#' @title Download data from the HCA via ExperimentHub
#' @description Download HDF5 (dense assay) and RDS (row and column annotations)
#' files from the HCA via ExperimentHub, composing them together as a
#' SingleCellExperiment object
#' @details This current release includes the following datasets:
#' \describe{
#' \item{Census of Immune Cells - Umbilical cord blood}{UMI counts from the 10x
#' (droplet) single-cell RNA-seq data. The object contains counts for 33694 genes
#' in 384000 cells.}
#' \item{Census of Immune Cells - Bone marrow}{UMI counts from the 10x
#' (droplet) single-cell RNA-seq data. The object contains counts for 33694 genes
#' in 378000 cells.}
#' }
#' @param dataset A character string: which dataset should be retrieved?
#' @param as.sparse Logical, specifies whether the underlying HDF5 dataset should
#' be treated as sparse or not - will be passed to the call to `HDF5Array()`.
#' Defaults to TRUE, i.e. by using the `DelayedArray` infrastructure.
#' @return A SingleCellExperiment object with a HDF5Matrix in the `counts`
#' assay, containing the UMI counts for each gene in each cell. Row- and column-level
#' metadata are also provided.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' HCAData()
#' sce_cordblood <- HCAData("ica_cord_blood")
HCAData <- function(dataset = NULL, as.sparse = TRUE) {
available_datasets <- c("ica_bone_marrow", "ica_cord_blood")
if(!is.null(dataset)) {
if(!(dataset %in% available_datasets)) {
stop("No dataset found with the specified name, please choose one of the following: \n",
paste(available_datasets,collapse = "\n"))
} else {
message("No dataset name provided, please choose one of the following: \n",
paste(available_datasets,collapse = "\n"))
message("Retrieving Human Cell Atlas dataset: ", dataset)
hub <- ExperimentHub::ExperimentHub()
base <- "HCAData/"
## row and column data
rdatapath <- paste0(base, dataset, "_rowData.rds")
rowData <- query(hub, rdatapath)[[1]]
cdatapath <- paste0(base, dataset, "_colData.rds")
colData <- query(hub, cdatapath)[[1]]
## HDF5, from ExperimentHub:
h5datapath <- paste0(base, dataset, "_rectangular.h5")
h5file <- query(hub, h5datapath)[[1]]
h5array <- HDF5Array(h5file, "counts", as.sparse = as.sparse)
sce <- SingleCellExperiment(
list(counts = h5array),
rowData = rowData,
colData = colData
rownames(sce) <- rowData(sce)$ID
colnames(sce) <- colData(sce)$Barcode
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