#' @title Epimutations analysis based on outlier detection methods
#' @description The function identifies differentially methylated regions
#' in a case sample by comparing it against a control panel.
#' @param case_samples a GenomicRatioSet object containing the case samples.
#' See the constructor function \link[minfi]{GenomicRatioSet},
#' \link[minfi]{makeGenomicRatioSetFromMatrix}.
#' @param control_panel a GenomicRatioSet object containing the
#' control panel (control panel).
#' @param method a character string naming the
#' outlier detection method to be used.
#' This can be set as: \code{"manova"},
#' \code{"mlm"}, \code{"iForest"}, \code{"mahdist"},
#' \code{"quantile"} and \code{"beta"}.
#' The default is \code{"manova"}.
#' For more information see \strong{Details}.
#' @param chr a character string containing the sequence
#' names to be analysed. The default value is \code{NULL}.
#' @param start an integer specifying the start position.
#' The default value is \code{NULL}.
#' @param end an integer specifying the end position.
#' The default value is \code{NULL}.
#' @param epi_params the parameters for each method.
#' See the function \link[epimutacions]{epi_parameters}.
#' @param maxGap the maximum location gap used in
#' \link[bumphunter]{bumphunter} method.
#' @param bump_cutoff a numeric value of the
#' estimate of the genomic profile above the
#' cutoff or below the negative of the
#' cutoff will be used as candidate regions.
#' @param min_cpg an integer specifying the minimum CpGs number in a DMR.
# #' @param pca_correction logical. If TRUE methylation PCA correction is
# #' applied to compensate batch effect. The default value if FALSE
#' @param verbose logical. If TRUE additional details about
#' the procedure will provide to the user.
#' The default is TRUE.
#' @details The function compares a case sample against
#' a control panel to identify epimutations in the given sample.
#' First, the DMRs are identified using the
#' \link[bumphunter]{bumphunter} approach.
#' After that, CpGs in those DMRs are tested in order to detect regions
#' with CpGs being outliers.
#' For that, different outlier detection methods can be selected:
#' * Multivariate Analysis of Variance (\code{"manova"}). \link[stats]{manova}
#' * Multivariate Linear Model (\code{"mlm"})
#' * Isolation Forest (\code{"iForest"}) \link[isotree]{isolation.forest}
#' * Robust Mahalanobis Distance (\code{"mahdist"})
#' \link[robustbase]{covMcd}
#' * Quantile distribution (\code{"quantile"})
#' * Beta (\code{"beta"})
#' We defined candidate epimutation regions (found in candRegsGR)
#' based on the 450K array design. As CpGs are not equally distributed
#' along the genome, only CpGs closer
#' to other CpGs can form an epimutation.
#' More information can be found in candRegsGR documentation.
#' @return The function returns an object of class tibble
#' containing the outliers regions.
#' The results are composed by the following columns:
#' * \code{epi_id}: systematic name for each epimutation identified.
#' It provides the name of the used anomaly detection method.
#' * \code{sample}: the name of the sample containing the epimutation.
#' * \code{chromosome}, \code{start} and \code{end}:
#' indicate the location of the epimutation.
#' * \code{sz}: the window's size of the event.
#' * \code{cpg_n}: the number of CpGs in the epimutation.
#' * \code{cpg_ids}: the names of CpGs in the epimutation.
#' * \code{outlier_score}:
#' * For method \code{manova} it provides the approximation
#' to F-test and the Pillai score, separated by \code{/}.
#' * For method \code{mlm} it provides the approximation to
#' F-test and the R2 of the model, separated by \code{/}.
#' * For method \code{iForest} it provides
#' the magnitude of the outlier score.
#' * For method \code{beta} it provides the mean outlier p-value.
#' * For methods \code{quantile} and
#' \code{mahdist} it is filled with NA.
#' * \code{outlier_direction}: indicates the direction
#' of the outlier with \code{"hypomethylation"} and \code{"hypermethylation"}
#' * For \code{manova}, \code{mlm}, \code{iForest}, and \code{mahdist}
#' it is computed from the values obtained from bumphunter.
#' * For \code{quantile} it is computed from the location
#' of the sample in the reference distribution (left vs. right outlier).
#' * For method \code{beta} it return a NA.
#' * \code{pvalue}:
#' * For methods \code{manova}, \code{mlm}, and \code{iForest}
#' it provides the p-value obtained from the model.
#' * For method \code{quantile}, \code{mahdist} and \code{beta}
#' is filled with NA.
#' * \code{adj_pvalue}: for methods with p-value (\code{manova} and
#' \code{mlm} adjusted p-value with Benjamini-Hochberg based on the total
#' number of regions detected by Bumphunter.
#' * \code{epi_region_id}: Name of the epimutation region as defined
#' in \code{candRegsGR}.
#' * \code{CRE}: cREs (cis-Regulatory Elements) as defined by ENCODE
#' overlapping the epimutation region. Different cREs are separated by ;.
#' * \code{CRE_type}: Type of cREs (cis-Regulatory Elements) as defined
#' by ENCODE. Different type are separeted by,
#' and different cREs are separated by ;.
#' @examples
#' data(GRset)
#' #Find epimutations in GSM2562701 sample of GRset dataset
#' case_samples <- GRset[,11]
#' control_panel <- GRset[,1:10]
#' epimutations(case_samples, control_panel, method = "manova")
#' @importFrom minfi annotation getBeta
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges granges makeGRangesFromDataFrame findOverlaps
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix qchisq
#' @importFrom bumphunter bumphunter
#' @importFrom S4Vectors to from
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowQuantiles
#' @import ensembldb
#' @export
epimutations <- function(case_samples, control_panel,
method = "manova",
chr = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL,
epi_params = epi_parameters(),
maxGap = 1000, bump_cutoff = 0.1,
min_cpg = 3,
# pca_correction = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE)
# 1. Inputs check and data extraction
## Inputs check
if (is.null(case_samples)) {
stop("The argument 'case_samples' must be introduced")
if (is.null(control_panel)) {
stop("The argument 'case_samples' must be introduced")
if (!is(case_samples, "GenomicRatioSet")) {
stop("'case_samples' must be of class 'GenomicRatioSet'")
if (!is(control_panel, "GenomicRatioSet")) {
stop( "'control_panel' must be of class 'GenomicRatioSet'.
To create a 'GenomicRatioSet' object use
'makeGenomicRatioSetFromMatrix' function from minfi package")
if (minfi::annotation(case_samples)[1] !=
minfi::annotation(control_panel)[1] &
minfi::annotation(case_samples)[2] !=
minfi::annotation(control_panel)[2]) {
stop("'case_samples' and 'control_panel' annotations must be the same")
if (!is.null(start) & !is.null(end)) {
if (is.null(chr)) {
stop("Argument 'chr' must be inroduced with
'start' and 'end' parameters")
if (length(start) != length(end) & length(chr) != length(start)) {
stop("'start' and 'end' length must be same")
if (isTRUE(any(start > end))) {
stop("'start' cannot be higher than 'end'")
if (!is.null(start) & is.null(end) | is.null(start) & !is.null(end)) {
stop("'start' and 'end' arguments must be introduced together")
avail <- c("manova", "mlm", "iForest", "mahdist", "quantile", "beta")
method <- charmatch(method, avail)
method <- avail[method]
if (is.na(method))
stop("Invalid method was selected'")
if (verbose)
message("Selected epimutation detection method '", method, "'")
pck <- c("methods", "ensembldb")
lapply(pck, function(x)
if (!requireNamespace(x))
stop("'", x, "'", " package not avaibale"))
# # Apply PCA correction
# if( pca_correction ) {
# if (verbose)
# message("Applying PCA correction")
# pccorr <- PCA_correction(case_samples, control_samples)
# case_samples <- pccorr$cases
# control_panel <- pccorr$controls
# rm(pccorr)
# }
## Extract required data:
#* feature annotation
#* betas
#* sample's classification
### Feature annotation
fd <- as.data.frame(GenomicRanges::granges(case_samples))
rownames(fd) <- rownames(case_samples)
### Betas
betas_case <- minfi::getBeta(case_samples)
betas_case <- betas_case[rownames(fd), , drop = FALSE]
betas_control <- minfi::getBeta(control_panel)
betas_control <- betas_control[rownames(fd), ]
### Select CpGs in the specified in the arguments 'chr', 'start' and 'end'
if (!is.null(chr)) {
if (!is.null(start) & !is.null(end)) {
fd <- fd[fd$seqnames %in% chr & fd$start>=start & fd$end <= end, ]
} else{
fd <- fd[fd$seqnames %in% chr, ]
if (nrow(fd) == 0) {
stop("No CpG was found in the specified region")
betas_case <- betas_case[rownames(fd), , drop = FALSE]
betas_control <- betas_control[rownames(fd), ]
### Identify case and control samples
cas_sam <- colnames(betas_case)
ctr_sam <- colnames(betas_control)
# 2. Epimutations definition (using different methods)
##Methods that need bumphunter
##("manova", "mlm", "mahdist" and "iForest")
if (method %in% c("manova", "mlm", "mahdist", "iForest")) {
if (verbose)
message("Selected method '", method, "' required of 'bumphunter'")
# Prepare model to be evaluated
rst <- do.call(rbind, lapply(cas_sam, function(case) {
samples_names <- c(ctr_sam, case)
status <- samples_names == case
status <- as.data.frame(status, row.names = samples_names)
betas <- cbind(betas_control, betas_case[, case, drop = FALSE])
model <- stats::model.matrix( ~ status, status)
# Run bumphunter for region partitioning
bumps <- bumphunter::bumphunter( object = betas,
design = model,
pos = fd$start,
chr = fd$seqnames,
maxGap = maxGap,
cutoff = bump_cutoff
if (all(!is.na(bumps))) {
## Homogeneize output of bumphunter to epimutacions naming
bumps$chromosome <- bumps$chr
bumps$cpg_n <- bumps$L
bumps$sz <- bumps$end - bumps$start
bumps <- bumps[bumps$L >= min_cpg,]
if (verbose)
" candidate regions were found for case sample '",
case, "'")
if (nrow(bumps) != 0) {
# Identify outliers according to selected method
bumps <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_len(nrow(bumps)),
function(ii) {
bump <- bumps[ii,]
beta_bump <- betas_from_bump(bump, fd, betas)
# Add sample name and cpg_ids
bump$cpg_ids <- paste(rownames(beta_bump),
collapse = ",", sep = "")
bump$sample <- case
bump$delta_beta <- abs(mean(beta_bump[, ctr_sam]) -
mean(beta_bump[, case]))
if (method == "mahdist") {
dst <- try(epi_mahdist(beta_bump,
epi_params$mahdist$nsamp), silent = TRUE)
if (!is(dst, "try-error")) {
threshold <- sqrt(stats::qchisq(
p = 0.999975,
df = ncol(beta_bump) ))
outliers <- which(dst$statistic>=threshold)
outliers <- dst$ID[outliers]
x <- res_mahdist(case, bump, outliers)
} else if (method == "mlm") {
sts <- try(epi_mlm(beta_bump, model),
silent = TRUE)
x <- res_mlm(bump, sts)
} else if (method == "manova") {
sts <- epi_manova(beta_bump, model, case)
x <- res_manova(bump, sts)
} else if (method == "iForest") {
sts <- epi_iForest(beta_bump, case,
x <- res_iForest(bump, sts,
## Filter using the adjusted p-value calculated from regions
##identified in each sample ("manova and "mlm")
if (method == "manova" & !is.null(bumps)) {
bumps <- filter(bumps, epi_params$manova$pvalue_cutoff)
if (method == "mlm" & !is.null(bumps)) {
bumps <- filter(bumps, epi_params$mlm$pvalue_cutoff)
#Add a row filled by NAs for the samples with any epimutations
if (is.null(nrow(bumps)) || nrow(bumps) == 0) {
bumps <- data.frame( chromosome = 0, start = 0, end = 0,
sz = NA, cpg_n = NA, cpg_ids = NA,
outlier_score = NA, outlier_direction = NA,
pvalue = NA, adj_pvalue = NA, delta_beta = NA,
sample = case)
## Methods that do not need bumphunter ("quantile" and "beta")
} else if (method == "quantile") {
# Compute reference statistics
if (verbose)
message("Calculating statistics from 'quantile' method")
if (verbose)
message("Using quantiles ", epi_params$quantile$qinf, " and ",
bctr_prc <- matrixStats::rowQuantiles( betas_control,
probs = c(epi_params$quantile$qinf,
na.rm = TRUE )
bctr_pmin <- bctr_prc[, 1]
bctr_pmax <- bctr_prc[, 2]
# Run region detection
rst <- do.call(rbind, lapply(cas_sam, function(case) {
betas <- cbind(betas_control, betas_case[, case, drop = FALSE])
x <- epi_quantile( betas_case[, case, drop = FALSE],
fd, bctr_pmin, bctr_pmax, ctr_sam,
betas, epi_params$quantile$window_sz,
min_cpg, epi_params$quantile$offset_abs )
if (is.null(x) || nrow(x) == 0) {
x <- data.frame( chromosome = 0, start = 0, end = 0, sz = NA,
cpg_n = NA, cpg_ids = NA, outlier_score = NA,
outlier_direction = NA, pvalue = NA,
adj_pvalue = NA, delta_beta = NA,
sample = case )
} else {
x$sample <- case
} else if (method == "beta") {
# Get Beta distribution params
message("Computing beta distribution parameters")
beta_params <- getBetaParams(t(betas_control))
beta_mean <- rowMeans(betas_control, na.rm = TRUE)
message("Defining Regions")
rst <- do.call(rbind, lapply(cas_sam, function(case) {
betas <- cbind(betas_control, betas_case[, case, drop = FALSE])
fd_sub <- fd[rownames(betas_control), ]
x <- epi_beta( beta_params, beta_mean,
betas_case[, case, drop = FALSE], case, ctr_sam,
epi_params$beta$diff_threshold, min_cpg, maxGap )
if (nrow(x) == 0) {
x <- data.frame( chromosome = 0, start = 0, end = 0, sz = NA,
cpg_n = NA, cpg_ids = NA, outlier_score = NA,
outlier_direction = NA, pvalue = NA,
adj_pvalue = NA, delta_beta = NA,
sample = case )
} else {
x$sample <- case
# 3. Prepare the output and addition of CREs
## Prepare the output
rst$epi_id <- vapply(seq_len(nrow(rst)), function(ii)
paste0("epi_", method, "_", ii), character(1))
rownames(rst) <- seq_len(nrow(rst))
rst <- rst[, c(13, 12, seq_len(11))]
## Add CREs and epi_region_id
rst$CRE_type <- rst$CRE <- rst$epi_region_id <- NA
rst_c <- rst
rst_c <- tryCatch({
rstGR <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(rst)
## Ensure chromosomes have the same format
seqlevelsStyle(rstGR) <- "UCSC"
#Get candidate regions
candRegsGR <- get_candRegsGR()
over <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(rstGR, candRegsGR)
#variables (avoid long code)
ids <- names(candRegsGR[S4Vectors::to(over)])
cre <- candRegsGR[S4Vectors::to(over)]$CRE
cre_type <- candRegsGR[S4Vectors::to(over)]$CRE_type
rst$epi_region_id[S4Vectors::from(over)] <- ids
rst$CRE[S4Vectors::from(over)] <- cre
rst$CRE_type[S4Vectors::from(over)] <- cre_type
rm(c("ids", "cre", "cre_type"))
}, error = function(e) {
## Convert rst into a tibble class
if (requireNamespace("tibble", quietly = TRUE)) {
rst <- tibble::as_tibble(rst_c)
} else {
stop("'tibble' package not avaibale")
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