#' Read OMX attributes
#' This function reads the SHAPE and VERSION attributes of an OMX file. This is
#' called by several other functions.
#' @param file full path name of the OMX file being read
#' @return A list containing \code{SHAPE} and \code{VERSION} attributes.
#' @importFrom rhdf5 H5Fopen H5Aopen H5Aread H5Aclose H5Fclose
#' @export
#' @examples
#' omxfile <- omxr_example("skims.omx")
#' get_omx_attr(omxfile)
get_omx_attr <- function( file ) {
RootAttr <- list()
H5File <- rhdf5::H5Fopen( file )
# try and get the shape attribute
H5Attr <- rhdf5::H5Aopen( H5File, "SHAPE" )
RootAttr$SHAPE <- rhdf5::H5Aread( H5Attr )
rhdf5::H5Aclose( H5Attr )
error = function(e) {
warning("Unable to get shape attribute from OMX file")
RootAttr$SHAPE <- NA
# try to get the OMX version
H5Attr <- rhdf5::H5Aopen( H5File, "OMX_VERSION" )
RootAttr$VERSION <- rhdf5::H5Aread( H5Attr )
rhdf5::H5Aclose( H5Attr )
error = function(e) {
warning("Unable to get version attribute from OMX file")
RootAttr$VERSION <- NA
rhdf5::H5Fclose( H5File )
#' Function to write matrix attribute
#' @param file Full path name of the OMX file to store the matrix in. If this is
#' a new matrix file, see \link{create_omx}.
#' @param name Name of the matrix in the OMX object.
#' @param attr_name Name of the attribute.
#' @param value Attribute value
#' @return None
#' @importFrom rhdf5 H5Fopen H5Gopen H5Dopen h5writeAttribute H5Dclose H5Gclose
#' H5Fclose
#' @export
write_matrix_attr <- function( file, name, attr_name, value) {
H5File <- rhdf5::H5Fopen(file)
H5Group <- rhdf5::H5Gopen( H5File, "data" )
H5Data <- rhdf5::H5Dopen( H5Group, name )
rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(value, H5Data, attr_name)
#Close everything up before exiting
rhdf5::H5Dclose( H5Data )
rhdf5::H5Gclose( H5Group )
rhdf5::H5Fclose( H5File )
#' List the contents of an OMX file
#' @param file The path to the OMX file.
#' @return A list with 5 elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{Version}{the OMX version number}
#' \item{Rows}{The number of rows in the matrix.}
#' \item{Columns}{The number of columns in the matrix.}
#' \item{Matrices}{A \code{data.frame} identifying the matrices and their
#' attributes}
#' \item{Lookups}{A \code{data.frame} identifying the lookups and their
#' attributes.}
#' }
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5ls H5Fopen H5Gopen H5Dopen H5Aexists H5Aopen H5Aread
#' H5Aclose H5Dclose H5Gclose H5Fclose
#' @export
#' @examples
#' omxfile <- omxr_example("skims.omx")
#' list_omx(omxfile)
list_omx <- function( file ) {
#Get the version and shape information
RootAttr <- get_omx_attr( file )
Version <- RootAttr$VERSION
Shape <- RootAttr$SHAPE
#Use the h5ls function to read the contents of the file
Contents <- rhdf5::h5ls( file )
MatrixContents <- Contents[ Contents$group == "/data", ]
LookupContents <- Contents[ Contents$group == "/lookup", ]
#Read the matrix attribute information
Names <- MatrixContents$name
Types <- MatrixContents$dclass
H5File <- rhdf5::H5Fopen( file )
H5Group <- rhdf5::H5Gopen( H5File, "data" )
MatAttr <- list()
for( i in 1:length(Names) ) {
Attr <- list(type="matrix")
H5Data <- rhdf5::H5Dopen( H5Group, Names[i] )
if(rhdf5::H5Aexists(H5Data, "NA")) {
H5Attr <- rhdf5::H5Aopen( H5Data, "NA" )
Attr$navalue <- rhdf5::H5Aread( H5Attr )
rhdf5::H5Aclose( H5Attr )
if(rhdf5::H5Aexists(H5Data, "Description")) {
H5Attr <- rhdf5::H5Aopen( H5Data, "Description" )
Attr$description <- rhdf5::H5Aread( H5Attr )
rhdf5::H5Aclose( H5Attr )
MatAttr[[Names[i]]] <- Attr
rhdf5::H5Dclose( H5Data )
rm( Attr )
rhdf5::H5Gclose( H5Group )
rhdf5::H5Fclose( H5File )
MatAttr <- do.call( rbind, lapply( MatAttr, function(x) data.frame(x) ) )
rm( Names, Types )
#Read the lookup attribute information
H5File <- rhdf5::H5Fopen( file )
H5Group <- rhdf5::H5Gopen( H5File, "lookup" )
Names <- LookupContents$name
Types <- LookupContents$dclass
LookupAttr <- list()
for( i in 1:length(Names) ) {
Attr <- list()
H5Data <- rhdf5::H5Dopen( H5Group, Names[i] )
if( rhdf5::H5Aexists( H5Data, "DIM" ) ) {
H5Attr <- rhdf5::H5Aopen( H5Data, "DIM" )
Attr$lookupdim <- rhdf5::H5Aread( H5Attr )
rhdf5::H5Aclose( H5Attr )
} else {
Attr$lookupdim <- ""
if( rhdf5::H5Aexists( H5Data, "Description" ) ) {
H5Attr <- rhdf5::H5Aopen( H5Data, "Description" )
Attr$description <- rhdf5::H5Aread( H5Attr )
rhdf5::H5Aclose( H5Attr )
} else {
Attr$description <- ""
LookupAttr[[Names[i]]] <- Attr
rhdf5::H5Dclose( H5Data )
rm( Attr )
rhdf5::H5Gclose( H5Group )
rhdf5::H5Fclose( H5File )
LookupAttr <- do.call( rbind, lapply( LookupAttr, function(x) data.frame(x) ) )
rm( Names, Types )
} else {
#Combine the results into a list
if(length(MatAttr)>0) {
MatInfo <- cbind( MatrixContents[,c("name","dclass","dim")], MatAttr )
} else {
MatInfo <- MatrixContents[,c("name","dclass","dim")]
if(length(LookupAttr)>0) {
LookupInfo <- cbind( LookupContents[,c("name","dclass","dim")], LookupAttr )
} else {
LookupInfo <- LookupContents[,c("name","dclass","dim")]
Rows=Shape[1], Columns=Shape[2],
Matrices=MatInfo, Lookups=LookupInfo
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