# actogram(data, "pim", days = 7, lat = -23.5489, lon = -46.6388)
#' Plot a actogram for an actigraphy record
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' `actogram()` returns actogram plot for a [`tsibble`][tsibble::tsibble()]
#' object.
#' @details
#' ## Vertical lines
#' Depending on your graphic cards, your screen resolution, and plot size,
#' some vertical lines can appear in the visualization. THe function cannot
#' fix this because it's a rendering issue.
#' Resizing the plot (e.g., to a square shape) usually fix the problem.
#' ## Light/Dark phase
#' The light/dark phase is calculated by using the first timestamp of the
#' time series. Please note that the time zone will be retrieved from this same
#' timestamp. If the time zone doesn't match with the latitude and
#' longitude, the light/dark phase may shift.
#' ## `trans` argument
#' `actogram()` allows you to provide a function for transforming the base
#' data. That's is useful when dealing with extreme ranges.
#' * Example:
#' ```{r}
# trans_fun <- function(x) {
# log(x) %>% `[<-`(log(x) < 1, 1) %>% `-`(1)
# }
#' actogram(acttrust, "light", days = 1, trans = trans_fun)
#' ````
#' ## Labels order
#' The labels order will be the same as the order of the `labels` argument.
#' @param data A [`tsibble`][tsibble::tsibble()] object.
#' @param base_col A string indicating which column of `data` to use for the
#' basic data (area plot).
#' @param state_col (optional) a string indicating which column of `data` have
#' the states/categories data (default: `NULL`).
#' @param int (optional) a string indicating the interval unit. Valid values
#' are: `“seconds”`, `“minutes”`, `“hours”`, `“days”`, `“weeks”`, `“months”`,
#' `“quarters”`, and `“years”`) (default: `"days"`).
#' @param int_n (optional) an integer number indicating the size of the
#' intervals, with the same unit as `int` (default: `7`).
#' @param days
#' @param state_alpha (optional) a number, from `0` to `1`, indicating the
#' transparency level of the state rectangles (default: `0.5`).
#' @param base_label
#' @param date_format
#' @param lat (optional) a number indicating the latitude in decimal degrees
#' that must be used to compute the light/dark phase. Set this argument to
#' `NULL` when the light/dark isn't need it. See the Details section
#' to learn more (default: `NULL`).
#' @param lon (optional) a number indicating the longitude in decimal degrees
#' that must be used to compute the light/dark phase. Set this argument to
#' `NULL` when the light/dark isn't need it. See the Details section
#' to learn more (default: `NULL`).
#' @param grid (optional) a [`logical`][logical()] value indicating if the
#' plot must have an overlay grid (default: `TRUE`).
#' @param colors
#' @param print (optional) a [`logical`][logical()] value indicating if the
#' function must print the \eqn{Q_{p}}{Qp} plot (default: `TRUE`).
#' @return a [`ggplot`][ggplot2::ggplot()] object with the actogram plot.
#' @family visual analysis functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (requireNamespace("curl", quietly = TRUE) &&
#' requireNamespace("jsonlite", quietly = TRUE) &&
#' requireNamespace("tools", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' if (curl::has_internet()) {
#' file <- get_from_zenodo(
#' doi = "10.5281/zenodo.4898822", path = tempdir(),
#' file = "processed.txt"
#' )
#' data <- read_acttrust(file, tz = "America/Sao_Paulo")
#' act <- actogram(
#' data, "pim", lat = -23.5489, lon = -46.6388,
#' labels = c(
#' "1" = "Sleeping", "2" = "Resting", "4" = "Offwrist",
#' "base" = "PIM", "lp" = "Light phase",
#' "dp" = "Dark phase"
#' ))
#' }
#' }
#' }
actogram <- function(data, base_col, days = 7, trans = NULL,
state_col = "state", state_alpha = 0.5, lat = NULL,
lon = NULL,
labels = c(
"1" = "Sleeping", "2" = "Resting", "4" = "Offwrist",
"base" = base_col, "lp" = "Light phase",
"dp" = "Dark phase"
colors = c(
"1" = viridis::viridis(3, alpha = NULL)[2],
"2" = viridis::viridis(3, alpha = NULL)[3],
"4" = viridis::viridis(3, alpha = NULL)[1],
"base" = "#000000", "lp" = "#faf3b4", "dp" = "#ebebeb"
date_format = "%a %d/%m", double_plot = TRUE, grid = TRUE,
print = TRUE) {
checkmate::assert_choice(base_col, names(data))
checkmate::assert_int(days, null.ok = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_function(trans, null.ok = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_choice(state_col, names(data), null.ok = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_number(state_alpha, lower = 0, upper = 1)
checkmate::assert_number(lat, lower = -90, upper = 90, null.ok = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_number(lon, lower = -180, upper = 180, null.ok = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_character(labels, any.missing = FALSE, names = "unique")
colors, pattern = "^#.{6}$", any.missing = FALSE, names = "unique"
checkmate::assert_set_equal(names(labels), names(colors))
if ((!is.null(lat) && is.null(lon)) || (is.null(lat) && !is.null(lon))) {
"{.strong {cli::col_red('lat')}} and ",
"{.strong {cli::col_red('lon')}} must both be assigned ",
"values or must be both {.strong NULL}."
# R CMD Check variable bindings fix (see: https://bit.ly/3z24hbU)
# nolint start: object_usage_linter.
. <- ld <- NULL
# nolint end
# TO DO:
# * Resting x despertar
# * Work on API
# * Add douple-plot option.
# * Add summary_day()
# * lens_chart()
# Order colors by names(labels)
index <- data %>% tsibble::index_var()
# Move to function
n_days <- lubridate::interval(
dplyr::first(data[[index]]), dplyr::last(data[[index]])
) %>%
lubridate::time_length(unit = "days") %>%
if (is.null(days) || days > n_days) days <- n_days
if ("base" %in% names(labels)) {
base_label <- unname(labels["base"])
base_color <- unname(colors["base"])
} else {
base_label <- base_col
base_color <- "#000000"
if (!is.null(state_col)) {
checkmate::assert_integerish(data[[state_col]], null.ok = TRUE)
for (i in c("labels", "colors")) {
j <- c(
shush(as.numeric(names(get(i)))) %in%
unique(data[[state_col]]) |
names(get(i)) %in% c("lp", "dp")
assign(i, j)
col_match <- paste0("^", index, "$|^", base_col, "$|^", state_col, "$")
} else {
for (i in c("labels", "colors")) {
j <- c(
get(i)[which(names(get(i)) %in% c("lp", "dp"))]
assign(i, j)
col_match <- paste0("^", index, "$|^", base_col, "$")
# Add base, lp and dp to 'labels' and 'colors'
# if they are not assigned
data <- data %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::matches(col_match)) %>%
dplyr::filter(lubridate::date(!!as.symbol(index)) <=
lubridate::date(dplyr::first(!!as.symbol(index))) +
lubridate::days(days - 1)
) %>%
fill_actogram_data_tips() %>%
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(!dplyr::matches(col_match), ~ na_zero(.x)))
if (!is.null(trans)) {
data <- data %>%
!!as.symbol(base_col) := trans(!!as.symbol(base_col))
data <- data %>%
date = lubridate::as_date(!!as.symbol(index)),
time = hms::as_hms(!!as.symbol(index)),
if (!is.null(state_col)) {
data <- data %>%
!!as.symbol(state_col) := as.character(!!as.symbol(state_col)),
!!as.symbol(state_col) := dplyr::if_else(
!!as.symbol(state_col) %in% shush(
!!as.symbol(state_col), "Unassigned"
for (i in seq_along(labels)) {
if (is.na(shush(as.numeric(names(labels[i]))))) next()
data <- data %>%
!!as.symbol(state_col) := dplyr::if_else(
!!as.symbol(state_col) == names(labels[i]),
unname(labels[i]), !!as.symbol(state_col)
data <- data %>%
!!as.symbol(state_col) := factor(
levels = unname(labels[which(
!names(labels) %in% c("lp", "dp")
ordered = TRUE
out <- data %>%
x = time, y = !!as.symbol(base_col)
if (!is.null(lat) && !is.null(lon)) {
tz <- lubridate::tz(data[[index]][1])
sun_stats <- get_sun_stats(
lat = lat, lon = lon, date = lubridate::date(data[[index]][1]),
tz = tz
sunrise <- as.POSIXct(sun_stats$sunrise_start) %>%
lubridate::force_tz(tzone = tz)
sunset <- as.POSIXct(sun_stats$sunset_end) %>%
lubridate::force_tz(tzone = tz)
dark_phase_1 <- lubridate::interval( # nolint
lubridate::force_tz(lubridate::as_datetime(0), tzone = tz),
sunrise - lubridate::dseconds()
light_phase <- lubridate::interval(sunrise, sunset) # nolint
dark_phase_2 <- lubridate::interval( # nolint
sunset + lubridate::dseconds(),
lubridate::force_tz(lubridate::as_datetime(86400 - 1), tzone = tz)
ld_fill <- dplyr::tibble(
index = flat_posixt_date(data[[index]]),
ld = dplyr::case_when(
index %within% dark_phase_1 ~ "Dark phase",
index %within% light_phase ~ "Light phase",
index %within% dark_phase_2 ~ "Dark phase"
) %>%
ld = factor(
ld, levels = c("Dark phase", "Light phase")
) %>%
out <- out +
xmin = time,
xmax = dplyr::case_when(
time == dplyr::last(time) ~ time,
dplyr::lead(time) <= time ~ time,
TRUE ~ dplyr::lead(time),
ymin = min(!!as.symbol(base_col), na.rm = TRUE),
ymax = max(!!as.symbol(base_col), na.rm = TRUE),
fill = ld_fill
na.rm = TRUE
) +
values = unname(colors), limits = unname(labels),
na.value = NA
} else {
out <- out +
xmin = time,
xmax = dplyr::case_when(
time == dplyr::last(time) ~ time,
dplyr::lead(time) <= time ~ time,
TRUE ~ dplyr::lead(time),
ymin = min(!!as.symbol(base_col), na.rm = TRUE),
ymax = max(!!as.symbol(base_col), na.rm = TRUE)
colour = "#ebebeb",
na.rm = TRUE
if (!is.null(state_col)) {
values = unname(colors[which(
!names(colors) %in% c("lp", "dp")
limits = unname(labels[which(
!names(labels) %in% c("lp", "dp")
na.value = NA
out <- out +
ggplot2::aes(colour = base_label), fill = base_color
) +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
breaks = as.numeric(lubridate::dhours(c(0:24)[!0:24 %% 2])),
labels = c(0:23, 0)[!0:24 %% 2],
minor_breaks = NULL, limits = c(0, 86400), expand = c(0.005, 0.005),
sec.axis = ggplot2::dup_axis()
) +
ggplot2::element_blank(), breaks = base_label, values = base_color
if (!is.null(state_col)) {
out <- out +
xmin = time,
xmax = dplyr::case_when(
time == dplyr::last(time) ~ time,
dplyr::lead(time) <= time ~ time,
TRUE ~ dplyr::lead(time),
ymin = min(!!as.symbol(base_col), na.rm = TRUE),
ymax = max(!!as.symbol(base_col), na.rm = TRUE),
fill = !!as.symbol(state_col)),
na.rm = TRUE,
alpha = state_alpha
out <- out +
row = ggplot2::vars(date),
labeller = ggplot2::labeller(.rows = function(x) {
c("LC_TIME" = "en-US.utf8"),
format(as.Date(x), date_format)
switch = "y"
) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "1 Day - Hours", y = "Days") +
panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = NA),
panel.ontop = TRUE,
panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.spacing = ggplot2::unit(0.005, "npc"),
axis.title.x.top = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
legend.position = "top",
legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
strip.text.y.left = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 0)
if (isTRUE(grid)) {
out <- out +
panel.grid.major.x = ggplot2::element_line(
colour = "gray", linetype = "dashed", size = 0.1
} else {
out <- out +
panel.grid.major.x = ggplot2::element_blank()
if (isTRUE(print)) shush(print(out))
fill_actogram_data_tips <- function(data) {
# R CMD Check variable bindings fix (see: https://bit.ly/3z24hbU)
# nolint start: object_usage_linter.
. <- NULL
# nolint end
index <- tsibble::index_var(data)
epoch <- find_epoch(data)$best_match
if (!is.null(epoch)) by <- epoch else by <- "min"
if (!as.numeric(hms::as_hms(dplyr::first(data[[index]]))) == 0) {
data <- data %>%
!!as.symbol(index) := seq(
from = flat_posixt_hour(
base = hms::parse_hms("00:00:00")
to = dplyr::first(data[[index]]),
by = by
if (!as.numeric(hms::as_hms(dplyr::last(data[[index]]))) >=
hms::parse_hms("23:59:59")) {
data <- data %>%
!!as.symbol(index) := seq(
from = dplyr::last(data[[index]]),
to = flat_posixt_hour(
base = hms::parse_hms("23:59:59")),
by = by
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