##' Combining or subsetting poplin objects
##' Methods to combine multiple \linkS4class{poplin} objects by row or column,
##' or to subset a \linkS4class{poplin} object by row or column.
##' @section Combining:
##' In the code snippets below, \code{...} represents multiple
##' \linkS4class{poplin} objects to be combined.
##' \describe{
##' \item{\code{rbind(..., deparse.level = 1)}:}{
##' Take a sequence of poplin objects in \code{...} and combine by rows. Note
##' that all objects in ... must have the exact same values for
##' \code{poplin_data_list}. See \code{?rbind} for the interpretation of
##' \code{deparse.level}.
##' }
##' \item{\code{cbind(..., deparse.level = 1)}:}{
##' Take a sequence of poplin objects in \code{...} and combine by columns. Note
##' that all objects in ... must have the same values of
##' \code{poplin_reduced_names}. Dimension reduction results with the same name
##' across the objects will be combined row-wise to create the corresponding
##' entry in the output object. See \code{?cbind} for the interpretation of
##' \code{deparse.level}.
##' }
##' }
##' Refer to \code{help("SummarizedExperiment-class", package =
##' "SummarizedExperiment")} for details on how \code{rowData}, \code{colData},
##' and \code{metadata} are combined in the output object.
##' @section Subsetting:
##' In the code snippets below, \code{x} is a \linkS4class{poplin}
##' object.
##' \describe{
##' \item{\code{x[i, j]}, \code{x[i, j] <- value}:}{\code{i} and \code{j} are
##' indices specifying the rows and columns to extract or replace. Indices can
##' be a logical, integer, character vector, or empty (missing). \code{value}
##' must be a poplin object with the dimension and assay elements consistent
##' with the subset \code{x[i, j]} being replaced. \code{value} is also expected
##' to have the same name and order of \code{poplin_data_names} (and
##' \code{poplin_reduced_names} as well if \code{j} is specified) as \code{x}.}
##' }
##' @importFrom BiocGenerics rbind cbind
##' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment Assays
##' @name poplin-combine/subset
##' @aliases
##' cbind,poplin-method
##' rbind,poplin-method
##' [,poplin,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
##' [<-,poplin,ANY,ANY,poplin-method
##' @docType methods
## Need to think about how to handle metadata of poplinData(x) and
## poplinReduced(x) when data are combined
## poplin class cbind and rbind
setMethod("rbind", "poplin", function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
old_validity <- S4Vectors:::disableValidity()
if (!isTRUE(old_validity)) {
out <- callNextMethod()
args <- list(...)
poplinData_all <- do.call(rbind, lapply(args, poplinData))
## How to handle metadata?
## Currently clean metadata; consistency with assay-via method
metadata(poplinData_all) <- list()
## Utilize SE class for combining objects: see the SingleCellExperiment source
poplinReduced_se <- lapply(args, function(x) .poplin_to_se_coldata(x))
poplinReduced_all <- colData(do.call(rbind, poplinReduced_se))
error = function(err) {
"failed to combine 'poplinReduced' in 'rbind(<",
class(args[[1]]), ">)':\n ", conditionMessage(err)
## Skip validity checks with check = FALSE for efficiency as modification
## cannot alter the validity of object
BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots(out, poplinData = poplinData_all,
poplinReduced = poplinReduced_all,
check = FALSE)
setMethod("cbind", "poplin", function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
old_validity <- S4Vectors:::disableValidity()
if (!isTRUE(old_validity)) {
out <- callNextMethod()
args <- list(...)
poplinData_assays <- lapply(args, function(x) .poplin_to_assays(x))
combined <- do.call(cbind, poplinData_assays)
poplinData_all <- do.call(
DataFrame, c(lapply(combined@data, I),
list(row.names = NULL, check.names = FALSE))
## Make sure the returned DFrame has the correct # of rows
## Since combining empty poplinData would return nrow = 0
poplinData_all <- BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots(poplinData_all,
nrows = nrow(args[[1]]))
error = function(err) {
"failed to combine 'poplinData' in 'cbind(<",
class(args[[1]]), ">)':\n ", conditionMessage(err)
poplinReduced_all <- do.call(rbind, lapply(args, poplinReduced))
error = function(err) {
"failed to combine 'poplinReduced' in 'cbind(<",
class(args[[1]]), ">)':\n ", conditionMessage(err)
## Skip validity checks with check = FALSE for efficiency as modification
## cannot alter the validity of object
BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots(out, poplinData = poplinData_all,
poplinReduced = poplinReduced_all,
check = FALSE)
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