##' Asymptotic P-values
##' Computes asymptotic P-values given the numerator
##' of the pseudo-F statistic,
##' its degrees of freedom and the eigenvalues of the
##' residual covariance matrix.
##' @param ss numerator of the pseudo-F statistic.
##' @param lambda eigenvalues of the residual covariance matrix.
##' @param df degrees of freedom of the
##' numerator of the pseudo-F statistic.
##' @param eps the desired level of accuracy.
##' @param eps.updt factor by which \code{eps}
##' is updated to retry execution of
##' algorithm AS 204 when it fails with
##' fault indicator 4, 5 or 9.
##' @param eps.stop if \code{eps > eps.stop},
##' execution of algorithm AS 204 is
##' not retried and the function
##' raises an error. Default is \code{1e-10}.
##' @return A vector containing the P-value
##' and the level of accuracy.
##' @seealso \code{\link{AS204}}
##' @author Diego Garrido-Martín
##' @keywords internal
p.asympt <- function(ss, df, lambda,
eps = 1e-14, eps.updt = 2, eps.stop = 1e-10)
pv <- AS204( c = ss, lambda = lambda,
mult = rep(df, length(lambda)), eps = eps )
while (is.null(pv)) {
eps <- eps * eps.updt
if (eps > eps.stop) {
stop(sprintf("Precision of asymptotic P-value > %.2e", eps.stop))
pv <- AS204( c = ss, lambda = lambda,
mult = rep(df, length(lambda)), eps = eps )
if (pv < eps) {
pv <- eps
return(c(pv, eps))
##' Algorithm AS 204
##' Distribution of a positive linear combination
##' of \eqn{\chi^2} random variables.
##' Algorithm AS 204 evaluates the expression
##' \deqn{
##' P [X < c] = P [ \sum_{j=1}^n \lambda_j \chi^2(m_j, \delta^2_j) < c ]
##' }
##' where \eqn{\lambda_j} and \eqn{c} are positive constants and
##' \eqn{\chi^2(m_j, \delta^2_j)}
##' represents an independent \eqn{\chi^2}
##' random variable with \eqn{m_j}
##' degrees of freedom and non-centrality
##' parameter \eqn{\delta^2_j}.
##' This can be approximated by the truncated series
##' \deqn{
##' \sum_{k=0}^{K-1} a_k P [\chi^2(m+2k) < c/\beta]
##' }
##' where \eqn{m = \sum_{j=1}^n m_j} and
##' \eqn{\beta} is an arbitrary constant
##' (as given by argument "mode").
##' The \code{C++} implementation of
##' algorithm AS 204 used here is identical
##' to the one employed by the
##' \code{\link[CompQuadForm]{farebrother}} method
##' in the \code{CompQuadForm} package,
##' with minor modifications.
##' @param c value point at which distribution is to be evaluated.
##' @param lambda the weights \eqn{\lambda_j}.
##' @param mult the multiplicities \eqn{m_j}.
##' @param delta the non-centrality parameters \eqn{\delta^2_j}.
##' @param maxit the maximum number of terms \eqn{K} (see Details).
##' @param eps the desired level of accuracy.
##' @param mode if "\code{mode}" > 0
##' then \eqn{\beta=mode\lambda_{min}},
##' otherwise \eqn{\beta=2/(1/\lambda_{min}+1/\lambda_{max})}.
##' @return The function returns the
##' probability \eqn{P[X > c] = 1 - P[X < c]}
##' if the AS 204 fault indicator
##' is 0 (see Note below), and \code{NULL} if
##' the fault indicator is 4, 5 or 9,
##' as the corresponding faults can be
##' corrected by increasing "\code{eps}".
##' Other faults raise an error.
##' @note The algorithm AS 204 defines
##' the following fault indicators:
##' \strong{-j)} one or more of the
##' constraints \eqn{\lambda_j > 0},
##' \eqn{m_j > 0} and \eqn{\delta^2_j \ge 0} is not satisfied.
##' \strong{1)} non-fatal underflow of \eqn{a_0}.
##' \strong{2)} one or more of the constraints \eqn{n > 0},
##' \eqn{c > 0}, \eqn{maxit > 0} and
##' \eqn{eps > 0} is not satisfied.
##' \strong{3)} the current estimate
##' of the probability is < -1.
##' \strong{4)} the required accuracy
##' could not be obtained in
##' \eqn{maxit} iterations.
##' \strong{5)} the value returned by
##' the procedure does not satisfy
##' \eqn{0 \le P [X < c] \le 1}.
##' \strong{6)} the density of the linear form is negative.
##' \strong{9)} faults 4 and 5.
##' \strong{10)} faults 4 and 6.
##' \strong{0)} otherwise.
##' @references
##' P. Duchesne, P. Lafaye de Micheaux, Computing the
##' distribution of quadratic forms:
##' Further comparisons between the Liu-Tang-Zhang
##' approximation and exact methods,
##' Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 54, (2010), 858-862
##' Farebrother R.W., Algorithm AS 204: The distribution of a
##' Positive Linear Combination
##' of chi-squared random variables,
##' Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,
##' Series C (applied Statistics), Vol. 33, No. 3 (1984), 332-339
##' @seealso \link[CompQuadForm]{farebrother}
##' @author Diego Garrido-Martín
##' @useDynLib epimutacions ruben
##' @keywords internal
AS204 <- function (c, lambda, mult = rep(1, length(lambda)),
delta = rep(0, length(lambda)), maxit = 100000,
eps = 1e-14, mode = 1)
out <- .C( "ruben",
lambda = as.double(lambda),
mult = as.integer(mult),
delta = as.double(delta),
n = as.integer(length(lambda)),
c = as.double(c),
mode = as.double(mode),
maxit = as.integer(maxit),
eps = as.double(eps),
dnsty = as.double(0),
ifault = as.integer(0),
res = as.double(0),
PACKAGE = "epimutacions" )
if (out$ifault == 0) {
return(1 - out$res)
} else if (out$ifault %in% c(4, 5, 9)) {
} else {
stop(sprintf("Algorithm AS 204 failed with fault
indicator: %s", out$ifault))
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