# # Notes
# * Source the file before running the functions.
# * Don't forget to uncomment the 'library' functions below.
# library(checkmate)
# library(dplyr)
# library(rutils) # https://github.com/danielvartan/rutils
# library(hms)
# library(lubridate)
# library(mctq)
# library(rlang)
# library(usethis)
# library(utils)
# library(validate)
#' Build a fictional micro MCTQ raw dataset
#' @description
#' `build_micro_mctq()` builds a fictional raw dataset, __for testing and
#' learning purposes__, composed of basic/measurable variables of the Munich
#' ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ) standard version. See
#' [`?micro_mctq`][mctq::micro_mctq] to learn more.
#' @param write (optional) a [`logical`][base::logical()] value indicating if
#' the function must write a `micro_mctq.csv` file to `"./inst/extdata/"`
#' (default: `FALSE`).
#' @param random_cases (optional) a [`logical`][base::logical()] value
#' indicating if the function must add random MCTQ cases besides the core
#' ones.
#' @return An invisible [`tibble`][dplyr::tibble()] with a raw micro MCTQ
#' dataset.
#' @family data functions
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (requireNamespace("utils", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' utils::View(build_micro_mctq())
#' }
#' }
build_micro_mctq <- function(write = FALSE, random_cases = TRUE) {
# Check arguments -----
# Set IDs -----
reserved_id <- sample(50, 12)
id <- seq(50)[!(seq(50) %in% reserved_id)]
# Create cases -----
## Base respondent: sleeps less than the recommended for an adult on
## workdays and stretches during work-free days
micro_mctq <- dplyr::tibble(
`ID` = as.character(reserved_id[1]), # integer | [auto-increment]
`SHIFT WORK` = "No", # logical | Yes/no
`WORK DAYS` = "5", # integer | [0-7]
`W SLEEP ONSET` = "01:45 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`W SLEEP END` = "06:30 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP ONSET` = "02:45 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP END` = "12:00 PM" # hms | IMp [0-12h]
## Add random cases
format_logical <- function(x) {
x == TRUE ~ "Yes",
x == FALSE ~ "No"
format_hms <- function(x) {
if (lubridate::hour(x) == 12) {
am_pm <- "PM"
} else if (lubridate::hour(x) == 0) {
x <- hms::parse_hm("12:00")
am_pm <- "AM"
} else if (lubridate::hour(x) > 12) {
x <- hms::as_hms(x - lubridate::dhours(12))
am_pm <- "PM"
} else {
am_pm <- "AM"
format <- c(1, 5)
paste(substr(as.character(x), format[1], format[2]), am_pm)
if (isTRUE(random_cases)) {
for (i in id) {
random_case <-
random_mctq(model = "micro") |>
dplyr::as_tibble() |>
`ID` = as.character(i),
`SHIFT WORK` = format_logical(.data$shift_work),
`WORK DAYS` = as.character(.data$wd),
`W SLEEP ONSET` = format_hms(.data$so_w),
`W SLEEP END` = format_hms(.data$se_w),
`F SLEEP ONSET` = format_hms(.data$so_f),
`F SLEEP END` = format_hms(.data$se_f)
micro_mctq <- dplyr::bind_rows(micro_mctq, random_case)
## Presence of invalid values
micro_mctq <-
micro_mctq |>
`ID` = as.character(reserved_id[2]), # integer | [auto-increment]
`SHIFT WORK` = "No", # logical | Yes/No
`WORK DAYS` = "10", # integer | [0-7] # INVALID
`W SLEEP ONSET` = "27:00 PM", # hms | IMp [0-12h] # INVALID
`W SLEEP END` = "12:15 PM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP ONSET` = "34:00 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h] # INVALID
`F SLEEP END` = "14:12 PM" # hms | IMp [0-12h]
) |>
## Sleeps more on workdays than on work-free days
`ID` = as.character(reserved_id[3]), # integer | [auto-increment]
`SHIFT WORK` = "No", # logical | Yes/No
`WORK DAYS` = "2", # integer | [0-7]
`W SLEEP ONSET` = "09:45 PM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`W SLEEP END` = "09:15 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP ONSET` = "00:35 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP END` = "06:00 AM" # hms | IMp [0-12h]
) |>
## Null MCTQ
`ID` = as.character(reserved_id[4]), # integer | [auto-increment]
`SHIFT WORK` = "", # logical | Yes/No
`WORK DAYS` = "", # integer | [0-7]
`W SLEEP ONSET` = "", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`W SLEEP END` = "", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP ONSET` = "", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP END` = "" # hms | IMp [0-12h]
) |>
## Did not answer workdays questions
`ID` = as.character(reserved_id[5]), # integer | [auto-increment]
`SHIFT WORK` = "No", # logical | Yes/No
`WORK DAYS` = "", # integer | [0-7]
`W SLEEP ONSET` = "", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`W SLEEP END` = "", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP ONSET` = "05:30 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP END` = "15:00 PM" # hms | IMp [0-12h]
) |>
## All, or almost all, basic variables have the same values
`ID` = as.character(reserved_id[6]), # integer | [auto-increment]
`SHIFT WORK` = "0", # logical | Yes/No
`WORK DAYS` = "0", # integer | [0-7]
`W SLEEP ONSET` = "0", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`W SLEEP END` = "0", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP ONSET` = "0", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP END` = "0" # hms | IMp [0-12h]
) |>
## Works 7 days a week and didn't answer the work-free days section
`ID` = as.character(reserved_id[7]), # integer | [auto-increment]
`SHIFT WORK` = "No", # logical | Yes/No
`WORK DAYS` = "7", # integer | [0-7]
`W SLEEP ONSET` = "11:40 PM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`W SLEEP END` = "06:30 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP ONSET` = "", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP END` = "" # hms | IMp [0-12h]
) |>
## Suspicious values
`ID` = as.character(reserved_id[8]), # integer | [auto-increment]
`SHIFT WORK` = "No", # logical | Yes/No
`WORK DAYS` = "6", # integer | [0-7]
`W SLEEP ONSET` = "02:30 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`W SLEEP END` = "04:00 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h] # SUSPICIOUS
`F SLEEP ONSET` = "01:00 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP END` = "03:00 AM" # hms | IMp [0-12h] # SUSPICIOUS
) |>
## Different formats
`ID` = as.character(reserved_id[9]), # integer | [auto-increment]
`SHIFT WORK` = "false", # logical | Yes/No # AMBIGUOUS
`WORK DAYS` = "5", # integer | [0-7]
`W SLEEP ONSET` = "2315", # hms | IMp [0-12h] # AMBIGUOUS
`W SLEEP END` = "7:15", # hms | IMp [0-12h] # AMBIGUOUS
`F SLEEP ONSET` = "02:30 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP END` = "10:00 AM" # hms | IMp [0-12h]
) |>
## Possible filling error
`ID` = as.character(reserved_id[10]), # integer | [auto-increment]
`SHIFT WORK` = "No", # logical | Yes/No
`WORK DAYS` = "6", # integer | [0-7]
`W SLEEP ONSET` = "", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`W SLEEP END` = "", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP ONSET` = "10:45 PM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP END` = "06:00 AM" # hms | IMp [0-12h]
) |>
## Repeated workdays and work-free days values (possible carryover
## effect)
`ID` = as.character(reserved_id[11]), # integer | [auto-increment]
`SHIFT WORK` = "No", # logical | Yes/No
`WORK DAYS` = "5", # integer | [0-7]
`W SLEEP ONSET` = "11:10 PM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`W SLEEP END` = "07:00 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP ONSET` = "11:10 PM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP END` = "07:00 AM" # hms | IMp [0-12h]
) |>
## Sleep onset is equal or greater than sleep end
`ID` = as.character(reserved_id[12]), # integer | [auto-increment]
`SHIFT WORK` = "No", # logical | Yes/No
`WORK DAYS` = "2", # integer | [0-7]
`W SLEEP ONSET` = "01:00 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`W SLEEP END` = "08:00 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP ONSET` = "04:00 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
`F SLEEP END` = "04:00 AM", # hms | IMp [0-12h]
micro_mctq <-
micro_mctq %>% # Don't change the pipe.
# Write and return output -----
if (isTRUE(write)) {
if (!(dir.exists("./inst/extdata/"))) dir.create("./inst/extdata/")
micro_mctq |>
utils::write.csv(paste0("./inst/extdata/", "micro_mctq", ".csv"),
row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE)
#' Tidy `build_micro_mctq()` output
#' @description
#' `tidy_micro_mctq` tidy the output of `build_micro_mctq()`. See
#' [`?micro_mctq`][mctq::micro_mctq] to learn more.
#' @details
#' Here the process of _tiding_ a dataset is understood as transforming it in
#' input data, like described in Loo and Jonge (2018). It's a very similar
#' process of tiding data described in the workflow proposed by Wickham and
#' Grolemund (n.d.).
#' Please note that input data is not the same as valid data. To get a valid
#' `micro_mctq` data, run `validate_micro_mctq()`.
#' To learn more about the concept of tidy data, see Wickham (2014) and
#' Wickham and Grolemund (n.d.).
#' @param write (optional) a [`logical`][base::logical()] value indicating if
#' the function must write a `micro_mctq.rda` file to `"./data/"` (default:
#' `FALSE`).
#' @return An invisible [`tibble`][dplyr::tibble()] with a tidied, but not
#' validated, micro MCTQ dataset.
#' @template references_e
#' @family data functions
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (requireNamespace("utils", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' utils::View(tidy_micro_mctq())
#' }
#' }
tidy_micro_mctq <- function(write = FALSE) {
# Check arguments -----
# Set values -----
micro_mctq <- build_micro_mctq()
# Clean NULL cases -----
fix_character <- function(x) {
x <- trimws(x)
for (i in c("", "NA")) {
x <- dplyr::na_if(x, i)
micro_mctq <-
micro_mctq |>
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(.fns = fix_character)) |>
dplyr::rowwise() |>
length = dplyr::n_distinct(dplyr::c_across(-.data$ID))
) |>
-.data$ID, #nolint
.fns = ~ ifelse(length <= 2, NA, .x))
) |>
dplyr::ungroup() |>
# Convert columns -----
orders <- c("IMp", "IMSp", "HM", "HMS")
micro_mctq <-
micro_mctq |>
id = as.integer(.data$`ID`),
shift_work = dplyr::case_when(
tolower(.data$`SHIFT WORK`) == "yes" ~ TRUE, # nolint
tolower(.data$`SHIFT WORK`) == "false" ~ FALSE,
tolower(.data$`SHIFT WORK`) == "no" ~ FALSE),
wd = as.integer(.data$`WORK DAYS`),
so_w = mctq:::shush(hms::as_hms(
lubridate::parse_date_time(`W SLEEP ONSET`, orders)
se_w = mctq:::shush(hms::as_hms(
lubridate::parse_date_time(`W SLEEP END`, orders)
so_f = mctq:::shush(hms::as_hms(
lubridate::parse_date_time(`F SLEEP ONSET`, orders)
se_f = mctq:::shush(hms::as_hms(
lubridate::parse_date_time(`F SLEEP END`, orders)
# Write and output dataset -----
if (isTRUE(write)) usethis::use_data(micro_mctq, overwrite = TRUE)
#' Validate [mctq::tidy_micro_mctq()] output
#' @description
#' `validate_micro_mctq()` validates the output of `tidy_micro_mctq()`.
#' See [`?micro_mctq`][mctq::micro_mctq] to learn more.
#' @details
#' Here, the process of _validating_ a dataset is understood as detecting
#' invalid data, by checking whether data satisfies certain assumptions from
#' domain knowledge, to then, removing or, if possible, fixing them. You can
#' find more about data validation and error location in Loo and Jonge (2018).
#' This process can be considered as part of the process of transforming data,
#' described in the workflow proposed by Wickham and Grolemund (n.d.).
#' @return An invisible [`tibble`][dplyr::tibble()] with a validated micro MCTQ
#' dataset.
#' @inheritParams tidy_micro_mctq
#' @template references_d
#' @family data functions
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data := !!
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (requireNamespace("utils", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' utils::View(validate_micro_mctq())
#' }
#' }
validate_micro_mctq <- function(write = FALSE) {
# To do -----
# * Adapt this process by using `errorlocate` package with `validate`.
# Check arguments -----
# Set values -----
reserved_id <- sample(50, 12)
micro_mctq <- tidy_micro_mctq()
# Do univariate validation -----
validate_hms <- function(x) {
x == hms::parse_hm("24:00") ~ hms::parse_hm("00:00"),
x >= hms::parse_hm("00:00") & x < hms::parse_hm("24:00") ~ x
micro_mctq <-
micro_mctq |>
wd = dplyr::case_when(
validate::in_range(wd, min = 0, max = 7) ~ wd
) |>
dplyr::all_of(c("so_w", "se_w", "so_f", "se_f")),
# Do multivariate validation -----
for (i in c("_w", "_f")) {
so_i <- paste0("so", i)
se_i <- paste0("se", i)
micro_mctq <-
micro_mctq |>
sd_i = mctq::sdu(!!as.symbol(so_i), !!as.symbol(se_i)),
dummy = dplyr::case_when(
sd_i < lubridate::dhours(2) |
sd_i > lubridate::dhours(18) ~ TRUE,
!!as.symbol(so_i) := dplyr::if_else(
dummy, hms::as_hms(NA), !!as.symbol(so_i)
!!as.symbol(se_i) := dplyr::if_else(
dummy, hms::as_hms(NA), !!as.symbol(se_i)
) |>
dplyr::select(-dummy, -sd_i)
# Clean invalid cases -----
## Cases: "Suspicious values"
invalid <- c(reserved_id[8])
micro_mctq <-
micro_mctq |>
dplyr::rowwise() |>
.fns = ~ dplyr::if_else(
.data$id %in% invalid, rutils:::na_as(.x), .x
.fns = ~ dplyr::if_else(
shift_work, rutils:::na_as(.x), .x
) |>
# Write and output dataset -----
if (isTRUE(write)) usethis::use_data(micro_mctq, overwrite = TRUE)
#' Analyze `validate_micro_mctq()` output
#' @description
#' `analyse_micro_mctq()` computes and creates the non-measured MCTQ variables
#' based on the output of `validate_micro_mctq()`. See
#' [`?micro_mctq`][mctq::micro_mctq] to learn more.
#' @details
#' Computing and creating new variables is part of the process of producing
#' statistics, like described in Loo and Jonge (2018). It's also a part of the
#' process of transforming data, described in the workflow proposed by Wickham
#' and Grolemund (n.d.).
#' @return An invisible [`tibble`][dplyr::tibble()] with all the variables
#' proposed for a micro MCTQ dataset.
#' @inheritParams tidy_micro_mctq
#' @inheritParams pretty_mctq
#' @template references_d
#' @family data functions
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data := !!
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (requireNamespace("utils", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' utils::View(analyze_micro_mctq())
#' }
#' }
analyze_micro_mctq <- function(write = FALSE, round = TRUE, hms = FALSE) {
# Check arguments -----
# Set values -----
micro_mctq <- validate_micro_mctq()
# Create computed variables -----
micro_mctq <-
micro_mctq |>
fd = mctq::fd(wd),
sd_w = mctq::sdu(so_w, se_w),
msw = mctq::msl(so_w, sd_w),
sd_f = mctq::sdu(so_f, se_f),
msf = mctq::msl(so_f, sd_f),
sd_week = mctq::sd_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd),
msf_sc = mctq::msf_sc(
msf, sd_w, sd_f, sd_week, rep(FALSE, length(id))
sloss_week = mctq::sloss_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd),
sjl_rel = mctq::sjl_rel(msw, msf),
sjl = abs(sjl_rel),
sjl_sc_rel = mctq::sjl_sc_rel(so_w, se_w, so_f, se_f),
sjl_sc = abs(sjl_sc_rel)
) |>
id, shift_work, wd, fd,
so_w, se_w, sd_w, msw,
so_f, se_f, sd_f, msf,
sd_week, sloss_week, msf_sc, sjl_rel, sjl, sjl_sc_rel, sjl_sc
# Fix missing sections -----
## See `vignette("missing_sections", "mctq")` to learn more.
count_w <- length(names(micro_mctq)[grepl("_w$", names(micro_mctq))])
count_f <- length(names(micro_mctq)[grepl("_f$", names(micro_mctq))])
count_w <- count_w * (2 / 3)
count_f <- count_f * (2 / 3)
count_na <- function(x) {
test <-
micro_mctq |>
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(.fns = as.character)) |>
dplyr::rowwise() |>
dummy_0_a = as.integer(wd) == 0,
dummy_0_b = count_na(dplyr::c_across(dplyr::ends_with("_w"))) >= count_w,
dummy_7_a = as.integer(wd) == 7,
dummy_7_b = count_na(dplyr::c_across(dplyr::ends_with("_f"))) >= count_f,
dummy_0 = dummy_0_a & dummy_0_b & dummy_7_b == FALSE,
dummy_7 = dummy_7_a & dummy_7_b & dummy_0_b == FALSE
) |>
dplyr::ungroup() |>
dplyr::select(dummy_0, dummy_7)
micro_mctq <-
dplyr::bind_cols(micro_mctq, test) |>
sd_week = dplyr::case_when(
dummy_0 == TRUE ~ sd_f,
dummy_7 == TRUE ~ sd_w,
TRUE ~ sd_week
msf_sc = dplyr::if_else(dummy_0, msf, msf_sc),
sloss_week = dplyr::if_else(
dummy_0, lubridate::dhours(0), sloss_week
sjl_rel = dplyr::if_else(dummy_0, lubridate::dhours(0), sjl_rel),
sjl = dplyr::if_else(dummy_0, lubridate::dhours(0), sjl),
sjl_sc_rel = dplyr::if_else(
dummy_0, lubridate::dhours(0), sjl_sc_rel
sjl_sc = dplyr::if_else(dummy_0, lubridate::dhours(0), sjl_sc)
) |>
dplyr::select(-dummy_0, -dummy_7)
# Make MCTQ pretty -----
micro_mctq <-
micro_mctq |>
pretty_mctq(round = round, hms = hms)
# Write and output dataset -----
if (isTRUE(write)) usethis::use_data(micro_mctq, overwrite = TRUE)
# raw <- build_micro_mctq()
# tidy <- tidy_micro_mctq()
# valid <- validate_micro_mctq()
# analysis <- analyze_micro_mctq()
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