# Perform differential expression analysis and detection of translational ctrl
# Wrapper to call tests
runTests <- function(expSet, ctrlLab, variable, threads = 1) {
labs <- unique(as.character(Biobase::pData(expSet)[[variable]]))
labs <- labs[! labs %in% ctrlLab]
`%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
i <- NULL
ret <- foreach::foreach (i = 1:length(labs)) %dopar% {
message(paste0("Analyzing condition ", labs[i], " vs ", ctrlLab, "."))
cond <- as.character(Biobase::pData(expSet)[[variable]]) %in% c(labs[i],
samples <- Biobase::sampleNames(expSet)[cond]
ret2 <- runTest(expSet[, samples], ctrlLab, variable)
message(paste0("Condition ", labs[i], " vs ", ctrlLab, " done."))
names(ret) <- labs
# Wrapper to call tests
runTest <- function(expSet, ...) {
testTC(expSet, ...)
# TC Analysis
testTC <- function(expSet, ctrlLab, variable) {
rpf <- as.character(Biobase::pData(expSet)$type) == "rpf"
ctr <- as.character(Biobase::pData(expSet)[[variable]]) == ctrlLab
ctrlRpf <- Biobase::sampleNames(expSet[, rpf & ctr])
caseRpf <- Biobase::sampleNames(expSet[, rpf & !ctr])
ctrlRna <- Biobase::sampleNames(expSet[, !rpf & ctr])
caseRna <- Biobase::sampleNames(expSet[, !rpf & !ctr])
normCounts <- Biobase::assayData(expSet)$sizef
ctrlRpfMean <- rowMeans(normCounts[, ctrlRpf, drop = FALSE])
ctrlRnaMean <- rowMeans(normCounts[, ctrlRna, drop = FALSE])
zeros <- ctrlRpfMean == 0 | ctrlRnaMean == 0
ctrlRpfMean[zeros] <- ctrlRpfMean[zeros] + 1
ctrlRnaMean[zeros] <- ctrlRnaMean[zeros] + 1
ctrlTE <- ctrlRpfMean/ctrlRnaMean
caseRpfMean <- rowMeans(normCounts[, caseRpf, drop = FALSE])
caseRnaMean <- rowMeans(normCounts[, caseRna, drop = FALSE])
zeros <- caseRpfMean == 0 | caseRnaMean == 0
caseRpfMean[zeros] <- caseRpfMean[zeros] + 1
caseRnaMean[zeros] <- caseRnaMean[zeros] + 1
caseTE <- caseRpfMean/caseRnaMean
log2FC_TE <- log2(caseTE) - log2(ctrlTE)
log2FC_RPF <- log2(caseRpfMean) - log2(ctrlRpfMean)
log2FC_RNA <- log2(caseRnaMean) - log2(ctrlRnaMean)
design <- stats::as.formula(paste0('~', variable, " + type + ", variable,
samples <- c(ctrlRpf, ctrlRna, caseRpf, caseRna)
eS <- expSet[, samples]
pD <- Biobase::pData(eS)
pD[[variable]] <- factor(as.character(pD[[variable]]))
dds <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = Biobase::exprs(eS),
colData = pD, design = design)
DESeq2::sizeFactors(dds) <- Biobase::pData(eS)$sf
dds <- DESeq2::DESeq(dds, quiet = TRUE)
res <- DESeq2::results(dds, contrast = c(0,0,0,1))
res <- res[!is.na(res$padj), ]
res <- res[order(res$pvalue, res$padj), ]
res$TElog2FC <- log2FC_TE[rownames(res)]
res$caseTE <- caseTE[rownames(res)]
res$ctrlTE <- ctrlTE[rownames(res)]
res$caseRPF <- caseRpfMean[rownames(res)]
res$caseRNA <- caseRnaMean[rownames(res)]
res$ctrlRPF <- ctrlRpfMean[rownames(res)]
res$ctrlRNA <- ctrlRnaMean[rownames(res)]
res$RPFlog2FC <- log2FC_RPF[rownames(res)]
res$RNAlog2FC <- log2FC_RNA[rownames(res)]
#res[, c("ctrlRPF", "ctrlRNA", "ctrlTE", "caseRPF",
# "caseRNA", "caseTE", "TElog2FC", "RPFlog2FC", "RNAlog2FC",
# "stat", "pvalue", "padj")]
res[, c("ctrlRPF", "RPFlog2FC", "ctrlRNA", "RNAlog2FC", "ctrlTE", "TElog2FC",
"stat", "pvalue", "padj")]
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