#' diffexp
#' Calculate differential expression scores, subsetting by plate.
#' @param x An object of class Slinky
#' @param treat A SummarizedExperiment containing the treated
#' samples, or the pert_iname of desired perturbagen. See details.
#' @param control A SummarizedExperiment containing the control
#' samples, or the pert_iname of desired controls. Default is 'auto'.
#' See details.
#' @param method Scoring method to use. Only \code{cd} and
#' \code{ks} are presently supported.
#' @param split_by_plate Should the analysis be split by plate?
#' This is one way to control for batch effects, but requires at
#' least two treated sample and two control samples on each plate in
#' the dataset. Default is FALSE. Not supported for method = 'ks'.
#' @param where_clause If treat is a pert_iname, further query
#' terms may be specified here (e.g. \code{pert_type=\"trt_sh\"}).
#' @param gold Restrict analysis to gold instances as defined by
#' LINCS. Ignored if treat and control are SummarizedExperiments.
#' @param inferred Should the inferred (non-landmark) genes be
#' included in the analysis? Default is TRUE.
#' @param verbose Do you want to know how things are going?
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for \code{method}.
#' @return Vectors of scores, one per subset (plate).
#' This function looks for \code{rna_plate} in
#' \code{colData(treat)} and \code{colData(control)} to slice the data
#' into subsets, and then performs differential expression analysis on
#' the subsets. If a perturbation
#' identifier is provided instead of an SummarizedExperiment, the
#' necessary SummarizedExperiment is constructed by calling this
#' package's \code{toSummarizedExperiment} function (which requires
#' that you have
#' initialized this class with appropriate clue.io key and location of
#' gctx file). Note that the control dataset can be automatically
#' generated by the default option of \code{control=\"auto\"}. In this
#' case, appropriate same-plate controls are identified for the samples
#' in the treat dataset and loaded. For more complex queries, you can
#' create the requisite SummarizedExperiments yourself with
#' \code{toSummarizedExperiment}, or
#' create a SummarizedExperiment by any other methods, ensuring that
#' \code{treat} and \code{control} contain the
#' \code{rna_plate} metadata variable for subsetting.
#' Note that this function assumes that each plate represented in
#' \code{treat} is also represented in \code{control}
#' @name diffexp
#' @rdname diffexp
#' @examples
#' #'
#' # for build/demo only. You MUST use your own key when using the slinky
#' # package.
#' user_key <- httr::content(httr::GET('https://api.clue.io/temp_api_key'),
#' as='parsed')$user_key
#' sl <- Slinky(user_key,
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo.gctx',
#' package='slinky'),
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo_inst_info.txt',
#' package = 'slinky'))
#' scores <- diffexp(sl, sl[,1:5], sl[,18:22])
#' head(scores)
control = "auto",
method = "cd",
split_by_plate = FALSE,
where_clause = list(),
gold = TRUE,
inferred = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
...) {
#' @examples
#' # for build/demo only. You MUST use your own key when using the slinky
#' # package.
#' \dontrun{
#' user_key <- httr::content(httr::GET('https://api.clue.io/temp_api_key'),
#' as='parsed')$user_key
#' sl <- Slinky(user_key,
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo.gctx',
#' package='slinky'),
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo_inst_info.txt',
#' package = 'slinky'))
#'cd_vector <- diffexp(sl,
#' treat = "amoxicillin",
#' split_by_plate = FALSE,
#' verbose = FALSE)
#' }
#' @rdname diffexp
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @exportMethod diffexp
#' @aliases diffexp,Slinky-method
setMethod("diffexp", signature(x = "Slinky"),
control = "auto",
method = "cd",
split_by_plate = FALSE,
where_clause = list(),
gold = TRUE,
inferred = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
if (inferred){
row.ix <- seq_len(nrow(x))
} else {
row.ix <- seq_len(min(nrow(x), 978))
if (is(treat, "character")) {
where_clause$pert_iname = treat
if (gold) {
where_clause$is_gold = TRUE
fields <- c("rna_plate", "distil_id")
if (verbose)
message("Loading data for 'treat' group.")
treat <- loadL1K(x[row.ix, ],
where_clause = where_clause,
fields = fields,
inferred = inferred,
verbose = verbose)
if (verbose)
message(paste0("\nLoaded ", ncol(treat), " treated samples."))
} else if (is(treat, "Slinky")) {
treat <- as(treat[row.ix, ], "SummarizedExperiment")
} else if (!is(treat, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
"diffexp expects either the pert_iname of the perturbagen, ",
"a Slinky object, or a SummarizedExperiment for the ",
"'treat' dataset"
if (is(control, "character")) {
if (control == "auto") {
if (verbose)
message("\nLocating and loading control samples.")
ids <- controls(x[row.ix, ],
verbose = verbose)$distil_id
control <- loadL1K(x[row.ix, which(colnames(x) %in% ids)],
inferred = inferred)
if (verbose)
message(paste0("\nLoaded ",
" control samples."))
} else {
where_clause <- list(pert_iname = control)
if (gold)
where_clause$is_gold = TRUE
fields <- c("rna_plate", "distil_id")
if (verbose)
message("Loading data for 'control' group.")
control <- loadL1K(x[row.ix, ],
where_clause = where_clause,
fields = fields,
inferred = inferred,
verbose = verbose)
if (verbose)
message(paste0("Loaded ", ncol(control), " control samples."))
} else if (is(control, "Slinky")) {
control <- as(control[row.ix, ], "SummarizedExperiment")
} else if (!is(control, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
"diffexp expects either the pert_iname of the perturbagen, ",
"a Slinky object, or a SummarizedExperiment for the ",
"'treat' dataset"
if (method == "cd") {
if (verbose)
message("Calculating CD scores.")
if (split_by_plate) {
rna_plate <- NULL # prevent no visible binding on R CMD CHECK
. <- NULL # prevent no visible binding on R CMD CHECK
cds <- as.data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(treat[row.ix, ])) %>%
dplyr::group_by(rna_plate) %>%
dplyr::do(cd =
chDir(x, treat[row.ix, which(treat$rna_plate %in% .$rna_plate)],
control[row.ix , which(control$rna_plate %in% .$rna_plate)]))
# flatten structure to matrix
cds <- do.call(cbind, cds$cd) %>% `colnames<-`(cds$rna_plate)
} else {
cds = chDir(x, treat[row.ix, ], control[row.ix, ])
} else if (method == "ks") {
if (verbose)
message("Calculating KS scores.")
if (split_by_plate) {
warning("Method ks does not support split_by_plate option. ",
"Ignoring. ")
zs <- rzs(x, treat[row.ix, ], control[row.ix, ])
return(ks(x, zs))
} else {
stop("Only 'cd' and 'ks' are currently supported by diffexp.")
#' rzs
#' Convert each sample in \code{treat} to robust zscore.
#' @param x An object of class Slinky
#' @param treat A SummarizedExperiment containing the
#' treated samples,
#' or the pert_iname of desired perturbagen. See details.
#' @param control An SummarizedExperiment containing the control
#' samples, or the pert_iname of desired controls. Default is 'auto'.
#' See details.
#' @param where_clause If treat is a pert_iname, further query
#' terms may be specified here (e.g. \code{pert_type=\"trt_sh\"}).
#' @param gold Restrict analysis to gold instances as defined by
#' LINCS. Ignored if treat and control are SummarizedExperiments.
#' @param inferred Should the inferred (non-landmark) genes be
#' included in the analysis? Default is TRUE.
#' @param byplate Do you want to split the scores by plate? This is
#' usually wise, unless you have already subsetted \code{treat} and
#' \code{control} samples in such a way that plate can safely be ignored,
#' or if \code{treat} and \code{control} must come from different plates
#' for some reason. Default is TRUE.
#' @param verbose Do you want to know how things are going?
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for \code{method}.
#' @return Matrix of zscore of same dimension as
#' \code{treat} (or the expression matrix resulting from querying
#' for \code{treat} if a pert_iname is specified).
#' This function identifes same-plate controls for
#' each treated sample, then converts each treated sample to robust
#' z-score by subtracting the median control values and dividing by
#' the (scaled) median absolute deviations.
#' @name rzs
#' @rdname rzs
control = "auto",
where_clause = list(),
gold = TRUE,
inferred = TRUE,
byplate = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
...) {
#' @rdname rzs
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @exportMethod rzs
#' @aliases rzs,Slinky-method
#' @examples
#' #'
#' # for build/demo only. You MUST use your own key when using the slinky
#' # package.
#' user_key <- httr::content(httr::GET('https://api.clue.io/temp_api_key'),
#' as='parsed')$user_key
#' sl <- Slinky(user_key,
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo.gctx',
#' package='slinky'),
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo_inst_info.txt',
#' package = 'slinky'))
#' scores <- rzs(sl, "amoxicillin")
#' head(scores)
setMethod("rzs", signature(x = "Slinky"),
control = "auto",
where_clause = list(),
gold = TRUE,
inferred = TRUE,
byplate = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
if (inferred){
row.ix <- seq_len(nrow(x))
} else {
row.ix <- seq_len(min(nrow(x), 978))
if (is(treat, "character")) {
where_clause$pert_iname = treat
if (gold) {
where_clause$is_gold = TRUE
fields <- c("rna_plate", "distil_id")
if (verbose)
message("Loading data for 'treat' group.")
treat <- loadL1K(x[row.ix,],
where_clause = where_clause,
fields = fields,
verbose = verbose)
error = function(e) {
warning = function(w) {
if(grepl("no results", w$message)) {
stop(paste0("No treated instances found for ", treat, " and is_gold=", gold))
} else {
stop(paste0("Unexpected error when loading treated instances: ", w$message))
if (verbose)
message(paste0("\nLoaded ", ncol(treat), " treated samples."))
} else if (is(treat, "Slinky")) {
treat <- as(treat[row.ix, ], "SummarizedExperiment")
} else if (!is(treat, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
"rzs expects either the pert_iname of the perturbagen ",
"or a SummarizedExperiment Set for the 'treat' dataset"
if (is(control, "character")) {
if (control == "auto") {
if (verbose)
message("\nLocating and loading control samples.")
ids <- controls(x,
verbose = verbose)$distil_id
control <- loadL1K(x[row.ix,
which(colnames(x) %in% ids)])
if (verbose)
message(paste0("\nLoaded ",
" control samples."))
} else {
where_clause <- list(pert_iname = control)
if (gold)
where_clause$is_gold = TRUE
fields <- c("rna_plate", "distil_id")
if (verbose)
message("Loading data for 'control' group.")
control <- loadL1K(x[row.ix, ],
where_clause = where_clause,
fields = fields,
verbose = verbose)
if (verbose)
message(paste0("Loaded ", ncol(control),
" control samples."))
} else if (is(control, "Slinky")) {
control <- as(control[row.ix, ], "SummarizedExperiment")
} else if (!is(control, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
"rzs expects either 'auto', the pert_iname of the perturbagen or",
"a SummarizedExperiment for the 'control' dataset"
rna_plate <- NULL # prevent no visible binding on R CMD CHECK
. <- NULL # prevent no visible binding on R CMD CHECK
if (byplate) {
zs <- as.data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(treat)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(rna_plate) %>%
dplyr::do(z =
.zs(assays(treat)[[1]][, which(treat$rna_plate %in% .$rna_plate)],
assays(control)[[1]][, which(control$rna_plate %in% .$rna_plate)])
# flatten structure to matrix
zs <- do.call(cbind, zs$z) %>% `colnames<-`(base::colnames(treat))
} else {
zs <- .zs(assays(treat)[[1]], assays(control)[[1]])
#' .zs
#' The .zs function provides method for calculating robust z-scores
#' @param treat a matrix of values for the treated samples
#' @param control a matrix of values for the control samples
#' @return A vector of z-scores.
#' @name .zs
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @rdname slinky-internal
.zs <- function(treat, control) {
"Internal function for converting expression values to robust z-scores"
meanad <- function(x) {
mean(abs(x - mean(x)) * 1.253314)
medians <- apply(as.matrix(control), 1, median)
mads <- apply(as.matrix(control), 1, mad)
meanads <- apply(as.matrix(control), 1, meanad)
ix <- which(mads == 0)
mads[ix] <- meanads[ix]
apply(as.matrix(treat), 2, function(x) {
(x - medians) / mads
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