#' This function generates a directed graph from all the interactions of a specified pathway in a biopax model. Edges with no direction are indicated by a 0 weight.
#' @param biopax A biopax model
#' @param pwid string
#' @param expandSubpathways logical. If TRUE subpathways are expanded into this graph, otherwise only this very pathway is used.
#' @param splitComplexMolecules logical. If TRUE every complex is split up into its components. This leads to splitting a single node with name of the complex into several nodes with names of the components, these components all have identical edges. Default value is FALSE
#' @param useIDasNodenames logical. If TRUE nodes of the graph are named by their molecule IDs instead of using the NAME property. This can help with badly annotated/formatted databases.
#' @param verbose logical
#' @param withDisconnectedParts logical. If TRUE the pathway graph is returned as such, else only the largest connected component is given back
#' @return Returns the a graph object of the specified pathway. Edges with no direction are indicated by a 0 weight.
#' @author Nirupama Benis
#' @export
#' @import data.table
#' @examples
#' # load data
#' data(biopaxLevel3Example) # location of the data
#' pwid <- "Pathway1019"
#' # build pathway using pathway2Graph
#' pathwayAsGraph <- pathway2Graph(biopax = biopaxLevel3Example, pwid = pwid, splitComplexMolecules = FALSE, useIDasNodenames = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, withDisconnectedParts = TRUE)
#' pathwayAsGraph # should have 23 nodes, 24 edges
#' plotRegulatoryGraph(pathwayAsGraph)
#' # build pathway discarding the disconnected parts of the graph
#' pathwayAsGraph <- pathway2Graph(biopax = biopaxLevel3Example, pwid = pwid, splitComplexMolecules = FALSE, useIDasNodenames = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, withDisconnectedParts = FALSE)
#' pathwayAsGraph # should have 10 nodes, 11 edges
#' plotRegulatoryGraph(pathwayAsGraph)
pathway2Graph <- function (biopax, pwid, expandSubpathways = TRUE, splitComplexMolecules = FALSE, useIDasNodenames = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, withDisconnectedParts = TRUE) {
if (!require(graph)) {
message(paste("This functions needs the graph library installed, albeit it cannot be found. Check out the installation instructions!", "\n"))
biopaxlevel <- biopax$biopaxlevel
pwid <- unique(striphash(pwid))
mygraph <- new(getClassDef("graphNEL", package = "graph"))
graph::edgemode(mygraph) <- "directed"
pwComponentList <- listPathwayComponents(biopax, pwid, returnIDonly = TRUE)
if (length(pwComponentList) == 0) {
warning("Pathway seems to have no pathway components")
pwComponentList <- selectInstances(biopax, id = pwComponentList, includeReferencedInstances = TRUE, returnCopy = TRUE)
pwComponentList$property <- tolower(pwComponentList$property)
setkeyv(pwComponentList, cols <- c("id", "class", "property"))
pwInteraction <- pwComponentList[tolower(pwComponentList$class) %chin% c("conversion", "biochemicalreaction", "complexassembly", "transport", "degradation", "transportwithbiochemicalreaction", "molecularinteraction", "control", "catalysis", "templatereactionregulation", "modulation", "geneticinteraction", "templatereaction"), ]
if (length(pwInteraction$id) == 0) {
warning("warning: pathway2RegulatoryGraph: supplied graph has no pathway components. Returning NULL.")
} else {
if (verbose) {
message(paste("Found", length(unique(pwInteraction$id)), "pathway components. Putting them together..."))
for (i in unique(pwInteraction$id)) {
instance = pwInteraction[id == i, ]
nestedInteraction <- FALSE
type <- NULL
if (any(isOfClass(instance, c("Conversion", "conversion"), considerInheritance = TRUE, biopaxlevel = biopaxlevel)) ||
any(grepl("Degradation", instance$class, ignore.case = TRUE)) ||
any(grepl("degradation", instance$class, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
if (biopaxlevel == 2) {
type <- "left-right"
} else {
type <- as.character(instance[property == "conversiondirection"]$property_value)
leftParticipantIds <- striphash(as.character(unique(instance[property == "left"]$property_attr_value)))
rightParticipantIds <- striphash(as.character(unique(instance[property == "right"]$property_attr_value)))
if (any(isOfClass(instance, c("Control", "control"), considerInheritance = TRUE, biopaxlevel = biopaxlevel)) ||
any(grepl("TemplateReactionRegulation", instance$class, ignore.case = TRUE)) ||
any(grepl("templatereactionregulation", instance$class, ignore.case = TRUE))){
if (biopaxlevel == 2) {
type <- as.character(instance[property == "control-type"]$property_value)
} else {
type <- as.character(instance[property == "controltype"]$property_value)
leftParticipantIds <- striphash(as.character(unique(instance[property == "controller"]$property_attr_value)))
rightParticipantIds <- striphash(as.character(unique(instance[property == "controlled"]$property_attr_value)))
if (length(type) == 0) {
if (tolower(as.character(instance[1, class])) == "catalysis") {
} else {
leftParticipants <- NA
for (i2 in leftParticipantIds) {
lInstance <- pwComponentList[id == i2, ]
if (biopax$biopaxlevel == 2) {
lInstance <- pwComponentList[id == striphash(lInstance[property == "physical-entity"]$property_attr_value), ]
leftParticipants <- c(leftParticipants, getParticipants(pwComponentList, lInstance, biopaxlevel))
if (any(isOfClass(lInstance, c("Interaction"), considerInheritance = TRUE, biopaxlevel = biopaxlevel)))
warning (paste(pwid, i2, ": Left is an Interaction\n"))
rightParticipants <- NA
for (i2 in rightParticipantIds) {
rInstance <- pwComponentList[id == i2, ]
if (any(isOfClass(rInstance, c("Conversion", "conversion"), considerInheritance = TRUE, biopaxlevel = biopaxlevel)) ||
any(isOfClass(rInstance, c("TemplateReaction", "templatereaction"), biopaxlevel = biopaxlevel))) {
leftrights <- striphash(rInstance[property == "left" | property == "right" | property == "product"]$property_attr_value)
for (i3 in leftrights) {
leftrightInstance <- pwComponentList[id == i3, ]
if (biopax$biopaxlevel == 2) {
leftrightInstance <- pwComponentList[id == striphash(leftrightInstance[property == "physical-entity"]$property_attr_value), ]
rightParticipants <- c(rightParticipants, getParticipants(pwComponentList, leftrightInstance, biopaxlevel))
} else if (any(isOfClass(rInstance, c("Control", "control"), considerInheritance = TRUE, biopaxlevel = biopaxlevel))) {
nestedInteraction <- TRUE
rInteractionInstance <- pwComponentList[id == i2, ]
if (biopax$biopaxlevel == 2) {
rInteractionInstance <- pwComponentList[id == striphash(rInteractionInstance[property == "physical-entity"]$property_attr_value), ]
leftNested <- striphash(rInteractionInstance[property == "controller"]$property_attr_value)
rightParticipants <- c(rightParticipants, striphash(rInteractionInstance[property == "controller"]$property_attr_value))
rightNestedIds <- striphash(rInteractionInstance[property == "controlled"]$property_attr_value)
rightNested <- NA
for (i3 in rightNestedIds){
rNestedInstance <- pwComponentList[id == i3,]
if (any(isOfClass(rNestedInstance, c("Conversion", "control"), considerInheritance = TRUE, biopaxlevel = biopaxlevel)) ||
any(isOfClass(rNestedInstance, c("TemplateReaction", "templatereaction"), biopaxlevel = biopaxlevel))) {
leftrightsNested <- striphash(rNestedInstance[property == "left" | property == "right" | property == "product"]$property_attr_value)
for(i4 in leftrightsNested){
leftrightsNestedInstance <- pwComponentList[id == i4, ]
if (biopax$biopaxlevel == 2) {
leftrightsNestedInstance <- pwComponentList[id == striphash(leftrightsNestedInstance[property == "physical-entity"]$property_attr_value), ]
rightNested <- c(rightNested, getParticipants(pwComponentList, leftrightsNestedInstance, biopaxlevel))
rightParticipants <- c(rightParticipants, getParticipants(pwComponentList, leftrightsNestedInstance, biopaxlevel))
} else {
if (biopax$biopaxlevel == 2) {
rInstance <- pwComponentList[id == striphash(rInstance[property == "physical-entity"]$property_attr_value), ]
rightParticipants <- c(rightParticipants, getParticipants(pwComponentList, rInstance, biopaxlevel))
leftParticipants <- striphash(unique(leftParticipants))
rightParticipants <- striphash(unique(rightParticipants))
leftParticipants <- leftParticipants[!is.na(leftParticipants) & !is.null(leftParticipants) & nchar(leftParticipants) > 0]
rightParticipants <- rightParticipants[!is.na(rightParticipants) & !is.null(rightParticipants) & nchar(rightParticipants) > 0]
if (nestedInteraction)
rightNested <- rightNested[!is.na(rightNested)]
if (length(leftParticipants) == 0 | length(rightParticipants) == 0) {
if (verbose) {
message(paste("Adding to graph: ", unique(as.character(instance[, "class"])), "-", pwComponentList$class[pwComponentList$id == i][1], type, ", LeftParticipants: ", paste(leftParticipants, collapse = " "), "RightParticipants: ", paste(rightParticipants, collapse = " ")))
newnodes <- unique(c(leftParticipants, rightParticipants))
newnodes <- newnodes[!(newnodes %in% graph::nodes(mygraph))]
if (length(newnodes) > 0)
mygraph <- graph::addNode(newnodes, mygraph)
if (tolower(type) == "inhibition") {
weight <- -1
} else if (tolower(type) == "spontaneous") {
weight <- 0
} else {
weight <- 1
for (iLefts in leftParticipants) {
for (iRights in rightParticipants) {
if (iLefts != iRights) {
if (grepl("spontaneous", tolower(type))) {
mygraph <- graph::addEdge(from = iLefts, to = iRights, graph = mygraph, weights = weight)
mygraph <- graph::addEdge(from = iRights, to = iLefts, graph = mygraph, weights = weight)
if (!(iLefts %in% unlist(graph::edges(mygraph, which = iRights)))) {
if(nestedInteraction && (iRights %in% rightNested)) {
mygraph <- graph::addEdge(from = leftNested, to = iRights, graph = mygraph, weights = weight)
if(verbose) {
print("Nested Interaction")
} else {
mygraph <- graph::addEdge(from = iLefts, to = iRights, graph = mygraph, weights = weight)
} else {
warning(paste("Problem while adding edge (weight = ", weight, ") to graph: Edge already exists between ", iLefts, " and ", iRights, " (weight = ", ifelse(is.na(unlist(graph::edgeWeights(mygraph))[paste(iLefts, iRights, sep = ".")]), "(opposite direction)", unlist(graph::edgeWeights(mygraph))[paste(iLefts, iRights, sep = ".")]), "). Skipping this edge.", sep = ""))
if (withDisconnectedParts == FALSE) {
mygraph <- removeDisconnectedParts(mygraph)
if (length(graph::nodes(mygraph)) == 0) {
warning("Empty graph")
#' This function is used internally by pathway2Graph to obtain physical entities participating in an interaction.
#' @author Nirupama Benis
#' @param pwComponentList List of pathway components
#' @param instance Biopax instance id
#' @param biopaxlevel integer. Set the biopax level here if you supply a data.table directly.
#' @param splitComplexMolecules logical. If TRUE complexes are split up into their components and the annotation of the components is added.
#' @param useIDasNodenames logical. If TRUE nodes of the graph are named by their molecule IDs instead of using the NAME property. This can help with badly annotated/formatted databases.
#' @import data.table
getParticipants <- function(pwComponentList, instance, biopaxlevel, splitComplexMolecules = FALSE, useIDasNodenames = TRUE) {
pwComponentList <- pwComponentList
instance <- instance
biopaxlevel <- biopaxlevel
splitComplexMolecules <- splitComplexMolecules
useIDasNodenames <- useIDasNodenames
if (splitComplexMolecules & any(isOfClass(instance, "complex"))) {
if (useIDasNodenames) {
participants <- as.character(splitComplex(pwComponentList, instance$id[1], returnIDonly = TRUE, biopaxlevel = biopaxlevel))
} else {
participants <- as.character(splitComplex(pwComponentList, instance$id[1], biopaxlevel = biopaxlevel)$name)
} else {
if (useIDasNodenames) {
participants <- as.character(instance[1]$id)
} else {
participants <- getInstanceProperty(pwComponentList, instance[1]$id, biopaxlevel = biopaxlevel)
#' This function is used internally by pathway2Graph to remove the smaller disconnected parts of the pathway graph.
#' @author Nirupama Benis
#' @param mygraph a graph object
#' @import data.table
removeDisconnectedParts <- function(mygraph) {
mygraph <- mygraph
if (!require(igraph)) {
message(paste("Retrieving only the largest connected component needs the igraph library installed, albeit it cannot be found.", "\n"))
graphClusters <- igraph::clusters(igraph::igraph.from.graphNEL(mygraph))
if(graphClusters$no > 1) {
for(j in 1:(graphClusters$no - 1)) {
smallestClust <- which.min(graphClusters$csize)
smallestClustMembs <- names(graphClusters$membership)[graphClusters$membership == smallestClust]
mygraph <- removeNode(smallestClustMembs, mygraph)
graphClusters <- igraph::clusters(igraph::igraph.from.graphNEL(mygraph))
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