#' @title Logistic regression analysis of pooled data for each SNP site in study
#' @description Fits a generalized linear model to gentic data for each SNP
#' in the data sets considered, using user specified outcome and phenotypic variabes as covariates
#' Outputs a matrix containing a beta value, standard error and p-value for each SNP
#' @param snps.fit an optional parameter input as a character vector of
#' SNPs (rs numbers) that should be analysed. If missing all SNPs are analysed
#' @param model list of phenotypic variables to use as covariates in the regression analysis in the form:
#' "outcome ~ covar1 + covar2 + ... + covarN"
#' @param genoData name of the DataSHIELD object to which the genotype (snpMatrix) and phenotypic data (data.frame) has been assigned
#' @param datasources Opal object or list of opal objects denoting the opal server(s) information
#' @param mc.cores optional parameter that allows the user to specify the number of CPU cores to use
#' @param type.p.adj
#' @param family
#' @param strata \code{character} Categorical variable to perform a stratified glm
#' @export
#' @examples
ds.glmSNP <- function(snps.fit=NULL, model, genoData, datasources=NULL,
type.p.adj='fdr', mc.cores = 1, family = 'binomial', strata = NULL){
if (is.null(datasources)) {
datasources <- DSI::datashield.connections_find()
mt <- as.formula(model)
vars <- all.vars(mt)
# check vars are present in covars
# Get snp rs's
cally <- paste0("getVariable(", genoData, ", 'snp.rs.id')")
snps <- unlist(DSI::datashield.aggregate(datasources, cally))
# Setting the SNPs to loop over if no SNPs are specified.
# They are based on those that pass QC
snps.fit <- snps
if(is(snps.fit, "GenomicRanges")){
cally <- paste0("getVariable(", genoData, ", 'snp.position')")
positions <- unlist(DSI::datashield.aggregate(datasources, cally))
cally <- paste0("getVariable(", genoData, ", 'snp.chromosome')")
chroms <- unlist(DSI::datashield.aggregate(datasources, cally))
snps_annoted <- data.frame(snps, chroms, positions)
snps_annoted <- snps_annoted[snps_annoted$chrom %in% GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(snps.fit)@values,]
snps.fit <- snps_annoted[between(snps_annoted$positions, IRanges::ranges(snps.fit)@start,
IRanges::ranges(snps.fit)@start + IRanges::ranges(snps.fit)@width),]$snps
if(length(snps.fit) == 0){stop('No SNPs found on the range')}
message('[', length(snps.fit), '] SNPs found on the range')
ans <- t(as.data.frame(parallel::mclapply(snps.fit, glmSNP,
mc.cores = mc.cores)))
if (nrow(ans) > 1 & length(snps.fit) == 1) {
#Ordering matrix by ascending p.value
ans <- ans[order(ans[, 'p-value']), ]
#Calculating adjusted p-values
ans <- cbind(ans, p.adj = p.adjust(ans[,'p-value'], method=type.p.adj))
class(ans) <- c("dsGlmSNP", class(ans))
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