
Defines functions map.basemap.with.cfa.lines

  map.basemap.with.cfa.lines = function( p, conversions=c("ps2png") ) {
    # map blank with cfa lines

  #   p$tension = "-T.4"  # 0.35+ for steep; 0.25 for smooth
  #   p$maskres = "-S16k"
  #   p$interpres = "-nb"
  #   set = snowcrab.db( DS="set.clean")
  #   set$dummy = 1
  #   set$sa = 1
  #   u = set[, c("lon", "lat", "dummy", "sa")]
  #   u = u[is.finite(u[,"lon"]*u[,"lat"] ),]
  #   dir.create ( p$outdir, recursive=T, showWarnings=F )
  #   toplot = u[1,]
		# tmpdir  = tempdir()
  #   with( p, {
  #   # tmp local GMT files
  #     grid  = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string("gmt.grid"))
  #     bin   = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string(".gmt.bin"))  # binary data
  #     clip  = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string(".gmt.clip"))
  #     indat = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string(".gmt.indat"))
  #     blocked = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string(".gmt.blocked"))
  #     annotations = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string(".gmt.annotations"))
  #     outfile = paste( file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string(".gmt.outfile")), ".ps", sep="") # final postscript file
  #     write.table( toplot, file=indat, quote=F, col.names=F, row.names=F)
  #   # define some local parameters
  #     append = "-O -K"
  #     gmt.prep (fnt=fnt, psres=psresolution)
  #   # begin mapping
  #     cmd( "psbasemap", region, gmtproj, annot, "-K >", outfile )
  #   # various overlays
  #     cmd( "cat", basemap, ">>", outfile ) # bathymetry
  #     if (!is.null(overlay)) {
  #     if ( length(overlay)>0 & overlay != "" ) {
  #       for (o in overlay) {
  #         cmd( "psxy", aegis.polygons::polygon_file(o), region, gmtproj, append, polygon.options, ">>", outfile ) # polygons
  #     }}}
  #     cmd( "pscoast", region, gmtproj, coast.options, "-O >>", outfile ) # coastline
  #     remove.files ( c( grid, bin, clip, indat, blocked, annotations ))
  #     if (!is.finite(conversions)) { #assume postscript not needed
  #       graphics.convert ( outfile, p$outfile.basename, conversions )
  #     } else { # assume just the postscript file is required
  #       file.copy(from=outfile, to=paste(p$outfile.basename,"ps",sep="."), overwrite=T)
  #     }
  #   }) # end with
  #   gmt.cleanup ()
  #   return("Done") 
jae0/snowcrab documentation built on Feb. 15, 2025, 10:30 p.m.