
if(getRversion() >= "3.1.0") utils::globalVariables(c("Anno","myImport","read.csv"))

champ.import <- function(directory = getwd(),
                         offset = 100,
    message("[<<<< ChAMP.IMPORT START >>>>>]")

    message("\n[ Section 1: Read PD Files Start ]")
     if(!file.exists(directory) || is.na(file.info(directory)$isdir) || file.info(directory)$isdir == FALSE)
         stop("  Your 'directory' for loading does not exists, please assign a correct directory.")
     csvfile <- list.files(directory,recursive=TRUE,pattern="csv$",full.names=TRUE)
     if(length(csvfile) == 0) {
         stop(paste("  champ.import can not find any csv file in ",directory,". Please check your folder."))
     } else if (length(csvfile)>=2) {
         stop(paste("  champ.import finds more than one csv file in ",directory,". Please check your folder."))

     message("  CSV Directory: ",csvfile)
     message("  Find CSV Success")

     message("  Reading CSV File")

     skipline <- which(substr(readLines(csvfile),1,6) == "[Data]")
         suppressWarnings(pd <- read.csv(csvfile,stringsAsFactor=FALSE,header=TRUE))
         suppressWarnings(pd <- read.csv(csvfile,skip=skipline,stringsAsFactor=FALSE,header=TRUE))
     if("Sentrix_Position" %in% colnames(pd))
         colnames(pd)[which(colnames(pd)=="Sentrix_Position")] <- "Array"
         message("  Replace Sentrix_Position into Array")
     } else 
         message("  Your pd file contains NO Array(Sentrix_Position) information.")

     if("Sentrix_ID" %in% colnames(pd))
         colnames(pd)[which(colnames(pd)=="Sentrix_ID")] <- "Slide"
         message("  Replace Sentrix_ID into Slide")
     } else 
         message("  Your pd file contains NO Slide(Sentrix_ID) information.")

     sapply(c("Pool_ID", "Sample_Plate", "Sample_Well"),function(x) if(x %in% colnames(pd)) pd[,x] <- as.character(pd[,x]) else message("  There is NO ",x, " in your pd file."))

     GrnPath <- unlist(sapply(paste(pd$Slide,pd$Array,"Grn.idat",sep="_"), function(x) grep(x,list.files(directory,recursive=T,full.names=TRUE), value = TRUE)))
     RedPath <- unlist(sapply(paste(pd$Slide,pd$Array,"Red.idat",sep="_"), function(x) grep(x,list.files(directory,recursive=T,full.names=TRUE), value = TRUE)))
         stop("  Error Match between pd file and Green Channel IDAT file.")
         stop("  Error Match between pd file and Red Channel IDAT file.")

     message("[ Section 1: Read PD file Done ]")

     message("\n\n[ Section 2: Read IDAT files Start ]")

     count <- 1
     G.idats <- lapply(GrnPath, function(x){ message("  Loading:",x," ---- (",which(GrnPath == x),"/",length(GrnPath),")");readIDAT(x)})
     count <- 1
     R.idats <- lapply(RedPath, function(x){ message("  Loading:",x," ---- (",which(RedPath == x),"/",length(RedPath),")");readIDAT(x)})

     names(G.idats) <- pd$Sample_Name
     names(R.idats) <- pd$Sample_Name

     checkunique <- unique(c(sapply(G.idats, function(x) nrow(x$Quants)),sapply(R.idats, function(x) nrow(x$Quants))))

     if(length(checkunique) > 1) 
         message("\n  !!! Important !!! ")
         message("  Seems your IDAT files not from one Array, because they have different numbers of probe.")
         message("  ChAMP wil continue analysis with only COMMON CpGs exist across all your IDAt files. However we still suggest you to check your source of data.\n")

     CombineIDAT <- append(G.idats, R.idats)
     commonAddresses <- as.character(Reduce("intersect", lapply(CombineIDAT, function(x) rownames(x$Quants))))

     message("\n  Extract Mean value for Green and Red Channel Success")
     GreenMean <- do.call(cbind, lapply(G.idats, function(xx) xx$Quants[commonAddresses, "Mean"]))
     RedMean <- do.call(cbind, lapply(R.idats, function(xx) xx$Quants[commonAddresses, "Mean"]))
     message("    Your Red Green Channel contains ",nrow(GreenMean)," probes.")

     G.Load <- do.call(cbind,lapply(G.idats,function(x) x$Quants[commonAddresses,"Mean"]))
     R.Load <- do.call(cbind,lapply(R.idats,function(x) x$Quants[commonAddresses,"Mean"]))

     message("[ Section 2: Read IDAT Files Done ]")

     message("\n\n[ Section 3: Use Annotation Start ]")

     message("\n  Reading ", arraytype, " Annotation >>")
     if(arraytype == "EPIC") data(AnnoEPIC) else data(Anno450K)

     message("\n  Fetching NEGATIVE ControlProbe.")
     control_probe <- rownames(Anno$ControlProbe)[which(Anno$ControlProbe[,1]=="NEGATIVE")]
     message("    Totally, there are ",length(control_probe)," control probes in Annotation.")
     control_probe <- control_probe[control_probe %in% rownames(R.Load)]
     message("    Your data set contains ",length(control_probe)," control probes.")
     rMu <- matrixStats::colMedians(R.Load[control_probe,])
     rSd <- matrixStats::colMads(R.Load[control_probe,])
     gMu <- matrixStats::colMedians(G.Load[control_probe,])
     gSd <- matrixStats::colMads(G.Load[control_probe,])

     rownames(G.Load) <- paste("G",rownames(G.Load),sep="-")
     rownames(R.Load) <- paste("R",rownames(R.Load),sep="-")

     IDAT <- rbind(G.Load,R.Load)

     message("\n  Generating Meth and UnMeth Matrix")

     message("    Extracting Meth Matrix...")
     M.check <- Anno$Annotation[,"M.index"] %in% rownames(IDAT)
     message("      Totally there are ",nrow(Anno$Annotation)," Meth probes in ",arraytype," Annotation.")
     message("      Your data set contains ",length(M.check), " Meth probes.")
     M <- IDAT[Anno$Annotation[,"M.index"][M.check],]

     message("    Extracting UnMeth Matrix...")
     U.check <- Anno$Annotation[,"U.index"] %in% rownames(IDAT)
     message("      Totally there are ",nrow(Anno$Annotation)," UnMeth probes in ",arraytype," Annotation.")
     message("      Your data set contains ",length(U.check), " UnMeth probes.")
     U <- IDAT[Anno$Annotation[,"U.index"][U.check],]

         stop("  Meth Matrix and UnMeth Matrix seems not paried correctly.")
     } else {
         CpG.index <- Anno$Annotation[,"CpG"][M.check]
     rownames(M) <- CpG.index
     rownames(U) <- CpG.index

     message("\n  Generating beta Matrix")
     BetaValue <- M / (M + U + offset)
     message("  Generating M Matrix")
     MValue <- log2(M/U)
     message("  Generating intensity Matrix")
     intensity <-  M + U

     message("  Calculating Detect P value")
     detP <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(intensity),ncol=ncol(intensity))
     rownames(detP) <- rownames(intensity)
     colnames(detP) <- colnames(intensity)
     type_II <- rownames(Anno$Annotation)[Anno$Annotation[,"Channel"] == "g+r"]
     type_II <- type_II[type_II %in% rownames(detP)]
     type_I.red <- rownames(Anno$Annotation)[Anno$Annotation[,"Channel"] == "r"]
     type_I.red <- type_I.red[type_I.red %in% rownames(detP)]
     type_I.grn <- rownames(Anno$Annotation)[Anno$Annotation[,"Channel"] == "g"]
     type_I.grn <- type_I.grn[type_I.grn %in% rownames(detP)]
     for(i in 1:ncol(detP))
         detP[type_II,i] <- 1 - pnorm(intensity[type_II,i], mean=rMu[i]+gMu[i], sd=rSd[i]+gSd[i])
         detP[type_I.red,i] <- 1 - pnorm(intensity[type_I.red,i], mean=rMu[i]*2, sd=rSd[i]*2)
         detP[type_I.grn,i] <- 1 - pnorm(intensity[type_I.grn,i], mean=gMu[i]*2, sd=gSd[i]*2)
     if(sum(is.na(detP))) message("    !!! There are NA values in your detP matrix.\n")

     message("  Counting Beads")
     NBeads <- do.call(cbind, lapply(R.idats, function(x) x$Quants[commonAddresses, "NBeads"]))
     Mbead <- NBeads[substr(Anno$Annotation$M.index[M.check],3,100),]
     Ubead <- NBeads[substr(Anno$Annotation$U.index[U.check],3,100),]
     Ubead[Ubead < 3 | Mbead < 3] <- NA
     rownames(Ubead) <- rownames(intensity)

     message("[ Section 3: Use Annotation Done ]")
     message("\n[<<<<< ChAMP.IMPORT END >>>>>>]")
     message("[You may want to process champ.filter() next.]\n")
gaberosser/ChAMP documentation built on May 9, 2019, 2:22 a.m.