#' @export
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom netbenchmark clr.wrap
#' @importFrom glmnet glmnet
#' @import igraph
#'@name geneInteractionNetwrok
#'@title Gene regulatory network of cell morphological phenotypes
#'@description We use the mining association model to detect the associations between the landmark genes, and inference of gene regulatory network of cell morphological phenotypes.
#'@author {Isar Nassiri, Matthew McCall}
#'@param number_of_features
#'The number of top cell morphological features, ranked based on the Strength Centrality Score (SCS) for enrichment analysis (e.g. 20).
#'This parameter specifies the number of first top cell morphological features which are used for enrichment sets of landmark genes.
#'@param lift
#'We use an association mining model to detect the associations between the genes and to infer a gene regulatory network from phenotypic experimental data. In order to select significant interactions between any two genes from
#'the complete digraph of interactions between genes, we use minimum thresholds on lift and confidence measures. Lift measures the frequency of an indicated gene in the cell morphological gene sets.
#'@param confidence
#'We use an association mining model to detect the associations between the genes and to infer a gene regulatory network from phenotypic experimental data. In order to select significant interactions between any two genes from
#'the complete digraph of interactions between genes, we use minimum thresholds on lift and confidence measures. Confidence shows how often a given association
#'rule between two genes has been found in the dataset.
#'@param Transcriptomic_Profile
#'A data frame including expression level of 978 land mark genes in response to treatment with 162 drugs/small compound molecules (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column land mark gene symbols)
#'@param Cell_Morphology_Profile
#'A data frame including profiles of 812 cell morphological features of 162 drugs/small compound molecules (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column cell morphological features)
#'@param Query_Transcriptomic_Profile
#'A data frame including expression level of 978 land mark genes in response to treatment with an indicated drugs/small compound molecule (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column land mark gene symbols)
#'@return 1. A matrix of gene-gene interaction network, including two columns under title of Source and Target. Source molecule in network interaction with Target molecule based on biological rationale.
#'geneInteractionNetwrok(10, 0.1, 0.6, Query_Transcriptomic_Profile, Transcriptomic_Profile, Cell_Morphology_Profile)
geneInteractionNetwrok <- NULL
geneInteractionNetwrok <- function(number_of_features, lift, confidence, Query_Transcriptomic_Profile, Transcriptomic_Profile, Cell_Morphology_Profile)
L1000_TP_profiles <- Transcriptomic_Profile
L1000_MP_profiles <- Cell_Morphology_Profile
x_new <- Query_Transcriptomic_Profile
L1000_TP_profiles <- scale(L1000_TP_profiles)
L1000_MP_profiles <- scale(L1000_MP_profiles)
query_binary <- ifelse(x_new > 0, 1, 0)
repositoyr_binary <- ifelse(L1000_TP_profiles > 0, 1, 0)
performance <- data.frame()
TP <- TN <- FP <- FN <- 0
for(j in 1:dim(repositoyr_binary)[1])
for(i in 1:dim(repositoyr_binary)[2])
a <- query_binary[i] #my standard
b <- repositoyr_binary[j,i]
if(a+b == 2) { TP <- TP + 1 }
if(a+b == 0) { TN <- TN + 1 }
if(a == 0 && b == 1) { FP <- FP + 1 }
if(a == 1 && b == 0) { FN <- FN + 1 }
performance[j,1] <- TP
performance[j,2] <- TN
performance[j,3] <- FP
performance[j,4] <- FN
performance[j,5] <- ((TP*TN)-(FP*FN)) / sqrt((TP+FP)*(TP+FN)*(TN+FP)*(TN+FN))
TP <- TN <- FP <- FN <- 0
colnames(performance) <- c("TP", "TN", "FP", "FN", "MCC")
rownames(performance) <- rownames(repositoyr_binary)
selected_drugs <- which(performance[,5] > 0.1)
CMP_subset <<- L1000_MP_profiles[selected_drugs,]
TP_subset <<- L1000_TP_profiles[selected_drugs,]
#-- Data Normalization [unitization with zero minimum]
for(l in 1:dim(CMP_subset)[2])
min <- min(CMP_subset[,l])
max <- max(CMP_subset[,l])
range <- max-min
for(t in 1:dim(CMP_subset)[1])
{ CMP_subset[t,l] <- ((CMP_subset[t,l]-min)/range) }
for(l in 1:dim(TP_subset)[2])
min <- min(TP_subset[,l])
max <- max(TP_subset[,l])
range <- max-min
for(t in 1:dim(TP_subset)[1])
{ TP_subset[t,l] <- ((TP_subset[t,l]-min)/range) }
MCR <- list();
for(i in 1:number_of_features)
x_new2 <- as.data.frame(CMP_subset[,i])
colnames(x_new2) <- colnames(CMP_subset)[i]
x <- data.matrix(TP_subset) #predictors
y <- as.numeric(unlist(x_new2)) #response
fit.lasso <- glmnet(x, y, standardize=TRUE)
#--- select Lambda ------
rmse= sqrt(apply((y[-train]-pred)^2,2,mean))
#-- extract significant coefficients --
Lasso_coefficient <- coef(fit.lasso, s=lam.best)
Lasso_coefficient <- as.matrix(Lasso_coefficient)
inds <- which(Lasso_coefficient[,1]!=0)
variables<-variables[!(variables %in% '(Intercept)')];
length(which(0 != Lasso_coefficient[,1]))
results <- as.data.frame(Lasso_coefficient[which(0 != Lasso_coefficient[,1]),1])
colnames(results) <- "coef"
results <- as.data.frame(results[-1,,FALSE])
selected_genes <- rownames(results)
ste_name <- data.frame();
LL <- (length(selected_genes))
selected_GO <- selected_genes
for(j2 in 1:LL)
ste_name[j2,1] <- selected_GO[j2]
MCR[[i]] <- ste_name[complete.cases(ste_name),1]
names(MCR)[i] <- colnames(x_new2)
} else {
MCR[[i]] <- "NULL"
names(MCR)[i] <- colnames(x_new2)
#-- Remove cm terms without any associated gene set
null_cms <- which(sapply(MCR, is.null))
if(0<length(null_cms)){ MCR <- MCR[-c(null_cms)] }
df4 <- data.frame(c("gene","pathway"))
for(i in 1:length(MCR))
df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(MCR[[i]]), nrow=1, byrow=TRUE), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
df2 <- rep(names(MCR[i]), dim(df)[2])
df3 <- rbind(df,df2)
df4 <- cbind(df3,df4)
df4 <- t(df4)
colnames(df4) <- c("name","feature")
df4 <- (df4[-dim(df4)[1],])
#-- Association analysis
all_genes_in_MCR <- as.data.frame(unique(df4[,1]))
colnames(all_genes_in_MCR) <- "gene_name"
#-- n_x
in_gene_set <- 0
for(j in 1:length(all_genes_in_MCR$gene_name))
for(i in 1:length(MCR))
df <- as.character(as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(MCR[[i]]), nrow=1, byrow=TRUE), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
if(0<length(intersect(as.character(all_genes_in_MCR$gene_name[j]), df))) { in_gene_set <- in_gene_set + 1 }
all_genes_in_MCR[j,2] <- in_gene_set
in_gene_set <- 0
all_genes_in_MCR <- all_genes_in_MCR[all_genes_in_MCR$V2/length(MCR) >= 0.05,]
dim(all_genes_in_MCR) #n_x
#-- Combination of genes --
combination_all_genes_in_MCR <- expand.grid(all_genes_in_MCR$gene_name, all_genes_in_MCR$gene_name)
colnames(combination_all_genes_in_MCR) <- c("gene1","gene2")
#-- Remove self-loops --
o <- 1
selfloop <- data.frame()
for(j in 1:dim(combination_all_genes_in_MCR)[1])
if(0 < length(which(as.character(combination_all_genes_in_MCR$gene1[j]) %in% as.character(combination_all_genes_in_MCR$gene2[j]))))
{ selfloop[o,1] <- j; o = o + 1 }
combination_all_genes_in_MCR <- combination_all_genes_in_MCR[-as.numeric(selfloop$V1),]
in_gene_set <- 0
for(j in 1:dim(combination_all_genes_in_MCR)[1])
for(i in 1:length(MCR))
df <- as.character(as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(MCR[[i]]), nrow=1, byrow=TRUE), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
if(2 == length(intersect(c(as.character(combination_all_genes_in_MCR$gene1[j]), as.character(combination_all_genes_in_MCR$gene2[j])),df)))
{ in_gene_set <- in_gene_set + 1 }
combination_all_genes_in_MCR[j,3] <- in_gene_set/length(MCR) #n_ab/n
combination_all_genes_in_MCR[j,4] <-
in_gene_set/all_genes_in_MCR[which(all_genes_in_MCR$gene_name %in% as.character(combination_all_genes_in_MCR$gene1[j])),2]
combination_all_genes_in_MCR[j,5] <- combination_all_genes_in_MCR[j,3]/(all_genes_in_MCR$V2[which(all_genes_in_MCR$gene_name %in% as.character(combination_all_genes_in_MCR$gene1[j]))]/length(MCR)*
all_genes_in_MCR$V2[which(all_genes_in_MCR$gene_name %in% as.character(combination_all_genes_in_MCR$gene2[j]))]/length(MCR))
in_gene_set <- 0
colnames(combination_all_genes_in_MCR) <- c("gene1","gene2","supp(XvY)","Confidence", "lift")
combination_all_genes_in_MCR_sig <- combination_all_genes_in_MCR[combination_all_genes_in_MCR$lift > lift,]
edgelist2 <- paste(combination_all_genes_in_MCR_sig[,1], combination_all_genes_in_MCR_sig[,2], sep = "~")
# correlation network:
clr <- clr.wrap(TP_subset)
edgelist <- melt(clr)
edgelist <- edgelist[which(edgelist$value != 0),]
edgelist1 <- paste(edgelist[,1], edgelist[,2], sep = "~")
#-- comparison of rules and correlation
selectedEdges <- edgelist1[which(edgelist1 %in% edgelist2)]
#Visulization of graph
graph_e <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:length(selectedEdges))
e_ <- unlist(strsplit(selectedEdges[i], "~"))
graph_e[i,1] <- e_[1]
graph_e[i,2] <- e_[2]
matrix_of_interactions <- as.matrix(graph_e)
colnames(matrix_of_interactions) <- c("Source", "Target")
matrixOfInteractions <<- matrix_of_interactions[!duplicated(matrix_of_interactions),]
# -- Save data --
print("You can find the results in the 'matrixOfInteractions' R object.")
#'@name cellMorphologyEnrichmentAnalysis
#'@title cell morphology enrichment analysis
#'@description We use a stepwise variable selection approach, including combination of least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) with cross-validation to tune parameter for cell morphology enrichment analysis. We consider all transcriptomic profiles in the reference repository as inputs of LASSO to select a subset of landmark genes (v) that best describe an indicated profile of cell morphology feature.
#'@author {Isar Nassiri, Matthew McCall}
#'@param number_of_features
#'The number of top cell morphological features, ranked based on the Strength Centrality Score (SCS) for enrichment analysis (e.g. 20).
#'This parameter specifies the number of first top cell morphological features which are used for enrichment sets of landmark genes.
#'@param Transcriptomic_Profile
#'A data frame including expression level of 978 land mark genes in response to treatment with 162 drugs/small compound molecules (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column land mark gene symbols)
#'@param Cell_Morphology_Profile
#'A data frame including profiles of 812 cell morphological features of 162 drugs/small compound molecules (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column cell morphological features)
#'@param Query_Transcriptomic_Profile
#'A data frame including expression level of 978 land mark genes in response to treatment with an indicated drugs/small compound molecule (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column land mark gene symbols)
#'@return 1. A data frame including 812 cell morphological features (row) and associated land mark genes with each feature (column); 2. A data frame including profiles of cell morphological features of similar drugs/small compound molecules with query (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column cell morphological features); 3. A data frame including gene expression profiles of similar drugs/small compound molecules with query (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column gene symbol).
#'cellMorphologyEnrichmentAnalysis(20, Query_Transcriptomic_Profile, Transcriptomic_Profile, Cell_Morphology_Profile)
cellMorphologyEnrichmentAnalysis <- NULL
cellMorphologyEnrichmentAnalysis <- function(number_of_features, Query_Transcriptomic_Profile, Transcriptomic_Profile, Cell_Morphology_Profile)
L1000_TP_profiles <- Transcriptomic_Profile
L1000_MP_profiles <- Cell_Morphology_Profile
x_new <- Query_Transcriptomic_Profile
L1000_TP_profiles <- scale(L1000_TP_profiles)
L1000_MP_profiles <- scale(L1000_MP_profiles)
query_binary <- ifelse(x_new > 0, 1, 0)
repositoyr_binary <- ifelse(L1000_TP_profiles > 0, 1, 0)
performance <- data.frame()
TP <- TN <- FP <- FN <- 0
for(j in 1:dim(repositoyr_binary)[1])
for(i in 1:dim(repositoyr_binary)[2])
a <- query_binary[i] #my standard
b <- repositoyr_binary[j,i]
if(a+b == 2) { TP <- TP + 1 }
if(a+b == 0) { TN <- TN + 1 }
if(a == 0 && b == 1) { FP <- FP + 1 }
if(a == 1 && b == 0) { FN <- FN + 1 }
performance[j,1] <- TP
performance[j,2] <- TN
performance[j,3] <- FP
performance[j,4] <- FN
performance[j,5] <- ((TP*TN)-(FP*FN)) / sqrt((TP+FP)*(TP+FN)*(TN+FP)*(TN+FN))
TP <- TN <- FP <- FN <- 0
colnames(performance) <- c("TP", "TN", "FP", "FN", "MCC")
rownames(performance) <- rownames(repositoyr_binary)
selected_drugs <- which(performance[,5] > 0.1)
CMP_subset <<- L1000_MP_profiles[selected_drugs,]
TP_subset <<- L1000_TP_profiles[selected_drugs,]
#-- Data Normalization [unitization with zero minimum]
for(l in 1:dim(CMP_subset)[2])
min <- min(CMP_subset[,l])
max <- max(CMP_subset[,l])
range <- max-min
for(t in 1:dim(CMP_subset)[1])
{ CMP_subset[t,l] <- ((CMP_subset[t,l]-min)/range) }
for(l in 1:dim(TP_subset)[2])
min <- min(TP_subset[,l])
max <- max(TP_subset[,l])
range <- max-min
for(t in 1:dim(TP_subset)[1])
{ TP_subset[t,l] <- ((TP_subset[t,l]-min)/range) }
MCR <- list();
for(i in 1:number_of_features)
x_new2 <- as.data.frame(CMP_subset[,i])
colnames(x_new2) <- colnames(CMP_subset)[i]
x <- data.matrix(TP_subset) #predictors
y <- as.numeric(unlist(x_new2)) #response
fit.lasso <- glmnet(x, y, standardize=TRUE)
#--- select Lambda ------
rmse= sqrt(apply((y[-train]-pred)^2,2,mean))
#-- extract significant coefficients --
Lasso_coefficient <- coef(fit.lasso, s=lam.best)
Lasso_coefficient <- as.matrix(Lasso_coefficient)
inds <- which(Lasso_coefficient[,1]!=0)
variables<-variables[!(variables %in% '(Intercept)')];
length(which(0 != Lasso_coefficient[,1]))
results <- as.data.frame(Lasso_coefficient[which(0 != Lasso_coefficient[,1]),1])
colnames(results) <- "coef"
results <- as.data.frame(results[-1,,FALSE])
selected_genes <- rownames(results)
ste_name <- data.frame();
LL <- (length(selected_genes))
selected_GO <- selected_genes
for(j2 in 1:LL)
ste_name[j2,1] <- selected_GO[j2]
MCR[[i]] <- ste_name[complete.cases(ste_name),1]
names(MCR)[i] <- colnames(x_new2)
} else {
MCR[[i]] <- "NULL"
names(MCR)[i] <- colnames(x_new2)
null_cms <- which(sapply(MCR, is.null))
if(0<length(null_cms)){ MCR <- MCR[-c(null_cms)] }
df4 <- data.frame(c("gene","pathway"))
for(i in 1:length(MCR))
df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(MCR[[i]]), nrow=1, byrow=TRUE), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
df2 <- rep(names(MCR[i]), dim(df)[2])
df3 <- rbind(df,df2)
df4 <- cbind(df3,df4)
df4 <- t(df4)
colnames(df4) <- c("name","feature")
datCM2 <- (df4[-dim(df4)[1],])
agregatation <- as.data.frame(aggregate(name ~ feature, data = datCM2, toString))
Names <- as.character(agregatation$feature)
setDT(agregatation)[, id := .GRP, by = name]
agregatation <- agregatation[order(agregatation$id, decreasing=FALSE),]
agregatation$id <- sprintf("Cluster_%d", agregatation$id)
cellMorphologyEnrichment <<- as.data.frame(agregatation)
#-- Save data --
print("You can find the results in the 'cellMorphologyEnrichment' R objects.")
#'@name mappingQueryTranscriptomic
#'@title Mapping query transcriptomic profile against the reference repository
#'@description {We map the query profile (Q) of fold change of gene expression versus reference repository of transcriptomic data (T) to detect similarities among these profiles (s).
#'First, we convert the query and backend repository of transcription profiles to the Boolean expression and replace up-regulated values with one and down regulated
#'values with zero. We provide a confusion matrix for the intersection of the query with each of the transcriptomic profiles in the reference repository.
#'Next, we use the confusion matrices to score the similarity between the query and reference transcription profiles based on the Matthew correlation value.
#'@author {Isar Nassiri, Matthew McCall}
#'@param Transcriptomic_Profile
#'A data frame including expression level of 978 land mark genes in response to treatment with 162 drugs/small compound molecules (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column land mark gene symbols)
#'@param Cell_Morphology_Profile
#'A data frame including profiles of 812 cell morphological features of 162 drugs/small compound molecules (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column cell morphological features)
#'@param Query_Transcriptomic_Profile
#'A data frame including expression level of 978 land mark genes in response to treatment with an indicated drugs/small compound molecule (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column land mark gene symbols)
#'@return 1. A data frame including profiles of cell morphological features of similar drugs/small compound molecules with query (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column cell morphological features); 3. A data frame including gene expression profiles of similar drugs/small compound molecules with query (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column gene symbol).
#'mappingQueryTranscriptomic(Query_Transcriptomic_Profile, Transcriptomic_Profile, Cell_Morphology_Profile)
mappingQueryTranscriptomic <- NULL
mappingQueryTranscriptomic <- function(Query_Transcriptomic_Profile, Transcriptomic_Profile, Cell_Morphology_Profile)
L1000_TP_profiles <- Transcriptomic_Profile
L1000_MP_profiles <- Cell_Morphology_Profile
x_new <- Query_Transcriptomic_Profile
L1000_TP_profiles <- scale(L1000_TP_profiles)
L1000_MP_profiles <- scale(L1000_MP_profiles)
query_binary <- ifelse(x_new > 0, 1, 0)
repositoyr_binary <- ifelse(L1000_TP_profiles > 0, 1, 0)
performance <- data.frame()
TP <- TN <- FP <- FN <- 0
for(j in 1:dim(repositoyr_binary)[1])
for(i in 1:dim(repositoyr_binary)[2])
a <- query_binary[i] #my standard
b <- repositoyr_binary[j,i]
if(a+b == 2) { TP <- TP + 1 }
if(a+b == 0) { TN <- TN + 1 }
if(a == 0 && b == 1) { FP <- FP + 1 }
if(a == 1 && b == 0) { FN <- FN + 1 }
performance[j,1] <- TP
performance[j,2] <- TN
performance[j,3] <- FP
performance[j,4] <- FN
performance[j,5] <- ((TP*TN)-(FP*FN)) / sqrt((TP+FP)*(TP+FN)*(TN+FP)*(TN+FN))
TP <- TN <- FP <- FN <- 0
colnames(performance) <- c("TP", "TN", "FP", "FN", "MCC")
rownames(performance) <- rownames(repositoyr_binary)
selected_drugs <- which(performance[,5] > 0.1)
CMP_subset <<- L1000_MP_profiles[selected_drugs,]
TP_subset <<- L1000_TP_profiles[selected_drugs,]
selectedDrugs <<- rownames(CMP_subset)
#-- Data Normalization [unitization with zero minimum]
for(l in 1:dim(CMP_subset)[2])
min <- min(CMP_subset[,l])
max <- max(CMP_subset[,l])
range <- max-min
for(t in 1:dim(CMP_subset)[1])
{ CMP_subset[t,l] <- ((CMP_subset[t,l]-min)/range) }
for(l in 1:dim(TP_subset)[2])
min <- min(TP_subset[,l])
max <- max(TP_subset[,l])
range <- max-min
for(t in 1:dim(TP_subset)[1])
{ TP_subset[t,l] <- ((TP_subset[t,l]-min)/range) }
selectedDrugs <<- rownames(CMP_subset)
#-- Save data --
print("You can find the results in R object under title of CMP_subset and TP_subset.")
#'@name crossTabulation
#'@title {Cross-tabulation of landmark genes, and single-cell morphological features}
#'@description We present the results of cell morphology enrichment analysis as cross-tabulation of landmark genes, and single-cell morphological features including the direction of effects (up or down regulation).
#'@author {Isar Nassiri, Matthew McCall}
#'@param TOP
#'We use the top cell morphological features, ranked based on the Strength Centrality Score (SCS) for enrichment analysis.
#'This parameter specifies the number of first top cell morphological features which are used for enrichment sets of landmark genes.
#'@param Transcriptomic_Profile
#'A data frame including expression level of 978 land mark genes in response to treatment with 162 drugs/small compound molecules (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column land mark gene symbols)
#'@param Cell_Morphology_Profile
#'A data frame including profiles of 812 cell morphological features of 162 drugs/small compound molecules (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column cell morphological features)
#'@param Query_Transcriptomic_Profile
#'A data frame including expression level of 978 land mark genes in response to treatment with an indicated drugs/small compound molecule (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column land mark gene symbols)
#'@return 1. A crosstab matrix including 812 cell morphological features (row), associated land mark genes with each feature (column), and gene expression level vaules as its elements; 2. A data frame including profiles of cell morphological features of similar drugs/small compound molecules with query (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column cell morphological features); 3. A data frame including gene expression profiles of similar drugs/small compound molecules with query (row drug/small molecule compound ID, and column gene symbol).
#'crossTabulation(20, Query_Transcriptomic_Profile, Transcriptomic_Profile, Cell_Morphology_Profile)
crossTabulation <- NULL
crossTabulation <- function(TOP, Query_Transcriptomic_Profile, Transcriptomic_Profile, Cell_Morphology_Profile)
L1000_TP_profiles <- Transcriptomic_Profile
L1000_MP_profiles <- Cell_Morphology_Profile
x_new <- Query_Transcriptomic_Profile
L1000_TP_profiles <- scale(L1000_TP_profiles)
L1000_MP_profiles <- scale(L1000_MP_profiles)
query_binary <- ifelse(x_new > 0, 1, 0)
repositoyr_binary <- ifelse(L1000_TP_profiles > 0, 1, 0)
performance <- data.frame()
TP <- TN <- FP <- FN <- 0
for(j in 1:dim(repositoyr_binary)[1])
for(i in 1:dim(repositoyr_binary)[2])
a <- query_binary[i] #my standard
b <- repositoyr_binary[j,i]
if(a+b == 2) { TP <- TP + 1 }
if(a+b == 0) { TN <- TN + 1 }
if(a == 0 && b == 1) { FP <- FP + 1 }
if(a == 1 && b == 0) { FN <- FN + 1 }
performance[j,1] <- TP
performance[j,2] <- TN
performance[j,3] <- FP
performance[j,4] <- FN
performance[j,5] <- ((TP*TN)-(FP*FN)) / sqrt((TP+FP)*(TP+FN)*(TN+FP)*(TN+FN))
TP <- TN <- FP <- FN <- 0
colnames(performance) <- c("TP", "TN", "FP", "FN", "MCC")
rownames(performance) <- rownames(repositoyr_binary)
selected_drugs <- which(performance[,5] > 0.1)
CMP_subset <<- L1000_MP_profiles[selected_drugs,]
TP_subset <<- L1000_TP_profiles[selected_drugs,]
#-- Data Normalization [unitization with zero minimum]
for(l in 1:dim(CMP_subset)[2])
min <- min(CMP_subset[,l])
max <- max(CMP_subset[,l])
range <- max-min
for(t in 1:dim(CMP_subset)[1])
{ CMP_subset[t,l] <- ((CMP_subset[t,l]-min)/range) }
for(l in 1:dim(TP_subset)[2])
min <- min(TP_subset[,l])
max <- max(TP_subset[,l])
range <- max-min
for(t in 1:dim(TP_subset)[1])
{ TP_subset[t,l] <- ((TP_subset[t,l]-min)/range) }
MCR <- list();
for(i in 1:TOP)
x_new2 <- as.data.frame(CMP_subset[,i])
colnames(x_new2) <- colnames(CMP_subset)[i]
x <- data.matrix(TP_subset) #predictors
y <- as.numeric(unlist(x_new2)) #response
fit.lasso <- glmnet(x, y, standardize=TRUE)
#--- select Lambda ------
rmse= sqrt(apply((y[-train]-pred)^2,2,mean))
#-- extract significant coefficients --
Lasso_coefficient <- coef(fit.lasso, s=lam.best)
Lasso_coefficient <- as.matrix(Lasso_coefficient)
inds <- which(Lasso_coefficient[,1]!=0)
variables<-variables[!(variables %in% '(Intercept)')];
length(which(0 != Lasso_coefficient[,1]))
results <- as.data.frame(Lasso_coefficient[which(0 != Lasso_coefficient[,1]),1])
colnames(results) <- "coef"
results <- as.data.frame(results[-1,,FALSE])
selected_genes <- rownames(results)
ste_name <- data.frame();
LL <- (length(selected_genes))
selected_GO <- selected_genes
for(j2 in 1:LL)
ste_name[j2,1] <- selected_GO[j2]
MCR[[i]] <- ste_name[complete.cases(ste_name),1]
names(MCR)[i] <- colnames(x_new2)
} else {
MCR[[i]] <- "NULL"
names(MCR)[i] <- colnames(x_new2)
null_cms <- which(sapply(MCR, is.null))
if(0 < length(null_cms)){ MCR <- MCR[-c(null_cms)] }
df4 <- data.frame(c("gene","pathway"))
for(i in 1:length(MCR))
df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(MCR[[i]]), nrow=1, byrow=TRUE), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
df2 <- rep(names(MCR[i]), dim(df)[2])
df3 <- rbind(df,df2)
df4 <- cbind(df3,df4)
df4 <- t(df4)
colnames(df4) <- c("name","feature")
datCM2 <- (df4[-dim(df4)[1],])
agregatation <- as.data.frame(aggregate(name ~ feature, data = datCM2, toString))
Names <- as.character(agregatation$feature)
setDT(agregatation)[, id := .GRP, by = name] #Package 'data.table' - CRAN, it indexes the gene sets (add new column of indices)
agregatation <- agregatation[order(agregatation$id, decreasing=FALSE),] #Sort based on the indices
agregatation$id <- sprintf("Cluster_%d", agregatation$id) #Add term of cluster at the beginning of each index
agregatation <- as.data.frame(agregatation)
#-- visulization of crosstab table ---
df5 <- as.data.frame(datCM2)
query <- as.data.frame(Query_Transcriptomic_Profile)
for(i in 1:dim(df5)[1])
df5[i,3] <- query[which(rownames(query) %in% df5[i,1]),]
colnames(df5) <- c("Gene_name","Cell_morphological_phenotype","weight")
weights <- as.numeric(df5$weight)
for(i in 1:length(weights))
if(weights[i] > 0) {weights[i] <- 1}
if(weights[i] < 0) {weights[i] <- -1}
df5$weight <- weights
#ggplot(df5, aes(x = Gene_name, y = Cell_morphological_phenotype, fill = weight)) +
# geom_raster() +
# theme_bw() +
# theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 270, hjust = 0),
# axis.text=element_text(size=8), axis.title=element_text(size=14, face="bold"))
df6 <- data.frame()
for (num_row in 1:dim(df5)[1])
df6[num_row,1] <- as.character(levels(df5[num_row,1])[df5[num_row,1]])
df6[num_row,2] <- as.character(levels(df5[num_row,2])[df5[num_row,2]])
df6[num_row,3] <- df5[num_row,3]
M1 <- as.matrix(df6)
G1 <- graph.data.frame(M1)
MA <- get.adjacency(G1,sparse=FALSE)
MA[M1[,1:2]] <- as.numeric(M1[,3]) #weights
crossTable <<- MA[1:length(unique(df6[,1])),-(1:length(unique(df6[,1])))]
#-- Save data --
print("You can find the results in the 'crossTable' R object")
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