##' Sums of Squares and Pseudo-F Statistics from a Multivariate Fit
##' Computes the sum of squares,
##' degrees of freedom, pseudo-F statistics and
##' partial R-squared for
##' each predictor from a multivariate \code{fit}.
##' It also returns the eigenvalues of
##' the residual covariance matrix.
##' Different types of sums of squares
##' (i.e. "\code{I}", "\code{II}" and
##' "\code{III}") are available.
##' @param fit multivariate fit obtained by \code{\link{lm}}.
##' @param X design matrix obtained by \code{\link{model.matrix}}.
##' @param subset subset of predictors for which summary
##' statistics will be reported.
##' Note that this is different from the
##' "\code{subset}" argument in \code{\link{lm}}.
##' @param tol \code{e[e/sum(e) > tol]}, where \code{e}
##' is the vector of eigenvalues
##' of the residual covariance matrix.
##' Required to prevent long running times of
##' algorithm AS 204. Default is 0.001 to
##' ensure minimal loss of accuracy.
##' @return A list containing:
##' \item{SS}{sums of squares for all predictors (and residuals).}
##' \item{df}{degrees of freedom for all predictors (and residuals).}
##' \item{f.tilde}{pseudo-F statistics for all predictors.}
##' \item{r2}{partial R-squared for all predictors.}
##' \item{e}{eigenvalues of the residual covariance matrix.}
##' @seealso \code{\link{AS204}}
##' @author Diego Garrido-MartÃn
##' @keywords internal
mlmtst <- function(fit, X, subset = NULL, tol = 1e-3)
## Residual sum-of-squares and cross-products (SSCP) matrix
SSCP.e <- crossprod(fit$residuals)
## Residual sum-of-squares and df
SS.e <- sum(diag(SSCP.e))
df.e <- fit$df.residual
## Total sum-of-squares
SS.t <- sum(diag(crossprod(fit$model[[1L]])))
## Partial sums-of-squares
terms <- attr(fit$terms, "term.labels") # Model terms
n.terms <- length(terms)
if (!is.null(subset)) {
if (all(subset %in% terms)) {
iterms <- which(terms %in% subset)
} else {
stop(sprintf( "Unknown terms in subset: %s",
paste0("'", subset[which(!subset %in% terms)], "'",
collapse = ", ")))
} else {
iterms <- seq_len(n.terms)
asgn <- fit$assign
sscp <- function(L, B, V) {
LB <- L %*% B
crossprod(LB, solve(L %*% tcrossprod(V, L), LB))
B <- fit$coefficients # Coefficients
V <- solve(crossprod(X))
p <- nrow(B)
I.p <- diag(p)
term <- terms[1]
subs.term <- which(asgn == 1)
relatives <- NULL
subs.relatives <- NULL
L1 <- I.p[subs.relatives, , drop = FALSE]
SSCP1 <- 0
L2 <- I.p[c(subs.relatives, subs.term), , drop = FALSE]
# Hyp. matrix (relatives + term)
SSCP2 <- sscp(L2, B, V)
SS <- sum(diag(SSCP2 - SSCP1))
df <- length(subs.term)
## pseudo-F
f.tilde <- SS / SS.e * df.e / df
## r.squared
R2 <- (SS.t - SS.e) / SS.t
r2 <- SS / SS.t
e <- eigen(SSCP.e / df.e, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
e <- e[e / sum(e) > tol]
return(list( "SS" = c(SS, "Residuals" = SS.e),
"df" = c(df, "Residuals" = df.e),
"f.tilde" = f.tilde,
"r2" = r2,
"e" = e ))
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