#' @name plotMeanSd
#' @author Michael Steinbaugh, Lorena Patano
#' @inherit AcidGenerics::plotMeanSd
#' @note Requires the vsn package to be installed.
#' @note Updated 2022-10-24.
#' @inheritParams bcbioRNASeq
#' @inheritParams AcidRoxygen::params
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param lineColor `character(1)`.
#' Line color.
#' @details
#' `vsn::meanSdPlot()` wrapper that plots count transformations on a log2 scale.
#' - DESeq2 log2: log2 library size factor-adjusted normalized counts.
#' - DESeq2 rlog: **r**egularized **log** transformation.
#' - DESeq2 VST: **v**ariance-**s**tabilizing **t**ransformation.
#' - edgeR log2 TMM: log2 **t**rimmed **m**ean of **M**-values transformation.
#' @seealso
#' - `vsn::meanSdPlot()`.
#' - `DESeq2::DESeq()`.
#' - `DESeq2::rlog()`.
#' - `DESeq2::varianceStabilizingTransformation()`.
#' - `edgeR::calcNormFactors()`.
#' @examples
#' data(bcb)
#' ## bcbioRNASeq ====
#' if (requireNamespace("vsn", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' plotMeanSd(bcb)
#' }
## Updated 2022-03-07.
`plotMeanSd,bcbioRNASeq` <- # nolint
fill = ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient(
low = AcidPlots::lightPalette[["gray"]],
high = AcidPlots::lightPalette[["purple"]]
lineColor = AcidPlots::lightPalette[["orange"]],
legend = getOption(x = "acid.legend", default = TRUE)) {
isGgscale(fill, scale = "continuous", aes = "fill", nullOk = TRUE),
isString(lineColor, nullOk = TRUE)
## Determine which genes are non-zero, and should be included in plot.
raw <- counts(object, normalized = FALSE)
nonzero <- rowSums(raw) > 0L
args <- list(
"sf" = list(log2 = FALSE, title = "sf"),
"rlog" = list(log2 = TRUE, title = "rlog"),
"vst" = list(log2 = TRUE, title = "vst"),
"tmm" = list(log2 = FALSE, title = "tmm"),
"rle" = list(log2 = FALSE, title = "rle")
normalized <- names(args)
log2 <- vapply(
X = args,
FUN = function(x) x[["log2"]],
FUN.VALUE = logical(1L)
## Get the requested counts from object.
assays <- Map(
normalized = normalized,
log2 = log2,
MoreArgs = list(
"object" = object,
"nonzero" = nonzero
f = function(normalized, log2, object, nonzero) {
mat <- tryCatch(
expr = counts(object, normalized = normalized),
error = function(e) NULL
if (!is.matrix(mat)) {
assert(identical(length(nonzero), nrow(mat)))
mat <- mat[nonzero, , drop = FALSE]
if (!isTRUE(log2)) {
mat <- log2(mat + 1L)
assays <- Filter(f = Negate(is.null), x = assays)
titles <- vapply(
X = args,
FUN = function(x) x[["title"]],
FUN.VALUE = character(1L)
titles <- titles[names(assays)]
plotlist <- Map(
assay = assays,
title = titles,
MoreArgs = list(
"fill" = fill,
"legend" = legend,
"lineColor" = lineColor
f = function(assay, title, fill, legend, lineColor) {
p <- vsn::meanSdPlot(
x = assay,
ranks = TRUE,
plot = FALSE,
bins = 50L
p <- p[["gg"]] + ggtitle(paste(title, "(log2)"))
## Improve the fill aesthetics.
if (is(fill, "ScaleContinuous")) {
suppressMessages(p <- p + fill)
## Improve the line aesthetics.
p[["layers"]][[2L]][["aes_params"]][["colour"]] <- lineColor
p[["layers"]][[2L]][["aes_params"]][["size"]] <- 1L
## Remove the plot (color) legend, if desired.
if (!isTRUE(legend)) {
plotlist <- lapply(plotlist, function(p) {
p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
#' @rdname plotMeanSd
#' @export
f = "plotMeanSd",
signature = signature(object = "bcbioRNASeq"),
definition = `plotMeanSd,bcbioRNASeq`
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