#' @title Meta-analysis of beta values
#' @param x a \code{dsOmics} object obtained from \code{ds.limma}, \code{ds.GWAS} or \code{ds.PLINK} functions applied o 2 or more studies
#' @return a matrix with features p-values of each study and its combination
#' @export
metaBetaValues <- function(x){
stop('Nothing to be meta-analyzed. There is only a single study')
if (inherits(x, 'dsLimma')){
} else if (inherits(x, 'dsGWAS')){
ff <- function(x, y){
inner_join(x, y,
by=c('rs', 'chr', 'pos'))
grep_ii <- "rs|chr|pos|Est$|Est.[^SE]"
grep_jj <- "rs|chr|pos|Est.SE"
} else if (inherits(x, 'dsPLINK')){
} else {
stop("Object should be of class 'dsLimma', 'dsOmics' or 'dsPLINK' ")
# Join the datasets
joined_x <- Reduce(ff, x)
# Get the betas
ii <- grep(grep_ii, colnames(joined_x))
betas <- joined_x[,ii]
colnames(betas)[-c(1:3)] <- names(x)
# Get the beta standard errors
jj <- grep(grep_jj, colnames(joined_x))
betas.se <- joined_x[,jj]
colnames(betas.se)[-c(1:3)] <- names(x)
# Mix betas and betas.se into a single data frame
meta_data_og <- Reduce(ff, list(betas, betas.se))
meta_data <- meta_data_og
colnames(meta_data)[-c(1:3)] <- c(paste0("betas.", names(x)), paste0("SE.betas.", names(x)))
# Calculate b.F
for(i in 1:length(names(x))){
betas.cohort <- as.symbol(paste0("betas.", names(x)[i]))
SE.betas.cohort <- as.symbol(paste0("SE.betas.", names(x)[i]))
colname1 <- as.symbol(paste0("b.F1.", names(x)[i]))
colname2 <- as.symbol(paste0("b.F2.", names(x)[i]))
meta_data <- meta_data %>% mutate({{colname1}} := {{betas.cohort}} / {{SE.betas.cohort}}^2)
meta_data <- meta_data %>% mutate({{colname2}} := 1 / {{SE.betas.cohort}}^2)
meta_data <- meta_data %>% mutate(sum.b.F1 = rowSums(across(starts_with("b.F1."))))
meta_data <- meta_data %>% mutate(sum.b.F2 = rowSums(across(starts_with("b.F2."))))
meta_data <- meta_data %>% mutate(b.F = sum.b.F1 / sum.b.F2)
# Calculate se.F
meta_data <- meta_data %>% mutate(se.F = 1 / sqrt(sum.b.F2))
# Calculate p.F
meta_data <- meta_data %>% mutate(p.F = pchisq((b.F / se.F)^2, df = 1, lower = F))
# Get OR, confidence interval and p-value
meta_data <- meta_data %>% mutate(OR = exp(b.F),
low = exp(b.F - 1.96*se.F),
up = exp(b.F + 1.96*se.F),
pval = p.F)
# Return results
results <- meta_data %>% select(b.F, se.F, p.F, OR, low, up, pval) %>%
add_column(rs = joined_x$rs, .before = "b.F") %>%
add_column(chr = joined_x$chr, .after = "rs") %>%
add_column(pos = joined_x$pos, .after = "chr") %>%
# class(results) <- c(class(results), "GWASBetaMetaAnalysis")
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