#' Function to obtain a list of features via splitting an input architecture
#' \code{dcSplitArch} is supposed to obtain a list of features via splitting an input architecture.
#' @param da an input architecture. For example, a comma-separated string
#' @param feature.mode the mode of how to define the features thereof. It can be: "supra" for combinations of one or two successive domains (including individual domains; considering the order), "individual" for individual domains only, and "comb" for all possible combinations (including individual domains; ignoring the order)
#' @param sep a character string to separate. By default, it is comma ','
#' @param ignore a character string to ignore. By default, it is '_gap_'. Ihis ignored character will affect the features defined as being 'supra' (see examples below)
#' @param verbose logical to indicate whether the messages will be displayed in the screen. By default, it sets to TRUE for display
#' @return
#' a vector containing splitted features.
#' @note
#' none
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{dcAlgo}}, \code{\link{dcAlgoPredict}}
#' @include dcSplitArch.r
#' @examples
#' da <- "_gap_,100895,57610,_gap_,57610,47473"
#' # get features defined as being "supra"
#' dcSplitArch(da, feature.mode="supra")
#' # get features defined as being "individual"
#' dcSplitArch(da, feature.mode="individual")
#' # get features defined as being "comb"
#' dcSplitArch(da, feature.mode="comb")
dcSplitArch <- function(da, feature.mode=c("supra","individual","comb"), sep=",", ignore="_gap_", verbose=T)
## match.arg matches arg against a table of candidate values as specified by choices, where NULL means to take the first one
feature.mode <- match.arg(feature.mode)
ind <- grep(ignore, da, perl=T)
## first, split according to '_gap_'
da_tmp <- unlist(strsplit(da,ignore))
da_tmp <- da_tmp[da_tmp!='']
pattern <- paste('^', sep, '|', sep, '$', sep='')
da_tmp <- gsub(pattern,'', da_tmp, perl=T)
da_tmp <- unique(da_tmp)
da_tmp <- da
tmp <- paste(da_tmp, collapse=sep)
data <- unlist(strsplit(tmp,sep))
len <- length(data)
#l <- rep(list(data), len)
res <- lapply(1:len, function(x){
res <- utils::combn(data, x)
res2 <- apply(res, 2, function(y){
tmp <- sort(y)
paste(tmp, collapse=sep)
}else if(feature.mode=='supra'){
res <- lapply(da_tmp, function(da){
## then, split according to ','
data <- unlist(strsplit(da, sep))
len <- length(data)
res <- da
}else if(len <= 4){
m <- sapply(0:(2^len-1),function(x){
m <- t(m[1:len,])
flag <- sapply(1:nrow(m), function(x){
tmp <- which(m[x,]==1)
}else if(length(tmp)==0){
m <- m[flag,]
res <- sapply(1:nrow(m), function(x){
paste(data[which(m[x,]==1)], collapse=',')
res <- unique(res)
res <- list()
k <- 1
st <- 1
for(i in 1:(len-st+1)){
res[[k]] <- paste(data[i:(i+st-1)], collapse=',')
k <- k+1
st <- st+1
res <- unique(unlist(res))
}else if(feature.mode=='individual'){
tmp <- paste(da_tmp, collapse=sep)
res <- unlist(strsplit(tmp,sep))
res <- unique(unlist(res, use.names=F))
# for SCOP fa: to remove those feature as '0'
res <- res[res!='0']
message(sprintf("There are %d unique features (defined as being '%s').", length(res), feature.mode), appendLF=T)
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