#' Caller for the identification of shattered genomic regions based on breakpoint densities (from CNV data only)
#' @param cnv (S4) an object of class svcnvio containing data type 'cnv' validated by validate.cnv
#' @param fc.pct (numeric) copy number change between 2 consecutive segments: i.e (default) cutoff = 0.2 represents 20 percent fold change
#' @param min.cnv.size (numeric) The minimun segment size (in base pairs) to include in the analysis
#' @param min.num.probes (numeric) The minimun number of probes per segment to include in the analysis
#' @param low.cov (data.frame) a data.frame (chr, start, end) indicating low coverage regions to exclude from the analysis
#' @param window.size (numeric) size in megabases of the genmome bin to compute break density
#' @param slide.size (numeric) size in megabases of the sliding genmome window
#' @param num.breaks (numeric) size in megabases of the genmome bin to compute break density
#' @param num.sd (numeric) size in megabases of the sliding genmome window
#' @param dist.iqm.cut (numeric) interquantile average of the distance between breakpoints within a shattered region
#' @param verbose (logical)
#' @return an instance of the class 'chromo.regs' containing breakpoint mapping onto genes
#' @keywords CNV, segmentation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## validate input data.frames
#' cnv <- validate.cnv(segdat_lung_ccle)
#' shattered.regions.cnv(cnv)
shattered.regions.cnv <- function(cnv,
fc.pct = 0.2,
min.cnv.size = 0,
low.cov = NULL,
window.size = 10,
slide.size = 2,
num.breaks = 10,
num.sd = 5,
dist.iqm.cut = 1e+05,
stopifnot(cnv@type == "cnv")
cnvdat <- cnv@data
chr.lim <- chromosome.limit.coords(cnv)
cnvbrk <- cnv.breaks(cnv = cnv,
fc.pct = fc.pct,
min.cnv.size = min.cnv.size,
low.cov = low.cov,
verbose = verbose)
if(verbose) message("Mapping CNV breakpoints across the genome:")
cnv.brk.dens <- break.density(cnvbrk,
chr.lim = chr.lim,
window.size = window.size,
slide.size = slide.size,
verbose = verbose)
# calculate inter quantile mean and standard deviation per sample
iqmdata1<- sddata<- cnvbrk@burden
iqmdata1[] <- sddata[] <- 0
iqmdata <- apply(cnv.brk.dens,1,IQM,lowQ=0.1,upQ=0.9)
sddata <- apply(cnv.brk.dens,1,IQSD,lowQ=0.1,upQ=0.9)
a <- sapply(rownames(cnv.brk.dens),function(i) names(which(cnv.brk.dens[i,] > iqmdata[i]+num.sd*sddata[i] )))
b <- sapply(rownames(cnv.brk.dens),function(i) names(which(cnv.brk.dens[i,] >= num.breaks)))
# condition for chromothripsis: at least n=breaks > 6 (svc SND cnv) AND n-breaks > u+2*sd (svc AND cnv)
res <- sapply(rownames(cnv.brk.dens),function(i) Reduce(intersect, list(b[[i]],a[[i]])) )
highDensityRegions <- cnv.brk.dens
highDensityRegions[] <- 0
for(cl in rownames(cnv.brk.dens)) highDensityRegions[cl,res[[cl]]] <- 1
res <- res[which(unlist(lapply(res,length)) >0)]
message("Locating shattered regions by CNV only...")
pb <- txtProgressBar(style=3)
cc <-0
tot <- length(res)
restab <- list()
for(cl in names(res)){
if(verbose) cc <- cc+1
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, cc/tot)
tab <- data.table(do.call(rbind,strsplit(res[[cl]]," ")))
colnames(tab) <- c("chrom","start","end")
tab$start <- as.numeric(tab$start )
tab$end <- as.numeric(tab$end )
tabgr = with(tab, GRanges(chrom, IRanges(start=start, end=end)))
hits = as.data.frame(GenomicAlignments::findOverlaps(tabgr,tabgr))
agg <- aggregate(subjectHits ~ queryHits, hits, paste,simplify=FALSE)
prev<-c(); cnum <- 0
agglist <- list()
for(x in agg$subjectHits){
if(length(intersect(x,prev) > 0)){
agglist[[cnum]] <- unique(c(x,prev))
prev <- agglist[[cnum]]
cnum <- cnum+1
agglist[[cnum]]<- x
prev <-agglist[[cnum]]
agglistUniq <- list()
for(i in 1:length(agglist)){
chr <- as.character(unique(tab[as.numeric(agglist[[i]]),"chrom"]))
start <-min( tab[as.numeric(agglist[[i]]),"start"])
end <- max( tab[as.numeric(agglist[[i]]),"end"])
segNum <- length(agglist[[i]])
agglistUniq[[i]] <- data.table(chr,start,end,segNum)
tabmerged <- do.call(rbind,agglistUniq)
colnames(tabmerged) <- c("chrom","start","end","nseg")
restab[[cl]] <- tabmerged
if(verbose) close(pb)
message("Evaluating shattered regions by CNV data only...")
pb <- txtProgressBar(style=3)
cc <-0
tot <- length(restab)
for(cl in names(restab)){
if(verbose) cc <- cc+1
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, cc/tot)
regions <- restab[[cl]]
br1 <- cnvbrk@breaks[which(cnvbrk@breaks$sample == cl),2:3]
br1.gr <- with(br1, GRanges(chrom, IRanges(start=pos, end=pos)))
regions_gr <- with(regions, GRanges(chrom, IRanges(start=start, end=end)))
hits_1 = GenomicAlignments::findOverlaps(regions_gr,br1.gr)
n.brk <- dist.iqm <- start <- end <- rep(0,nrow(regions))
conf <- rep("HC",nrow(regions))
for(i in 1:nrow(regions)){
sites <- sort(unique(br1[subjectHits(hits_1)[which(queryHits(hits_1) == i)]]$pos))
dist.iqm[i] <- IQM(sites[2:length(sites)] - sites[1:(length(sites)-1) ],lowQ = 0.2,upQ = 0.8)
n.brk[i] <- length(sites)
start[i] <- min(sites)
end[i] <- max(sites)
conf[which(dist.iqm < dist.iqm.cut )] <-"lc"
chrom <- regions$chrom
nbins <- regions$nseg
restab[[cl]] <- data.table(chrom,start,end,nbins,dist.iqm,n.brk,conf)
if(verbose) close(pb)
bins <- data.table(do.call(rbind,strsplit(colnames(highDensityRegions)," ")),colnames(highDensityRegions))
colnames(bins) <- c("chrom","start","end","binid")
bins$start <- as.numeric(bins$start)
bins$end <- as.numeric(bins$end)
binsGR <- with(bins, GRanges(chrom, IRanges(start=start, end=end)))
highDensityRegionsHC <- highDensityRegions
for(cl in names(restab)){
lc <- restab[[cl]][which(restab[[cl]]$conf == "lc"),]
if(nrow(lc) > 0){
lcGR<- with(lc, GRanges(chrom, IRanges(start=start, end=end)))
hits = GenomicAlignments::findOverlaps(binsGR,lcGR)
highDensityRegionsHC[cl,bins$bins[unique(queryHits(hits)),]] <- 0
results <- chromo.regs(
regions.summary = restab,
high.density.regions = highDensityRegions,
high.density.regions.hc = highDensityRegionsHC,
cnv.brk.dens = cnv.brk.dens,
svc.brk.dens = matrix(),
cnv.brk.common.dens = matrix(),
svc.brk.common.dens = matrix(),
cnvbrk = cnvbrk,
svcbrk = breaks(),
common.brk = list(),
cnv = cnv,
svc = svcnvio(),
fc.pct = fc.pct,
min.cnv.size = min.cnv.size,
low.cov = low.cov,
window.size = window.size,
slide.size = slide.size,
num.breaks = num.breaks,
num.sd = num.sd,
dist.iqm.cut = dist.iqm.cut)
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