#' build Feature Vector_2
#' This function creates a data frame. Fields include peak name, upstream
#' sequence, downstream sequence, and features to be used in classifying the
#' putative polyadenylation site.
#' @param peaks An object of GRanges that may contain the upstream and
#' downstream sequence information. This item is created by the function
#' \link{BED6WithSeq2GRangesSeq}.
#' @param genome Name of the genome to get sequences from. To find out a
#' list of available genomes, please type BSgenome::available.genomes() in R.
#' @param upstream An integer(1) vector, length of upstream sequence to retrieve.
#' @param downstream An integer(1) vector, length of downstream sequence to
#' retrieve.
#' @param wordSize An integer(1) vector, size of the kmer feature for the
#' upstream sequence. wordSize = 6 should always be used.
#' @param alphabet A character(1) vector, a string containing DNA bases.
#' By default, "ACTG".
#' @param sampleType A character(1) vector, indicating type of sequences for
#' building feature vectors. Options are TP (true positive) and TN
#' (true negative) for training data, or unknown for test data.
#' @param replaceNAdistance An integer(1) vector, specifying an number for
#' avg.distanceA2PeakEnd, the average distance of As to the putative pA site,
#' when there is no A in the downstream sequence.
#' @param method A character(1) vector, specifying a machine learning method
#' to to use. Currently, only "NaiveBayes" is implemented.
#' @param fetchSeq A logical (1), indicating whether upstream and downstream
#' sequences should be retrieved from the BSgenome object at this step or not.
#' @param return_sequences A logical(1) vector, indicating whether upstream and
#' downstream sequences should be included in the output
#' @return An object of "\code{\link{featureVector}}"
#' @author Sarah Sheppard, Haibo Liu, Jianhong Ou, Nathan Lawson, Lihua J. Zhu
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet alphabetFrequency
#' @importFrom stringr str_locate_all
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges strand start end mcols seqnames
#' @importFrom seqinr s2c count
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @import BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer7
#' @importMethodsFrom GenomicRanges end<- start<-
#' @examples
#' library(BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer7)
#' testFile <- system.file("extdata", "test.bed",
#' package = "cleanUpdTSeq")
#' peaks <- BED6WithSeq2GRangesSeq(file = testFile,
#' skip = 1L, withSeq = TRUE)
#' ## build the feature vector for the test set with sequence information
#' testSet.NaiveBayes = buildFeatureVector(peaks,
#' genome = Drerio,
#' upstream = 40L,
#' downstream = 30L,
#' wordSize = 6L,
#' alphabet = "ACGT",
#' sampleType = "unknown",
#' replaceNAdistance = 30,
#' method = "NaiveBayes",
#' fetchSeq = FALSE,
#' return_sequences = TRUE)
#' ## convert the test set to GRanges without upstream and downstream
#' ## sequence information
#' peaks <- BED6WithSeq2GRangesSeq(file = testFile,
#' skip = 1L, withSeq = FALSE)
#' #build the feature vector for the test set without sequence information
#' testSet.NaiveBayes = buildFeatureVector(peaks,
#' genome = Drerio,
#' upstream = 40L,
#' downstream = 30L,
#' wordSize = 6L,
#' alphabet = "ACGT",
#' sampleType = "unknown",
#' replaceNAdistance = 30,
#' method = "NaiveBayes",
#' fetchSeq = TRUE,
#' return_sequences = TRUE)
#' @export
buildFeatureVector <- function(peaks,
genome = Drerio,
upstream = 40L,
downstream = 30L,
wordSize = 6L,
alphabet = "ACGT",
sampleType = c("TP", "TN", "unknown"),
replaceNAdistance = 30L,
method = c("NaiveBayes", "SVM"),
fetchSeq = FALSE,
return_sequences = FALSE)
if((!class(upstream) %in% c("integer", "numeric")) ||
(!class(downstream) %in% c("integer", "numeric")) ||
(!class(wordSize) %in% c("integer", "numeric")))
stop("upstream, downstream and wordSize must be integers")
if(!is(genome, "BSgenome"))
stop("genome must be an object BSgenome")
## use peak end as the separator to get 50bp upstream and 40 bp
## downstream for peak at negative strand, it is the reverse
## complement of the plus strand
if (fetchSeq == TRUE)
sequences <- getContextSequences(peaks,
upstream = upstream,
downstream = downstream,
genome = genome)
upstream.seq <- sequences$upstream.seq
downstream.seq <- sequences$downstream.seq
} else {
upstream.seq <- peaks$upstream.seq
end.up <- vapply(upstream.seq, nchar, numeric(1))
start.up <- end.up - upstream + 1
start.up <- vapply(start.up, function(i) {max(i, 1)},
upstream.seq <- substr(upstream.seq, start.up, end.up)
downstream.seq <- peaks$downstream.seq
end.down <- vapply(downstream.seq, function(i) {
min(nchar(i), downstream)}, numeric(1))
downstream.seq <- substr(downstream.seq, 1, end.down)
## upstream hexamer presence/absence features
if (method == "NaiveBayes") {
upstream_hexamer <- do.call(rbind,
function(i) {
wordsize = wordSize,
alphabet = s2c(alphabet)))}))
upstream_hexamer[upstream_hexamer > 0] <- "1"
upstream_hexamer <- as.data.frame(upstream_hexamer,
stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
} else {
upstream_hexamer <- cbind(upstream.seq, downstream.seq)
## Downstream features: mono-, dinucleotide frequency, mean distances
## between A and pA sites.
mononuc_freq <-
baseOnly = TRUE)[, -5, drop=FALSE])
A_pos <- str_locate_all(pattern = "A", downstream.seq)
avg.distanceA2PeakEnd <-
vapply(A_pos, function(.x) {mean(.x[,1])}, numeric(1))
avg.distanceA2PeakEnd[is.na(avg.distanceA2PeakEnd)] <- replaceNAdistance
dinuc_freq <-
function(i) {
wordsize = 2,
alphabet = s2c(alphabet)))}))
feature_df <- cbind(mononuc_freq,
feature_names <- c("y","n.A.Downstream",
if (sampleType == "TP")
feature_df <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(upstream_hexamer)), feature_df)
colnames(feature_df)[1:6] <- feature_names
} else if (sampleType == "TN") {
feature_df <- cbind(rep(0, nrow(upstream_hexamer)), feature_df)
colnames(feature_df)[1:6] <- feature_names
} else {
colnames(feature_df)[1:5] <- feature_names[-1]
if (return_sequences)
if (method == "NaiveBayes")
feature_df <- cbind(feature_df, upstream.seq, downstream.seq)
} else {
nParam <- ncol(feature_df)
colnames(feature_df)[(nParam - 1):nParam] <-
c("upstream.seq", "downstream.seq")
rownames(feature_df) <- names(peaks)
feature_vectors <- new("featureVector",
data = feature_df,
info = new("modelInfo",
upstream = as.integer(upstream),
downstream = as.integer(downstream),
wordSize = as.integer(wordSize),
alphabet = alphabet))
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