# Copyright 2018 Google LLC
# Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
# https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
#' Transform the response data from the data frame format to dose-response matrixes
#' A function to transform the response data from the data frame format to dose-response matrixes
#' @param data drug combination response data in a data frame format
#' @param data.type a parameter to specify the response data type which can be either "viability" or "inhibition".
#' @return a list of the following components:
#' \item{dose.response.mats}{a list of the dose-response matrixes with \%inhibition as the response data. Row names and column names are drug concentrations.}
#' \item{drug.pairs}{a data frame contains the name of the row drug, the name of the column drug, concentration unit and block IDs.}
#' @details The input data must contain the following columns: BlockID, DrugRow, DrugCol, Row, Col, Response,
#' ConcRow, ConcCol, ConcUnit
#' @author Liye He \email{liye.he@helsinki.fi}
#' @examples
#' data("mathews_screening_data")
#' data <- ReshapeData(mathews_screening_data)
ReshapeData <- function(data, data.type = "viability") {
# check column names
if (!all(c("BlockID", "DrugRow", "DrugCol", "Row", "Col", "Response", "ConcRow", "ConcCol",
"ConcUnit") %in% colnames(data)))
stop("The input data must contain the following columns: BlockID, DrugRow, DrugCol, Row, Col, Response,
ConcRow, ConcCol, ConcUnit")
# obtain BlockIDs
id.drug.comb <- unique(data$BlockID)
dose.response.mats <- list() ## store all the dose-response matrices
drug.pairs <- data.frame(drug.row = character(length(id.drug.comb)),
drug.col = character(length(id.drug.comb)),
concUnit = character(length(id.drug.comb)),
blockIDs = numeric(length(id.drug.comb)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (i in 1:length(id.drug.comb)) {
tmp.mat <- data[which(data$BlockID == id.drug.comb[i]), ]
if (data.type == "viability") {
tmp.mat$Inhibition <- 100 - tmp.mat$Response
} else {
tmp.mat$Inhibition <- tmp.mat$Response
# get single drug concentrations
# first row of dose-response matrix: column concentrations
conc.col <- tmp.mat$ConcCol[which(tmp.mat$Row == 1)]
conc.col <- conc.col[order(tmp.mat$Col[which(tmp.mat$Row == 1)])]
# first column of dose-response matrix: row concentrations
conc.row <- tmp.mat$ConcRow[which(tmp.mat$Col == 1)]
conc.row <- conc.row[order(tmp.mat$Row[which(tmp.mat$Col == 1)])]
# response matrix for one drug combination
response.mat <- acast(tmp.mat, Row ~ Col,value.var = "Inhibition")
colnames(response.mat) <- conc.col
rownames(response.mat) <- conc.row
# adjust the dose-response matrix based the first concentration
if (which.max(conc.row) == 1 & which.max(conc.col) == 1) {
response.mat <- t(apply(apply(response.mat, 2, rev), 1, rev))
} else if (which.max(conc.row) == length(conc.row) & which.max(conc.col) == 1) {
response.mat <- t(apply(response.mat, 1, rev))
} else if (which.max(conc.row) == 1 & which.max(conc.col) == length(conc.col)) {
response.mat <- apply(response.mat, 2, rev)
conc.unit <- unique(tmp.mat$ConcUnit) ## concentration unit
drug.row <- unique(tmp.mat$DrugRow)
drug.col <- unique(tmp.mat$DrugCol)
drug.pairs$drug.row[i] <- drug.row
drug.pairs$drug.col[i] <- drug.col
drug.pairs$concUnit[i] <- conc.unit
# save dose-response matrix
dose.response.mats[[i]] <- response.mat
drug.pairs$blockIDs <- id.drug.comb
return (list(dose.response.mats = dose.response.mats, drug.pairs = drug.pairs))
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