#' @name create_region_object
#' @aliases create_region_obj
#' @title Create genomic region data
#' @description \code{create_region_object} creates genomic regions (e.g. forms
#' methylation regions data) using as input methylation and annotation data
#' with genomic regions of interest.
#' @param met_dt A \code{GRanges} object with methylation data, whose format
#' should be similar to \code{\link{read_methylation_report}}.
#' @param anno_dt A \code{GRanges} object with annotation data, whose format
#' should be similar to \code{\link{read_annotation}}.
#' @param cov Integer defining the minimum coverage of CpGs that each region
#' must contain.
#' @param ignore_strand Logical, whether or not to ignore strand information.
#' @param is_parallel Logical, indicating if code should be run in parallel.
#' @param no_cores if you have specify the is_parallel is ture ,you can specify the number of parallel cores
#' @return A \code{list} object containing the two elements: \itemize{ \item{
#' \code{met}: A list containing methylation region data, where each entry in
#' the list is an \eqn{L_{i} X D} dimensional matrix, where \eqn{L_{i}}
#' denotes the number of CpGs found in region \code{i}. The columns contain
#' the following information: \enumerate{ \item{ 1st column: Contains the
#' locations of CpGs relative to centre. Note that the actual locations are
#' scaled to the [-1,1] region. } \item{ 2nd column: Contains the total
#' number of reads at each CpG location.} \item{ 3rd column: Contains the
#' methylated reads at each CpG location.} }.
#' Rownames of each matrix contain the actual CpG genomic
#' coordinates as <chr>:<location>. } \item{ \code{anno}: The annotation
#' object.} } Note: The lengths of \code{met} and \code{anno} should match.
#' @author Hongen Kang \email{geneprophet@163.com}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Download the files and change the working directory to that location
#' human_met <- read_methylation_report("name_of_met_file")
#' human_anno <- read_annotation("name_of_anno_file")
#' human_obj <- create_region_object(human_met, human_anno)
#' @seealso \code{\link{read_methylation_report}}, \code{\link{read_annotation}}
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
create_region_object <- function(met_dt,
cov = 5,
ignore_strand = TRUE,
is_parallel = TRUE,
no_cores = NULL) {
#the site location will map to [-1,1]
fmin = -1
fmax = 1
message("Creating methylation regions ...")
assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(met_dt, "GRanges"))
assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(anno_dt, "GRanges"))
# Find overlaps between met and anno
overlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = anno_dt, subject = met_dt, ignore.strand = ignore_strand)
query_hits <- S4Vectors::queryHits(overlaps)
subj_hits <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(overlaps)
gen_ind <- unique(query_hits)
centre <- anno_dt$center # Central locations
id <- anno_dt$id # (Ensembl) IDs
chrom <- as.character(anno_dt@seqnames) # Chrom info
strand <- as.character(GenomicRanges::strand(anno_dt))
cpg_loc <- GenomicRanges::ranges(met_dt)@start # CpG locations
met <- met_dt$methylated_reads # Methylated read
# Number of columns for each matrix
if (is.null(met_dt$total_reads)) {
D <- 2
} else {
total <- met_dt$total_reads
D <- 3
# Extract upstream and downstream lengths
N <- NROW(anno_dt)
up_anno <-
vector(mode = "integer", N) # Start location in chromosome
down_anno <-
vector(mode = "integer", N) # End location in chromosome
anno_start <- GenomicRanges::ranges(anno_dt)@start # Start info
anno_end <-
anno_start + GenomicRanges::ranges(anno_dt)@width - 1 # End info
for (i in 1:N) {
# Depending on the strand we change regions up or downstream of centre
if (identical(strand[i], "-")) {
up_anno[i] <- centre[i] - anno_end[i]
down_anno[i] <- abs(anno_start[i] - centre[i])
} else {
up_anno[i] <- anno_start[i] - centre[i]
down_anno[i] <- anno_end[i] - centre[i]
rm(anno_start, anno_end)
n_cores <- .parallel_cores(is_parallel = is_parallel,no_cores = no_cores)
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(n_cores)
result <- foreach::`%dopar%`(obj = foreach::foreach(i=1:N,.inorder = TRUE,.packages = "BSDMR",
.multicombine = TRUE, .maxcombine = 1000),
ex = {out <- .create_met_region(met_dt=met_dt,gen_ind=gen_ind,query_hits = query_hits,subj_hits = subj_hits, cov = cov,D=D,met=met,total=total,cpg_loc=cpg_loc,centre=centre,chrom=chrom,strand=strand,up_anno=up_anno,down_anno=down_anno,fmin=fmin,fmax=fmax, index = i)})
# Stop parallel execution
} else {
result <- foreach::`%do%`(obj = foreach::foreach(i=1:N,.packages = "BSDMR",.inorder = TRUE,
.multicombine = TRUE, .maxcombine = 1000),
ex = {out <- .create_met_region(met_dt=met_dt,gen_ind=gen_ind,query_hits = query_hits,subj_hits = subj_hits, cov = cov,D=D,met=met,total=total,cpg_loc=cpg_loc,centre=centre,chrom=chrom,strand=strand,up_anno=up_anno,down_anno=down_anno,fmin=fmin,fmax=fmax,index = i)})
met_region = result
return(structure(list(met = met_region, anno = anno_dt),
class = "region_object"))
#' @name create_basis
#' @aliases basis create_basis_function
#' @title Create basis objects
#' @description These functions create different basis objects, which can be
#' used as input to complex functions in order to perform computations
#' depending on the class of the basis function.
#' @param M The number of the basis functions. In case of Fourier basis, this
#' number should be even, since we need to have pairs of sines and cosines and
#' the constant term is added by default.
#' @param gamma Inverse width of radial basis function.
#' @param mus Optional centers of the RBF.
#' @param eq_spaced_mus Logical, if TRUE, equally spaced centers are created,
#' otherwise centers are created using \code{\link[stats]{kmeans}} algorithm.
#' @param whole_region Logical, indicating if the centers will be evaluated
#' equally spaced on the whole region, or between the min and max of the
#' observation values.
#' @return A basis object of class 'rbf'.
#' @author Hongen Kang \email{geneprophet@163.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{design_matrix}}
#' @examples
#' human_basis_profile <- create_rbf_object(M = 8)
#' human_basis_mean <- create_rbf_object(M = 0)
#' #---------------------------------
#' @export
create_rbf_object <- function(M = 8,
gamma = NULL,
mus = NULL,
eq_spaced_mus = TRUE,
whole_region = TRUE){
# Check that M is numberic and integer
assertthat::assert_that(M %% 1 == 0)
assertthat::assert_that(M > -1)
if (!is.null(gamma)) {
assertthat::assert_that(gamma > 0)
}else {gamma <- M ^ 2 / (abs(1) + abs(-1)) ^ 2 }
if (!is.null(mus)) {
assertthat::assert_that(M == length(mus))
if (eq_spaced_mus) {
mus <- vector(mode = "numeric", M)
if (whole_region) {
for (i in 1:M) { mus[i] <- i * ((1 - (-1)) / (M + 1) ) + (-1) }
obj <- structure(list(M = M, mus = mus, gamma = gamma,
eq_spaced_mus = eq_spaced_mus,
whole_region = whole_region),
class = "rbf")
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