#' Function to draw a tree-like circular plot
#' \code{xCtree} is supposed to draw a tree-like circular plot (dendrogram circular layout), with tips labelled (outwards or inwards). The tree is provided as an object of class "igraph".
#' @param ig an object of class "igraph" with node attribute 'name'. It could be a 'phylo' object converted to. Note: the leave labels would be the node attribute 'name' unless the node attribute 'label' is explicitely provided
#' @param leave.label.orientation the leave label orientation. It can be "outwards" and "inwards"
#' @param leave.label.size the text size of the leave labelings. By default, it is 2
#' @param leave.label.color the color of the leave labelings
#' @param leave.label.alpha the alpha of the leave labelings
#' @param leave.label.wrap the wrap width of the leave labelings
#' @param leave.label.expansion the x- and y-expansion of the leave labelings. The value of 1 for the exact location of the leave, and the outwards (>1; by default 1.05 if NULL) and the inwards (<1; by default 0.98 if NULL)
#' @param leave.size the size of the leave nodes. By default, it is 0
#' @param limit.expansion the x- and y-limit expansion. By default, it is 1.1. Beware the orignial limit is [-1,1]
#' @param edge.color the color of edges
#' @param edge.alpha the alpha of edges
#' @param edge.width the width of edges
#' @return
#' a ggplot2 object appended with 'ig' and 'data' which should contain columns 'x','y', 'leaf' (T/F), 'name' (the same as V(ig)$name), 'tipid' (tip id), 'label' (if not given in ig, a 'name' varient), 'angle' and 'hjust' (assist in leave label orientation).
#' @note none
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{xCtree}}
#' @include xCtree.r
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(XGR)
#' RData.location <- "http://galahad.well.ox.ac.uk/bigdata"
#' AA.template <- xRDataLoader("AA.template", RData.location=RData.location)
#' # consensus tree
#' ig <- AA.template$consensus$ig
#' # outwards
#' gp <- xCtree(ig, leave.label.orientation="outwards", leave.label.wrap=50, limit.expansion=1.5, leave.size=2)
#' head(gp$data %>% dplyr::arrange(tipid))
#' # inwards
#' gp <- xCtree(ig, leave.label.orientation="inwards", leave.label.wrap=30)
#' # obtain 'xcoord' and 'ycoord'
#' gp <- ggraph::ggraph(ig, layout='dendrogram', circular=TRUE)
#' data <- gp$data %>% dplyr::arrange(.ggraph.orig_index)
#' V(ig)$xcoord <- data[,'x']
#' V(ig)$ycoord <- data[,'y']
#' }
xCtree <- function(ig, leave.label.orientation=c('outwards','inwards'), leave.label.size=2, leave.label.color="steelblue", leave.label.alpha=0.7, leave.label.wrap=NULL, leave.label.expansion=NULL, leave.size=0, limit.expansion=1.1, edge.color='grey', edge.alpha=0.5, edge.width=0.5)
leave.label.orientation <- match.arg(leave.label.orientation)
## how to convert a phylo object 'tree' into igraph object 'ig'
## if internal node labels are duplicated, remove all (and add by as.igraph)
if(any(duplicated(tree$node.label))) tree$node.label<-NULL
ig <- as.igraph(tree, directed=T, use.labels=T)
warnings("The function must apply to the 'igraph' object.\n")
if(!all(c("name") %in% igraph::vertex_attr_names(ig))){
warnings("The igraph object must have vertex attribute 'name'.\n")
if(!("label" %in% igraph::vertex_attr_names(ig))){
# append 'label'
V(ig)$label <- V(ig)$name
## label wrap
width <- as.integer(leave.label.wrap)
res_list <- lapply(V(ig)$label, function(x){
x <- gsub('_', ' ', x)
y <- strwrap(x, width=width)
V(ig)$label <- unlist(res_list)
if(!("tipid" %in% igraph::vertex_attr_names(ig))){
# append 'tipid': NA for internal node, sequential order for tips
ind <- match(V(ig)$name, dnet::dDAGtip(ig))
V(ig)$tipid <- NA
V(ig)$tipid[!is.na(ind)] <- 1:sum(!is.na(ind))
## orientation: angle and hjust
V(ig)$angle <- 90 - 360 * V(ig)$tipid / sum(!is.na(V(ig)$tipid))
V(ig)$hjust <- ifelse(V(ig)$angle < -90, 1, 0)
leave.label.expansion <- 1.05
}else if(leave.label.orientation=='inwards'){
V(ig)$hjust <- ifelse(V(ig)$angle < -90, 0, 1)
leave.label.expansion <- 0.98
V(ig)$angle <- ifelse(V(ig)$angle < -90, V(ig)$angle+180, V(ig)$angle)
## to be tested
V(ig)$angle[is.na(V(ig)$angle)] <- 0
V(ig)$hjust[is.na(V(ig)$hjust)] <- 0
x <- y <- leaf <- label <- angle <- hjust <- NULL
gp <- ggraph::ggraph(ig, layout='dendrogram', circular=TRUE)
gp <- gp + ggraph::geom_edge_diagonal(color=edge.color,alpha=edge.alpha,width=edge.width)
gp <- gp + ggraph::geom_node_point(aes(filter=leaf),size=leave.size, color=edge.color,alpha=edge.alpha)
gp <- gp + ggraph::geom_node_text(aes(x=x*leave.label.expansion, y=y*leave.label.expansion, filter=leaf, label=label, angle=angle, hjust=hjust),show.legend=F, color=leave.label.color, size=leave.label.size, alpha=leave.label.alpha, fontface="bold") + expand_limits(x=c(-limit.expansion, limit.expansion), y=c(-limit.expansion, limit.expansion))
gp <- gp + coord_fixed() + theme(legend.position="bottom") + ggraph::theme_graph(base_family="sans",plot_margin=margin(0,0,0,0))
# order by tipid
tipid <- NULL
#gp$data <- gp$data %>% dplyr::arrange(tipid)
.ggraph.orig_index <- NULL
# append 'xcoord' and 'ycoord'
data <- gp$data %>% dplyr::arrange(.ggraph.orig_index)
V(ig)$xcoord <- data[,'x']
V(ig)$ycoord <- data[,'y']
gp$ig <- ig
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