Man pages for hw538/cfDNAPro
cfDNAPro extracts and Visualises biological features from whole genome sequencing data of cell-free DNA

bam_to_galp2Function to read bam file
callCNVCall Copy Number Variation Using QDNAseq Utilities
callLengthCall Fragment Length
callMetricsCalculate the metrics of insert size
callModeCalculate the mode fragment size of each sample
callMotifCall Motif
callPeakDistanceCalculate the inter-peak distance of insert size
callSizeCalculate the insert size metrics (i.e. prop, cdf, 1-cdf) or...
callTrinucleotideCall trinucleotides and summarise the cfDNA information for...
callValleyDistanceCalculate the inter-valley distance of insert size
downsampleBamRandomly Downsample BAM File to a Target Depth
examplePathGet path to cfDNAPro example folder.
pileupMismatchesPileup Mismatches from BAM Files
plotAllToOnePlot the raw fragment size metrics (e.g. proportion, cdf and...
plotCNVplot copy number profile
plotLengthPlot fragment length profile
plotMetricsPlot the fragment size metrics (i.e. proportion, cdf and...
plotModePlot mode fragment size
plotModeSummarySummarize and plot mode fragment size in a stacked bar chart
plotMotifPlot Motif Count or Fraction as Bar Plot
plotPeakDistancePlot the inter-peak distance of fragment size distance...
plotSingleGroupPlot the raw fragment size metrics of single group in a...
plotTrinucleotidePlot Trinucleotide SBS Data
plotValleyDistancePlot the inter-valley distance of fragment size distance...
processMotifHelper function to process the motif data
readBamRead bam file into a curated GRanges object
read_bam_insert_metricsCalculate insert sizes from a curated GRanges object
readGALPRead bam file into GAlignmentPairs object
summarizeBamSummarise descriptive Bam stats
writeMutTableFunction that generates a Mutation Table with summarised...
hw538/cfDNAPro documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 6:09 p.m.