#' Extract table with node-level DA/DS results
#' Extract a table with the top-ranked nodes from a DA/DS analysis output
#' (generated by \code{\link{runDA}} or \code{\link{runDS}}).
#' @author Ruizhu Huang, Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @param object The output from \code{\link{runDA}} or \code{\link{runDS}}.
#' @param type Either "DA" (for \strong{object} from \code{\link{runDA}}) or
#' "DS" (for \strong{object} from \code{\link{runDS}}).
#' @param n An integer indicating the maximum number of entities to return.
#' @param adjust_method A character string specifying the method used to adjust
#' p-values for multiple testing. See \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}} for
#' possible values.
#' @param sort_by A character string specifying the sorting method. This will
#' be passed to \code{\link[edgeR]{topTags}}.
#' Possibilities are "PValue" for p-value, "logFC" for absolute log-fold
#' change or "none" for no sorting.
#' @param p_value A numeric cutoff value for adjusted p-values. This will
#' be passed to \code{\link[edgeR]{topTags}}. Only entities
#' with adjusted p-values equal or lower than specified are returned.
#' @returns A data frame with results for all nodes passing the imposed
#' thresholds. The columns \strong{logFC}, \strong{logCPM},
#' \strong{PValue}, \strong{FDR}, \strong{F} (or \strong{LR}) are from (the
#' output table of) \code{\link[edgeR]{topTags}}. The \strong{node} column
#' stores the node number for each entity. Note: \strong{FDR} is corrected
#' over all features and nodes when the specified \code{type = "DS"}.
#' @importFrom edgeR topTags
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange slice filter bind_rows desc
#' @importFrom TreeSummarizedExperiment convertNode
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @examples
#' suppressPackageStartupMessages({
#' library(TreeSummarizedExperiment)
#' })
#' lse <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "da_sim_100_30_18de.rds",
#' package = "treeclimbR"))
#' tse <- aggTSE(lse, rowLevel = showNode(tree = rowTree(lse),
#' only.leaf = FALSE))
#' dd <- model.matrix( ~ group, data = colData(tse))
#' out <- runDA(TSE = tse, feature_on_row = TRUE,
#' assay = "counts", option = "glmQL",
#' design = dd, contrast = NULL,
#' normalize = TRUE)
#' ## Top 10 nodes with DA
#' nodeResult(out, n = 10)
nodeResult <- function(object, n = 10, type = c("DA", "DS"),
adjust_method = "BH", sort_by = "PValue",
p_value = 1) {
## Check arguments
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
.assertVector(x = object, type = "list")
.assertScalar(x = n, type = "numeric")
.assertScalar(x = adjust_method, type = "character")
.assertScalar(x = sort_by, type = "character",
validValues = c("PValue", "logFC", "none"))
.assertScalar(x = p_value, type = "numeric")
## Generate topTags table
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type == "DA") {
tt <- edgeR::topTags(object = object$edgeR_results, n = n,
adjust.method = adjust_method,
sort.by = sort_by,
p.value = p_value)$table
## Add node column
nod <- TreeSummarizedExperiment::convertNode(
tree = object$tree, node = rownames(tt))
ct <- cbind(node = nod, tt)
} else if (type == "DS") {
res <- object$edgeR_results
tt <- lapply(seq_along(res), FUN = function(x) {
xx <- edgeR::topTags(object = res[[x]], n = Inf,
adjust.method = adjust_method,
sort.by = sort_by,
p.value = 1)$table
## Add node column
nod <- TreeSummarizedExperiment::convertNode(
tree = object$tree, node = names(res)[x])
cx <- cbind(xx, node = nod, feature = rownames(xx))
ct <- do.call(dplyr::bind_rows, tt)
## Estimate FDR across features
ct$FDR <- stats::p.adjust(p = ct$PValue, method = adjust_method)
n <- min(nrow(ct), n)
## Sort
if (sort_by == "PValue") {
ct <- ct |>
dplyr::arrange(.data$PValue) |>
dplyr::filter(.data$FDR <= p_value) |>
} else if (sort_by == "logFC") {
ct <- ct |>
dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(abs(.data$logFC))) |>
dplyr::filter(.data$FDR <= p_value) |>
} else {
## No sorting
ct <- ct |>
dplyr::filter(.data$FDR <= p_value) |>
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