#' A Generalised linear model based likelihood ratio testing
#' GLM supports both beta-binomial and negative binomial from aod package.
#' @param count_mat A matrix of composition sizes (n_sample, n_cluster) for each
#' cluster in each sample
#' @param design_mat A matrix or a data frame of testing candidate factors
#' (n_sample, n_factor) with same sample order as count_mat. All factors
#' should be continous and categorical with only two levels.
#' @param similarity_mat A matrix of floats (n_cluster, n_cluster) for the
#' similarity matrix between cluster group pair. The order of cluster should
#' be consistent with those in `count_mat`.
#' @param pseudo_count A pseudo count to add for counts in all cell types
#' Default NULL means 0 except if a cell type is empty in one condition,
#' otherwise pseudo_count will be: 0.01 * rowMeans for each condition
#' @param base_model A string value: `NULL` for 1 factor vs NULL factor testing;
#' `FULL` for FULL factors vs n-1 factors testing.
#' @param fix_phi A numeric used to provided a fixed phi value for the GLM
#' for all cell types
#' @param reference A string value indicating which cell type is used as
#' reference for normalization. `NULL` indicates using total count for normalization.
#' @return a list of significance p values for each cluster
#' @export
#' @import matrixStats
#' @import stats
#' @examples
#' K <- 3
#' totals1 = c(100, 800, 1300, 600)
#' totals2 = c(250, 700, 1100)
#' diri_s1 = rep(1, K) * 20
#' diri_s2 = rep(1, K) * 20
#' simil_mat = DCATS::create_simMat(K, confuse_rate=0.2)
#' sim_dat <- DCATS::simulator_base(totals1, totals2, diri_s1, diri_s2, simil_mat)
#' sim_count = rbind(sim_dat$numb_cond1, sim_dat$numb_cond2)
#' sim_design = data.frame(condition = c("g1", "g1", "g1", "g1", "g2", "g2", "g2"),
#' gender = sample(c("Female", "Male"), 7, replace = TRUE))
#' ## Using 1 factor vs NULL factor testing
#' dcats_GLM(sim_count, sim_design, similarity_mat = simil_mat)
#' ## Using full factors vs n-1 factors testing with intercept term
#' dcats_GLM(sim_count, sim_design, similarity_mat = simil_mat, base_model='FULL')
#' ## Fix phi
#' dcats_GLM(sim_count, sim_design, similarity_mat = simil_mat, fix_phi = 1/61)
#' ## Specify reference cell type
#' colnames(sim_count) <- c("celltypeA", "celltypeB", "celltypeC")
dcats_GLM <- function(count_mat, design_mat, similarity_mat=NULL, pseudo_count=NULL, base_model='NULL', fix_phi=NULL, reference = NULL) {
# Output matrices
coeffs <- matrix(NA, ncol(count_mat), ncol(design_mat))
coeffs_err <- matrix(NA, ncol(count_mat), ncol(design_mat))
LR_vals <- matrix(NA, ncol(count_mat), ncol(design_mat))
LRT_pvals <- matrix(NA, ncol(count_mat), ncol(design_mat))
pvals <- matrix(NA, ncol(count_mat), ncol(design_mat))
LRT_fdr <- matrix(NA, ncol(count_mat), ncol(design_mat))
# Check colnames
if (is.null(colnames(count_mat)))
colnames(count_mat) <- paste0('cell_type_', seq(ncol(count_mat)))
if (is.null(colnames(design_mat)))
colnames(design_mat) <- paste0('factor_', seq(ncol(design_mat)))
# Add rownames and colnames
rownames(LR_vals) <- rownames(LRT_pvals) <- rownames(pvals) <- rownames(LRT_fdr) <-
rownames(coeffs) <- rownames(coeffs_err) <- colnames(count_mat)
colnames(LR_vals) <- colnames(LRT_pvals) <- colnames(pvals) <- colnames(LRT_fdr) <-
colnames(coeffs) <- colnames(coeffs_err) <- colnames(design_mat)
## using estimated the latent cell counts
count_use = count_mat
if(!is.null(similarity_mat)) {
for (i in seq_len(nrow(count_mat))) {
count_use[i, ] <- sum(count_mat[i, ]) *
multinom_EM(count_mat[i, ], similarity_mat, verbose = FALSE)$mu
K <- ncol(count_mat) ## number of cell types
# adding pseudo counts
if (is.null(pseudo_count)) {
if (any(colMeans(count_mat) == 0)) {
print(paste("Empty cell type exists in at least one conidtion;",
"adding replicate & condition specific pseudo count:"))
count_use <- count_use + 1
} else {
count_use = count_use + pseudo_count
count_use = round(count_use)
n_samples = 1
# Test each factor
for (k in seq_len(ncol(design_mat))) { ## for each factor
sub_LR_val <- matrix(NA, n_samples, K)
sub_coeffs_val <- matrix(NA, n_samples, K)
sub_coeffs_err <- matrix(NA, n_samples, K)
for (ir in seq_len(n_samples)) { ## for each sampling
idx <- seq(1, nrow(count_use), n_samples) + ir - 1
for (m in seq_len(ncol(count_use))) { ## for each cluster
#if (colnames(count_use)[m] == reference) {next}
if (is.null(reference)){
df_use <- data.frame(n1 = count_use[, m], total=rowSums(count_use))[idx,]
df_use$ref_count = df_use$total - df_use$n1
} else {
df_use <- data.frame(n1 = count_use[, m], ref_count=count_use[, reference])[idx,]
df_use <- cbind(df_use, design_mat)
df_tmp <- df_use[!is.na(design_mat[, k]), ]
## model fitting using betabin
if (base_model=='NULL' | ncol(design_mat) == 1) {
formula_fm0 <- as.formula('cbind(n1, ref_count) ~ 1')
formula_fm1 <- as.formula(paste0('cbind(n1, ref_count)', '~ 1+', colnames(design_mat)[k], sep=''))
} else if (base_model=='FULL') {
fm0_right <- paste(colnames(design_mat)[-k], collapse = " + ")
fm1_right <- paste(colnames(design_mat), collapse = " + ")
formula_fm0 <- as.formula(paste0('cbind(n1, ref_count)', ' ~ 1 + ', fm0_right, sep=''))
formula_fm1 <- as.formula(paste0('cbind(n1, ref_count)', ' ~ 1 + ', fm1_right, sep=''))
fm0 <- aod::betabin(formula_fm0, ~ 1, data = df_tmp, warnings = FALSE)
fm1 <- aod::betabin(formula_fm1, ~ 1, data = df_tmp, warnings = FALSE)
if (!is.null(fix_phi)){
fm0 <- aod::betabin(formula_fm0, ~ 1, data = df_tmp, warnings = FALSE, fixpar = list(fm0@nbpar, fix_phi))
fm1 <- aod::betabin(formula_fm1, ~ 1, data = df_tmp, warnings = FALSE, fixpar = list(fm1@nbpar, fix_phi))
## ignore the fitting if the hessian matrix is singular
if (length(fm1@varparam) < 4 || is.na(fm1@varparam[2, 2])) {next}
sub_LR_val[ir, m] <- fm0@dev - fm1@dev
parID <- grep(colnames(design_mat)[k], names(fm1@param))
if(length(parID) > 1) stop("Please check the design matrix, make sure all factors are continous or categorical with only two levels.")
sub_coeffs_val[ir, m] <- fm1@param[parID]
sub_coeffs_err[ir, m] <-fm1@varparam[parID, parID]
coeff_val_mean <- colMeans(sub_coeffs_val, na.rm = TRUE)
if (is.null(fix_phi)){
## averaging the estimation to get the final result
if (is.null(n_samples) || is.null(similarity_mat) || n_samples == 1){
sub_coeff_err_pool <- colMeans(sub_coeffs_err**2, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
sub_coeff_err_pool <- colMeans(sub_coeffs_err**2, na.rm = TRUE) +
matrixStats::colSds(sub_coeffs_val) +
matrixStats::colSds(sub_coeffs_val) / n_samples
# p values with Ward test: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wald_test
pvals[,k] <- pnorm(-abs(coeff_val_mean) / sqrt(sub_coeff_err_pool)) * 2
coeffs_err[, k] <- sqrt(sub_coeff_err_pool)
LR_median = robustbase::colMedians(sub_LR_val, na.rm = TRUE)
LR_vals[, k] <- LR_median
LRT_pvals[, k] <- pchisq(LR_median, df=1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)
coeffs[, k] <- coeff_val_mean
# Return list
LRT_fdr[,] <- p.adjust(LRT_pvals, method = 'fdr')
#res <- list('ceoffs'=coeffs, 'coeffs_err'=coeffs_err, 'pvals' = pvals, 'LR_vals'=LR_vals, 'LRT_pvals'=LRT_pvals, 'fdr'=LRT_fdr)
res <- list('ceoffs'=coeffs, 'coeffs_err'=coeffs_err, 'LR_vals'=LR_vals, 'LRT_pvals'=LRT_pvals, 'fdr'=LRT_fdr)
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