

context("h5ls supports native functionality")

h5File <- tempfile(fileext = ".h5")
h5createFile(file = h5File)

test_that("h5ls supports native", {
    h5createGroup(file = h5File, group = "test")
    m0 <- matrix(1:12, 3, 4)

    h5write(m0, file = h5File, name = "test/native", native=TRUE)
    h5write(m0, file = h5File, name = "test/nonnative", native=FALSE)

    xx <- h5ls(h5File)
    object <- subset(xx, group == "/test" & name == "nonnative", "dim")[[1]]
    expect_equal(object, "3 x 4")
    object <- subset(xx, group == "/test" & name == "native", "dim")[[1]]
    expect_equal(object, "4 x 3")

    xx <- h5ls(h5File, native = TRUE)
    object <- subset(xx, group == "/test" & name == "nonnative", "dim")[[1]]
    expect_equal(object, "4 x 3")
    object <- subset(xx, group == "/test" & name == "native", "dim")[[1]]
    expect_equal(object, "3 x 4")

    m0 <- array(1:24, c(2, 3, 4))
    h5write(m0, file = h5File, name = "test/native-array", native=TRUE)
    h5write(m0, file = h5File, name = "test/nonnative-array", native=FALSE)

    xx <- h5ls(h5File)
    object <-
        subset(xx, group == "/test" & name == "nonnative-array", "dim")[[1]]
    expect_equal(object, "2 x 3 x 4")
    object <-
        subset(xx, group == "/test" & name == "native-array", "dim")[[1]]
    expect_equal(object, "4 x 3 x 2")

    xx <- h5ls(h5File, native = TRUE)
    object <-
        subset(xx, group == "/test" & name == "nonnative-array", "dim")[[1]]
    expect_equal(object, "4 x 3 x 2")
    object <-
        subset(xx, group == "/test" & name == "native-array", "dim")[[1]]
    expect_equal(object, "2 x 3 x 4")

context("h5read/h5write supports native functionality")

test_that("h5read/write supports native", {
    h5createGroup(file = h5File, group = "test")

    ## matrix
    do_matrix <- function(values, nrow, ncol, val) {
        m0 <- matrix(values, nrow, ncol)

        h5write(m0, file = h5File, name = paste0("test/nonnative", val),
        m1 <- h5read(file = h5File, name = paste0("test/nonnative", val),
                     native = TRUE)
        expect_equivalent(m0, t(m1))
        m2 <- h5read(file = h5File, name = paste0("test/nonnative", val),
                     native = FALSE)
        expect_equivalent(m0, m2)

        h5write(m0, file = h5File, name = paste0("test/native", val), native=TRUE)
        m1 <- h5read(file = h5File, name = paste0("test/native", val),
                     native = FALSE)
        expect_equivalent(m0, t(m1))
        m2 <- h5read(file = h5File, name = paste0("test/native", val),
                     native = TRUE)
        expect_equivalent(m0, m2)
    do_matrix(1:12, 3, 4, "A")
    do_matrix(as.numeric(1:12), 3, 4, "B")
    do_matrix(sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 12, replace=TRUE), 3, 4, "C")
    do_matrix(LETTERS[1:12], 3, 4, "D")

    ## 3D-array
    do_array <- function(values, dim, val) {
        m0 <- array(values, dim)

        h5write(m0, file = h5File, name = paste0("test/nonnative-array", val),
        m1 <- h5read(file = h5File, name = paste0("test/nonnative-array", val),
                     native = TRUE)
        expect_equivalent(m0, aperm(m1))
        m2 <- h5read(file = h5File, name = paste0("test/nonnative-array", val),
                     native = FALSE)
        expect_equivalent(m0, m2)

        h5write(m0, file = h5File, name = paste0("test/native-array", val),
        m1 <- h5read(file = h5File, name = paste0("test/native-array", val),
                     native = FALSE)
        expect_equivalent(m0, aperm(m1))
        m2 <- h5read(file = h5File, name = paste0("test/native-array", val),
                     native = TRUE)
        expect_equivalent(m0, m2)

    do_array(1:12, c(2, 3, 4), "A")
    do_array(as.numeric(1:12), c(2, 3, 4), "B")
    do_array(sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 12, replace=TRUE), c(2, 3, 4), "C")
    do_array(LETTERS[1:12], c(2, 3, 4), "D")

test_that("h5read/h5write supports index and hyperslab", {
    h5createDataset(file = h5File, dataset = "D", dims = c(10, 9), native = TRUE)

    ## Test index works
    h5write(1:4, file = h5File, name = "D", index = list(2:3, c(3, 6)), native = TRUE)
    res <- h5read(file = h5File, name = "D", index = list(2:3, c(3, 6)), native = TRUE)
    expect_equal(res, matrix(1:4, nrow = 2, ncol = 2))

    ## Test hyperslabs without stride and block arguments work
    h5write(matrix(1:12, nrow = 4, ncol = 3), file = h5File, name = "D", 
        start = c(2, 2), stride = NULL, count = c(4, 3), block = NULL, native = TRUE)
    expect_equal(h5read(h5File, "D", native = TRUE)[2:5, 2:4], matrix(1:12, nrow = 4, ncol = 3))
    res <- h5read(file = h5File, name = "D", start = c(2, 2), stride = NULL,
        count = c(4, 3), block = NULL, native = TRUE)
    expect_equal(res, matrix(1:12, nrow = 4, ncol = 3))

    ## Test hyperslabs with all arguments work
    h5write(matrix(1:48, nrow = 6, ncol = 8), file = h5File, name = "D", 
        start = c(1, 1), stride = c(4, 5), count = c(2, 2), block = c(3, 4), native = TRUE)
    expect_equal(h5read(h5File, "D", native=TRUE)[c(1:3, 5:7), c(1:4, 6:9)],
        matrix(1:48, nrow = 6, ncol = 8))
    res <- h5read(file = h5File, name = "D", start = c(1, 1), stride = c(4, 5),
        count = c(2, 2), block = c(3, 4), native = TRUE)
    expect_equal(res, matrix(1:48, nrow = 6, ncol = 8))

test_that("h5read native non-R hdf5 files", {
    enum <- system.file("testfiles", "h5ex_t_enum.h5", package="rhdf5")
    arr <- system.file("testfiles", "h5ex_t_array.h5", package="rhdf5")
    compound <- system.file("testfiles", "h5ex_t_cmpd.h5", package="rhdf5")

    # Test enums type
    m1 <- h5read(file = enum, name = "/DS1", native = TRUE)
    m2 <- h5read(file = enum, name = "/DS1", native = FALSE)
    expect_equivalent(m1, t(m2))

    # Test arrays type
    m1 <- h5read(file = arr, name = "/DS1", native = TRUE)
    m2 <- h5read(file = arr, name = "/DS1", native = FALSE)
    expect_equivalent(m1, aperm(m2))

    # Test compound type (currently native provides no different functionality)
    m1 <- h5read(file = compound, name = "/DS1", native = TRUE)
    m2 <- h5read(file = compound, name = "/DS1", native = FALSE)
    expect_equivalent(m1, m2)

context("H5Sselect_hyperslab supports native functionality")

test_that("Selecting hyperslabs", {
    expect_silent(sid <- H5Screate_simple(dims = c(10,20), native = TRUE))

    expect_silent( H5Sselect_hyperslab(sid) )

context("H5Sselect_index supports native functionality")

test_that("Selecting using an index", {
    expect_silent(sid <- H5Screate_simple(dims = c(10,20,30)))
    expect_silent( size <- H5Sselect_index(sid, index = list(1:5, 1:5, 11:15)) )
    expect_identical( size, c(5,5,5) )
    expect_silent( size <- H5Sselect_index(sid, index = list(NULL, NULL, NULL)) )
    expect_identical( size, c(10,20,30) )
    ## errors when not providing enough dimensions or incorrect dimensions
    expect_error( H5Sselect_index(sid, index = list(10)),
                  regexp = "length of list index not equal to h5space dimensional extension")
    expect_error( H5Sselect_index(sid, index = list(1:5, 1:5, 0:5)), 
                  regexp = "negative indices and 0 not supported" )
    expect_error( H5Sselect_index(sid, index = list(1:15, 1:5, 1:5)), 
                  regexp = "index exceeds HDF5-array dimension")

context("H5F supports native functionality")

test_that("H5F native functionality", {
    for (native in c(FALSE, TRUE)) {
        h5createGroup(file = h5File, group = "H5Ftest")

        A <- matrix(1:10, nr=5, nc=2)
        h5write(A, h5File, paste0("H5Ftest/A", native), native=native)

        h5f <- H5Fopen(h5File, native=native)
        h5d <- h5f&paste0("/H5Ftest/A", native)

        expect_equivalent(h5d[,], A)
        expect_equivalent(h5d[1,], A[1,])

        h5d[,1] <- 11:15
        expect_equivalent(h5d[,1], 11:15)


        B <- matrix(11:20, nr=5, nc=2)
        h5writeDataset(B, h5f, paste0("H5Ftest/A", native))


        expect_equivalent(h5read(h5File, paste0("H5Ftest/A", native), native = native), B)
grimbough/rhdf5 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 5:32 a.m.