## This is used to download the annotation from UCSC and
### incooperate it for the tracks display
# ## tablename (unique key) track subtrack auxiliary tablename
# "knownGene", "UCSC Genes", NA,
# "refGene", "RefSeq Genes", NA,
# "ensGene", "Ensembl Genes", NA
# )
"knownGene" = c("knownGene", "kgXref"),
"refGene" = c("refGene"),
"ensGene" = c("ensGene", "ensemblToGeneName")
supportedUCSCtables = function(){
#queryrefGene = function(con){
# query = "SELECT distinct name, name2, chrom, strand, exonStarts, exonEnds
# FROM refGene
# ORDER BY name2, name"
# ans = dbGetQuery(con, query)
# # process the ans into one exon per line
# exonStarts = strsplit(ans$exonStarts, ",")
# exonEnds = strsplit(ans$exonEnds, ",")
# stopifnot(all(sapply(exonStarts, length) == sapply(exonEnds, length)))
# repNum = sapply(exonStarts, length)
# res = data.frame(chromosome=rep(ans$chrom, repNum),
# start=as.integer(unlist(exonStarts))+1,
# end=as.integer(unlist(exonEnds)),
# strand=rep(ans$strand, repNum),
# gene=rep(ans$name2, repNum),
# transcript=rep(ans$name, repNum),
# symbol=rep(ans$name2, repNum))
# return(res)
#queryknownGene = function(con){
# query = "SELECT distinct kgID, geneSymbol, chrom, strand, exonStarts, exonEnds
# FROM knownGene, kgXref WHERE knownGene.name=kgXref.kgID
# ORDER BY geneSymbol, kgID"
# ans = dbGetQuery(con, query)
# # process the ans into one exon per line
# exonStarts = strsplit(ans$exonStarts, ",")
# exonEnds = strsplit(ans$exonEnds, ",")
# stopifnot(all(sapply(exonStarts, length) == sapply(exonEnds, length)))
# repNum = sapply(exonStarts, length)
# res = data.frame(chromosome=rep(ans$chrom, repNum),
# start=as.integer(unlist(exonStarts))+1,
# # The internal ucsc database use the 0-based start,
# # 1-based end. We only use 1-based.
# end=as.integer(unlist(exonEnds)),
# strand=rep(ans$strand, repNum),
# gene=rep(ans$geneSymbol, repNum),
# transcript=rep(ans$kgID, repNum),
# symbol=rep(ans$geneSymbol, repNum))
# return(res)
#queryensGene = function(con){
# query = "SELECT distinct chrom, strand, exonStarts, exonEnds,
# ensGene.name2, ensGene.name, ensemblToGeneName.value
# FROM ensGene, ensemblToGeneName WHERE ensGene.name=ensemblToGeneName.name
# ORDER BY ensGene.name, ensemblToGeneName.value"
# ans = dbGetQuery(con, query)
# # process the ans into one exon per line
# exonStarts = strsplit(ans$exonStarts, ",")
# exonEnds = strsplit(ans$exonEnds, ",")
# stopifnot(all(sapply(exonStarts, length) == sapply(exonEnds, length)))
# repNum = sapply(exonStarts, length)
# res = data.frame(chromosome=rep(ans$chrom, repNum),
# start=as.integer(unlist(exonStarts))+1,
# end=as.integer(unlist(exonEnds)),
# strand=rep(ans$strand, repNum),
# gene=rep(ans$name2, repNum),
# transcript=rep(ans$name, repNum),
# symbol=rep(ans$value, repNum))
# return(res)
#makeGeneDbFromUCSC = function(genome="hg19",
# tablename="refGene",
# host="genome-mysql.cse.ucsc.edu",
# user="genome",
# password=NULL,
# dbnameSQLite="geneAnnotation.sqlite",
# tablenameSQLite=paste(genome, tablename, sep="_"),
# overwrite=FALSE
# ){
# if(!isSingleString(genome))
# stop("'genome' must be a single string")
# if(!isSingleString(tablename))
# stop("'tablename' must be a single string")
# if(!tablename %in% names(.SUPPORTED_UCSC_TABLES))
# stop("table \"", tablename, "\" is not supported")
# if(!isSingleString(host))
# stop("'url' must be a single string")
# con = dbConnect(MySQL(), user=user, password=password,
# dbname=genome, host=host)
# tableNames = .SUPPORTED_UCSC_TABLES[[tablename]]
# message("Download the ", tablename, " table ... ")
# ans = switch(tablename,
# "refGene"=queryrefGene(con),
# "knownGene"=queryknownGene(con),
# "ensGene"=queryensGene(con)
# )
# dbDisconnect(con)
# # add the bin column
# ans$bin = binFromCoordRange(ans$start, ans$end)
# # reorder the columns, not necessary
# ans = ans[ ,c("bin","chromosome","start","end","strand",
# "gene", "transcript","symbol")]
# con = dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname=dbnameSQLite)
# dbWriteTable(con, tablenameSQLite, ans, overwrite=overwrite)
# dbDisconnect(con)
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