
## These tests are intended to check if we write something to HDF5 and then 
## read back into R, we get the same thing. 
## Current caveat is that we typically return an array even when there is only
## one dimension.


h5file <- tempfile(pattern = "h5_roundtrip_", fileext = ".h5")

test_that("data.frame columns survive a round trip", {

    test_frame <- data.frame(
        integer = as.integer(1:10),
        ## random words of length 5-20
        words = vapply(1:10, FUN = function(x) { 
                    sample(c(letters, LETTERS), size = sample(5:20, 1), replace = TRUE), 
                    collapse = "") 
            character(1) ),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    test_frame_single <- test_frame['integer']
    expect_silent(h5write(obj = test_frame, file = h5file, name = 'data_frame'))
    expect_silent(h5write(obj = test_frame_single, file = h5file, name = 'data_frame2'))
    expect_silent(back_frame <- h5read(file = h5file, name = "data_frame") )
    expect_silent(back_frame2 <- h5read(file = h5file, name = "data_frame2") )
    expect_equivalent(back_frame$integer, test_frame$integer)
    expect_equivalent(back_frame$words, test_frame$words)

test_that("character vectors survive a round trip", {
    words <- vapply(1:10, FUN = function(x) { 
                sample(c(letters, LETTERS), size = sample(5:20, 1), replace = TRUE), 
                collapse = "") 
        character(1) )

    expect_silent(h5write(obj = words, file = h5file, name = 'char'))
    expect_silent(back_words <- h5read(file = h5file, name = "char") )
    expect_equivalent(words, back_words)

test_that("UTF-8 strings are preserved", {
  input <- "α ≤ 0.1"
  expect_silent(h5write(obj = input, file = h5file, name = 'utf8'))
  expect_silent(output <- h5read(file = h5file, name = "utf8"))
  expect_equivalent(input, output)
  expect_equal(Encoding(output), "UTF-8")

test_that("Complex numbers are writen to a compound datatype", {
  h5file <- tempfile(pattern = "h5_roundtrip_", fileext = ".h5")

  mat <- matrix(complex(length.out = 30, real = 1:30, imaginary = 30:1), ncol = 10)
  expect_silent(h5write(obj = mat, file = h5file, name = 'complex'))
  expect_silent(res <- h5read(file = h5file, name = 'complex'))
  expect_is(res, 'matrix')
  expect_type(res, 'complex')
  expect_identical(res, mat)
  expect_identical(h5read(file = h5file, name = 'complex', native = TRUE), t(mat))
grimbough/rhdf5 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 5:32 a.m.