#' Extract or replace parts of an object
#' Extract genes by row and samples by column.
#' Internal count transformations are rescaled automatically, if defined. DESeq2
#' transformations will only be updated when `recalculate = TRUE`.
#' @name extract
#' @author Michael Steinbaugh, Lorena Pantano
#' @inherit base::Extract params references
#' @note Updated 2024-03-27.
#' @inheritParams AcidRoxygen::params
#' @param recalculate `logical(1)`.
#' Recalculate DESeq2 normalized counts and variance-stabilizing
#' transformations defined in `assays`.\cr
#' Recommended by default, but can take a long time for large datasets.\cr\
#' If `FALSE`, these assays will be removed automatically: `normalized`,
#' `rlog`, `vst`.
#' @return `bcbioRNASeq`.
#' @examples
#' ## bcbioRNASeq ====
#' data(bcb)
#' object <- bcb
#' ## Minimum of 100 genes, 2 samples.
#' genes <- head(rownames(object), 100L)
#' head(genes)
#' samples <- head(colnames(object), 2L)
#' head(samples)
#' ## Extract by sample name.
#' object[, samples]
#' ## Extract by gene list.
#' object[genes, ]
#' ## Extract by both genes and samples.
#' x <- object[genes, samples]
#' print(x)
#' ## Fast subsetting, by skipping DESeq2 recalculations.
#' ## Note that `normalized`, `rlog`, and `vst` assays will be removed.
#' x <- object[, samples, recalculate = FALSE]
#' print(x)
## Updated 2024-03-27.
`extract,bcbioRNASeq` <- # nolint
function(x, i, j,
recalculate = TRUE,
drop = FALSE) {
identical(drop, FALSE),
## Genes (rows).
if (missing(i)) {
i <- seq_len(nrow(x))
## Require at least 50 genes.
assert(isInRange(length(i), lower = 50L, upper = Inf))
## Samples (columns).
if (missing(j)) {
j <- seq_len(ncol(x))
## Require at least 2 samples.
assert(isInRange(length(j), lower = 2L, upper = Inf))
## Determine whether we should stash subset in metadata.
if (identical(x = dim(x), y = c(length(i), length(j)))) {
subset <- FALSE
} else {
subset <- TRUE
## Regenerate RangedSummarizedExperiment.
rse <- as(x, "RangedSummarizedExperiment")
rse <- rse[i, j, drop = FALSE]
## Early return original object, if unmodified.
if (identical(assay(rse), assay(x))) {
## Assays --------------------------------------------------------------
assays <- assays(rse)
if (isTRUE(subset)) {
## Recalculate DESeq2 normalized counts and variance stabilizations
## if the number of samples and/or genes change.
if (isTRUE(recalculate)) {
"Recalculating {.pkg %s} normalizations.", "DESeq2"
dds <- `new,DESeqDataSet`(se = rse)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
## Normalized counts.
assays[["normalized"]] <- counts(dds, normalized = TRUE)
## vst: variance-stabilizing transformation.
if ("vst" %in% names(assays)) {
alert("{.fun varianceStabilizingTransformation}")
assays[["vst"]] <-
## rlog: regularized log transformation.
## v0.3.22: We're no longer allowing automatic rlog calculation
## during the `bcbioRNASeq()` call, because it's often too slow.
## However, we're keeping support here for legacy objects.
if ("rlog" %in% names(assays)) {
alert(sprintf("{.fun %s}", "rlog"))
assays[["rlog"]] <- assay(rlog(dds))
} else {
## Otherwise, remove previous calculations.
"Skipping {.fun %s} normalizations.", "DESeq2"
assays[["normalized"]] <- NULL
assays[["rlog"]] <- NULL
assays[["vst"]] <- NULL
assays[["fpkm"]] <- NULL
## Drop any `NULL` items in assays.
assays <- Filter(f = Negate(is.null), x = assays)
assays(rse) <- assays
## Metadata ------------------------------------------------------------
metadata <- metadata(rse)
if (isTRUE(subset)) {
metadata[["subset"]] <- TRUE
## Drop any `NULL` items in metadata.
metadata <- Filter(f = Negate(is.null), x = metadata)
metadata(rse) <- metadata
## Return --------------------------------------------------------------
rse <- droplevels2(rse)
bcb <- new(Class = "bcbioRNASeq", rse)
#' @rdname extract
#' @export
f = "[",
signature = signature(
x = "bcbioRNASeq",
i = "ANY",
j = "ANY",
drop = "ANY" # Don't use logical here.
definition = `extract,bcbioRNASeq`
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