#' Train cell type classifier
#' @description Train a classifier for a new cell type.
#' If cell type has a parent, only available for \code{\link{scClassifR}}
#' object as parent cell classifying model.
#' @param train_obj object that can be used for training the new model.
#' \code{\link{Seurat}} object or \code{\link{SingleCellExperiment}} object
#' is expected.
#' If the training model has parent, parent_tag_slot may have been indicated.
#' This field would have been filled out automatically
#' if user precedently run classify_cells function.
#' If no (predicted) cell type annotation provided,
#' the function can be run if 1- parent_cell or 2- parent_clf is provided.
#' @param cell_type string indicating the name of the subtype
#' This must exactly match cell tag/label if cell tag/label is a string.
#' @param features list of features used for the new training model
#' @param parent_cell string indicated the name of the parent cell type,
#' if parent cell type classifier has already been saved in model database.
#' Adjust path_to_models for exact database.
#' @param parent_clf classification model for the parent cell type
#' @param path_to_models path to the folder containing the model database.
#' As default, the pretrained models in the package will be used.
#' If user has trained new models, indicate the folder containing the
#' new_models.rda file.
#' @param zscore whether gene expression in train_obj is transformed to zscore
#' @param ... arguments passed to other methods
#' @return \code{\link{scClassifR}} object
#' @note Only one cell type is expected for each cell in object.
#' Ambiguous cell type, such as: "T cells/NK cells/ILC",
#' will be ignored from training.
#' Subtypes used in training model for parent cell types must be indicated
#' as parent cell type. For example, when training for B cells,
#' plasma cells must be annotated as B cells in order to be used.
#' @export
function(train_obj, cell_type, features,
parent_cell = NA_character_,
parent_clf = NULL, path_to_models = c("default", "."),
zscore = TRUE, ...)
#' @inherit train_classifier
#' @param seurat_tag_slot string, name of slot in cell meta data
#' indicating cell tag/label in the training object.
#' Strings indicating cell types are expected in this slot.
#' For \code{\link{Seurat}} object, default value is "active.ident".
#' Expected values are string (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, no special character accepted)
#' or binary/logical, 0/"no"/F/FALSE: not being new cell type,
#' 1/"yes"/T/TRUE: being new cell type.
#' @param seurat_parent_tag_slot string, name of a slot in cell meta data
#' indicating assigned/predicted cell type. Default is "predicted_cell_type".
#' This slot would have been filled automatically
#' if user have called classify_cells function.
#' The slot must contain only string values.
#' @param seurat_assay name of assay to use in training object.
#' Default to 'RNA' assay.
#' @param seurat_slot type of expression data to use in training object.
#' For \code{\link{Seurat}} object, available types are: "counts", "data"
#' and "scale.data". Default to "counts", which contains unnormalized data.
#' @examples
#' # load small example dataset
#' data("tirosh_mel80_example")
#' # this dataset already contains pre-defined cell labels
#' table(Seurat::Idents(tirosh_mel80_example))
#' # define genes to use to classify this cell type (B cells in this example)
#' selected_features_B = c("CD19", "MS4A1", "CD79A")
#' # train the classifier, the "cell_type" argument must match
#' # the cell labels in the data, except upper/lower case
#' set.seed(123)
#' clf_b <- train_classifier(train_obj = tirosh_mel80_example,
#' features = selected_features_B, cell_type = "b cells")
#' # classify cell types using B cell classifier,
#' # a test classifier process may be used before applying the classifier
#' tirosh_mel80_example <- classify_cells(classify_obj = tirosh_mel80_example,
#' classifiers = c(clf_b))
#' # tag all cells that are plasma cells (random example here)
#' tirosh_mel80_example[['plasma_cell_tag']] <- c(rep(1, 80), rep(0, 400))
#' # set new features for the subtype
#' p_features = c("SDC1", "CD19", "CD79A")
#' # train the classifier, the "B cell" classifier is used as parent.
#' # This means, only cells already classified as "B cells" will be evaluated.
#' # the "tag_slot" parameter tells the classifier to use this cell meta data
#' # for the training process.
#' set.seed(123)
#' plasma_clf <- train_classifier(train_obj = tirosh_mel80_example,
#' cell_type = "Plasma cell", features = p_features, parent_clf = clf_b,
#' seurat_tag_slot = 'plasma_cell_tag')
#' @importFrom Seurat GetAssayData
#' @rdname train_classifier
setMethod("train_classifier", c("train_obj" = "Seurat"),
function(train_obj, cell_type, features, parent_cell = NA_character_,
parent_clf = NULL, path_to_models = c("default", "."),
zscore = TRUE, seurat_tag_slot = "active.ident",
seurat_parent_tag_slot = "predicted_cell_type",
seurat_assay = 'RNA', seurat_slot = 'counts', ...) {
# convert Seurat object to matrix
mat = Seurat::GetAssayData(object = train_obj,
assay = seurat_assay, slot = seurat_slot)
#--- part of parent cell type
parent_process <- process_parent_clf(
train_obj, seurat_parent_tag_slot, parent_cell, parent_clf,
path_to_models, zscore, seurat_assay, seurat_slot
# check parent-child coherence
if (!is.null(parent_process$pos_parent)) {
check_res <- check_parent_child_coherence(
train_obj, parent_process$pos_parent, parent_process$parent_cell,
cell_type, cell_type, seurat_tag_slot
train_obj <- check_res$adjusted_object
seurat_tag_slot <- check_res$adjusted_tag_slot
#--- end of part of parent cell type
#--- part of cell type
# filter cells
train_obj <- filter_cells(train_obj, seurat_tag_slot)
# feature selection
mat <- select_features(mat, features)
# transpose mat
mat <- t(as.matrix(mat))
# transform mat to zscore values
if (zscore == TRUE)
mat <- transform_to_zscore(mat)
# exclude all eliminated cells
mat <- mat[colnames(train_obj),, drop = FALSE]
# construct cell tag to yes/no values
train_tag <- construct_tag_vect(train_obj, cell_type, seurat_tag_slot)
# if cell type not found in tag
if (all(train_tag != "yes")) {
stop("Cell type not available in train data. Please verify cell type.",
call. = FALSE)
# transform list to factor
train_tag <- factor(train_tag, levels = c('yes', 'no'))
# convert hyphen (-) by underscore (_)
colnames(mat) <- gsub('-', '_', colnames(mat))
# add G_ to beginning of gene names to prevent starting by digits
colnames(mat) <- unlist(lapply(colnames(mat),
function(x) if(grepl('^[[:digit:]]', x))
{paste0('G_', x)} else {x}))
# train
clf <- train_func(mat, train_tag)
# remove this info to reduce memory
clf$resampledCM <- clf$call <- clf$times <- NULL
p_thres <- 0.5
features <- labels(clf$terms)
features <- gsub('^G_', '', features)
features <- gsub('_', '-', features) # convert back underscore to hyphen
object <- scClassifR(cell_type, clf, features, p_thres,
# only assign parent if pretrained model for parent cell type is avai
parent_check <-
!is.null(parent_process$parent.clf) &&
tolower(cell_type(parent_process$parent.clf)) ==
) || (
tolower(parent_process$parent_cell) %in%
if (parent_check) parent(object) <- parent_process$parent_cell
#' @inherit train_classifier
#' @param sce_tag_slot string, name of annotation slot indicating
#' cell tag/label in the training object.
#' For \code{\link{SingleCellExperiment}} object, default value is "ident".
#' Expected values are string (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, no special character accepted)
#' or binary/logical, 0/"no"/F/FALSE: not being new cell type,
#' 1/"yes"/T/TRUE: being new cell type.
#' @param sce_parent_tag_slot string, name of a slot in cell meta data
#' indicating pre-assigned/predicted cell type.
#' Default field is "predicted_cell_type".
#' This field would have been filled automatically
#' when user called classify_cells function.
#' The slot must contain only string values.
#' @param sce_assay name of assay to use in training object.
#' Default to 'logcounts' assay.
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @rdname train_classifier
setMethod("train_classifier", c("train_obj" = "SingleCellExperiment"),
function(train_obj, cell_type, features, parent_cell = NA_character_,
parent_clf = NULL, path_to_models = c("default", "."),
zscore = TRUE, sce_tag_slot = "ident",
sce_parent_tag_slot = "predicted_cell_type",
sce_assay = 'logcounts', ...) {
# solve duplication of cell names
colnames(train_obj) <- make.unique(colnames(train_obj), sep = '_')
# convert Seurat object to matrix
mat = SummarizedExperiment::assay(train_obj, sce_assay)
#--- part of parent cell type
parent_process <- process_parent_clf(
train_obj, sce_parent_tag_slot, parent_cell, parent_clf,
path_to_models, zscore, sce_assay
# check parent-child coherence
if (!is.null(parent_process$pos_parent)) {
check_res <- check_parent_child_coherence(
train_obj, parent_process$pos_parent, parent_process$parent_cell,
train_obj <- check_res$adjusted_object
sce_tag_slot <- check_res$adjusted_tag_slot
#--- end of part of parent cell type
#--- part of cell type
# filter cells
train_obj <- filter_cells(train_obj, sce_tag_slot)
# feature selection
mat <- select_features(mat, features)
# transpose mat
mat <- t(as.matrix(mat))
# transform mat to zscore values
if (zscore == TRUE) mat <- transform_to_zscore(mat)
# exclude all eliminated cells
mat <- mat[colnames(train_obj),, drop = FALSE]
# construct cell tag to yes/no values
train_tag <- construct_tag_vect(train_obj, cell_type, sce_tag_slot)
# if cell type not found in tag
if (all(train_tag != "yes")) {
stop("Cell type not available in train data. Please verify cell type.",
call. = FALSE)
# transform list to factor
train_tag <- factor(train_tag, levels = c('yes', 'no'))
# convert hyphen (-) by underscore (_)
colnames(mat) <- gsub('-', '_', colnames(mat))
# add G_ to beginning of gene names to prevent starting by digits
colnames(mat) <- unlist(lapply(colnames(mat),
function(x) if(grepl('^[[:digit:]]', x))
{paste0('G_', x)} else {x}))
# train
clf <- train_func(mat, train_tag)
# remove this info to reduce memory
clf$resampledCM <- clf$call <- clf$times <- NULL
p_thres <- 0.5
features <- labels(clf$terms)
features <- gsub('^G_', '', features)
features <- gsub('_', '-', features) # convert back underscore to hyphen
object <- scClassifR(cell_type, clf, features, p_thres,
# only assign parent if pretrained model for parent cell type is avai
parent_check <-
!is.null(parent_process$parent.clf) &&
tolower(cell_type(parent_process$parent.clf)) ==
) || (
tolower(parent_process$parent_cell) %in%
if (parent_check) parent(object) <- parent_process$parent_cell
#' Testing process.
#' @description Testing process.
#' @param test_obj xxobject that can be used for testing
#' @param classifier classification model
#' @param target_cell_type vector indicating other cell types than cell labels
#' that can be considered as the main cell type in classifier,
#' for example, c("plasma cell", "b cell", "b cells", "activating b cell").
#' Default as NULL.
#' @param parent_clf \code{\link{scClassifR}} object
#' corresponding to classification model for the parent cell type
#' @param path_to_models path to the folder containing the list of models.
#' As default, the pretrained models in the package will be used.
#' If user has trained new models, indicate the folder containing
#' the new_models.rda file.
#' @param zscore boolean, whether gene expression is transformed to zscore
#' @param ... arguments passed to other methods
#' @return result of testing process in form of a list,
#' including predicted values, prediction accuracy at a probability threshold,
#' and roc curve information.
#' @note Only one cell type is expected for each cell.
#' Ambiguous cell type, such as: "T cells/NK cells/ILC", will be ignored.
#' Subtypes used in testing model for parent cell types can be indicated
#' as parent cell type, or can be indicated in target_cell_type.
#' For example, when testing for B cells, plasma cells can be annotated as
#' B cells, or target_cell_type is set c("plasma cells").
#' @export
setGeneric("test_classifier", function(test_obj, classifier,
target_cell_type = NULL,
parent_clf = NULL,
path_to_models = c("default", "."),
zscore = TRUE, ...)
#' @inherit test_classifier
#' @param seurat_tag_slot string, name of annotation slot
#' indicating cell tag/label in the testing object.
#' Strings indicating cell types are expected in this slot.
#' For \code{\link{Seurat}} object, default value is "active.ident".
#' Expected values are string (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, no special character accepted)
#' or binary/logical, 0/"no"/F/FALSE: not being new cell type,
#' 1/"yes"/T/TRUE: being new cell type.
#' @param seurat_parent_tag_slot string, name of tag slot in cell meta data
#' indicating pre-assigned/predicted parent cell type.
#' Default field is "predicted_cell_type".
#' The slot must contain only string values.
#' @param seurat_assay name of assay to use in
#' \code{\link{Seurat}} object, defaults to 'RNA' assay.
#' @param seurat_slot type of expression data to use in
#' \code{\link{Seurat}} object.
#' Some available types are: "counts", "data" and "scale.data".
#' Default to "counts", which contains unnormalized data.
#' @examples
#' # load small example dataset
#' data("tirosh_mel80_example")
#' # train the classifier
#' selected_features_B = c("CD19", "MS4A1", "CD79A")
#' set.seed(123)
#' clf_b <- train_classifier(train_obj = tirosh_mel80_example,
#' features = selected_features_B, cell_type = "B cells")
#' # test the classifier, target cell type can be in other formats or
#' # alternative cell type that can be considered as the classified cell type
#' clf_b_test <- test_classifier(test_obj = tirosh_mel80_example,
#' classifier = clf_b, target_cell_type = c("B cell"))
#' clf_b_test
#' @importFrom Seurat GetAssayData
#' @rdname test_classifier
setMethod("test_classifier", c("test_obj" = "Seurat",
"classifier" = "scClassifR"),
function(test_obj, classifier, target_cell_type = NULL,
parent_clf = NULL, path_to_models = c("default", "."),
zscore = TRUE, seurat_tag_slot = "active.ident",
seurat_parent_tag_slot = "predicted_cell_type",
seurat_assay = 'RNA', seurat_slot = 'counts', ...) {
. <- fpr <- tpr <- NULL
# convert Seurat object to matrix
test_mat = Seurat::GetAssayData(
object = test_obj, assay = seurat_assay, slot = seurat_slot)
# target_cell_type check
if (!tolower(cell_type(classifier)) %in% tolower(target_cell_type)) {
target_cell_type <- append(target_cell_type, cell_type(classifier))
#--- parent cell type
# process parent clf
parent_process <- process_parent_clf(
test_obj, seurat_parent_tag_slot, parent(classifier), parent_clf,
path_to_models, zscore, seurat_assay, seurat_slot
# check parent-child coherence
if (!is.null(parent_process$pos_parent)) {
check_res <- check_parent_child_coherence(
test_obj, parent_process$pos_parent, parent(classifier),
cell_type(classifier), target_cell_type, seurat_tag_slot
test_obj <- check_res$adjusted_object
seurat_tag_slot <- check_res$adjusted_tag_slot
#--- children cell type
# filter cells
test_obj <- filter_cells(test_obj, seurat_tag_slot)
# perform features selection
test_mat <- select_features(test_mat, features(classifier))
# transpose mat
test_mat <- t(as.matrix(test_mat))
# transform mat to zscore values
if (zscore == TRUE) test_mat <- transform_to_zscore(test_mat)
# exclude all eliminated cells
test_mat <- test_mat[colnames(test_obj),, drop = FALSE]
# construct cell tag to yes/no values
test_tag <- construct_tag_vect(test_obj, target_cell_type, seurat_tag_slot)
# if cell type not found in tag
if (all(test_tag != "yes")) {
stop("Cell type ", cell_type(classifier),
" is not available in the test data.
Overwrite the target cell type using the target_cell_type parameter
or verify that you chose the correct test dataset.",
call. = FALSE)
return_val = test_performance(test_mat, classifier, test_tag)
#' @inherit test_classifier
#' @param sce_tag_slot string, name of annotation slot
#' indicating cell tag/label in the testing object.
#' Strings indicating cell types are expected in this slot.
#' Default value is "ident".
#' Expected values are string (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, no special character accepted)
#' or binary/logical, 0/"no"/F/FALSE: not being new cell type,
#' 1/"yes"/T/TRUE: being new cell type.
#' @param sce_parent_tag_slot string, name of tag slot in cell meta data
#' indicating pre-assigned/predicted parent cell type.
#' Default is "predicted_cell_type".
#' The slot must contain only string values.
#' @param sce_assay name of assay to use in \code{\link{SingleCellExperiment}}
#' object, defaults to 'logcounts' assay.
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @rdname test_classifier
setMethod("test_classifier", c("test_obj" = "SingleCellExperiment",
"classifier" = "scClassifR"),
function(test_obj, classifier, target_cell_type = NULL,
parent_clf = NULL, path_to_models = c("default", "."),
zscore = TRUE, sce_tag_slot = "ident",
sce_parent_tag_slot = "predicted_cell_type",
sce_assay = 'logcounts', ...) {
# solve duplication of cell names
colnames(test_obj) <- make.unique(colnames(test_obj), sep = '_')
. <- fpr <- tpr <- NULL
# convert SCE object to matrix
test_mat = SummarizedExperiment::assay(test_obj, sce_assay)
# target_cell_type check
if (!tolower(cell_type(classifier)) %in% tolower(target_cell_type)) {
target_cell_type <- append(target_cell_type, cell_type(classifier))
#--- parent cell type
# process parent clf
parent_process <- process_parent_clf(
test_obj, sce_parent_tag_slot, parent(classifier), parent_clf,
path_to_models, zscore, sce_assay
# check parent-child coherence
if (!is.null(parent_process$pos_parent)) {
check_res <- check_parent_child_coherence(
test_obj, parent_process$pos_parent, parent(classifier),
cell_type(classifier), target_cell_type, sce_tag_slot
test_obj <- check_res$adjusted_object
sce_tag_slot <- check_res$adjusted_tag_slot
#--- children cell type
# filter cells
test_obj <- filter_cells(test_obj, sce_tag_slot)
# perform features selection
test_mat <- select_features(test_mat, features(classifier))
# transpose mat
test_mat <- t(as.matrix(test_mat))
# transform mat to zscore values
if (zscore == TRUE) test_mat <- transform_to_zscore(test_mat)
# exclude all eliminated cells
test_mat <- test_mat[colnames(test_obj),, drop = FALSE]
# construct cell tag to yes/no values
test_tag <- construct_tag_vect(test_obj, target_cell_type, sce_tag_slot)
# if cell type not found in tag
if (all(test_tag != "yes")) {
stop("Cell type ", cell_type(classifier), " is not available in the test data.
Overwrite the target cell type using the target_cell_type parameter or verify that you chose the correct test dataset.",
call. = FALSE)
return_val <- test_performance(test_mat, classifier, test_tag)
#' Plot roc curve
#' @param test_result result of test_classifier function
#' @return ggplot2 roc curve
#' @examples
#' # load small example dataset
#' data("tirosh_mel80_example")
#' # train a classifier, for ex: B cell
#' selected_features_B = c("CD19", "MS4A1", "CD79A")
#' set.seed(123)
#' clf_b <- train_classifier(train_obj = tirosh_mel80_example,
#' features = selected_features_B, cell_type = "B cells")
#' clf_b_test <- test_classifier(test_obj = tirosh_mel80_example,
#' classifier = clf_b)
#' # run plot curve on the test result
#' roc_curve <- plot_roc_curve(test_result = clf_b_test)
#' @import ROCR
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
plot_roc_curve <- function(test_result) {
fpr <- tpr <- NULL
data <- rbind(c(0, 0), test_result$overall_roc[, c(2:3)], c(1, 1))
colnames(data) <- c('fpr', 'tpr')
# plot ROC curve
q <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=data.frame(data), aes(x=fpr, y=tpr))
q <- q + ggplot2::geom_line()
q <- q + ggplot2::xlab("False Positive Rate (1-Specificity)")
q <- q + ggplot2::ylab("True Positive Rate (Sensitivity)")
#' Classify cells from multiple models
#' @param classify_obj the object containing cells to be classified
#' @param classifiers list of classification models.
#' The model is obtained from train_classifier function or available in current
#' working space.
#' Users may test the model using test_classifier before using this function.
#' If classifiers contain classifiers for sub cell types, classifiers for
#' parent cell type must be indicated first in order to be applied before
#' children classifiers.
#' If classifiers is NULL, the method will use all classifiers in database.
#' @param cell_types list of cell types containing models to be used
#' for classification, only applicable if the models have been saved to package.
#' @param path_to_models path to the folder containing the list of models.
#' As default value, the pretrained models in the package will be used.
#' If user has trained new models, indicate the folder containing the
#' new_models.rda file.
#' @param chunk_size size of data chunks to be predicted separately.
#' This option is recommended for large datasets to reduce running time.
#' Default value at 5000, because smaller datasets can be predicted rapidly.
#' @param ignore_ambiguous_result return all ambiguous predictions
#' (multiple cell types) to empty
#' When this parameter turns to TRUE,
#' most probably predicted cell types will be ignored.
#' @param cluster_slot name of slot in meta data containing cluster
#' information, in case users want to have additional cluster-level
#' prediction
#' @param ... arguments passed to other methods
#' @return the input object with new slots in cells meta data
#' New slots are: predicted_cell_type, most_probable_cell_type,
#' slots in form of [cell_type]_p and [cell_type]_class
#' @export
setGeneric("classify_cells", function(classify_obj, classifiers = NULL,
cell_types = "all", chunk_size = 5000,
path_to_models = c("default", "."),
ignore_ambiguous_result = FALSE,
cluster_slot = NULL, ...)
#' @inherit classify_cells
#' @param seurat_assay name of assay to use in
#' \code{\link{Seurat}} object, defaults to 'RNA' assay.
#' @param seurat_slot type of expression data to use in
#' \code{\link{Seurat}} object. Some available types are:
#' "counts", "data" and "scale.data".
#' Default to "counts", which is unnormalized data.
#' @examples
#' # load small example dataset
#' data("tirosh_mel80_example")
#' # train one classifier for one cell type, for ex, B cell
#' # define genes to use to classify this cell type
#' selected_features_B = c("CD19", "MS4A1", "CD79A")
#' # train the classifier
#' set.seed(123)
#' clf_b <- train_classifier(train_obj = tirosh_mel80_example,
#' features = selected_features_B, cell_type = "B cells")
#' # do the same thing with other cell types, for example, T cells
#' selected_features_T = c("CD4", "CD8A", "CD8B")
#' set.seed(123)
#' clf_t <- train_classifier(train_obj = tirosh_mel80_example,
#' features = selected_features_T, cell_type = "T cells")
#' # create a list of classifiers
#' classifier_ls <- list(clf_b, clf_t)
#' # classify cells with list of classifiers
#' seurat.obj <- classify_cells(classify_obj = tirosh_mel80_example,
#' classifiers = classifier_ls)
#' @importFrom Seurat GetAssayData
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @rdname classify_cells
setMethod("classify_cells", c("classify_obj" = "Seurat"),
function(classify_obj, classifiers = NULL, cell_types = "all",
chunk_size = 5000, path_to_models = c("default", "."),
ignore_ambiguous_result = FALSE,
cluster_slot = 'seurat_clusters',
seurat_assay = 'RNA', seurat_slot = 'counts', ...) {
if (is.null(classifiers)) {
model_list <- load_models(path_to_models)
if (length(cell_types) >= 1 | all(cell_types != "all"))
classifiers = model_list[cell_types]
else classifiers <- model_list
union.features <- unique(unname(unlist(lapply(classifiers,
function(x) features(x)))))
mat = Seurat::GetAssayData(object = classify_obj,
assay = seurat_assay, slot = seurat_slot)
# reduce features to reduce computational complexity
mat <- select_features(mat, union.features)
mat <- t(transform_to_zscore(t(as.matrix(mat))))
nchunks = ceiling(ncol(classify_obj)/chunk_size)
for (i in seq(1, nchunks)) {
idx.chunk = seq((i - 1) * chunk_size + 1,
min(ncol(classify_obj), i * chunk_size))
obj.chunk <- classify_obj[, idx.chunk]
mat.chunk <- mat[, idx.chunk, drop = FALSE]
# create an empty cell type for all cells
pred_cells <- c(rep("unknown", ncol(mat.chunk)))
names(pred_cells) <- colnames(mat.chunk)
# run predictors
for (classifier in classifiers) {
if (!is.na(parent(classifier))) {
applicable_mat <- verify_parent(mat.chunk, classifier, obj.chunk[[]])
# no parent clf provided or no positive to parent clf
if (is.null(applicable_mat)) next
} else applicable_mat <- mat.chunk
filtered_mat <- select_features(applicable_mat, features(classifier))
filtered_mat <- t(as.matrix(filtered_mat))
prediction <- make_prediction(
filtered_mat, classifier, pred_cells, ignore_ambiguous_result
pred <- prediction$pred
pred_cells <- prediction$pred_cells
# add prediction to meta data: each classifier has p & class cols
for (colname in colnames(pred)) {
obj.chunk[[colname]] <- pred[, colname, drop = FALSE]
if (any(pred_cells != "")) {
pred_cells <- gsub("unknown/", "", pred_cells)
# ignore ambiguous results
if (ignore_ambiguous_result == TRUE) {
pred_cells <- unlist(
lapply(pred_cells, function(x)
if (length(unlist(strsplit(x, split = '/'))) <= 1) {x}
else {'ambiguous'})
# add cell type to meta data
obj.chunk[['predicted_cell_type']] <- pred_cells
# simplify result can only happen when not ignore ambiguous results
if (ignore_ambiguous_result == FALSE)
obj.chunk[['most_probable_cell_type']] <- simplify_prediction(
obj.chunk[[]], obj.chunk$predicted_cell_type, classifiers)
if (i == 1) classified_obj <- obj.chunk
else classified_obj <- merge(classified_obj, obj.chunk)
if (!is.null(cluster_slot)
& cluster_slot %in% colnames(classified_obj[[]])
& !ignore_ambiguous_result) {
clusts <- as.factor(classified_obj[[]][, cluster_slot])
classified_obj$clust_pred <-
classify_clust(clusts, classified_obj$most_probable_cell_type)
new.cols <- colnames(classified_obj[[]])[!colnames(classified_obj[[]])
%in% colnames(classify_obj[[]])]
for (colname in new.cols)
classify_obj[[colname]] <- classified_obj[[colname]]
#' @inherit classify_cells
#' @param sce_assay name of assay to use in
#' \code{\link{SingleCellExperiment}} object,
#' defaults to 'logcounts' assay.
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay colData
#' @rdname classify_cells
setMethod("classify_cells", c("classify_obj" = "SingleCellExperiment"),
function(classify_obj, classifiers = NULL, cell_types = "all",
chunk_size = 5000, path_to_models = c("default", "."),
ignore_ambiguous_result = FALSE,
sce_assay = 'logcounts', cluster_slot = NULL, ...) {
# solve duplication of cell names
colnames(classify_obj) <- make.unique(colnames(classify_obj), sep = '_')
if (is.null(classifiers)) {
model_list <- load_models(path_to_models)
if (cell_types>=1 && cell_types!="all") classifiers = model_list[cell_types]
else classifiers <- model_list
union.features <- unique(unname(unlist(lapply(classifiers,
function(x) features(x)))))
mat = SummarizedExperiment::assay(classify_obj, sce_assay)
# reduce features to reduce computational complexity
mat <- select_features(mat, union.features)
mat <- t(transform_to_zscore(t(as.matrix(mat))))
# split dataset into multiple chunks to reduce running time
nchunks = ceiling(ncol(classify_obj)/chunk_size)
for (i in seq(1, nchunks)) {
idx.chunk = seq((i - 1) * chunk_size + 1,
min(ncol(classify_obj), i * chunk_size))
obj.chunk <- classify_obj[, idx.chunk]
mat.chunk <- mat[, idx.chunk, drop = FALSE]
# create an empty cell type for all cells
pred_cells <- c(rep("unknown", ncol(mat.chunk)))
names(pred_cells) <- colnames(mat.chunk)
# run predictors
for (classifier in classifiers) {
if (!is.na(parent(classifier))) {
applicable_mat <- verify_parent(mat.chunk, classifier,
# no parent clf provided or no positive to parent clf
if (is.null(applicable_mat)) next
} else applicable_mat <- mat.chunk
filtered_mat <- select_features(applicable_mat, features(classifier))
filtered_mat <- t(as.matrix(filtered_mat))
prediction <- make_prediction(
filtered_mat, classifier, pred_cells, ignore_ambiguous_result)
pred <- prediction$pred
pred_cells <- prediction$pred_cells
# add prediction to meta data: 2 cols: p, class
for (colname in colnames(pred)) {
obj.chunk[[colname]] <- unlist(
lapply(colnames(obj.chunk), function(x)
if (x %in% rownames(pred)) {pred[x, colname]}
else {NA})
if (any(pred_cells != "")) {
pred_cells <- gsub("unknown/", "", pred_cells)
# double check if there is more than one predicted cell type
if (ignore_ambiguous_result == TRUE) {
pred_cells <- unlist(
lapply(pred_cells, function(x)
if (length(unlist(strsplit(x, split = '/'))) <= 1) {x}
else {'ambiguous'})
# add cell type to meta data
obj.chunk$predicted_cell_type <- pred_cells
# this will be ignored if ignore ambiguous result is on
if (ignore_ambiguous_result == FALSE)
obj.chunk$most_probable_cell_type <- simplify_prediction(
obj.chunk$predicted_cell_type, classifiers
if (i == 1) classified_obj <- obj.chunk
else classified_obj <- cbind(classified_obj, obj.chunk)
if (!is.null(cluster_slot) & !ignore_ambiguous_result) {
clusts <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(classified_obj)[, cluster_slot]
classified_obj$clust_pred <-
classify_clust(clusts, classified_obj$most_probable_cell_type)
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