
Defines functions .chartxidToInt

##' @importFrom GenomicFeatures makeTxDb
##' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb genome seqlengths isCircular
##' @importFrom Biobase package.version

##' @title Create a TxDb from a GenBank record
##' @description Create a TxDb object from a GenBankRecord.
##' @param gbr A GenBankRecord or GBAccession object
##' @param reassign.ids logical. Passed down to \code{makeTxDb}
##' @return A TxDb object
##' @rdname txdb
##' @docType methods
##' @examples
##' thing = readGenBank(system.file("unitTests/compjoin.gbk", package="genbankr"))
##' tx = makeTxDbFromGenBank(thing)
##' @export
setGeneric("makeTxDbFromGenBank", function(gbr, reassign.ids = FALSE) standardGeneric("makeTxDbFromGenBank"))

.chartxidToInt = function(charids, txcharids = charids) {
    txfac = factor(txcharids)
        as.integer(factor(charids, levels = levels(txfac)))

##' @docType methods
##' @rdname txdb
##' @aliases makeTxDbFromGenBank,GenBankRecord
##' @export
setMethod("makeTxDbFromGenBank", "GenBankRecord",
          function(gbr, reassign.ids = FALSE) {
    txgr = transcripts(gbr)
    txdf = data.frame(tx_id = .chartxidToInt(txgr$transcript_id),
                      tx_name = txgr$transcript_id,
                      tx_chrom = as.character(seqnames(txgr)),
                      tx_strand = as.character(strand(txgr)),
                      tx_start = start(txgr),
                      tx_end = end(txgr),

    cdsgr = cds(gbr)
    ##otherwise the exonrank calc below doesn't come out
    ## in the right order!
    ##cdsgr = cdsgr[order(cdsgr$transcript_id)]
    cdspl = split(cdsgr, cdsgr$transcript_id)
    grouplens = lengths(cdspl)
    ##fix order. previous trick stopped working
    grouplens = grouplens[unique(cdsgr$transcript_id)]
    justfirstspl = heads(cdspl, 1)
    strnd = as.character(strand(unlist(justfirstspl)))

    ## beware of order here. the split sorts the factors! that's why
    ## we had to sort cdsgr above.
    exonrank = unlist(mapply(function(len, str) {
        ret = seq(length.out=len)
            ret = rev(ret)
    }, len = grouplens, str = strnd, SIMPLIFY=FALSE))

    ## assertion to ensure order is correct to protect against silently garbage
    ## results
    ## duplicate names get 123 added to them, so asdf.1 turns into asdf.11
    ## asdf.12, etc
    stopifnot(identical(substr(names(exonrank),1, nchar(cdsgr$transcript_id)),
    splicedf = data.frame(tx_id = .chartxidToInt(cdsgr$transcript_id, txgr$transcript_id),
                          exon_rank = exonrank,
                          exon_strand = as.character(strand(cdsgr)),
                          exon_start = start(cdsgr),
                          exon_end = end(cdsgr),
                          cds_start = start(cdsgr),
                          cds_end = end(cdsgr),
                          cds_id = seq(along = end(cdsgr)),
    ## technically there can be more than one gene associated with
    ## a transcript (CDS), but we're nto supporting that here.
    ## I don't even know what that would look like in a GenBank file
    ## XXX revisit if necessary.
    genedf = data.frame(tx_id = as.integer(factor(txgr$transcript_id)),
                        gene_id = as.character(txgr$gene_id),

    mdatvals = c(vers(gbr), genome(txgr), "NCBI (GenBank)",
                  definition(gbr), "genbankr package from Bioconductor",
    mdatnames = c(names(vers(gbr)), "genome", "source", 
                  "definition", "Db content generated by",
                  "genbankr version at creation time")
    metadat = data.frame(name = mdatnames, value = mdatvals, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    sqinf = seqinfo(txgr)
    sqinfodf = data.frame(chrom = seqnames(sqinf),
                          length = seqlengths(sqinf),
                          is_circular = isCircular(sqinf))
    sqinfodf$chrom = rownames(sqinfodf)
    sqinfodf$genome = NULL

    makeTxDb(transcripts = txdf, splicings = splicedf,
             genes = genedf, chrominfo = sqinfodf,
             metadata = metadat,
             reassign.ids = reassign.ids)

##' @docType methods
##' @rdname txdb
##' @aliases makeTxDbFromGenBank,GBAccession
##' @export
setMethod("makeTxDbFromGenBank", "GBAccession",
          function(gbr, reassign.ids = FALSE) {

    gb = readGenBank(gbr)
    makeTxDbFromGenBank(gb, reassign.ids = reassign.ids)

gmbecker/genbankr documentation built on Oct. 30, 2023, 9:24 a.m.