#internal functions imported from LiquidAssociation package with permission
stand <- function(object) {
if (sum(is.na(object))>0)
stop("Input vector contains missing value!!")
myvect <- object
ans <- (myvect-mean(myvect))/sd(myvect)
qqnorm2 <- function(object){
if (sum(is.na(object))>0)
stop("Input vector contains missing value!!")
myvect <- object
n <- length(myvect)
rmyvect <- rank(myvect)/(n+1)
nmyvect <- sapply(rmyvect, qnorm)
permute3.se <- function(object){
stand.data <- object
null <- sample(stand.data[,3])
ndata <- cbind(stand.data[,1:2], null)
boots.gla.se2 <- function(object, num=1 ,cut=4, dim=3){
stand.data <- object
n <- nrow(stand.data)
sam <- sample(1:n, n, replace=TRUE)
ndata <- stand.data[sam,]
ndata[,dim] <- qqnorm2(ndata[,dim])
stand.ndata <- apply(ndata, 2, stand)
ans <- GLA(stand.ndata, cut=cut, dim=dim)
#internal functions
exp.fun <- function(x){
zero.one <- as.numeric(cut2(x,g=3))
stand2 <- function(object){
ans <- (object-mean(object,na.rm=TRUE))/sd(object,na.rm=TRUE)
quant.norm <- function(vector){
myvect <- vector
n <- sum(as.numeric(!is.na(myvect)))
rmyvect <- rank(myvect,na.last="keep")/(n+1)
nmyvect <- sapply(rmyvect, qnorm)
# updates LiquidAssociation's GLA function to call Hmisc's cut2 vs base cut to avoid breaks are not unique error
GLA <- function(object, cut=4, dim=3, geneMap=NULL){
if (!is.numeric(object))
stop("Input matrix must be numeric")
stop("Input data must have three variables")
if (length(colnames(object))!=3 & length(geneMap)!=3)
stop("Please specify the names of three variables")
if (length(geneMap)==3)
data <- object[!is.na(object[,1]) & !is.na(object[,2]) & !is.na(object[,3]),]
data[,dim] <- qqnorm2(data[,dim])
data <- apply(data, 2, stand)
x <- seq(0,1, length=cut)
br <- quantile(data[,dim], prob=x)
index <- as.numeric(Hmisc::cut2(data[, dim], g=(cut-1)))
tab <- table(index)
tab <- tab[tab > 2]
vect <- as.numeric(names(tab))
m2 <- rep(0, length(vect))
cor.e <- rep(0, length(vect))
gla.x2 <- rep(0, length(vect))
for ( i in 1:length(vect)){
p <- which(index==vect[i])
m2[i] <- mean(data[p,dim])
cor.e[i] <- cor(data[p, -dim])[1,2]
gla.x2[i] <- cor.e[i]*m2[i]
ans <- mean(gla.x2)
names(ans) <- paste("GLA(", colnames(object)[1], ",", colnames(object)[2], "|", colnames(object)[3],")", sep="")
#####internal to fastMLA
jobsplit <- function(ival=1, data, topn=5000, rvalue=0.5, cut=4){
top <- matrix(NA,ncol=5,nrow=topn)
data.cor <- data[,-ival]
third <- data[,ival]
if(length(unique(third))<3 | nlevels(Hmisc::cut2(data[,ival], g=3))< min(3, cut-1)){
} else {
#data sorted based on column input, separates into high vs low expression
#based on gene in third position
subset <- !is.na(third)
exp.vec <- exp.fun(third)
invec <- exp.vec[subset]
data.mat <- data.cor[subset,]
ones <- data.mat[which(invec==max(invec)),]
zeroes <- data.mat[which(invec==min(invec)),]
#calculates correlation with call to WGCNA cor()
#use="p" for pearson pairwise handling of missing data
rho.one <- WGCNA::cor(ones, use="p")
rho.zero <- WGCNA::cor(zeroes, use="p")
rho.diff <- rho.one-rho.zero
rho.diff[upper.tri(rho.diff,diag=TRUE)] <- NA
#determines which pairs are greater than the specified correlation
#code to examine rhodiff values
for(i in 1:(ncol(data.mat)-1)){
index <- which((abs(rho.diff[,i]))>rvalue, arr.ind=TRUE)
if (length(index)!=0){
res.mat <- matrix(NA,ncol=5,nrow=length(index))
res.mat[,1] <- i
res.mat[,2] <- index
res.mat[,3] <- ival
res.mat[,4] <- rho.diff[,i][index]
GLAcalc <- function(subord,data.cor,third){
trip <- cbind(data.cor[,subord],third)
outGLA <- GLA(trip, dim=3, cut=cut)
} else {
GLAtest <- apply(res.mat[,1:2],1,GLAcalc,data.cor=data.cor,third=third)
res.mat[,5] <- GLAtest}
combine <- rbind(top,res.mat)
top <- head(combine[order(abs(combine[,5]),decreasing=T),],topn)
} else {top <- top}
wrapper<-function(data, topn, nvec, rvalue, cut){
outlist <- mclapply(nvec, jobsplit, data=data, topn=topn, rvalue=rvalue, cut=cut)
outlist <- do.call(rbind,outlist)
nreturn <- c(topn,nrow(outlist))
toplt <- head(outlist[order(abs(outlist[,5]),decreasing=TRUE),],min(nreturn))
ival <- toplt[3]
short <- colnames(data[,-ival])
long <- colnames(data)
outname <- cbind(short[toplt[1]],short[toplt[2]],long[toplt[3]])
###end of internal to fastMLA
####internal to mass.CNM
#for running samples with CNM.full in bulk to return top values
top.CNM <- function(data, GLA.mat){
if (!is.numeric(data))
stop("Data matrix must be numeric")
dat.q <- apply(data,2,quant.norm)
dat.s <- apply(dat.q,2,stand2)
pvalmat <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(GLA.mat),ncol=10)
pvalmat[,10] <- "F"
pvalmat[,1:5] <- as.matrix(GLA.mat)
for (i in 1:nrow(pvalmat)){
datCNM <- dat.s[,pvalmat[i,1:3]]
colnames(pvalmat) <- c("X1 or X2","X2 or X1","X3","rhodiff","GLA value","estimates","san.se","wald","p value","model")
#for running samples with CNM.simple in bulk
sens.CNM<-function(data, full.mat){
if (!is.numeric(data))
stop("Data matrix must be numeric")
dat.q <- apply(data,2,quant.norm)
dat.s <- apply(dat.q,2,stand2)
pvalmat <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(full.mat),ncol=10)
pvalmat[,10] <- "S"
pvalmat[,1:5] <- as.matrix(full.mat[,1:5])
for (i in 1:nrow(pvalmat)){
datCNM <- dat.s[,pvalmat[i,1:3]]
pvalmat[i,6:9] <- CNM.simple(datCNM)@output[4,]
colnames(pvalmat) <- c("X1 or X2","X2 or X1","X3","rhodiff","GLA value","estimates","san.se","wald","p value","model")
#used to determine if results from CNM.full or CNM.simple were sensible
#intended for use with output from sens.CNM or top.CNM
#to determine results which need to be run in next stage of pvalue testing
boots.index <- function(matrix){
index <- ((as.numeric(matrix[,7])==0)|(as.numeric(matrix[,7])>10)|(is.finite(as.numeric(matrix[,6]))!=TRUE)|
####end of internal to mass.CNM
####internal to fastboots.GLA
##large cluster code for bootstrapping which avoids the chance NA iteration error
##cluster version rewrite of getGLA
clusterGLA <- function(object, boots=30, clust, perm=100, cut=4, dim=3, geneMap=NULL){
if (!is.numeric(object))
stop("Input matrix must be numeric")
if (ncol(object)!=3)
stop("Input data must have three variables")
if (length(colnames(object))!=3 & length(geneMap)!=3)
stop("Please specify the names of three variables")
if (length(geneMap)==3)
dat <- object[(!is.na(object[,1]) & !is.na(object[,2]) & !is.na(object[,3])),]
#make X3 into its normal quantile and for all 3 transform to mean 0,sd 1
dat[,dim] <- qqnorm2(dat[,dim])
nsdata <- apply(dat, 2, stand)
#obtain initial GLA estimate from transformed data
gla1 <- GLA(nsdata, cut=cut, dim=dim)
#boots.gla.se2 randomly samples from the transformed data, then re-quantile normalizes
#only the X3 portion before obtaining a GLA estimate
#using the sapply function, it obtains #=boots estimates of GLA in this way
bootsse1 <- sapply(1:boots, boots.gla.se2, object=nsdata, cut=cut, dim=dim)
bse1 <- sd(bootsse1)
#bse1 is sd of bootstrap results, test1 is statistic created by dividing original
#GLA estimate by bootstrap obtained sd
test1 <- gla1/bse1
nullGLA <- function(iter,boots,data,cut,dim,clust=clust){
stand <- function(object) {
if (sum(is.na(object))>0)
stop("Input vector contains missing value!!")
myvect <- object
ans <- (myvect-mean(myvect))/sd(myvect)
qqnorm2 <- function(object){
if (sum(is.na(object))>0)
stop("Input vector contains missing value!!")
myvect <- object
n <- length(myvect)
rmyvect <- rank(myvect)/(n+1)
nmyvect <- sapply(rmyvect, qnorm)
permute3.se <- function(object){
stand.data <- object
null <- sample(stand.data[,3])
ndata <- cbind(stand.data[,1:2], null)
boots.gla.se2 <- function(object, num=1 ,cut=4, dim=3){
stand.data <- object
n <- nrow(stand.data)
sam <- sample(1:n, n, replace=TRUE)
ndata <- stand.data[sam,]
ndata[,dim] <- qqnorm2(ndata[,dim])
stand.ndata <- apply(ndata, 2, stand)
ans <- GLA(stand.ndata, cut=cut, dim=dim)
GLA <- function(object, cut=4, dim=3, geneMap=NULL){
if (!is.numeric(object))
stop("Input matrix must be numeric")
stop("Input data must have three variables")
if (length(colnames(object))!=3 & length(geneMap)!=3)
stop("Please specify the names of three variables")
if (length(geneMap)==3)
data <- object[!is.na(object[,1]) & !is.na(object[,2]) & !is.na(object[,3]),]
data[,dim] <- qqnorm2(data[,dim])
data <- apply(data, 2, stand)
x <- seq(0,1, length=cut)
br <- quantile(data[,dim], prob=x)
index <- as.numeric(Hmisc::cut2(data[, dim], g=(cut-1)))
tab <- table(index)
tab <- tab[tab > 2]
vect <- as.numeric(names(tab))
m2 <- rep(0, length(vect))
cor.e <- rep(0, length(vect))
gla.x2 <- rep(0, length(vect))
for ( i in 1:length(vect)){
p <- which(index==vect[i])
m2[i] <- mean(data[p,dim])
cor.e[i] <- cor(data[p, -dim])[1,2]
gla.x2[i] <- cor.e[i]*m2[i]
ans <- mean(gla.x2)
names(ans) <- paste("GLA(", colnames(object)[1], ",", colnames(object)[2], "|", colnames(object)[3],")", sep="")
datanull <- permute3.se(data)
gla2 <- GLA(datanull,cut=cut,dim=dim)
bootsse2 <- sapply(1:boots,boots.gla.se2,object=datanull,cut=cut,dim=dim)
bse2 <- sd(bootsse2)
ans <- gla2/bse2
iter <- perm
check <- parallel::parLapply(clust,1:iter,nullGLA,boots=boots,data=nsdata,cut=cut,dim=dim)
ans <- unlist(check)
#the pvalue is 2*# of times permuted statistic exceeds abs(original GLA)
#framing the p-value in this way avoids the errors caused by NA through sampling
pvalue <- 2*sum(abs(test1) <= ans,na.rm=TRUE)/sum(as.numeric(!is.na(ans)))
out <- c(test1, pvalue)
names(out) <- c("sGLA", "p value")
#creates list of triplets from data based on list of results to bootstrap
makelist <- function(matrix,data){
testlist <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(matrix)){
testlist[[i]] <- data[,matrix[i,1:3]]
#####end of internal to fastboots.GLA
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