Man pages for genomaths/GenomAutomorphism
Compute the automorphisms between DNA's Abelian group representations

aaindex1List of 571 Amino Acid Physicochemical Indexes from AAindex...
aaindex2List of 94 Amino Acid Matrices from AAindex
aaindex3Statistical protein contact potentials matrices from AAindex...
aa_phychem_indexAmino acid mutation matrix
alnSimulated 'DNAStringSet' class object
aminoacid_distDistance Between Aminoacids in Terms of Codon Distance
as.AutomorphismListMethods for AutomorphismList-class Objects
aut3DCompute the Automorphisms of Mutational Events Between two...
autby_coefAutomorphisms between DNA Primate BRCA1 Genes Grouped by...
autmAutomorphisms between DNA Sequences from two COVID-19 genomes
autm_3dAutomorphisms between DNA Sequences from two COVID-19 genomes
autm_z125Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from two COVID-19 genomes
AutomorphismA class definition to store codon automorphisms in a given...
automorphism_bycoefAutmorphism Grouping by Coefficient
AutomorphismByCoefA class definition to store conserved gene/genomic regions...
AutomorphismByCoefListA class definition for a list of AutomorphismByCoef class...
automorphismByRangesGet the automorphisms by ranges.
AutomorphismListA class definition to store list of Automorphism class...
automorphism_probAutmorphism Probability
automorphismsCompute the Automorphisms of Mutational Events Between two...
autZ125Compute the Automorphisms of Mutational Events Between two...
autZ5Compute the Automorphisms of Mutational Events Between two...
autZ64Compute the Automorphisms of Mutational Events Between two...
base2codonSplit a DNA sequence into codons
base2intReplace bases with integers from Z4 and Z5
BaseGroupA class definition to store codon automorphisms in given in...
BaseGroup_OR_CodonGroupA definition for the union of classes 'BaseGroup' and...
base_methodsDNA Sequences Methods
base_replReplace bases with integers
BaseSeqA class definition to store DNA base sequence.
BaseSeqMatrixA class definition to Store DNA base sequence coordinates in...
brca1_alnMultiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) of Primate BRCA1 DNA repair...
brca1_aln2Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) of Primate BRCA1 DNA repair...
brca1_autmAutomorphisms between DNA Sequences from Primate BRCA1 Genes
brca1_autm2Automorphisms between DNA Sequences from Primate BRCA1 Genes
cdm_z64Codon Distance Matrices for the Standard Genetic Code on Z4
codon_coordCodon coordinates on a given a given Abelian group...
codon_distWeighted Manhattan Distance Between Codons
codon_dist_matrixCompute Codon Distance Matrix
CodonGroupA class definition to store codon automorphisms in given in...
codon_matrixCodon Coordinate Matrix
CodonMatrixA Convenient Class to Store a Codon Coordinate in given...
CodonSeqA class definition to store codon coordinates given in the...
ConservedRegionA class definition to store conserved gene/genomic regions...
conserved_regionsConserved and Non-conserved Regions from a MSA
covid_alnPairwise Sequence Alignment (MSA) of COVID-19 genomes.
covid_autmAutomorphisms between DNA Sequences from two COVID-19 genomes
cyc_alnMultiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) of Primate Somatic...
cyc_autmAutomorphisms between DNA Sequences from Primate Cytochrome C...
dna_phycheSome Physicochemical Properties of DNA bases
dna_phychemDNA numerical matrix
extract-methodsAn S4 class to extract elements for objects created with...
GenomAutomorphismGenomAutomorphism: An R package to compute the automorphisms...
getAutomorphismsGet Automorphisms
get_coordDNA base/codon sequence and coordinates represented on a...
get_mutscoreGet Mutation Score from an AAindex or a Mutation/Distance...
GRangesMatrixSeqDefinition of GRangesMatrixSeq-class
GRanges_OR_NULLA definition for the union of 'GRanges' and 'NULL' class.
is.urlCheck URLs
ListCodonMatrixA Convenient Class to Store Codon Coordinates in given...
matricesGet the Coordinate Representation from DNA Sequences on...
MatrixListDefinition of MatrixList-class
MatrixSeqDefinition of MatrixSeq-class
modModulo Operation
modeqA Wrapper Calling Modular Linear Equation Solver (MLE)
modlineqModular System of Linear Equation Solver (MLE)
mut_typeClassification of DNA base mutations
peptide_phychem_indexAmino acid numerical matrix
reexportsReexport useful functions to be available to users
seqrangesGet DNA sequence Ranges and Coordinates representation on a...
show-methodsShow method for 'CodonSeq' class object
slapplyApply a function over a list-like object preserving its...
sortByChromAndStartSorting 'GRanges-class' objects
str2chrString to Character
str2digString to Digits
translationTranslation of DNA/RNA sequences
valid.AutomorphismValid Automorphism mcols
valid.AutomorphismByCoefValid AutomorphismByCoef mcols
valid.AutomorphismByCoefListValid AutomorphismByCoefList mcols
valid.AutomorphismListValid AutomorphismList mcols
valid.BaseGroupValid BaseGroup mcols
valid.CodonGroupValid CodonGroup mcols
valid.MatrixListValid MatrixList
genomaths/GenomAutomorphism documentation built on Jan. 2, 2025, 12:25 a.m.