default_node_policy = function() {
return(c( 'N'='blue',
default_edge_policy = function() {
return(c( 'default'='black',
concatenate_plots = function(sdf_list, filename=NULL, ...) {
image_list = list()
for (i in 1:length(sdf_list)) {
image_list[[i]] = draw_sdf(sdf_list[[i]], filename=NULL,...)
image_list =, image_list)
if (!is.null(filename)) {
#ggsave(filename,, image_list))
ggsave(filename, image_list)
#image_list =, image_list)
# todo figure out how to return concatenated images
} # end function concatenate_plots
handle_raster = function(plot_target, raster) {
# check if it's a filename
if (typeof(raster) == 'character') {
raster = readPNG(raster)
g = rasterGrob(raster, interpolate=TRUE)
plot_target = plot_target + annotation_custom(g, xmin=-Inf, xmax=Inf, ymin=-Inf, ymax=Inf)
handle_text = function(sdf, plot_target, alpha_node = 1.0, numbered = FALSE, font_size = 7, node_vertical_offset = 0, node_background_color = FALSE, node_policy = default_node_policy(), fmcs_result = NULL) {
# handles printing of text to a plot_target
# Args:
# sdf: from main draw_sdf function
# plot_target: must be a ggplot2 object
# alpha_node: defines transparency of nodes
# numbered: default FALSE, causes all text to be printed as
# without numbering. if TRUE or 1, numbers will be
# appended which count nth atom of type i.
# if TRUE but not 1, numbers will be appended which
# count nth atom
# font_size: defines absolute font size of text
# node_vertical_offset: permits user to shift text upward off of atom points in space
# node_policy: color and drawing policy for nodes. See default_node_policy()
# fmcs_result: if non-null, will attempt to highlight text which corresponds to
# MCS in sdf. If non-null, node_policy MUST support node_policy['fmcs']
# handle atom name preparation
node_names = gsub('[^[:alpha:]]', '',rownames(atomblock(sdf)) )
toprint = node_names
if (numbered) {
# default behavior if numbered is evaluatable to TRUE
unique_text = unique(node_names)
for (i in 1:length(unique_text)) {
atom_count = sum(node_names==unique_text[i])
toprint[node_names==unique_text[i]] = paste(node_names[node_names==unique_text[i]], 1:atom_count, sep='')
} # end iteration through unique text names using i
if (numbered==2) {
toprint = rownames(atomblock(sdf))
} # end if: numbered is not FALSE
fmcs_labels = toprint[fmcs_result]
# handle sieving out of skippable atoms
node_frame = atomblock(sdf)[,1:2]
color_list = node_policy[node_names]
color_list[] = node_policy['default']
# delete skippable atoms from toprint, node_names, node_frame, color_list
toprint = toprint[ color_list != 'skip']
node_names = node_names[ color_list != 'skip']
node_frame = node_frame[ color_list != 'skip', ]
color_list = color_list[ color_list != 'skip']
# draw atoms as text
node_frame[,2] = node_frame[,2] + node_vertical_offset
node_frame = data.frame(node_frame)
# add coloration editing here
if (node_background_color != FALSE) {
# presumably it's a color...
plot_target = plot_target + geom_point(data = node_frame, aes(x=C1, y = C2), color = node_background_color, size = font_size + 1)
plot_target = plot_target + geom_text(alpha = alpha_node, data=node_frame, aes(x=C1, y=C2), label = toprint, color=color_list, size = font_size)
if (!is.null(fmcs_result)) {
fmcs_frame = atomblock(sdf)[fmcs_result,1:2]
fmcs_frame[,2] = fmcs_frame[,2] + node_vertical_offset
fmcs_frame = data.frame(fmcs_frame)
plot_target = plot_target + geom_text(alpha=alpha_node, data=fmcs_frame, aes(x=C1, y=C2), label=fmcs_labels, color=node_policy['fmcs'], size = font_size)
} # end subsection handling fmcs text drawing
} # end subfunction: handle_text
handle_segs = function(sdf, plot_target, alpha_edge = 0.5, edge_policy = default_edge_policy(), bond_dist_offset = 0.05, fmcs_result=NULL) {
# handles drawing of edges on plot_target
# Args:
# sdf: from main function
# plot_target: must be a ggplot2 object
# alpha_edge: defines transparency of bonds
# edge_policy: a policy on which segments to draw, and what color
# bond_dist_offset: radial distance to space double or triple bonds by
# fmcs_result: if non-null, maximum common substructure in SDF will
# be highlighted. If non-null, edge_policy MUST support edge_policy['fmcs']
edge_matrix = cbind( atomblock(sdf)[bondblock(sdf)[,1], 1:2],
atomblock(sdf)[bondblock(sdf)[,2], 1:2],
# evaluate edge pairs to determine if any should be skipped
node_names = gsub('[^[:alpha:]]', '', rownames(atomblock(sdf)))
tofrom_matrix = cbind( node_names[bondblock(sdf)[,1]],
tofrom_matrix = cbind(tofrom_matrix, paste(tofrom_matrix[,1], tofrom_matrix[,2], sep='-'))
color_vec = cbind( match(tofrom_matrix[,1], names(edge_policy)),
match(tofrom_matrix[,2], names(edge_policy)),
match(tofrom_matrix[,3], names(edge_policy))
color_vec[] = match('default', names(edge_policy))
# condense into one vector of max values
color_vec = apply(color_vec, 1, max)
color_vec = edge_policy[color_vec]
if (!is.null(fmcs_result)) {
fmcs_search_matrix = bondblock(sdf)[,1:2]
for (i in 1:length(color_vec)) {
# if both origin atom and target atom are in fmcs
is_in_fmcs= all(c( fmcs_search_matrix[i,1],
fmcs_search_matrix[i,2]) %in% fmcs_result)
if(is_in_fmcs) {
# then mark its index in color_vec with fmcs color
color_vec[i] = edge_policy['fmcs']
} # end iteration through rows of color_vec using i
} # end if: fmcs_result is non-null
# cut out edges that have been marked for skipping
tofrom_matrix = tofrom_matrix[ color_vec != 'skip',]
edge_matrix = edge_matrix[ color_vec != 'skip',]
color_vec = color_vec[ color_vec != 'skip']
# evaluate edge weights, split those with str > 1
strong_edge_matrix = edge_matrix[edge_matrix[,5] > 1, ]
strong_color_vec = color_vec[edge_matrix[,5] > 1]
i = 1; offset_vec = c(1, -1, 1, -1)
catting_matrix = matrix(data=0, nrow=1, ncol=4)
catting_color_vec = c(0)
while (i <= dim(strong_edge_matrix)[1]) {
dxdy = c(strong_edge_matrix[i,1] - strong_edge_matrix[i,3], strong_edge_matrix[i,2] - strong_edge_matrix[i,4])
scaled_dxdy = rev((dxdy/sqrt(sum(dxdy^2)))) * bond_dist_offset
dp1 = strong_edge_matrix[i,1:4] + scaled_dxdy* 1*offset_vec
dp2 = strong_edge_matrix[i,1:4] + scaled_dxdy* -1*offset_vec
catting_matrix = rbind(catting_matrix, dp1, dp2)
catting_color_vec = cbind(catting_color_vec, strong_color_vec[i], strong_color_vec[i])
# if triple+ bond
if (strong_edge_matrix[i,5] >= 3) {
# reinsert old bond's xy values
catting_matrix = rbind(catting_matrix, strong_edge_matrix[i,1:4])
catting_color_vec = cbind(catting_color_vec, strong_color_vec[i])
i = i +1
} # end iteration through rows of strong_edge_matrix using i
catting_matrix = cbind(catting_matrix, 1)
if (dim(catting_matrix)[1] > 1) {
catting_color_vec = catting_color_vec[2:length(catting_color_vec)]
catting_matrix = catting_matrix[2:dim(catting_matrix)[1],]
color_vec = color_vec[edge_matrix[,5] <= 1]
color_vec = c(color_vec, catting_color_vec)
edge_matrix = edge_matrix[edge_matrix[,5] <= 1,]
edge_matrix = rbind(edge_matrix, catting_matrix)
# finalize edge matrix
rownames(edge_matrix) = NULL
edge_matrix = data.frame(edge_matrix)
plot_target = plot_target + geom_segment(alpha = alpha_edge, data=edge_matrix, aes(x=C1, y=C2, xend=C1.1, yend=C2.1), color = color_vec)
draw_sdf = function( sdf,
filename = 'test.jpg',
alpha_edge = 0.5,
alpha_node = 1.0,
node_vertical_offset = 0,
node_background_color = FALSE,
bgcolor = rgb(1,1,1,1),
bgraster = NULL,
node_policy = default_node_policy(),
edge_policy = default_edge_policy(),
bond_dist_offset = 0.05,
fmcsR_sdf = NULL
) {
# draws an SDF
# Args:
# sdf: must support atomblock() and bondblock(). supports
# length() > 1
# alpha_edge: value in range [0=least, 1=most], describes translucence of edge colors
# alpha_node: value in range [0=least, 1=most], describes translucence of node colors
# numbered: FALSE = node text does not include numbering, TRUE or 1 = numbering style 1,
# 2 = numbering style 2
# font_size: absolute font size. Reduce this value when plotting multiple SDFs
# node_vertical_offset: permits text drawing of SDFs to be shifted upward
# bgcolor: rgb object that defines base color of background of plot
# bgraster: a readPNG object or a path to an object that can be read as PNG. Will
# be pasted as first/background layer of image
# node_policy: string mapping that defines what nodes to draw, and what color to draw
# edge_policy: string mapping that defines what edges to draw, and what color to draw
# policies require 'default' to be mapped to a color, ie at minumum set both equal to
# c('default'='black')
# bond_dist_offset: defines absolute space between double+ bond lines
# fmcsR_sdf: an SDF which supports fmcsr(sdf, fmcsR_sdf). Maximum common substructure will
# be highlighted in drawing of SDF. If non-null, node_policy and edge_policy MUST
# support node_policy['fmcs'] and edge_policy['fmcs']
# Sample usage:
# > library(ChemmineR)
# > data(sdfsample)
# > source('draw_sdf.r')
# > draw_sdf(sdfsample[[1]], alpha_edge = 0.25, font_size=5)
# >
# > library(fmcsR)
# > draw_sdf(sdfsample[[2]], filename='././file_one.png', bgraster = 'demo_raster.png', fmcsR_sdf = sdfsample[[2]])
if (length(sdf) > 1) {
return(concatenate_plots(sdf, filename, alpha_edge, alpha_node, numbered, font_size, node_vertical_offset, node_background_color, bgcolor, bgraster, node_policy, edge_policy, fmcsR_sdf))
# todo add in all args as we develop this function
} # end if: multiple SDF
# begin plotting
plot_target = ggplot(data=data.frame(0), aes())
if (!is.null(bgraster)) {
plot_target = handle_raster(plot_target, bgraster)
} # end if: raster was passed
fmcs_result = NULL
if (!is.null(fmcsR_sdf)) {
fmcs_result = fmcs(sdf, fmcsR_sdf)
fmcs_result = fmcs_result@mcs1$mcs1$CMP1_fmcs_1
plot_target = handle_segs(sdf, plot_target, alpha_edge, edge_policy, bond_dist_offset, fmcs_result)
plot_target = handle_text(sdf, plot_target, alpha_node, numbered, font_size, node_vertical_offset, node_background_color, node_policy, fmcs_result)
# fix background
plot_target = plot_target + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill=bgcolor, color='black'))
plot_target = plot_target + theme(legend.position='none')
plot_target = plot_target + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank())
plot_target = plot_target + theme(axis.title.y = element_blank())
if (!is.null(filename)) {
ggsave(filename=filename, plot = plot_target)
} # end if: filename is nonnull
} # end function draw_sdf
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