#' A beta-binomial regression test with similarity based bootstrapping
#' A GLM test with binomial distribution. In order to estimate the variance of
#' the weight, a boostrapping based on the composition similarity is performed.
#' @param counts1 A matrix of compsition sizes (n_rep1, n_cluster) for each
#' replicate in each cluster for codition 1 as case
#' @param counts2 A matrix of compsition sizes (n_rep2, n_cluster) for each
#' replicate in each cluster for codition 2 as control
#' @param similarity_mat A matrix of floats (n_cluster, n_cluster) for the
#' similarity matrix between cluster group pair. The order of cluster should
#' be consistent with those in `counts1` and `counts2`
#' @param pseudo_count A pseudo count to add for counts in all cell types.
#' Default NULL means 0 except if a cell type is emplty in one condition,
#' otherwise pseudo_count will be: 0.01 * rowMeans for each condition
#' @param n_samples An integer for number samples in sampling for estimating the
#' variance of the weights
#' @return a vector of significance p values for each cluster
#' @import matrixStats
#' @examples
#' K <- 2
#' totals1 = c(100, 800, 1300, 600)
#' totals2 = c(250, 700, 1100)
#' diri_s1 = rep(1, K) * 20
#' diri_s2 = rep(1, K) * 20
#' simil_mat = create_simMat(K, confuse_rate=0.2)
#' sim_dat <- DCATS::simulator_base(totals1, totals2, diri_s1, diri_s2, simil_mat)
#' #dcats_betabin(sim_dat[[1]], sim_dat[[2]], simil_mat, n_samples = 100)
dcats_betabin <- function(counts1, counts2, similarity_mat=NULL, n_samples=50,
pseudo_count=NULL) {
## Check counts1 and counts2 shape
if (length(counts1) == 1 || is.null(dim(counts1)) ||
length(dim(counts1)) < 2) {
counts1 = matrix(counts1, nrow=1)
if (length(counts2) == 1 || is.null(dim(counts2)) ||
length(dim(counts2)) < 2) {
counts2 = matrix(counts2, nrow=1)
prop1 <- counts1 / rowSums(counts1)
prop2 <- counts2 / rowSums(counts2)
## using estimated the latent cell counts
counts1_latent = counts1
counts2_latent = counts2
if(!is.null(similarity_mat)) {
for (i in seq_len(nrow(counts1))) {
counts1_latent[i, ] <- sum(counts1[i, ]) *
multinom_EM(counts1[i, ], similarity_mat, verbose = FALSE)$mu
for (i in seq_len(nrow(counts2))) {
counts2_latent[i, ] <- sum(counts2[i, ]) *
multinom_EM(counts2[i, ], similarity_mat, verbose = FALSE)$mu
## number of cell types
K <- ncol(counts1)
if (is.null(similarity_mat)) {
n_samples <- 1
if (!is.null(n_samples) && !is.null(similarity_mat)) {
counts1_use <- matrix(0, nrow(counts1) * n_samples, K)
counts2_use <- matrix(0, nrow(counts2) * n_samples, K)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(counts1))) {
idx <- seq((i - 1) * n_samples + 1, i * n_samples)
for (j in seq_len(K)) {
counts1_use[idx, ] <- (
counts1_use[idx, ] + t(rmultinom(n_samples,
counts1_latent[i, j],
similarity_mat[j, ])))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(counts2))) {
idx <- seq((i - 1) * n_samples + 1, i * n_samples)
for (j in seq_len(K)) {
counts2_use[idx, ] <- (
counts2_use[idx, ] + t(rmultinom(n_samples,
counts2_latent[i, j],
similarity_mat[j, ])))
} else{
counts1_use <- counts1
counts2_use <- counts2
# adding pseudo counts
if (is.null(pseudo_count)) {
if (any(colMeans(counts1) == 0) || any(colMeans(counts2) == 0) ) {
print(paste("Empty cell type exists in at least one conidtion;",
"adding replicate & condition specific pseudo count:"))
counts1_use <- counts1_use + 1
counts2_use <- counts2_use + 1
} else {
counts1_use = counts1_use + pseudo_count
counts2_use = counts2_use + pseudo_count
## Binomial regression for each sampling
LR_val <- matrix(NA, n_samples, K)
coeffs_val <- matrix(NA, n_samples, K)
coeffs_err <- matrix(NA, n_samples, K)
intercept_val <- matrix(NA, n_samples, K)
intercept_err <- matrix(NA, n_samples, K)
total_all <- c(rowSums(counts1_use), rowSums(counts2_use))
label_all <- c(rep(1, nrow(counts1_use)), rep(0, nrow(counts2_use)))
for (ir in seq_len(n_samples)) { ## for each sampling
idx <- seq(1, length(total_all), n_samples) + ir - 1
for (i in seq_len(K)) { ## for each cluster
n1 <- c(counts1_use[, i], counts2_use[, i])[idx]
df <- data.frame(n1 = n1, n2 = total_all[idx] - n1,
label = label_all[idx])
## betabin GLM
fm1 <- aod::betabin(cbind(n1, n2) ~ label, ~ 1, data = df)
if (any(is.na(fm1@varparam))) {
} else {
coeffs_err[ir, i] <-fm1@varparam[2, 2]
coeffs_val[ir, i] <- fm1@param[2]
intercept_val[ir, i] <- fm1@param[1] # summary(fm1)@Coef[1, 1]
intercept_err[ir, i] <- fm1@varparam[1, 1]
fm0 <- aod::betabin(cbind(n1, n2) ~ 1, ~ 1, data = df)
LR_val[ir, i] <- fm0@dev - fm1@dev
## Averaging the coeficients errors
if (is.null(n_samples) || is.null(similarity_mat) || n_samples == 1) {
coeff_val_mean <- colMeans(coeffs_val)
coeff_err_pool <- colMeans(coeffs_err**2)
intercept_val_mean <- colMeans(intercept_val)
intercept_err_pool <- colMeans(intercept_err**2)
} else{
coeff_val_mean <- colMeans(coeffs_val)
coeff_err_pool <- colMeans(coeffs_err**2) +
matrixStats::colSds(coeffs_val) +
matrixStats::colSds(coeffs_val) / n_samples
intercept_val_mean <- colMeans(intercept_val)
intercept_err_pool <- colMeans(intercept_err**2) +
matrixStats::colSds(intercept_val) +
matrixStats::colSds(intercept_val) / n_samples
# p values with Ward test: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wald_test
pvals <- pnorm(-abs(coeff_val_mean) / sqrt(coeff_err_pool)) * 2
LR_median = robustbase::colMedians(LR_val)
LRT_pvals <- pchisq(LR_median, df=1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)
"prop1_mean" = colMeans(prop1),
"prop1_std" = matrixStats::colSds(prop1),
"prop2_mean" = colMeans(prop2),
"prop2_std" = matrixStats::colSds(prop2),
"coeff_mean" = coeff_val_mean,
"coeff_std" = sqrt(coeff_err_pool),
"intecept_mean" = intercept_val_mean,
"intecept_std" = sqrt(intercept_err_pool),
"pvals" = pvals,
"LRT_pvals" = LRT_pvals,
row.names = colnames(counts1)
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