# parseBiopax.R: This file contains the all functions related to parsing a Biopax model.
# author: Frank Kramer <dev@frankkramer.de>
# This is released under GPL-2.
# Documentation was created using roxygen
#' This function creates a new Biopax model from scratch
#' This function creates a new Biopax model from scratch. This is not necessary if you want to parse a BioPAX export from a file, please see: readBiopax.
#' Returns a biopax model, which is a list with named elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{df}{The data.frame representing the biopax in R}
#' \item{ns_rdf}{RDF Namespace}
#' \item{ns_owl}{OWL Namespace}
#' \item{ns_bp}{Biopax Namespace}
#' \item{file}{NULL}
#' }
#' @param level integer. Specifies the BioPAX level.
#' @return A biopax model
#' @author Frank Kramer
#' @export
#' @import data.table
#' @examples
#' biopax = createBiopax(level=2)
createBiopax <- function(level = 3) {
ret = list(file = NULL)
class(ret) <- c("biopax",class(ret))
if(level==1) message("BioPAX level 1 OWL is unfortunatly not supported.")
if(level==2) {
ret$biopaxlevel = 2
ret$dt = data.table(rowcount=1:5,class="",id="",property="",property_attr="",property_attr_value="",property_value="", key=c("id","class","property"))
ret$dt = copy(ret$dt[,2:7, with=F])
ret$dt = copy(ret$dt[0])
class(ret$dt) = c("biopax_df",class(ret$dt))
setkey(ret$dt, id, class, property)
# deal with namespaces, we're interested in owl, rdf, biopax
ret$ns_rdf = "rdf"
ret$ns_owl = "owl"
ret$ns_bp = "bp"
ret$namespaces = namespaces = list(
if(level==3) {
ret$biopaxlevel = 3
ret$dt = data.table(rowcount=1:5,class="",id="",property="",property_attr="",property_attr_value="",property_value="", key=c("id","class","property"))
ret$dt = copy(ret$dt[,2:7, with=F])
ret$dt = copy(ret$dt[0])
class(ret$dt) = c("biopax_df",class(ret$dt))
setkey(ret$dt, id, class, property)
# deal with namespaces, we're interested in owl, rdf, biopax
ret$ns_rdf = "rdf"
ret$ns_owl = "owl"
ret$ns_bp = "bp"
ret$namespaces = namespaces = list(
#' This function reads in a Biopax .owl file
#' This function reads in a Biopax .owl file and generates the internal data.frame format used in this package.
#' This function can take a while with really big Biopax files like NCIs Pathway Interaction Database or Reactome.
#' In almost every case this is your starting point.
#' Returns a biopax model, which is a list with named elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{df}{The data.frame representing the biopax in R}
#' \item{ns_rdf}{RDF Namespace}
#' \item{ns_owl}{OWL Namespace}
#' \item{ns_bp}{Biopax Namespace}
#' \item{file}{File name}
#' }
#' @param file string. File name
#' @param verbose logical. Output messages about how parsing is going and so on.
#' @return A biopax model
#' @author Frank Kramer
#' @export
#' @import data.table
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{biopax = readBiopax(file="biopaxmodel.owl")}
#' \dontrun{biopax}
#' #' # load data and retrieve wnt pathway
#' data(biopaxexample)
readBiopax <- function(file, verbose=TRUE) {
if(is.null(file) || !file.exists(file)) {
stop(paste("readBiopax: Cannot find file:",file))
biopaxxml = XML::xmlInternalTreeParse(file)
ret = list(namespaces = XML::xmlNamespaceDefinitions(XML::xmlRoot(biopaxxml), recursive = TRUE, simplify = TRUE))
class(ret) <- c("biopax",class(ret))
# deal with namespaces, we're interested in owl, rdf, biopax
ret$ns_rdf = names(grep("rdf-syntax",ret$namespaces,ignore.case=TRUE, value=TRUE))
ret$ns_owl = names(grep("/owl#",ret$namespaces,ignore.case=TRUE, value=TRUE))
ret$ns_bp = names(grep("biopax-level",ret$namespaces,ignore.case=TRUE, value=TRUE))
ret$file = file
if(any(grepl("biopax-level1",ret$namespaces,ignore.case=TRUE))) {
if(verbose) message("Found a BioPAX level 1 OWL. Unfortunatly this is not supported.\n")
ret$biopaxlevel = 1
if(any(grepl("biopax-level2",ret$namespaces,ignore.case=TRUE))) {
if(verbose) message("Found a BioPAX level 2 OWL. Parsing...\n")
ret$biopaxlevel = 2
ret$dt = internal_getBiopaxModelAsDataFrame(ret, biopaxxml, verbose=verbose)
if(any(grepl("biopax-level3",ret$namespaces,ignore.case=TRUE))) {
if(verbose) message("Found a BioPAX level 3 OWL. Parsing...\n")
ret$biopaxlevel = 3
ret$dt = internal_getBiopaxModelAsDataFrame(ret, biopaxxml, verbose=verbose)
#' Print a biopax object.
#' @param x A \code{biopax} object to print.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to \code{print}.
#' @export
#' @import data.table
#' @method print biopax
#' @examples
#' data(biopaxexample)
#' print(biopax)
print.biopax <- function(x, ...) {
cat("Summary of the biopax object:\n")
cat("\nInternal data:\n")
print(x[!(names(x) %in% c("biopaxxml","df"))],...)
cat(paste("Dimension of internal data.table: ",paste(dim(x$dt), collapse=","),"\n\n"))
cat("Summary of parsed internal data.table \n")
#' This internal function parses the Biopax XML of the supplied biopax model and returns it in the data.frame format.
#' This internal function parses the Biopax XML of the supplied biopax model and returns it in the data.frame format.
#' @param biopax A biopax object
#' @param biopaxxml Biopax XML file read in. See parseBiopax
#' @param verbose logical
#' @return Returns the parsed biopax model in the internal data.frame format.
#' @author Frank Kramer
#' @import data.table
internal_getBiopaxModelAsDataFrame <- function (biopax, biopaxxml, verbose=TRUE) {
## retrieve all instances below rdf:RDF
model = XML::getNodeSet(biopaxxml, paste("/",biopax$ns_rdf,":RDF/*",sep=""))
## data.frame will be put together in the end by vectors
if(verbose) message("[Info Verbose] Parsing Biopax-Model as a data.table...")
nodecount = sum(XML::xmlElementSummary(biopax$file)$nodeCounts)
if(verbose) message(paste("[Info Verbose] Estimating up to", nodecount,"entries. This will roughly need", round(nodecount*58*2*2/2**20), "MB of RAM."))
if(verbose) message(paste("[Info Verbose] Where I came from this would've taken at least", round(3*nodecount/1000),"seconds!"))
time_start = proc.time()[1]
ret_colnames = c("class","id","property","property_attr","property_attr_value","property_value")
ret = data.table(rowcount=1:nodecount,class="",id="",property="",property_attr="",property_attr_value="",property_value="", key="rowcount")
## for each instance get data.frame entries and add them together in a df
rowcount = 1
for(i in 1:XML::xmlSize(model)) {
## TODO Go on here: extra function. construct data.table, merge the data.tables. how to pass the dts?
#class and id are name and attr
class = XML::xmlName(model[[i]], full=T)
id = XML::xmlAttrs(model[[i]])[[1]]
#every property of an instance is represented as 1 entry in the df
for(p in 1:XML::xmlSize(model[[i]])) {
child = XML::xmlChildren(model[[i]])[[p]]
error = function(e) { message(paste("Debug: i=",i," p=",p," class:",class, " instance:", id)) }
if( (XML::xmlSize(child) > 0) && !any(class(XML::xmlChildren(child)[[1]]) %in% c("XMLInternalTextNode","XMLTextNode"))) {
#found instancianted class here. make it a real instance, give it an id and reference it here using rdf:resource
newInstanceResult = internal_XMLInstance2DF(XML::xmlChildren(child)[[1]], namespace_rdf=biopax$ns_rdf, ret, rowcount)
if(is.null(newInstanceResult) || is.null(newInstanceResult$id)) {
warning(paste("Something went wrong in internal_XMLInstance2DF: rowcount:", rowcount, " class:",class, " id:", id,". Debug: i=",i," p=",p))
rowcount = newInstanceResult$rowcount
#generate new row to be added: reference to new instance
tryCatch( {
row = c(
class, id,
XML::xmlName(child, full=T), #property
paste(biopax$ns_rdf,":resource",sep=""), #property_attr
paste("#",newInstanceResult$id,sep=""), #property_attr_value
"" #property_value
error = function(e) {
message(paste("Error: internal_getBioPaxModelAsDataFrame - generate new instance row:\n","p=",p," class:",class," instance:", id, " rowcount:",rowcount," newInstance:",newInstanceResult$id)) }
} else {
attrs1 = XML::xmlAttrs(child)
attrs2 = attributes(attrs1)
attribute = paste( attrs2$namespaces[[1]], attrs2$names[[1]], sep=":") #property_attr
if(is.null(attribute)) attribute = "undefined"
row = c(
class, id,
XML::xmlName(child, full=T), #property
attribute, #property_attr
attrs1[[1]], #property_attr_value
XML::xmlValue(child) #property_value
#naive error check + add row
if(length(row) != 6) {
warning(paste("Something went wrong parsing: rowcount: ", rowcount, "class: ",class, "id: ", id," Parsed row: ", paste(row,collapse="|"),". Debug: i=",i," p=",p))
} else {
set(ret, as.integer(rowcount), 2L, row[1] ) #class
set(ret, as.integer(rowcount), 3L, row[2] ) #id
set(ret, as.integer(rowcount), 4L, row[3] ) #property
set(ret, as.integer(rowcount), 5L, row[4] ) #property_attr
set(ret, as.integer(rowcount), 6L, row[5] ) #property_attr_value
set(ret, as.integer(rowcount), 7L, row[6] ) #property_value
rowcount = rowcount + 1
if(verbose) if(rowcount%%8192 == 0) message(paste("[Info Verbose] Internal Rowcount: ",rowcount," Instance:",id,sep=" "))
# done with property
#done with instance
#if(rowcount > 1000) break
# return result. leave out all entries that are either na or are of a different namespace than bp
x = rowcount
ret = copy(ret[rowcount<x & id!="",2:7, with=F])
setkey(ret, id,class,property)
# strip namespace from df$property & df$class
set(ret, NULL, "property", stripns(ret$property))
set(ret, NULL, "class", stripns(ret$class))
if(verbose) message(paste("[Info Verbose] Finished! Created a data.frame with ", rowcount," rows within only ",(proc.time()[1]-time_start)," seconds."))
class(ret) <- c("biopax_df",class(ret))
setkey(ret, id,class,property)
#' This function is an internal function to count the Number of nodes and child nodes of an XMLNode.
#' This function is an internal function to count the Number of nodes and child nodes of an XMLNode.
#' @param myXMLNode XMLNode to analyze
#' @return This function returns the number of Nodes and child Nodes an XMLNode has.
#' @author Frank Kramer
#' @import data.table
internal_NrOfXMLNodes <- function(myXMLNode) {
ret = 1
if((XML::xmlSize(myXMLNode) > 0) && !any(class(XML::xmlChildren(myXMLNode)[[1]]) %in% c("XMLInternalTextNode","XMLTextNode"))) {
for(p in 1:XML::xmlSize(myXMLNode)) {
ret = ret + internal_NrOfXMLNodes(XML::xmlChildren(myXMLNode)[[p]])
#' This function is an internal function that parses a Biopax XMLNode.
#' This function is an internal function that parses a Biopax XMLNode. Do not call it manually.
#' @param myXMLNode XMLNode
#' @param namespace_rdf String specifying the namespace to use for rdf:resource and rdf:datatype
#' @param ret data.table object contaning the already parsed data to attach this instance to
#' @param rowcount Numeric specifying the row at which further parsed data is inserted into the data.table
#' @return Returns a list contianing the new rowcount and the instance id of the added instance
#' @author Frank Kramer
#' @import data.table
internal_XMLInstance2DF <- function(myXMLNode, namespace_rdf, ret, rowcount) {
class = XML::xmlName(myXMLNode, full=T)
id = XML::xmlAttrs(myXMLNode)[[1]]
#every property of an instance is represented as 1 entry in the df
for(x in 1:XML::xmlSize(myXMLNode)) {
child = XML::xmlChildren(myXMLNode)[[x]]
error = function(e) { message(paste("Debug: internal_XMLInstance2DF xmlChildren x=",x," class:",class, " instance:", id)) }
if( (XML::xmlSize(child) > 0) && !any(class(XML::xmlChildren(child)[[1]]) %in% c("XMLInternalTextNode","XMLTextNode"))) {
#found instancianted class here. make it a real instance, give it an id and reference it here using rdf:resource
newInstanceResult = internal_XMLInstance2DF(XML::xmlChildren(child)[[1]], namespace_rdf=namespace_rdf, ret, rowcount)
if(is.null(newInstanceResult) || is.null(newInstanceResult$id)) {
warning(paste("Something went wrong in internal_XMLInstance2DF: rowcount:", rowcount, " class:",class, " id:", id,". Debug: i=",i," p=",p))
rowcount = newInstanceResult$rowcount
#generate new row to be added: reference to new instance
tryCatch( {
row = c(
class, id,
XML::xmlName(child, full=T), #property
paste(namespace_rdf,":resource",sep=""), #property_attr
paste("#",newInstanceResult$id,sep=""), #property_attr_value
"" #property_value
error = function(e) {
message(paste("Error: internal_XMLInstance2DF - generate new instance row:\n","x=",x," class:",class," instance:", id, " rowcount:",rowcount," newInstance:",newInstanceResult$id)) }
else {
attrs1 = XML::xmlAttrs(child)
attrs2 = attributes(attrs1)
attribute = paste( attrs2$namespaces[[1]], attrs2$names[[1]], sep=":") #property_attr
if(is.null(attribute)) attribute = "undefined"
row = c(
class, id,
XML::xmlName(child, full=T), #property
attribute, #property_attr
attrs1[[1]], #property_attr_value
XML::xmlValue(child) #property_value
#naive error check + add row
if(length(row) != 6) {
warning(paste("Something went wrong parsing: rowcount:", rowcount, "class:",class, "id:", id," Parsed row:", paste(row,collapse="|"),". Debug: x=",x))
} else {
set(ret, as.integer(rowcount), 2L, row[1] ) #class
set(ret, as.integer(rowcount), 3L, row[2] ) #id
set(ret, as.integer(rowcount), 4L, row[3] ) #property
set(ret, as.integer(rowcount), 5L, row[4] ) #property_attr
set(ret, as.integer(rowcount), 6L, row[5] ) #property_attr_value
set(ret, as.integer(rowcount), 7L, row[6] ) #property_value
rowcount = rowcount + 1
# done with child
list(rowcount=rowcount, id=id)
################### PARSING END ###################
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