#' @title Interlog protein network reconstruction by Mapping and Mining ANalysis
#' @description
#' A function for reconstructing Interlog Protein Network (IPN) integrated
#' from Protein-protein Interaction Networks (PPIN) from different species. Users can overlay different
#' PPINs to mine conserved common network between diverse species. It helps to retrieve
#' IPN with different degrees of conservation to have better protein function
#' prediction and PPIN analysis.
#' @param ProteinLists a list in which each element contains protein names of a species as a character vector.
#' If it was NULL then the protein lists file name should be addressed in fileNames parameter.
#' @param fileNames a character vector, containing names of text files containing protein list for each species.
#' The protein list of each species must be in a column without header and rownames in seperate ".txt" files.
#' The ProteinLists argument should be include at least two text file names addressing the protein list of each species
#' which are in UniProt accession IDs format.
#' @param Species_IDs a numeric vector; taxonomy ID for each organism which are provided in fileNames
#' @param identityU numeric; value for selecting proteins whose alignment score is greater or equal than identityU
#' @param substitutionMatrix a scoring substitution matrix to be used for alignment setting.
#' @param gapOpening numeric; indicating the cost for opening a gap in the alignment
#' @param gapExtension The incremental cost incurred along the length of the gap in the alignment
#' @param BestHit logical; if TRUE describes a pair protein sequence among two different species
#' which is the reciprocal best hit in sequence similarity analysis, whilst,
#' if it is FALSE, indicates a nonreciprocal best hit
#' @param coverage Number of connected proteins pairs in each Ortholog Protein Set (OPS) pair
#' (termed as “coverage”) to
#' reconstruct an edge of OPS pair in the IPN (Interlog Protein Network)
#' @param NetworkShrinkage logical; if TRUE OPSs that are similar to each other would be merged.
#' @param score_threshold numeric; STRINGdb score for protein protein interaction (PPI) selection in STRING database
#' @param STRINGversion character; indicating which version of STRING database should program
#' search in for the score of PPIs.
#' @param InputDirectory By default is tempdir()`. You can set this parameter to indicate where
#' the downloaded file from STRING should be saved.
#' @seealso \code{\link[Biostrings]{pairwiseAlignment}}
#' @return
#' a list contaning four elements:
#' IPNEdges : data.frame; Edges of resulted interlog protein network.
#' IPNNodes : data.frame; Nodes of resulted interlog protein network.
#' Each node represents an OPS which is a set of ortholog proteins.
#' Network : list; Retrived PPINs of each input species.
#' maps : list; It includes data.frames indicating STRING_id data base matched to their corresponding
#' UNIPROT_AC. The number of data.frames is according to the the number of species.
#' IPN : an igraph object representing the interlog protein network.
#' @author Payman Nickchi, Abdollah Safari, Minoo Ashtiani, Mohieddin Jafari
#' @examples
#' data(H.sapiens)
#' data(R.norvegicus)
#' ProteinLists = list(as.character(Celegance$V1), as.character(FruitFly$V1))
#' List1_Species_ID = 6239 # taxonomy ID List1 Celegance
#' List2_Species_ID = 7227 # taxonomy ID List2 FruitFly
#' Species_IDs = c(List1_Species_ID, List2_Species_ID)
#'identityU = 30
#'substitutionMatrix = "BLOSUM62"
#'gapOpening = -8
#'gapExtension = -8
#'NetworkShrinkage = FALSE
#'coverage = 1
#'BestHit = TRUE
#'score_threshold = 400
#'# Run the IMMAN function for the parameters
#' output = IMMAN(ProteinLists, fileNames=NULL, Species_IDs,
#' identityU, substitutionMatrix,
#' gapOpening, gapExtension, BestHit,
#' coverage, NetworkShrinkage,
#' score_threshold, STRINGversion,
#' InputDirectory = tempdir())
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biostrings pairwiseAlignment
#' @importFrom Biostrings pid
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_data_frame
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom STRINGdb STRINGdb
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom igraph layout_in_circle
#' @importFrom seqinr read.fasta
#' @importFrom BiocFileCache BiocFileCache
#' @importFrom BiocFileCache bfcnew
IMMAN <- function(ProteinLists, fileNames = NULL, Species_IDs,
identityU, substitutionMatrix,
gapOpening, gapExtension, BestHit,
coverage, NetworkShrinkage,
score_threshold, STRINGversion,
InputDirectory = tempdir()){
align <- function(pattern, subject, type){
p = pairwiseAlignment(pattern, subject, scoreOnly = FALSE,
substitutionMatrix = substitutionMatrix,
gapOpening = gapOpening,
gapExtension = gapExtension)
return( pid(p , type = "PID1") )
combination3 <- function(L1, L2, L3) {
# res1_tem <- unlist(Lists[1])
# res2_tem <- unlist(Lists[2])
# res3_tem <- unlist(Lists[3])
res1_tem <- L1
res2_tem <- L2
res3_tem <- L3
# combination
x.names <- character(0)
y.names <- character(0)
z.names <- character(0)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(res1_tem))) {
if (sum(res1_tem[i, ]) == 1) {
vec_tem <- res2_tem[i, ] * res3_tem[(res1_tem[i,] == 1), ]
if (sum(vec_tem) >= 1) {
x.names <- c(x.names, rep(rownames(res1_tem)[i], sum(vec_tem)))
y.names <- c(y.names, rep(rownames(res3_tem)[(res1_tem[i,] == 1)], sum(vec_tem)))
z.names <- c(z.names, colnames(res3_tem)[vec_tem == 1])
if (sum(res1_tem[i, ]) > 1) {
list_tem <- apply(cbind(res3_tem[(res1_tem[i,] == 1), ], which(res1_tem[i,] == 1)), 1,
function(x) {
vec_tem <- res2_tem[i, ] * x[-length(x)]
if (sum(vec_tem) >= 1) {
x.names_tem <- rep(rownames(res1_tem)[i], sum(vec_tem))
y.names_tem <- rep(rownames(res3_tem)[x[length(x)]], sum(vec_tem))
z.names_tem <- colnames(res3_tem)[vec_tem == 1]
list(xx = x.names_tem,
yy = y.names_tem,
zz = z.names_tem)
x.names <- c(x.names, unlist(lapply(list , function(x) unlist(x[1]))))
y.names <- c(y.names, unlist(lapply(list_tem, function(x) unlist(x[2]))))
z.names <- c(z.names, unlist(lapply(list_tem, function(x) unlist(x[3]))))
return(list(x.names, y.names, z.names))
if(is.element(FALSE,file.exists(fileNames)) %in% FALSE) {
for (i in 1:length(fileNames)) {
files[[i]] <- read.csv(fileNames[i],
header = FALSE)
else stop("The file name does not exist in the diretory path")
list_num <- length(ProteinLists)
for (i in seq_len( list_num)) {
if( is.character(ProteinLists[[i]]) == "FALSE" ) {
stop(paste("ProteinLists", i," should be a vector type of character", sep = ""))
if( !(coverage %in% 1:4) ){
stop("Coverage should be between 1 up to 4")
## Print status
message("Step 1/4:Downloading amino acid sequences...")
PS_list <- list()
for (i in seq_len( list_num)){
message(paste("Downloading amino acid sequences of List", i, sep = ""))
path <- tempfile()
bfc <- BiocFileCache(path, ask = FALSE)
savepath <- bfcnew(bfc, "Downloaded Amino acids")
PS_list <- c(PS_list, list(apply(data.frame(Protein = ProteinLists[[i]]), 1,
function (x) {
as.character(read.fasta(file =
seqtype ="AA", as.string = TRUE,
set.attributes = FALSE))
save(PS_list, file=savepath)
names(PS_list) <- c(paste("PS", seq(1 : list_num), sep = ""))
message("Step 2/4: Alignment...")
tem_list <- list()
res_list <- list()
for (i in seq_len(list_num - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1) : list_num) {
message(paste("Align List", i," with List", j, sep = ""))
unbinres = t(apply(as.matrix(PS_list[[i]], ncol = 1), 1, function (x) {
apply(as.matrix(PS_list[[j]], ncol = 1), MARGIN = 1, FUN=align, x)
res = matrix(as.numeric(unbinres > identityU), nrow(unbinres), ncol(unbinres))
rownames(res) <- ProteinLists[[i]]
colnames(res) <- ProteinLists[[j]]
indx = res == 1
tem_list = c(tem_list, list(indx * unbinres))
res[res == 1] <- 0
res_list <- c(res_list, list(res))
pair_num <- list_num * (list_num - 1) / 2
names(tem_list) <- paste("tem", seq(1 : pair_num), sep = "")
names(res_list) <- paste("res", seq(1 : pair_num), sep = "")
# tem_list_backup <- tem_list
# res_list_backup <- res_list
# tem_list <- tem_list_backup
# res_list <- res_list_backup
if (BestHit == TRUE) {
for (i in seq_len( pair_num)) {
tem_list[[i]] <- apply(tem_list[[i]], 1, function(x) {
ind_tem <- which(x == max(x))
if (length(ind_tem) > 1) colnames(tem_list[[i]])[ind_tem][apply(tem_list[[i]][, ind_tem], 2, max) == x[ind_tem]]
else colnames(tem_list[[i]])[ind_tem][max(tem_list[[i]][, ind_tem]) == x[ind_tem]]
for (j in seq_len( length(tem_list[[i]]))) {
if (length(unlist(tem_list[[i]][j])) > 0) res_list[[i]][names(tem_list[[i]][j]), unlist(tem_list[[i]][j])] <- 1
if( BestHit == FALSE){
for (i in seq_len( pair_num)) {
tem_list[[i]] <- apply(tem[[i]], 1, function(x) {
colnames(tem[[i]])[x != 0]
for (j in seq_len( length(tem_list[[i]]))) {
if (length(unlist(tem_list[[i]][j])) > 0) res_list[[i]][names(tem_list[[i]][j]), unlist(tem_list[[i]][j])] <- 1
message("Step 3/4: Detection in STRING...")
string_db_list <- list()
map_list <- list()
for (i in seq_len( list_num)) {
path <- tempfile()
bfc <- BiocFileCache(path, ask = FALSE)
savepath <- bfcnew(bfc, "PPI Downloaded Files")
string_db_list <- c(string_db_list, list(STRINGdb$new(version = STRINGversion,
species= Species_IDs[[i]],
score_threshold = score_threshold,
input_directory = tempdir())))
save(string_db_list, file=savepath)
if (list_num == 4) {
# 1-2
x_tem1 <- rep(names(tem_list[[1]]), unlist(lapply(tem_list[[1]], length)))
y_tem1 <- unlist(tem_list[[1]])
# 1-3
x_tem2 <- rep(names(tem_list[[2]]), unlist(lapply(tem_list[[2]], length)))
z_tem1 <- unlist(tem_list[[2]])
# 1-4
x_tem3 <- rep(names(tem_list[[3]]), unlist(lapply(tem_list[[3]], length)))
w_tem1 <- unlist(tem_list[[3]])
# 2-3
y_tem2 <- rep(names(tem_list[[4]]), unlist(lapply(tem_list[[4]], length)))
z_tem2 <- unlist(tem_list[[4]])
# 2-4
y_tem3 <- rep(names(tem_list[[5]]), unlist(lapply(tem_list[[5]], length)))
w_tem2 <- unlist(tem_list[[5]])
# 3-4
z_tem3 <- rep(names(tem_list[[6]]), unlist(lapply(tem_list[[6]], length)))
w_tem3 <- unlist(tem_list[[6]])
# x-y-z
list.names1 <- combination3(res_list[[1]], res_list[[2]], res_list[[4]])
x.names1 <- unlist(list.names1[1])
y.names1 <- unlist(list.names1[2])
z.names1 <- unlist(list.names1[3])
mat.xyz1 <- cbind(x.names1, y.names1, z.names1)
# x-y-w
list.names2 <- combination3(res_list[[1]], res_list[[3]], res_list[[5]])
x.names2 <- unlist(list.names2[1])
y.names2 <- unlist(list.names2[2])
w.names2 <- unlist(list.names2[3])
mat.xyw1 <- cbind(x.names2, y.names2, w.names2)
x.inters1 <- intersect(unique(x.names1), unique(x.names2))
y.inters1 <- lapply(unique(x.inters1), function(x) {
y.inters1 <- intersect(unique(y.names1[x.names1 == x]), unique(y.names2[x.names2 == x])) })
mat.xyz2 <- matrix(NA, ncol = 3, nrow = 1)
mat.xyw2 <- matrix(NA, ncol = 3, nrow = 1)
for (i in seq_len( length(x.inters1))) {
mat.xyz2 <- rbind(mat.xyz2, mat.xyz1[mat.xyz1[ , 2] %in% unlist(y.inters1[i]), ])
mat.xyw2 <- rbind(mat.xyw2, mat.xyw1[(mat.xyw1[, 1] == x.inters1[i]) & (mat.xyw1[ , 2] %in% unlist(y.inters1[i])), ])
mat.xyz2 <- mat.xyz2[-1, ]
mat.xyw2 <- mat.xyw2[-1, ]
x.inters2 <- intersect(unique(mat.xyz2[,1]), unique(unique(mat.xyw2[,1])))
y.inters2 <- lapply(unique(x.inters2), function(x) {
y.inters2 <- intersect(unique(mat.xyz2[mat.xyz2[,1] == x, 2]), unique(mat.xyw2[mat.xyw2[, 1] == x, 2])) })
# Final lists
mat.xyzw <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 4)
for (i in seq_len(length(y.inters2))) {
for (j in seq_len( length(y.inters2[[i]]))) {
z_tem <- mat.xyz2[(mat.xyz2[,1] == x.inters2[i]) & (mat.xyz2[,2] == y.inters2[[i]][j]), 3]
w_tem <- mat.xyw2[(mat.xyw2[,1] == x.inters2[i]) & (mat.xyw2[,2] == y.inters2[[i]][j]), 3]
res6_tem.sub <- matrix(res_list[[6]][z_tem,w_tem], ncol = length(w_tem), nrow = length(z_tem), TRUE)
sum_tem <- sum(res6_tem.sub)
if (sum_tem > 0) {
tem.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2)
for (k in seq_len(length(z_tem))) {
tem.mat <- rbind(tem.mat, t(rbind(rep(z_tem[k], sum(res6_tem.sub[k,])),
w_tem[res6_tem.sub[k,] == 1])))
tem.mat <- matrix(tem.mat[-1, ], ncol = 2, nrow = nrow(tem.mat) - 1)
mat.xyzw <- rbind(mat.xyzw,
cbind(matrix(c(rep(x.inters2[i], sum_tem),
rep(y.inters1[[i]][j], sum_tem)), ncol = 2, nrow = sum_tem),
mat.xyzw <- mat.xyzw[-1, ]
message("Detecting List1 in STRING")
map1 = string_db_list[[1]]$map( data.frame(UNIPROT_AC = unique(mat.xyzw[, 1])) ,
"UNIPROT_AC" , removeUnmappedRows = TRUE)
if( nrow(map1) == 0 ) {
stop("None of the proteins in list1 mapped to STRING ID")
message("Detecting List2 in STRING")
map2 = string_db_list[[2]]$map(data.frame(UNIPROT_AC = unique(mat.xyzw[, 2])) ,
"UNIPROT_AC" , removeUnmappedRows = TRUE)
if( nrow(map2) == 0 ) {
stop("None of the proteins in list2 mapped to STRING ID")
message("Detecting List3 in STRING")
map3 = string_db_list[[3]]$map( data.frame(UNIPROT_AC = unique(mat.xyzw[, 3])) ,
"UNIPROT_AC" , removeUnmappedRows = TRUE)
if( nrow(map3) == 0 ) {
stop("None of the proteins in list3 mapped to STRING ID")
message("Detecting List4 in STRING")
map4 = string_db_list[[4]]$map( data.frame(UNIPROT_AC = unique(mat.xyzw[, 4])) ,
"UNIPROT_AC" , removeUnmappedRows = TRUE)
if( nrow(map4) == 0 ) {
stop("None of the proteins in list4 mapped to STRING ID")
OPS = data.frame(node1 = mat.xyzw[, 1], node2 = mat.xyzw[, 2], node3 = mat.xyzw[, 3], node4 = mat.xyzw[, 4])
OPS <- merge(OPS, map1, by.y = "UNIPROT_AC", by.x = "node1")
colnames(OPS)[5] <- "STRING_id_1"
OPS <- merge(OPS, map2, by.y = "UNIPROT_AC", by.x = "node2")
colnames(OPS)[6] <- "STRING_id_2"
OPS <- merge(OPS, map3, by.y = "UNIPROT_AC", by.x = "node3")
colnames(OPS)[7] <- "STRING_id_3"
OPS <- merge(OPS, map4, by.y = "UNIPROT_AC", by.x = "node4")
colnames(OPS)[8] <- "STRING_id_4"
OPS <- data.frame(node1 = OPS[, 5], node2 = OPS[, 6], node3 = OPS[, 7], node4 = OPS[, 8])
OPSLabel = c()
flag_tem <- TRUE
if (nrow(OPS) > 10) {OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel, paste("OPS000", c(1 : 9), sep=""))
} else {
OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel, paste("OPS000", c(1 : nrow(OPS)), sep=""))
flag_tem <- FALSE
if (nrow(OPS) > 100) {OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel, paste("OPS00", c(10 : 99), sep=""))
} else {
if (flag_tem) OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel, paste("OPS00", c(10 : nrow(OPS)), sep=""))
flag_tem <- FALSE
if (nrow(OPS) > 1000) {OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel, paste("OPS00", c(100 : 999), sep=""))
} else {
if (flag_tem) OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel, paste("OPS00", c(100 : nrow(OPS)), sep=""))
flag_tem <- FALSE
if (nrow(OPS) > 10000) {OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel, paste("OPS00", c(1000 : 9999), sep=""))
} else {
if (flag_tem) OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel, paste("OPS00", c(1000 : nrow(OPS)), sep=""))
flag_tem <- FALSE
OPS <- cbind(OPS, OPSLabel = OPSLabel)
message("Step 4/4: Retrieving String Network...")
message("Retrieving List1")
Network1 = data.frame(from = string_db_list[[1]]$get_interactions(OPS$node1)$from,
to = string_db_list[[1]]$get_interactions(OPS$node1)$to)
if(nrow(Network1) == 0){
stop("No interaction was detected for ProteinLists1")
message("Retrieving List2")
Network2 = data.frame(from = string_db_list[[2]]$get_interactions(OPS$node2)$from,
to = string_db_list[[2]]$get_interactions(OPS$node2)$to)
if(nrow(Network2) == 0){
stop("No interaction was detected for ProteinLists2")
message("Retrieving List3")
Network3 = data.frame(from = string_db_list[[3]]$get_interactions(OPS$node3)$from,
to = string_db_list[[3]]$get_interactions(OPS$node3)$to)
if(nrow(Network3) == 0){
stop("No interaction was detected for ProteinLists3")
message("Retrieving List4")
Network4 = data.frame(from = string_db_list[[4]]$get_interactions(OPS$node4)$from,
to = string_db_list[[4]]$get_interactions(OPS$node4)$to)
if(nrow(Network4) == 0){
stop("No interaction was detected for ProteinLists4")
message("Producing IPN...")
node1 = c()
node2 = c()
l = nrow(OPS)
# i = 1
for (i in seq_len( (l - 1))) {
node_tem <- apply(OPS[c((i + 1) : l), ], 1, function(x){
a = c(as.character(OPS[i,1]) , as.character(x[1]))
b = c(as.character(OPS[i,2]) , as.character(x[2]))
c = c(as.character(OPS[i,3]) , as.character(x[3]))
d = c(as.character(OPS[i,4]) , as.character(x[4]))
cond1 = ifelse(nrow(Network1[((Network1$from == a[1]) & (Network1$to) == a[2]), ]) != 0 |
nrow(Network1[((Network1$from == a[2]) & (Network1$to) == a[1]), ]) != 0, TRUE, FALSE)
cond2 = ifelse(nrow(Network2[((Network2$from == b[1]) & (Network2$to) == b[2]), ]) != 0 |
nrow(Network2[((Network2$from == b[2]) & (Network2$to) == b[1]), ]) != 0, TRUE, FALSE)
cond3 = ifelse(nrow(Network3[((Network3$from == c[1]) & (Network3$to) == c[2]), ]) != 0 |
nrow(Network3[((Network3$from == c[2]) & (Network3$to) == c[1]), ]) != 0, TRUE, FALSE)
cond4 = ifelse(nrow(Network4[((Network4$from == d[1]) & (Network4$to) == d[2]), ]) != 0 |
nrow(Network4[((Network4$from == d[2]) & (Network4$to) == d[1]), ]) != 0, TRUE, FALSE)
if (((cond1 + cond2 + cond3 + cond4 == 1) & (coverage == 1)) |
((cond1 + cond2 + cond3 + cond4 == 2) & (coverage == 2)) |
((cond1 + cond2 + cond3 + cond4 == 3) & (coverage == 3)) |
((cond1 + cond2 + cond3 + cond4 == 4) & (coverage == 4))) {
return(c(as.character(OPS[i, 5]), as.character(x[5])))
if ((NetworkShrinkage == FALSE)) {
t1 = as.character(OPS[i, 1]) == as.character(x[1])
t2 = as.character(OPS[i, 2]) == as.character(x[2])
t3 = as.character(OPS[i, 3]) == as.character(x[3])
t4 = as.character(OPS[i, 4]) == as.character(x[4])
mycond = cond1 + cond2 + cond3 + cond4
TT = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4
if (TT + mycond >= coverage){
return(c(as.character(OPS[i, 5]), as.character(x[5])))
if (! is.null(node_tem)) {
node1 <- c(node1, unlist(node_tem)[seq(1, length(unlist(node_tem)), 2)])
node2 <- c(node2, unlist(node_tem)[seq(2, length(unlist(node_tem)), 2)])
EdgeList = data.frame(node1 , node2) #, node3, node4)
map_list <- list(map1, map2, map3, map4)
network_list <- list(Network1, Network2, Network3, Network4)
if (list_num == 3) {
# 1-2
x_tem1 <- rep(names(tem_list[[1]]), unlist(lapply(tem_list[[1]], length)))
y_tem1 <- unlist(tem_list[[1]])
# 1-3
x_tem2 <- rep(names(tem_list[[2]]), unlist(lapply(tem_list[[2]], length)))
z_tem1 <- unlist(tem_list[[2]])
# 2-3
y_tem2 <- rep(names(tem_list[[3]]), unlist(lapply(tem_list[[3]], length)))
z_tem2 <- unlist(tem_list[[3]])
# combination
x.names <- character(0)
y.names <- character(0)
z.names <- character(0)
for (i in seq_len( nrow(res_list[[1]]))) {
if (sum(res_list[[1]][i, ]) == 1) {
vec_tem <- res_list[[2]][i, ] * res_list[[3]][(res_list[[1]][i,] == 1), ]
if (sum(vec_tem) >= 1) {
x.names <- c(x.names, rep(rownames(res_list[[1]])[i], sum(vec_tem)))
y.names <- c(y.names, rep(rownames(res_list[[3]])[(res_list[[1]][i,] == 1)], sum(vec_tem)))
z.names <- c(z.names, colnames(res_list[[3]])[vec_tem == 1])
if (sum(res_list[[1]][i, ]) > 1) {
list_tem <- apply(cbind(res_list[[3]][(res_list[[1]][i,] == 1), ], which(res_list[[1]][i,] == 1)), 1,
function(x) {
vec_tem <- res_list[[2]][i, ] * x[-length(x)]
if (sum(vec_tem) >= 1) {
x.names_tem <- rep(rownames(res_list[[1]])[i], sum(vec_tem))
y.names_tem <- rep(rownames(res_list[[3]])[x[length(x)]], sum(vec_tem))
z.names_tem <- colnames(res_list[[3]])[vec_tem == 1]
list(xx = x.names_tem,
yy = y.names_tem,
zz = z.names_tem)
x.names <- c(x.names, unlist(lapply(list_tem, function(x) unlist(x[1]))))
y.names <- c(y.names, unlist(lapply(list_tem, function(x) unlist(x[2]))))
z.names <- c(z.names, unlist(lapply(list_tem, function(x) unlist(x[3]))))
message("Detecting List1 in STRING")
map1 = string_db_list[[1]]$map( data.frame(UNIPROT_AC = unique(x.names)) ,
"UNIPROT_AC" , removeUnmappedRows = TRUE)
if( nrow(map1) == 0 ) {
stop("None of the proteins in list1 mapped to STRING ID")
message("Detecting List2 in STRING")
map2 = string_db_list[[2]]$map( data.frame(UNIPROT_AC = unique(y.names)) ,
"UNIPROT_AC" , removeUnmappedRows = TRUE)
if( nrow(map2) == 0 ) {
stop("None of the proteins in list2 mapped to STRING ID")
message("Detecting List3 in STRING")
map3 = string_db_list[[3]]$map(data.frame(UNIPROT_AC = unique(z.names)) ,
"UNIPROT_AC" , removeUnmappedRows = TRUE)
if( nrow(map3) == 0 ) {
stop("None of the proteins in list3 mapped to STRING ID")
OPS = data.frame(node1 = x.names, node2 = y.names, node3 = z.names)
OPS <- merge(OPS, map1, by.y = "UNIPROT_AC", by.x = "node1")
colnames(OPS)[4] <- "STRING_id_1"
OPS <- merge(OPS, map2, by.y = "UNIPROT_AC", by.x = "node2")
colnames(OPS)[5] <- "STRING_id_2"
OPS <- merge(OPS, map3, by.y = "UNIPROT_AC", by.x = "node3")
colnames(OPS)[6] <- "STRING_id_3"
OPS <- data.frame(node1 = OPS[, 4], node2 = OPS[, 5], node3 = OPS[, 6])
OPSLabel = c()
flag_tem <- TRUE
if (nrow(OPS) > 10) {OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel,paste("OPS000", c(1 : 9), sep=""))
} else {
OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel,paste("OPS000", c(1 : nrow(OPS)), sep=""))
flag_tem <- FALSE
if (nrow(OPS) > 100) {OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel,paste("OPS00", c(10 : 99), sep=""))
} else {
if (flag_tem) OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel,paste("OPS00", c(10 : nrow(OPS)), sep=""))
flag_tem <- FALSE
if (nrow(OPS) > 1000) {OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel,paste("OPS00", c(100 : 999), sep=""))
} else {
if (flag_tem) OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel,paste("OPS00", c(100 : nrow(OPS)), sep=""))
flag_tem <- FALSE
if (nrow(OPS) > 10000) {OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel,paste("OPS00", c(1000 : 9999), sep=""))
} else {
if (flag_tem) OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel,paste("OPS00", c(1000 : nrow(OPS)), sep=""))
flag_tem <- FALSE
OPS <- cbind(OPS, OPSLabel = OPSLabel)
message("Step 4/4: Retrieving String Network...")
message("Retrieving List1")
Network1 = data.frame(from = string_db_list[[1]]$get_interactions(OPS$node1)$from,
to = string_db_list[[1]]$get_interactions(OPS$node1)$to)
if(nrow(Network1) == 0){
stop("No interaction was detected for ProteinLists1")
message("Retrieving List2")
Network2 = data.frame(from = string_db_list[[2]]$get_interactions(OPS$node2)$from,
to = string_db_list[[2]]$get_interactions(OPS$node2)$to)
if(nrow(Network2) == 0){
stop("No interaction was detected for ProteinLists2")
message("Retrieving List3")
Network3 = data.frame(from = string_db_list[[3]]$get_interactions(OPS$node3)$from,
to = string_db_list[[3]]$get_interactions(OPS$node3)$to)
if(nrow(Network3) == 0){
stop("No interaction was detected for ProteinLists3")
message("Producing IPN...")
node1 = c()
node2 = c()
l = nrow(OPS)
# i = 1
for (i in seq_len(l - 1)) {
node_tem <- apply(OPS[c((i + 1) : l), ], 1, function(x){
a = c(as.character(OPS[i,1]) , as.character(x[1]))
b = c(as.character(OPS[i,2]) , as.character(x[2]))
c = c(as.character(OPS[i,3]) , as.character(x[3]))
cond1 = ifelse(nrow(Network1[((Network1$from == a[1]) & (Network1$to) == a[2]), ]) != 0 |
nrow(Network1[((Network1$from == a[2]) & (Network1$to) == a[1]), ]) != 0, TRUE, FALSE)
cond2 = ifelse(nrow(Network2[((Network2$from == b[1]) & (Network2$to) == b[2]), ]) != 0 |
nrow(Network2[((Network2$from == b[2]) & (Network2$to) == b[1]), ]) != 0, TRUE, FALSE)
cond3 = ifelse(nrow(Network3[((Network3$from == c[1]) & (Network3$to) == c[2]), ]) != 0 |
nrow(Network3[((Network3$from == c[2]) & (Network3$to) == c[1]), ]) != 0, TRUE, FALSE)
if (((cond1 + cond2 + cond3 == 1) & (coverage == 1)) |
((cond1 + cond2 + cond3 == 2) & (coverage == 2)) |
((cond1 + cond2 + cond3 == 3) & (coverage ==3))) {
return(c(as.character(OPS[i,4]), as.character(x[4])))
if ((NetworkShrinkage == FALSE)) {
t1 = as.character(OPS[i,1]) == as.character(x[1])
t2 = as.character(OPS[i,2]) == as.character(x[2])
t3 = as.character(OPS[i,3]) == as.character(x[3])
mycond = cond1 + cond2 + cond3
TT = t1 + t2 + t3
if (TT+mycond >= coverage){
return(c(as.character(OPS[i,4]), as.character(x[4])))
if (! is.null(node_tem)) {
node1 <- c(node1, unlist(node_tem)[seq(1, length(unlist(node_tem)), 2)])
node2 <- c(node2, unlist(node_tem)[seq(2, length(unlist(node_tem)), 2)])
EdgeList = data.frame(node1 , node2) #, node3)
map_list <- list(map1, map2, map3)
network_list <- list(Network1, Network2, Network3)
if (list_num == 2) {
x <- rep(names(tem_list[[1]]), unlist(lapply(tem_list[[1]], length)))
xperim = unlist(tem_list[[1]])
message("Detecting List1 in STRING")
map1 = string_db_list[[1]]$map(data.frame(UNIPROT_AC = unique(x)) ,
"UNIPROT_AC" , removeUnmappedRows = TRUE)
if ( nrow(map1) == 0 ) {
stop("None of the proteins in list1 mapped to STRING ID")
message("Detecting List2 in STRING")
map2 = string_db_list[[2]]$map( data.frame(UNIPROT_AC = unique(xperim)) ,
"UNIPROT_AC" , removeUnmappedRows = TRUE)
if (nrow(map2) == 0) {
stop("None of the proteins in list2 mapped to STRING ID")
OPS = data.frame(node1 = x, node2 = xperim)
OPS <- merge(OPS, map1, by.y = "UNIPROT_AC", by.x = "node1")
colnames(OPS)[3] <- "STRING_id_1"
OPS <- merge(OPS, map2, by.y = "UNIPROT_AC", by.x = "node2")
colnames(OPS)[4] <- "STRING_id_2"
OPS <- data.frame(node1 = OPS[, 3], node2 = OPS[, 4])
OPSLabel = c()
flag_tem <- TRUE
if (nrow(OPS) > 10) {OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel, paste("OPS000", c(1 : 9), sep=""))
} else {
OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel,paste("OPS000", c(1 : nrow(OPS)), sep=""))
flag_tem <- FALSE
if (nrow(OPS) > 100) {OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel, paste("OPS00", c(10 : 99), sep=""))
} else {
if (flag_tem) OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel, paste("OPS00", c(10 : nrow(OPS)), sep=""))
flag_tem <- FALSE
if (nrow(OPS) > 1000) {OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel, paste("OPS00", c(100 : 999), sep=""))
} else {
if (flag_tem) OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel,paste("OPS00", c(100 : nrow(OPS)), sep=""))
flag_tem <- FALSE
if (nrow(OPS) > 10000) {OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel,paste("OPS00", c(1000 : 9999), sep=""))
} else {
if (flag_tem) OPSLabel = c(OPSLabel,paste("OPS00", c(1000 : nrow(OPS)), sep=""))
flag_tem <- FALSE
OPS <- cbind(OPS, OPSLabel = OPSLabel)
message("Step 4/4: Retrieving String Network...")
message("Retrieving List1")
Network1 = data.frame(from = string_db_list[[1]]$get_interactions(OPS$node1)$from,
to = string_db_list[[1]]$get_interactions(OPS$node1)$to)
if (nrow(Network1) == 0) {
stop("No STRING network was detected for ProteinLists1")
message("Retrieving List2")
Network2 = data.frame(from = string_db_list[[2]]$get_interactions(OPS$node2)$from,
to = string_db_list[[2]]$get_interactions(OPS$node2)$to)
if (nrow(Network2) == 0) {
stop("No STRING network was detected for ProteinLists2")
message("Producing IPN...")
node1 = c()
node2 = c()
l = nrow(OPS)
# i = 1
for (i in seq_len((l - 1))) {
node_tem <- apply(OPS[c((i + 1) : l), ], 1, function(x){
a = c(as.character(OPS[i,1]) , as.character(x[1]))
b = c(as.character(OPS[i,2]) , as.character(x[2]))
cond1 = ifelse(nrow(Network1[((Network1$from == a[1]) & (Network1$to) == a[2]), ]) != 0 |
nrow(Network1[((Network1$from == a[2]) & (Network1$to) == a[1]), ]) != 0, TRUE, FALSE)
cond2 = ifelse(nrow(Network2[((Network2$from == b[1]) & (Network2$to) == b[2]), ]) != 0 |
nrow(Network2[((Network2$from == b[2]) & (Network2$to) == b[1]), ]) != 0, TRUE, FALSE)
if (((cond1+cond2 == 1) & (coverage == 1)) | ((cond1+cond2 == 2) & (coverage == 2))) {
return(c(as.character(OPS[i,3]), as.character(x[3])))
if ((NetworkShrinkage == FALSE)) {
t1 = as.character(OPS[i,1]) == as.character(x[1])
t2 = as.character(OPS[i,2]) == as.character(x[2])
mycond = cond1 + cond2
TT = t1 + t2
if (TT+mycond >= coverage){
return(c(as.character(OPS[i,3]), as.character(x[3])))
if (! is.null(node_tem)) {
node1 <- c(node1, unlist(node_tem)[seq(1, length(unlist(node_tem)), 2)])
node2 <- c(node2, unlist(node_tem)[seq(2, length(unlist(node_tem)), 2)])
EdgeList = data.frame(node1 , node2)
map_list <- list(map1, map2)
network_list <- list(Network1, Network2)
if (nrow(EdgeList) != 0) {
IPN = graph_from_data_frame(d = EdgeList, directed = FALSE)
reslist = list(IPNEdges = EdgeList , IPNNodes = OPS,
Networks = network_list,
maps = map_list)
plot(IPN, layout = layout_in_circle(IPN))
if (nrow(EdgeList) == 0) {
reslist = list(IPNEdges = EdgeList , IPNNodes = OPS,
Networks = network_list,
maps = map_list)
message("DONE! But EdgeList is empty!")
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.