variable)
# fill in dots, if no column variable specified
if ( ! is.null(colVarName)) {
superTitle <- colVarName
levels <- base::levels(data[[colVarName]])
else {
superTitle <- '.'
levels <- c('.', '.')
hasSubRows <- sum(self$options$pcRow,
self$options$pcCol) > 0
subNames <- c('[count]', '[pcRow]', '[pcCol]')
subTitles <- c(.('Count'), .('% within row'), .('% within column'))
visible <- c('TRUE', '(pcRow)', '(pcCol)')
types <- c('integer', 'number', 'number')
formats <- c('', 'pc', 'pc')
# iterate over the sub rows
for (j in seq_along(subNames)) {
subName <- subNames[[j]]
if (j == 1)
v <- '(pcRow || pcCol)'
v <- visible[j]
name=paste0('type', subName),
for (i in seq_along(levels)) {
level <- levels[[i]]
for (j in seq_along(subNames)) {
subName <- subNames[[j]]
name=paste0(i, subName),
# add the Total column
# populate the first column with levels of the row variable
values <- list()
for (i in seq_along(subNames))
values[[paste0('type', subNames[i])]] <- subTitles[i]
rows <- private$.grid(data, incRows=TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(rows))) {
for (name in dimnames(rows)[[2]]) {
value <- as.character(rows[i, name])
if (value == '.total')
value <- .('Total')
values[[name]] <- value
key <- paste0(rows[i,], collapse='`')
freqs$addRow(rowKey=key, values=values)
if (i == 1)
freqs$addFormat(rowNo=i, 1, Cell.BEGIN_GROUP)
else if (i == nrow(rows) - 1)
freqs$addFormat(rowNo=i, 1, Cell.END_GROUP)
else if (i == nrow(rows))
freqs$addFormat(rowNo=i, 1, Cell.BEGIN_END_GROUP)
test <- self$results$get('test')
test$addRow(rowKey=1, values=list())
.grid=function(data, incRows=FALSE) {
rowVarName <- self$options$get('rows')
expand <- list()
if (incRows) {
if (is.null(rowVarName))
expand[['.']] <- c('.', '. ', .('Total'))
expand[[rowVarName]] <- c(base::levels(data[[rowVarName]]), '.total')
rows <- rev(expand.grid(expand))
.sourcifyOption = function(option) {
if (option$name %in% c('rows', 'cols', 'counts'))
.formula=function() {
if (is.null(self$options$rows) || is.null(self$options$cols))
jmvcore:::composeFormula(self$options$counts, list(list(self$options$rows, self$options$cols)))
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