#' An S4 class for working with LINCS data
#' The \code{Slinky} class encapsulates details about location of the LINCS L1000
#' data files as well as access credentials for the clue.io API (if desired).
#' It provides methods for querying and loading data from these resources.
#' The helper function \code{\link{Slinky}} is a simpler way to construct
#' an object of this class
#' @slot .index internal slot for mapping object to file data
#' @slot base Base url for clue.io API.
#' @slot gctx gctx containing expression data (optional)
#' @slot info info file containing metadata (optional)
#' @slot metadata internal slot for storing metadata from info file, mapped
#' to gctx file and current index.
#' @slot user_key clue.io API key (required unless CLUE_API_KEY env variable
#' is set)
#' @import methods
#' @import jsonlite
#' @examples
#' # for build/demo only. You MUST use your own key when using the slinky
#' # package.
#' user_key <- httr::content(httr::GET('https://api.clue.io/temp_api_key'),
#' as='parsed')$user_key
#' sl <- Slinky(user_key,
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo.gctx',
#' package='slinky'),
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo_inst_info.txt',
#' package = 'slinky'))
#' amox_gold <- clueInstances(sl, where_clause = list('pert_type' = 'trt_cp',
#' 'pert_iname' = 'amoxicillin',
#' 'cell_id' = 'MCF7',
#' 'is_gold' = TRUE), poscon = 'omit')
#' amox_gold_sumexp <- loadL1K(sl, ids = amox_gold)
#' @name Slinky-class
#' @exportClass Slinky
user_key = "character",
gctx = "character",
info = "character",
metadata = "data.frame",
base = "character",
.index = "ANY"
prototype(user_key = NA_character_,
gctx = NA_character_,
info = NA_character_,
metadata = data.frame(),
base = NA_character_,
.index = NULL),
validity = function(object) {
#' The \code{Slinky()} constructor returns a slinky object with defaults
#' set where required. To access the clue.io API, you must either provide
#' your key as the value for the arguemtn \code{user_key}, or set the
#' CLUE_API_KEY environment variable prior to starting your R session.
#' If no clue.io API access is required, simply specify \code{user_key = ""}.
#' If \code{info} is not specified, it will be assumed that the file
#' GSE92742_Broad_LINCS_inst_info.txt.gz is present in the working directory.
#' If \code{gctx} is not specified, then you can still use the clue.io api
#' and metadata searching functionalities of the package, but of course no
#' data can be loaded. This is useful if you do not have a local copy of
#' the large gctx file but still want to run queries. Note that this last
#' use case is still experimental.
#' @param user_key clue.io API key
#' @param info info file containing metadata (optional)
#' @param gctx gctx containing expression data (optional)
#' @return A Slinky object.
#' @rdname Slinky-class
#' @name Slinky
#' @export
#' @importFrom readr read_delim
#' @importFrom stats mad median
#' @importFrom utils flush.console read.delim txtProgressBar
Slinky = function(user_key = character(),
gctx = character(),
info = character()) {
if (length(user_key) != 1) {
key = Sys.getenv("CLUE_API_KEY")
if (nchar(key) < 10) {
"No user key provided. Either provide user_key argument ",
"or set CLUE_API_KEY env variable"
user_key <- key
if (!length(info)) {
info <- "GSE92742_Broad_LINCS_inst_info.txt.gz"
if (length(gctx)) {
meta <- rhdf5::h5dump(gctx, load = FALSE)
ncol <- meta$`0`$META$COL$id$dim
nrow <- meta$`0`$META$ROW$id$dim
index <- list(seq_len(nrow), seq_len(ncol))
} else {
index <- list(0, 0)
base <- "https://api.clue.io"
x <- new("Slinky",
user_key = user_key,
info = info,
base = base,
gctx = gctx,
.index = index)
x@metadata <- .loadInfo(x)
#' Slinky object dimensions
#' Get the number of rows and columns in L1000 data represented by
#' Slinky object.
#' @return number of rows or columns of current (possibly subsetted) L1000
#' data set.
#' @param x an object of class Slinky
#' @name nrow
#' @rdname nrow
#' @exportMethod nrow
#' @rdname nrow
#' @aliases nrow,ANY-method
setMethod("nrow", c("Slinky"), function(x) { return(length(x@.index[[1]]))})
#' @name ncol
#' @rdname nrow
#' @exportMethod ncol
#' @rdname nrow
#' @aliases ncol,ANY-method
#' @examples
#' # for build/demo only. You MUST use your own key when using the slinky
#' # package.
#' user_key <- httr::content(httr::GET('https://api.clue.io/temp_api_key'),
#' as='parsed')$user_key
#' sl <- Slinky(user_key,
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo.gctx',
#' package='slinky'),
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo_inst_info.txt',
#' package = 'slinky'))
#' ncol(sl)
#' nrow(sl)
setMethod("ncol", c("Slinky"), function(x) { return(length(x@.index[[2]]))})
#' colnames
#' Retrieve column names from LINCS gctx datafile
#' @param x a Slinky Object
#' @param do.NULL Ignored (see \code{?base::colnames})
#' @param prefix Ignored (see \code{?base::colnames})
#' @return Names of columns from gctx file
#' The gctx file is an HDF5 formatted file with several
#' sections (groups) containing the column and row level metadata as well
#' as the expression data itself. Note that for best performance, if a
#' subset of colnames is desired, subset the slinky object itself, not
#' the colnames, to avoid loading the entire set of colnames from the the
#' gctx file. That is, \code{names <- colnames(x[,1:50])} will be
#' considerably faster than \code{names <- colnames(x)[1:50]}.
#' The \code{do.NULL} and \code{prefix} arguments from
#' \code{base::colnames} do not apply here (as the slinky object will
#' always have column names), and will be silently ignored if provided.
#' @name colnames
#' @rdname colnames
#' @exportMethod colnames
#' @rdname colnames
#' @aliases colnames,ANY-method
#' @examples
#' # for build/demo only. You MUST use your own key when using the slinky
#' # package.
#' user_key <- httr::content(httr::GET('https://api.clue.io/temp_api_key'),
#' as='parsed')$user_key
#' sl <- Slinky(user_key,
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo.gctx',
#' package='slinky'),
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo_inst_info.txt',
#' package = 'slinky'))
#' colnames(sl[,1:5])
setMethod("colnames", signature(x = "Slinky"),
closeAll(x) # cleanup in case there was a bad exit previously
if (!length(x@gctx)) {
stop("You must specify path to gctx file when creating ",
"Slinky object.")
n <- rhdf5::h5read(x@gctx,
name = "0/META/COL/id",
index = list(x@.index[[2]]))
#' rownames
#' Retrieve row names from LINCS gctx datafile
#' @param x a Slinky Object
#' @param do.NULL Ignored (see \code{?base::rownames})
#' @param prefix Ignored (see \code{?base::rownames})
#' @return Names of rows from gctx file
#' The gctx file is an HDF5 formatted file with several
#' sections (groups) containing the column and row level metadata as well
#' as the expression data itself. Note that for best performance, if a
#' subset of rownames is desired, subset the slinky object itself, not
#' the rownames, to avoid loading the entire set of rownames from the the
#' gctx file. That is, \code{names <- rownames(x[,1:50])} will be
#' faster than \code{names <- rownames(x)[1:50]}.
#' The \code{do.NULL} and \code{prefix} arguments from
#' \code{base::rownames} do not apply here (as the slinky object will
#' always have row names), and will be silently ignored if provided.
#' @name rownames
#' @rdname rownames
#' @rdname rownames
#' @exportMethod rownames
#' @aliases rownames,Slinky-method
#' @examples
#' # for build/demo only. You MUST use your own key when using the slinky
#' # package.
#' user_key <- httr::content(httr::GET('https://api.clue.io/temp_api_key'),
#' as='parsed')$user_key
#' sl <- Slinky(user_key,
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo.gctx',
#' package='slinky'),
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo_inst_info.txt',
#' package = 'slinky'))
#' rownames(sl[1:5,])
setMethod("rownames", signature(x = "Slinky"),
closeAll(x) # cleanup in case there was a bad exit previously
n <- rhdf5::h5read(x@gctx,
name = "0/META/ROW/id",
index = list(x@.index[[1]]))
#' Subsetting Slinky objects
#' @param x A Slinky Object
#' @param i row index
#' @param j column indes
#' Subsets a Slinky object. This does not touch the data on file, it simply
#' adjusts the index slots in the resulting Slinky object to speed up
#' subsequent data operations.
#' @rdname subset
#' @examples
#' # for build/demo only. You MUST use your own key when using the slinky
#' # package.
#' user_key <- httr::content(httr::GET('https://api.clue.io/temp_api_key'),
#' as='parsed')$user_key
#' sl <- Slinky(user_key,
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo.gctx',
#' package='slinky'),
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo_inst_info.txt',
#' package = 'slinky'))
#' colnames(sl[,1:5])
#' rownames(sl[1:5,1:5])
#' @return The subsetted Slinky object
setMethod("[", c("Slinky", "numeric", "numeric"),
function(x, i, j) {
x@.index = list(x@.index[[1]][i],
if (length(x@metadata))
x@metadata <- x@metadata[j,]
if (!.check_metadata(x)) {
stop("Unexpected metadata mismatch.")
#' @rdname subset
setMethod("[", c("Slinky", "missing", "numeric"),
function(x, i, j) {
x@.index = list(x@.index[[1]],
if (length(x@metadata))
x@metadata <- x@metadata[j,]
if (!.check_metadata(x)) {
stop("Unexpected metadata mismatch.")
#' @rdname subset
setMethod("[", c("Slinky", "missing", "missing"),
function(x, i, j) {
#' @rdname subset
setMethod("[", c("Slinky", "numeric", "missing"),
function(x, i, j) {
x@.index = list(x@.index[[1]][i],
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