#' Data container for MRexperiment objects
#' Used to serve metagenomic data (used in e.g., icicle plots and heatmaps). Wraps
#' \code{\link[metagenomeSeq]{MRexperiment-class}} objects.
#' @importClassesFrom epivizrData EpivizData
#' @importFrom vegan diversity
#' @import data.table
#' @import digest
#' @import methods
#' @import httr
#' @exportClass EpivizMetagenomicsData
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(metagenomeSeq)
#' data(mouseData)
#' obj <- metavizr:::EpivizMetagenomicsData$new(mouseData, feature_order = colnames(fData(mouseData)))
#' }
EpivizMetagenomicsData <- setRefClass("EpivizMetagenomicsData",
contains = "EpivizData",
fields = list(
.levels = "ANY",
.maxDepth = "numeric",
.feature_order = "character",
.minValue = "numeric",
.maxValue = "numeric",
.sampleAnnotation = "ANY",
.nodeSelections = "ANY",
.levelSelected = "ANY",
.lastRootId = "character",
.json_query = "ANY",
.graph_feature_order = "character",
# Tables
.leaf_sample_count_table = "ANY",
.leaf_sample_count_table_long = "ANY",
.graph = "ANY"
...) {
# Initialize parameters used here
aggregateAtDepth <- control$aggregateAtDepth
maxDepth <- control$maxDepth
maxHistory <- control$maxHistory
maxValue <- control$maxValue
minValue <- control$minValue
aggregateFun <- control$aggregateFun
valuesAnnotationFuns <- control$valuesAnnotationFuns
log <- control$log
norm <- control$norm
# validate MRexperiment object
MRExpCheck <- validateObject(object)
if (!MRExpCheck) {
stop("Incompatible MRexperiment objects")
} else {
message("MRExperiment Object validated... PASS")
if(is.null(feature_order)) {
.self$.feature_order = colnames(fData(object))
else {
.self$.feature_order <- feature_order
object <- cumNorm(object, p = .75)
.self$.sampleAnnotation <- pData(object)
.self$.graph <- buildMetavizGraph(object, feature_order=feature_order)
.self$.graph_feature_order <- .self$.graph$.feature_order
message("creating leaf_sample_count_table")
.self$.leaf_sample_count_table <- .create_leaf_sample_count_table(object, norm=norm)
.self$.leaf_sample_count_table_long <- .create_leaf_sample_count_table_long(object, norm=norm)
.self$.minValue <- min(.self$.leaf_sample_count_table[, !c("leaf", "otu_index"), with=FALSE])
.self$.maxValue <- max(.self$.leaf_sample_count_table[, !c("leaf", "otu_index"), with=FALSE])
.self$.nodeSelections <- list()
.self$.levelSelected <- aggregateAtDepth
.self$.lastRootId <- "0-0"
featureSelection = control$featureSelection
featureSelection <- featureSelection[which(names(featureSelection) != "NA")]
featureSelection <- featureSelection[which(names(featureSelection) != "no_match")]
node_ids <- sapply(names(featureSelection), function(n) {
temp_selections <- unname(featureSelection)
names(temp_selections) <- node_ids
.self$.nodeSelections = temp_selections
callSuper(object=object, ...)
# Create leaf_sample_count data.table
.create_leaf_sample_count_table=function(obj_in, norm = TRUE){
fd = fData(obj_in)
for( i in seq(ncol(fd))){
fd[,i] = as.character(fd[,i])
fData(obj_in) = fd
normed_counts <- as.data.frame(MRcounts(obj_in, norm=norm))
leaf_names <- rownames(normed_counts)
replacing_na_obj_fData <- fData(obj_in)[,.self$.feature_order]
nas_replaced <- replaceNAFeatures(replacing_na_obj_fData, .self$.feature_order)
na_indices <- which(is.na(leaf_names))
for(j in seq(1, length(na_indices))){
leaf_names[na_indices[j]] <- nas_replaced[,.self$.feature_order[length(.self$.feature_order)]][na_indices[j]]
na_indices <- which(leaf_names == "NA")
for(j in seq(1, length(na_indices))){
leaf_names[na_indices[j]] <- nas_replaced[,.self$.feature_order[length(.self$.feature_order)]][na_indices[j]]
null_indices <- which(leaf_names == "NULL")
for(j in seq(1, length(null_indices))){
leaf_names[null_indices[j]] <- nas_replaced[,.self$.feature_order[length(.self$.feature_order)]][na_indices[j]]
normed_counts[["leaf"]] <- leaf_names
normed_counts[["otu_index"]] <- .self$.graph$.hierarchy_tree[,c("otu_index")]
ret_table <- as.data.table(normed_counts)
.create_leaf_sample_count_table_long=function(obj_in, norm = TRUE){
temp_table <- .self$.leaf_sample_count_table
temp_table_long <- melt(temp_table, id.vars = c("leaf", "otu_index"),
measure.vars = c(colnames(temp_table)[1:(length(colnames(temp_table))-2)]),
variable.name = "sample", variable.factor = FALSE)
ret_table_long <- temp_table_long[value != 0.0,]
setorderv(ret_table_long, "otu_index")
update=function(newObject, ...) {
callSuper(newObject, ...)
plot=function(...) {
# Data analysis features
nleaves=function() {
nmeasurements=function() {
nlevels=function() {
# Epiviz Websockets Protocol
get_default_chart_type = function() { "epiviz.ui.charts.tree.Icicle" },
get_measurements=function() {
"Get all annotation info for all samples
\\item{chart_id_or_object}{An object of class \\code{EpivizChart} or an id for
a chart loaded to the epiviz app.}
samplesToRet <- colnames(.self$.leaf_sample_count_table)
samplesToRet <- samplesToRet[-which(samplesToRet == "leaf")]
samplesToRet <- samplesToRet[-which(samplesToRet == "otu_index")]
out <- lapply(samplesToRet, function(sample) {
metadata=c("colLabel", "ancestors", "lineage", "label"))
"Helper function to format each node entry for getHierarchy response
\\item{row}{Information for current node.}
toRet = list()
toRet['end'] = row['end']
toRet['partition'] = "NA"
toRet['leafIndex'] = row['leafIndex']
toRet['nchildren'] = row['nchildren']
toRet['label'] = row['label']
toRet['name'] = row['label']
toRet['start'] = row['start']
toRet['depth'] = row['depth']
toRet['globalDepth'] = row['depth']
toRet['nleaves'] = row['nleaves']
toRet['parentId'] = row['parentId']
toRet['order'] = row['order']
toRet['id'] = row['id']
if(toRet['id'] %in% names(.self$.nodeSelections)){
toRet['selectionType'] = .self$.nodeSelections[[as.character(toRet['id'])]]
} else{
toRet['selectionType'] = 1
toRet['taxonomy'] = row['taxonomy']
toRet['size'] = 1
toRet['children'] = NULL
df_to_tree=function(root, df){
"Helper function to recursively build nested response for getHierarchy
\\item{root}{Root of subtree}
\\item{df}{data.frame containing children to process}
if(nrow(df) == 0) {
root$children = NULL
children = df[which(df['parentId'] == as.character(unlist(root['id']))),]
if(length(children) == 0){
root$children = NULL
otherChildren = df[which(df['parentId'] != as.character(unlist(root['id']))),]
children = children[order(children['order']),]
if(nrow(children) > 0){
for(row_index in seq_len(nrow(children))){
childDict = row_to_dict(children[row_index,])
subDict = df_to_tree(childDict, otherChildren)
root$children[[row_index]] = subDict
else {
root$children = NULL
getHierarchy=function(nodeId = NULL) {
"Retrieve feature hierarchy information for subtree with specified root
\\item{nodeId}{Feature identifier with level info}
# getHierarchy can be called with NULL from App
if(is.null(nodeId) || nodeId == ""){
nodeId <- .self$.lastRootId
.self$.lastRootId <- nodeId
root <- nodeId
#Split the node id to get level and index
split_res <- strsplit(nodeId, "-")[[1]]
level <- as.integer(split_res[1])+1
index <- which(.self$.graph$.node_ids_table[,level, with=FALSE] == nodeId)
graph_tree <- .self$.graph$.hierarchy_tree[,-which(colnames(.self$.graph$.hierarchy_tree) == "otu_index")]
label <- as.character(unique(graph_tree[,level][index]))
taxonomy <- colnames(graph_tree)[level]
if(length(.self$.graph$.feature_order) >= level+3){
last_level_of_subtree <- level+3
} else{
last_level_of_subtree <- length(.self$.graph$.feature_order)
hierarchy_slice <- unique(.self$.graph$.node_ids_table[get(taxonomy)==nodeId, (level+1):last_level_of_subtree])
nodes_of_subtree <- sapply(seq(1,length((level+1):last_level_of_subtree)), function(i) {
unname(unlist(unique(hierarchy_slice[,i, with=FALSE])))
nodes_of_subtree <- unlist(nodes_of_subtree)
if(level == 0 || nodeId == "0-0"){
nodesToRet <- c(root, unlist(nodes_of_subtree))
} else{
parent_of_root_taxonomy <- colnames(graph_tree)[(level-1)]
parent_of_root <- unique(.self$.graph$.node_ids_table[get(taxonomy)==nodeId, get(parent_of_root_taxonomy)])
nodesToRet <- c(parent_of_root,root, unlist(nodes_of_subtree))
num_rows <- length(nodesToRet)
starts <- rep(1, num_rows)
labels <- rep(1, num_rows)
leafIndexes <- rep(1, num_rows)
parentIds <- rep(1, num_rows)
depths <- rep(0, num_rows)
partitions <- rep(1, num_rows)
ends <- rep(1, num_rows)
ids <- rep(1, num_rows)
nchildrens <- rep(1, num_rows)
taxonomys <- rep(1, num_rows)
nleaves <- rep(1, num_rows)
orders <- rep(1, num_rows)
leaf_ordering_table <- as.data.table(.self$.graph$.hierarchy_tree[,c(.self$.graph$.feature_order[length(.self$.graph$.feature_order)], "otu_index")])
setnames(leaf_ordering_table, c("leaf", "otu_index"))
lineage_DF <- as.data.frame(.self$.graph$.node_ids_table)
lineage_table <- .self$.graph$.node_ids_table
lineage_DF[,.self$.graph$.feature_order[1]] <- lineage_table[,get(.self$.graph$.feature_order[1])]
for(i in seq(2,length(.self$.graph$.feature_order))){
lineage_DF[,.self$.graph$.feature_order[i]] <- paste(lineage_DF[,.self$.graph$.feature_order[i-1]], lineage_table[,get(.self$.graph$.feature_order[i])], sep=",")
lineage_DT <- as.data.table(lineage_DF)
lineage_DT_long <- melt(lineage_DT, id.vars = c("otu_index"),
measure.vars = c(colnames(lineage_DT)[1:(length(colnames(lineage_DT))-1)]),
variable.name = "taxonomy", variable.factor = FALSE)
setnames(lineage_DT_long, c("otu_index", "taxonomy", "lineage"))
temp_nodes_table <- merge(.self$.graph$.nodes_table, lineage_DT_long, by="lineage")
temp_nodes_table <- temp_nodes_table[, otu_index:=as.integer(otu_index)]
for(i in seq_len(num_rows)){
if(as.integer(strsplit(nodesToRet[i], "-")[[1]][1]) == last_level_of_subtree){
depths[i] = length(.self$.graph$.feature_order)
level = length(.self$.graph$.feature_order)
index <- which(.self$.graph$.node_ids_table[,level,with=FALSE] == nodeId)
label <- as.character(unique(graph_tree[,level][index]))
labels[i] <- label
partition <- "NA"
partitions[i] <- partition
otu_index_temp <- leaf_ordering_table[leaf == nodeId, otu_index]
starts[i] <- otu_index_temp
leafIndexes[i] <- otu_index_temp
ends[i] <- otu_index_temp
ids[i] <- nodeId
taxonomy <- colnames(graph_tree)[level]
taxonomys[i] <- taxonomy
nchildrens[i] <- 0
nleaves[i] <- 0
orders[i] <- .self$.graph$.nodes_table[get("id")==nodeId,get("order")][[1]]
} else{
nodeId <- nodesToRet[i]
split_res <- strsplit(nodesToRet[i], "-")[[1]]
depths[i] <- as.integer(split_res[1])
level <- as.integer(split_res[1])+1
index <- which(.self$.graph$.node_ids_table[,level,with=FALSE] == nodeId)
label <- as.character(unique(graph_tree[,level][index]))
labels[i] <- label
taxonomy <- colnames(graph_tree)[level]
if(nodesToRet[i] != "0-0"){
parentId_taxonomy <- colnames(graph_tree)[(level-1)]
parentId <- unique(.self$.graph$.node_ids_table[get(taxonomy)==nodesToRet[i], get(parentId_taxonomy)])[1]
parentIds[i] <- parentId
} else{
parentIds[i] <- "NA"
partition <- "NA"
partitions[i] <- partition
if(nodesToRet[i] == "0-0"){
leaf_indexes_temp <- temp_nodes_table[level == (length(.self$.graph$.feature_order)-1), otu_index,]
} else{
ids_match <- .self$.graph$.nodes_table[id == nodesToRet[i],]
parents_match <- ids_match[parent == parentIds[i]]
leaf_indexes_temp <- temp_nodes_table[lineage == parents_match[,lineage,], otu_index,]
if(length(leaf_indexes_temp) > 0){
start <- min(leaf_indexes_temp)
} else{
start <- nodesToRet[i]
if(length(leaf_indexes_temp) > 0){
end <- max(leaf_indexes_temp)
} else{
end <- nodesToRet[i]
starts[i] <- start
leafIndex <- start
leafIndexes[i] <- leafIndex
ends[i] <- end
id <- nodesToRet[i]
ids[i] <- id
taxonomy <- colnames(graph_tree)[level]
taxonomys[i] <- taxonomy
nchildren <- length(unique(.self$.graph$.node_ids_table[get(taxonomy)==nodesToRet[i],][[as.integer(level)+1]]))
nchildrens[i] <- nchildren[1]
nleaves_temp <- length(unname(unlist(unique(.self$.graph$.leaf_of_table[node_label==label, leaf]))))
nleaves[i] <- nleaves_temp[1]
if(nodesToRet[i] != "0-0"){
orders[i] <- .self$.graph$.nodes_table[get("id")==nodesToRet[i],get("order")][[1]]
} else {
orders[i] <- 1
ret_data_frame <- data.frame(start = starts, label = labels, leafIndex = leafIndexes, parentId = parentIds,
depth = depths, partition = partitions, end = ends, id = ids, nchildren = nchildrens,
taxonomy = taxonomys, nleaves = nleaves, order = orders)
if(length(ret_data_frame) > 0){
# convert columns to int
ret_data_frame['start'] = as.numeric(unlist(ret_data_frame['start']))
ret_data_frame['end'] = as.numeric(unlist(ret_data_frame['end']))
ret_data_frame['order'] = as.numeric(unlist(ret_data_frame['order']))
ret_data_frame['leafIndex'] = as.numeric(unlist(ret_data_frame['leafIndex']))
ret_data_frame['nchildren'] = as.numeric(unlist(ret_data_frame['nchildren']))
ret_data_frame['nleaves'] = as.numeric(unlist(ret_data_frame['nleaves']))
ret_data_frame['depth'] = as.numeric(unlist(ret_data_frame['depth']))
ret_data_frame['id'] = as.character(unlist(ret_data_frame['id']))
root = ret_data_frame[1,]
rest = ret_data_frame[-1,]
rootDict = row_to_dict(root)
result = df_to_tree(rootDict, rest)
result[["rootTaxonomies"]] = .self$.graph$.feature_order
lineage = .self$.graph$.nodes_table[get("id")==nodesToRet[1],get("lineage")][[1]]
lineageLabel <- sapply(strsplit(lineage, ",")[[1]], function(str_id) {
.self$.graph$.nodes_table[get("id") == str_id, get("node_label")][[1]]
result[["lineageLabel"]] = paste(lineageLabel, sep=", ")
resultResp = list(nodeSelectionTypes = .self$.nodeSelections,
selectionLevel = .self$.levelSelected,
tree = result)
propagateHierarchyChanges=function(selection = NULL, order = NULL, selectedLevels = NULL, request_with_labels = FALSE) {
"Update internal state for hierarchy
\\item{selection}{Node-id and selectionType pairs}
\\item{order}{Ordering of features}
\\item{selectedLevels}{Current aggregation level}
\\item{request_with_labels}{For handling requests using fData entries from MRexperiment}
if(request_with_labels && !is.null(selection)){
selection_ids <- sapply(names(selection), function(i){
names(selection) <- selection_ids
.self$.nodeSelections <- selection
if(!is.null(selectedLevels)) {
.self$.levelSelected <- as.integer(names(selectedLevels)[1])
getRows=function(measurements = NULL, start = 1, end = 1000, selectedLevels = 3, selections = NULL) {
"Return the sample annotation and features within the specified range and level for a given sample and features
\\item{measurements}{Samples to retrieve for}
\\item{start}{Start of feature range to query}
\\item{end}{End of feature range to query}
\\item{selections}{Node-id and selectionType pairs}
\\item{selectedLevels}{Current aggregation level}
nodes_at_level <- .self$.graph$.nodes_table[level==selectedLevels, ]
nodes_at_level_ids <- nodes_at_level[,id]
if(!is.null(selections) && !(length(selections) == 0)){
nodes_at_level_selections <- rep(2, length(nodes_at_level_ids))
names(nodes_at_level_selections) <- nodes_at_level_ids
selections <- c(selections, nodes_at_level_selections)
expand_selections <- which(selections == 1)
if(!is.null(expand_selections) && length(expand_selections) > 0){
expand_selection_indices = which(names(selections) %in% names(expand_selections))
selections <- selections[-expand_selection_indices]
expanded_children <- .self$.graph$.nodes_table[parent %in% names(expand_selections),id]
child_lineage <- .self$.graph$.nodes_table[id %in% names(selections),]
remove_selections <- which(selections == 0)
if(length(remove_selections) > 0){
kept_nodes <- child_lineage[!grepl(paste(paste(names(remove_selections), collapse=",|"), ",",sep=""), lineage),]
kept_nodes <- kept_nodes[!(id %in% names(remove_selections)),]
} else {
kept_nodes <- child_lineage
agg_selections <- which(selections == 2)
if(length(agg_selections) > 0){
kept_nodes <- kept_nodes[!grepl(paste(paste(names(agg_selections), collapse=",|"), ",",sep=""), lineage),]
kept_nodes <- as.character(kept_nodes[,id])
nodes_at_level <- .self$.graph$.nodes_table[id %in% c(kept_nodes,expanded_children),]
leaf_ordering_table <- as.data.table(.self$.graph$.hierarchy_tree[,c(.self$.feature_order[length(.self$.feature_order)], "otu_index")])
setnames(leaf_ordering_table, c("leaf", "otu_index"))
leaf_ordering_table <- leaf_ordering_table[,leaf:=as.character(leaf)]
leaf_ordering_table <- leaf_ordering_table[otu_index >= start & otu_index <= end]
first_join <- merge(leaf_ordering_table, merge(nodes_at_level, .self$.graph$.leaf_of_table, by="id"), by="leaf")
setorderv(first_join, "otu_index.x")
nodes <- as.data.frame(unique(first_join[,c("node_label.x", "lineage.x")]))[,"node_label.x"]
ends <- rep(0, length(nodes))
starts <- rep(0, length(nodes))
indexes <- rep(0, length(nodes))
metadata <- list()
metadata[['label']] <- list()
metadata[['id']] <- list()
metadata[['lineage']] <- list()
for (i in seq_along(nodes)) {
feature_label <- nodes[i]
res <- first_join[node_label.x==feature_label,otu_index.x]
if(length(res) > 0) {
ends[i] <- max(res)
starts[i] <- min(res)
if(i == length(nodes)) {
starts[i] <- min(res) - 1
indexes[i] <- min(res)
metadata[['label']][i] <- feature_label
metadata[['id']][i] <- unique(.self$.graph$.nodes_table[node_label==nodes[i], id])[1]
metadata[['lineage']][i] <- unique(.self$.graph$.nodes_table[node_label==nodes[i], lineage])[1]
data_rows = list(end=ends, start=starts, index =indexes, metadata=metadata)
getValues=function(measurements = NULL, start = 1, end = 1000, selectedLevels = 3, selections = NULL, row_order = NULL) {
"Return the counts for a sample within the specified range
\\item{measurements}{Samples to get counts for}
\\item{start}{Start of feature range to query}
\\item{end}{End of feature range to query}
\\item{selections}{Node-id and selectionType pairs}
\\item{selectedLevels}{Current aggregation level}
nodes_at_level <- .self$.graph$.nodes_table[level==selectedLevels,]
nodes_at_level_ids <- nodes_at_level[,id]
if(!is.null(selections) && !(length(selections) == 0)){
nodes_at_level_selections <- rep(2, length(nodes_at_level_ids))
names(nodes_at_level_selections) <- nodes_at_level_ids
selections <- c(selections, nodes_at_level_selections)
expand_selections <- which(selections == 1)
if(!is.null(expand_selections) && length(expand_selections) > 0){
expand_selection_indices = which(names(selections) %in% names(expand_selections))
selections <- selections[-expand_selection_indices]
expanded_children <- .self$.graph$.nodes_table[parent %in% names(expand_selections),id]
child_lineage <- .self$.graph$.nodes_table[id %in% names(selections),]
remove_selections <- which(selections == 0)
if(length(remove_selections) > 0){
kept_nodes <- child_lineage[!grepl(paste(paste(names(remove_selections), collapse=",|"), ",",sep=""), lineage),]
kept_nodes <- kept_nodes[!(id %in% names(remove_selections)),]
} else {
kept_nodes <- child_lineage
agg_selections <- which(selections == 2)
if(length(agg_selections) > 0){
kept_nodes <- kept_nodes[!grepl(paste(paste(names(agg_selections), collapse=",|"), ",",sep=""), lineage),]
kept_nodes <- as.character(kept_nodes[,id])
nodes_at_level <- .self$.graph$.nodes_table[id %in% c(kept_nodes,expanded_children),]
leaf_sample_count_table_sub_select <- .self$.leaf_sample_count_table_long[otu_index >= start & otu_index <= end]
first_join <- unique(merge(unique(.self$.graph$.leaf_of_table),unique(nodes_at_level), by="lineage"))
leaf_sample_count_table_sub_select <- leaf_sample_count_table_sub_select[,-(which(colnames(leaf_sample_count_table_sub_select)=="otu_index")), with=FALSE]
leaf_sample_count_table_sub_select <- leaf_sample_count_table_sub_select[sample %in% measurements,]
leaf_sample_count_table_sub_select <- leaf_sample_count_table_sub_select[,leaf:=as.character(leaf)]
first_join <- first_join[,leaf:=as.character(leaf)]
second_join <- merge(na.omit(unique(leaf_sample_count_table_sub_select)), na.omit(unique(first_join)), by="leaf")
results <- second_join[,sum(value), by=list(sample, node_label.x)]
close_results <- as.data.frame(dcast(data = results, formula = node_label.x ~ sample, value.var='V1'))
zero_results <- setdiff(nodes_at_level[,node_label], close_results[,"node_label.x"])
if(length(zero_results) > 0){
for(k in seq(1, length(zero_results))){
new_index <- nrow(close_results)+1
close_results[new_index,] <- 0.0
close_results[new_index,]["node_label.x"] <- zero_results[k]
close_results <- close_results[order(close_results[,"node_label.x"]),]
} else {
rownames(close_results) <- close_results[,"node_label.x"]
close_results <- close_results[row_order,]
close_results[is.na(close_results)] <- 0.0
rownames(close_results) <- seq(1,nrow(close_results))
data_columns = list()
for(m in measurements){
if(m %in% colnames(close_results)){
inner_result <- close_results[,m]
data_columns[[m]] <- inner_result
} else{
inner_result <- rep(0.0, nrow(close_results))
data_columns[[m]] <- inner_result
getCombined=function(measurements = NULL,
seqName, start = 1, end = 1000,
order = NULL, nodeSelection = NULL, selectedLevels = NULL) {
"Return the counts aggregated to selected nodes for the given samples
\\item{measurements}{Samples to get counts for}
\\item{seqName}{name of datasource}
\\item{start}{Start of feature range to query}
\\item{end}{End of feature range to query}
\\item{order}{Ordering of nodes}
\\item{nodeSelection}{Node-id and selectionType pairs}
\\item{selectedLevels}{Current aggregation level}
# update node selections types to metaviztree
if(!is.null(nodeSelection)) {
for(n in names(nodeSelection)){
.self$.nodeSelections[[n]] = nodeSelection[[n]]
if(is.null(selectedLevels)) {
selectedLevels = .self$.levelSelected
selections = .self$.nodeSelections
measurements = unique(measurements)
data_rows = getRows(measurements = measurements, start = start, end = end, selectedLevels = selectedLevels, selections = selections)
row_order = unlist(data_rows$metadata$label)
data_columns = getValues(measurements = measurements, start = start, end = end, selectedLevels = selectedLevels, selections = selections, row_order = row_order)
result <- list(
cols = data_columns,
rows = data_rows,
globalStartIndex = data_rows$start[[1]]
searchTaxonomy=function(query = NULL, max_results = 15) {
"Return list of features matching a text-based query
\\item{query}{String of feature for which to search}
\\item{max_results}{Maximum results to return}
nodes_table_lowercase <- .self$.graph$.nodes_table
nodes_table_lowercase <- nodes_table_lowercase[,node_label:=tolower(node_label)]
query_lowercase <- tolower(query)
matching_nodes <- nodes_table_lowercase[grepl(query, node_label),]
if(nrow(matching_nodes) > max_results){
num_results <- max_results
} else{
num_results <- nrow(matching_nodes)
matching_nodes <- matching_nodes[,head(.SD, num_results)]
node_labels <- matching_nodes[,node_label]
node_ids <- matching_nodes[,id]
levels <- matching_nodes[,level]
starts <- length(node_labels)
ends <- length(node_labels)
leaf_ordering_table <- as.data.table(.self$.graph$.hierarchy_tree[,c(.self$.feature_order[length(.self$.feature_order)], "otu_index")])
setnames(leaf_ordering_table, c("leaf", "otu_index"))
leaf_table_lowercase <- .self$.graph$.leaf_of_table
leaf_table_lowercase <- leaf_table_lowercase[,node_label:=tolower(node_label)]
for(i in seq_along(node_labels)){
node <- node_labels[i]
list_of_leaves <- leaf_table_lowercase[node_label==node,leaf]
leaf_indexes_temp <- leaf_ordering_table[leaf %in% list_of_leaves, otu_index]
if(length(leaf_indexes_temp) > 0){
start <- min(leaf_indexes_temp)
} else{
start <- node
if(length(leaf_indexes_temp) > 0){
end <- max(leaf_indexes_temp)
} else{
end <- node
starts[i] <- start
ends[i] <- end
results = list()
for(i in seq_len(num_results)){
results[[i]] <- list("gene"=node_labels[i], "start"=starts[i],
"end"=ends[i], "seqName"="metavizr",
"nodeId"=node_ids[i], "level"=levels[i])
getPCA=function(measurements = NULL) {
" Compute PCA over all features for given samples
\\item{measurements}{Samples to compute PCA over}
\\item{start}{Start of feature range to query }
\\item{end}{End of feature range to query}
samples <- colnames(.self$.leaf_sample_count_table)
samples <- samples[-(which(samples == "otu_index"))]
measurements <- samples[-(which(samples == "leaf"))]
init <- as.data.frame(.self$.leaf_sample_count_table[,mget(measurements)])
if("leaf" %in% colnames(init)){
init <- init[,-which(colnames(init)=="leaf")]
x <- init
df <- log2(x+1)
ord <- prcomp(df)
data <- list()
for (row in rownames(ord$rotation)) {
temp <- list(sample_id = row, PC1 = unname(ord$rotation[row,][1]), PC2 = unname(ord$rotation[row,][2]))
annotation = as.list(.self$.sampleAnnotation[row,])
for (anno in names(annotation)) {
temp[[anno]] = annotation[[anno]]
data[[row]] <- temp
result <- list(data = unname(data), pca_variance_explained = ord$sdev[1:2])
getAlphaDiversity=function(measurements = NULL) {
" Compute alpha diversity using vegan for the given samples
\\item{measurements}{Samples to compute alpha diversity}
\\item{start}{Start of feature range to query }
\\item{end}{End of feature range to query}
samples <- colnames(.self$.leaf_sample_count_table)
samples <- samples[-(which(samples == "otu_index"))]
measurements <- samples[-(which(samples == "leaf"))]
df <- as.data.frame(.self$.leaf_sample_count_table[,mget(measurements)])
if("leaf" %in% colnames(df)){
df <- df[,-which(colnames(df)=="leaf")]
alpha_diversity <- vegan::diversity(t(df), index = "shannon")
data <- list()
for (row in seq_along(alpha_diversity)) {
temp <- list(sample_id = colnames(df)[row], alphaDiversity = unname(alpha_diversity[row]))
annotation = as.list(.self$.sampleAnnotation[temp$sample_id,])
for (anno in names(annotation)) {
temp[[anno]] = annotation[[anno]]
data[[row]] <- temp
result <- list(data = unname(data))
" Unimplemented in EpivizMetagenomicsData
Implemented in EpivizMetagenomicsDataTimeSeries
\\item{alpha}{Smoothing Spline parameter}
getSpline = function(){
" Unimplemented in EpivizMetagenomicsData
Implemented in EpivizMetagenomicsDataTimeSeries
toNEO4JDbHTTP =function(batch_url, neo4juser, neo4jpass, datasource, description=NULL) {
Write an `EpivizMetagenomicsData` object to a Neo4j graph database
@param batch_url (character) Neo4j database url and port for processing batch http requests
@param neo4juser (character) Neo4j database user name
@param neo4jpass (character) Neo4j database password
@param datasource (character) Name of Neo4j datasource node for this `EpivizMetagenomicsData` object
mobj <- metavizr:::EpivizMetagenomicsData$new(object=mouseData)
mobj$toNEO4JDbHTTP(batch_url = "http://localhost:7474/db/data/batch", neo4juser = "neo4juser", neo4jpass = "neo4jpass", datasource = "mouse_data")
cat("Saving sample data...")
.saveSampleDataNEO4JHTTP(batch_url, neo4juser, neo4jpass)
cat("Saving datasource data...")
.saveDataSourceNEO4JHTTP(batch_url, neo4juser, neo4jpass, datasource, description)
cat("Saving hierarchy...")
.saveHierarchyNEO4JHTTP(batch_url, neo4juser, neo4jpass, datasource)
cat("Saving properties...")
.neo4jUpdatePropertiesHTTP(batch_url, neo4juser, neo4jpass, create_id_index = TRUE)
cat("Saving Data Matrix...")
.saveMatrixNEO4JHTTP(batch_url, neo4juser, neo4jpass, datasource)
cat("Saving properties...")
.neo4jUpdatePropertiesHTTP(batch_url, neo4juser, neo4jpass, create_prop_index = TRUE)
.buildBatchJSON = function(query_in, param_list, id=0, id_last=TRUE, full_query=TRUE,json_query_in=NULL, params_complete=FALSE){
json_start <- "["
method <- "{\"method\" : \"POST\","
to <- "\"to\" : \"cypher\","
body_start <- "\"body\" : {"
params_start <- "\"params\" : {"
params_end <- "}"
body_end <- "},"
id <- paste("\"id\": ", as.character(id), "}", sep="")
id <- paste("\"id\": ", as.character(id), "},", sep="")
json_end <- "]"
json_query <- ""
json_query <- ""
json_query <- json_query_in
params = ""
query = paste("\"query\" : \"", query_in, "\"", sep = "")
json_query <- paste0(json_query, method, to, body_start, query, body_end, id)
query_final <- paste0(json_start, json_query, json_end)
.self$.json_query <- query_final
query = paste("\"query\" : \"", query_in, "\",", sep = "")
for(k in seq_along(param_list)){
if(k == length(param_list)){
params <- paste0(params, "\"", names(param_list[k]), "\" : ", unlist(unname(param_list[k])), "")
params <- paste0(params, "\"", names(param_list[k]), "\" : {", unlist(unname(param_list[k])), "}")
params <- paste0(params, "\"", names(param_list[k]), "\" : ", unlist(unname(param_list[k])), ",")
params <- paste0(params, "\"", names(param_list[k]), "\" : {\"", unlist(unname(param_list[k])), "\"}", ",")
json_query <- paste0(json_query, method, to, body_start, query, params_start, params, params_end, body_end, id)
query_final <- paste0(json_start, json_query, json_end)
.self$.json_query <- query_final
.saveSampleDataNEO4JHTTP =function(batch_url, neo4juser, neo4jpass, file=NULL) {
json_start <- "["
query <- "CREATE (:Sample {props})"
json_end <- "]"
json_query <- ""
sampleAnnotationToNeo4j = .sampleAnnotation
sampleAnnotationToNeo4j['id'] = rownames(.sampleAnnotation)
keys = colnames(sampleAnnotationToNeo4j)
id_counter <- 0
for (j in seq_len(nrow(sampleAnnotationToNeo4j))){
row <- sampleAnnotationToNeo4j[j,]
props <- ""
for (i in seq_len(length(keys)-1)){
if (typeof(keys[i]) == "numeric")
props <- paste(props, "\"", keys[i], "\"", " : ", "\"", gsub("'", "", row[, keys[i]]), "\"",", ", sep="")
props <- paste(props, "\"", keys[i], "\"", " : \"", gsub("'", "",row[, keys[i]]), "\", ",sep="")
i = length(keys)
if (typeof(keys[i]) == "numeric")
props = paste(props, "\"", keys[i], "\"", " : ", "\"", gsub("'", "",row[, keys[i]]), "\"", sep="")
props = paste(props, "\"", keys[i], "\"", " : \"", gsub("'", "",row[, keys[i]]), "\"", sep="")
params <- list("props"=props)
if (id_counter < nrow(sampleAnnotationToNeo4j)-1){
json_query <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = params, id= id_counter, id_last = FALSE, full_query = FALSE, json_query_in = json_query)
else {
json_query <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = params, id= id_counter, id_last = TRUE, full_query = FALSE, json_query_in = json_query)
id_counter <- id_counter + 1
query_final <- paste0(json_start, json_query, json_end)
.self$.json_query <- query_final
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
.saveDataSourceNEO4JHTTP =function(batch_url, neo4juser, neo4jpass, datasource, file=NULL, description=NULL) {
description_temp <- as.character(description)
description_temp = as.character(datasource)
query <- "CREATE (:Datasource {label: {label_param}, description: {description_param}})"
params <- list(label_param=paste("\"", as.character(datasource), "\"", sep=""), description_param=paste("\"", as.character(description_temp), "\"", sep=""))
query_final <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = params, params_complete = TRUE)
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
else {
write(query, file=file, append = TRUE)
.saveHierarchyNEO4JHTTP =function(batch_url, neo4juser, neo4jpass, datasource, file=NULL) {
dfToNeo4j <- as.data.frame(.self$.graph$.nodes_table)
dfToNeo4j <- dfToNeo4j[order(dfToNeo4j[,"id"]),]
names(dfToNeo4j)[names(dfToNeo4j) == "node_label"] <- "label"
names(dfToNeo4j)[names(dfToNeo4j) == "parent"] <- "parentId"
dfToNeo4j[,"lineageLabel"] <- dfToNeo4j[,"lineage"]
dfToNeo4j[,"depth"] <- (as.integer(dfToNeo4j[,"level"]))
dfToNeo4j[,"taxonomy"] <- .self$.feature_order[(as.integer(dfToNeo4j[,"level"]) + 1)]
leaf_ordering_table <- as.data.table(.self$.graph$.hierarchy_tree[,c(.self$.feature_order[length(.self$.feature_order)], "otu_index")])
setnames(leaf_ordering_table, c("leaf", "otu_index"))
leaf_table_lowercase <- .self$.graph$.leaf_of_table
leaf_table_lowercase <- leaf_table_lowercase[,node_label:=tolower(node_label)]
starts <- rep(1,nrow(dfToNeo4j))
ends <- rep(1,nrow(dfToNeo4j))
nleaves <- rep(1, nrow(dfToNeo4j))
nchildrens <- rep(1, nrow(dfToNeo4j))
lineageLabels <- rep("", nrow(dfToNeo4j))
temp_nodes_table <- merge(.self$.graph$.nodes_table, .self$.graph$.leaf_of_table, by="lineage")
temp_nodes_table <- temp_nodes_table[, otu_index:=as.integer(otu_index)]
for(i in 1:nrow(dfToNeo4j)){
node <- dfToNeo4j[,"label"][i]
leaf_indexes_temp <- temp_nodes_table[lineage == dfToNeo4j[,"lineage"][i], otu_index,]
nleaves[i] <- length(leaf_indexes_temp)
if(length(leaf_indexes_temp) > 0){
start <- min(leaf_indexes_temp)
} else{
start <- node
if(length(leaf_indexes_temp) > 0){
end <- max(leaf_indexes_temp)
} else{
end <- node
starts[i] <- start
ends[i] <- end
nchildrens[i] <- nrow(.self$.graph$.node_ids_table[get(.self$.graph_feature_order[(as.integer(dfToNeo4j[,"level"][i])+1)])==dfToNeo4j[,"id"][i],])
lineage = .self$.graph$.nodes_table[get("id")==dfToNeo4j[,"id"][i],get("lineage")][[1]]
lineageLabel <- sapply(strsplit(lineage, ",")[[1]], function(str_id) {
.self$.graph$.nodes_table[get("id") == str_id, get("node_label")][[1]]
lineageLabels[i] <- paste(lineageLabel, collapse=",")
dfToNeo4j$start <- as.integer(starts)
dfToNeo4j$leafIndex <- as.integer(starts)
dfToNeo4j$end <- as.integer(ends)
dfToNeo4j$nchildren <- nchildrens
dfToNeo4j$nleaves <- nleaves
dfToNeo4j$lineageLabel <- lineageLabels
dfToNeo4j$partition = NA
json_start <- "["
json_end <- "]"
datasource_param_key <- "datasource"
datasource_param_value <- as.character(datasource)
keys = colnames(dfToNeo4j)
query <- "CREATE (:Feature {props})"
json_query <- ""
id_counter <- 0
for (j in 1:nrow(dfToNeo4j)){
row <- dfToNeo4j[j,]
props <- ""
for (i in seq_along(keys)){
if (typeof(keys[i]) == "numeric")
props <- paste(props, "\"", keys[i], "\"", " : ", "\"", gsub("'", "",row[, keys[i]]), "\"", ", ",sep="")
props <- paste(props, "\"", keys[i], "\"", " : \"", gsub("'", "",row[, keys[i]]), "\", ", sep="")
i = length(keys)
props <- paste(props, "\"", datasource_param_key, "\"", " : \"", datasource_param_value, "\"", sep="")
params <- list("props"=props)
writeBatchOut <- j%%5000 == 0
if (j <= nrow(dfToNeo4j)-1){
if (writeBatchOut){
json_query <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = params, id= id_counter, id_last = TRUE, full_query = FALSE, json_query_in = json_query)
else {
json_query <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = params, id= id_counter, id_last = FALSE, full_query = FALSE, json_query_in = json_query)
else {
json_query <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = params, id= id_counter, id_last = TRUE, full_query = FALSE, json_query_in = json_query)
id_counter <- id_counter + 1
if (writeBatchOut){
query_final <- paste0(json_start, json_query, json_end)
.self$.json_query <- query_final
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
id_counter <- 0
json_query <- ""
query_final <- paste0(json_start, json_query, json_end)
.self$.json_query <- query_final
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
query <- "CREATE INDEX ON :Feature (id)"
query_final <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = NULL)
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
query <- "MATCH (ds:Datasource {label:{datasource_param}}) MATCH (fNode:Feature {id: {root_id}, datasource: {datasource_param}}) CREATE (ds)-[:DATASOURCE_OF]->(fNode)"
params <- list(datasource_param=paste("\"", as.character(datasource), "\"", sep=""), root_id=paste("\"", "0-0", "\"", sep=""))
query_final <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = params, params_complete = TRUE)
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
else {
write(query, file=file, append = TRUE)
json_start <- "["
query <- "MATCH (fParent:Feature {id : {parent_id}, datasource: {datasource_param}}) WHERE {lineage_param} CONTAINS fParent.lineage MATCH (f:Feature {id : {child_id}, datasource: {datasource_param}, lineage: {lineage_param}, order: {order_param}}) CREATE (fParent)-[:PARENT_OF]->(f)"
json_end <- "]"
json_query <- ""
id_counter <- 0
for (j in 1:nrow(dfToNeo4j)){
row <- dfToNeo4j[j,]
parentid <- paste("\"", row$parentId, "\"", sep="")
if(parentid == "None"){
childid <- paste("\"", row$id, "\"", sep="")
lineage <- paste("\"", row$lineage, "\"", sep="")
order <- paste("\"", row$order, "\"", sep="")
writeBatchOut <- j%%5000 == 0
if (j <= nrow(dfToNeo4j)-1){
if (writeBatchOut){
params <- list(datasource_param=paste("\"", as.character(datasource), "\"", sep=""), parent_id=parentid, child_id=childid, lineage_param = lineage, order_param = order)
json_query <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = params, id= id_counter, id_last = TRUE, full_query = FALSE, json_query_in = json_query, params_complete = TRUE)
else {
params <- list(datasource_param=paste("\"", as.character(datasource), "\"", sep=""), parent_id=parentid, child_id=childid, lineage_param = lineage, order_param = order)
json_query <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = params, id= id_counter, id_last = FALSE, full_query = FALSE, json_query_in = json_query, params_complete = TRUE)
else {
params <- list(datasource_param=paste("\"", as.character(datasource), "\"", sep=""), parent_id=parentid, child_id=childid, lineage_param = lineage, order_param = order)
json_query <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = params, id= id_counter, id_last = TRUE, full_query = FALSE, json_query_in = json_query, params_complete = TRUE)
id_counter <- id_counter + 1
if (writeBatchOut){
query_final <- paste0(json_start, json_query, json_end)
.self$.json_query <- query_final
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
id_counter <- 0
json_query <- ""
query_final <- paste0(json_start, json_query, json_end)
.self$.json_query <- query_final
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
query <- "MATCH (fNode:Feature {datasource: {datasource_param}})-[:PARENT_OF*]->(fLeaf:Feature {depth: {depth_param}, datasource: {datasource_param} }) CREATE (fNode)-[:LEAF_OF]->(fLeaf)"
params <- list(datasource_param=paste("\"", as.character(datasource), "\"", sep=""), depth_param=paste("\"", as.character(length(.self$.feature_order) - 1), "\"", sep=""))
query_final <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = params, params_complete = TRUE)
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
else {
write(query, file=file, append = TRUE)
query <- "MATCH (fLeaf:Feature {depth: {depth_param}, datasource: {datasource_param}}) CREATE (fLeaf)-[:LEAF_OF]->(fLeaf)"
params <- list(datasource_param=paste("\"", as.character(datasource), "\"", sep=""), depth_param=paste("\"", as.character(length(.self$.feature_order) - 1), "\"", sep=""))
query_final <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = params, params_complete = TRUE)
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
.saveMatrixNEO4JHTTP = function(batch_url, neo4juser, neo4jpass, datasource, file=NULL) {
leaf_sample_count_table_temp <- .self$.leaf_sample_count_table_long[,-(which(colnames(.self$.leaf_sample_count_table_long) == "otu_index")), with=FALSE]
valuesToNeo4j = as.data.frame(leaf_sample_count_table_temp)
json_start <- "["
query <- "MATCH (f:Feature {label : {node_id}, datasource: {datasource_param}}) MATCH (s:Sample {id: {sample_id}}) CREATE (s)-[:COUNT {val: {count_param}}]->(f)"
json_end <- "]"
json_query <- ""
cypherCount = 0
id_counter <- 0
for (j in 1:nrow(valuesToNeo4j)){
row <- valuesToNeo4j[j,]
nodeid <- paste("\"", row$leaf, "\"", sep="")
sampleid <- paste("\"", row$sample, "\"", sep="")
count <- paste("\"", as.character(row$value), "\"", sep="")
writeBatchOut <- j%%5000 == 0
if (j <= nrow(valuesToNeo4j)-1){
if (writeBatchOut){
params <- list(datasource_param=paste("\"", as.character(datasource), "\"", sep=""), node_id=nodeid, sample_id=sampleid, count_param=count)
json_query <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = params, id= id_counter, id_last = TRUE, full_query = FALSE, json_query_in = json_query, params_complete = TRUE)
else {
params <- list(datasource_param=paste("\"", as.character(datasource), "\"", sep=""), node_id=nodeid, sample_id=sampleid, count_param=count)
json_query <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = params, id= id_counter, id_last = FALSE, full_query = FALSE, json_query_in = json_query, params_complete = TRUE)
else {
params <- list(datasource_param=paste("\"", as.character(datasource), "\"", sep=""), node_id=nodeid, sample_id=sampleid, count_param=count)
json_query <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = params, id= id_counter, id_last = TRUE, full_query = FALSE, json_query_in = json_query, params_complete = TRUE)
id_counter <- id_counter + 1
if (writeBatchOut){
query_final <- paste0(json_start, json_query, json_end)
.self$.json_query <- query_final
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
id_counter <- 0
json_query <- ""
query_final <- paste0(json_start, json_query, json_end)
.self$.json_query <- query_final
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
.neo4jUpdatePropertiesHTTP = function(batch_url, neo4juser, neo4jpass, create_id_index = FALSE, create_prop_index = FALSE) {
query <- "CREATE INDEX ON :Sample (id)"
query_final <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = NULL)
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
query <- "MATCH (f:Feature) SET f.depth = toInt(f.depth)"
query_final <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = NULL)
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
query <- "MATCH ()-[c:COUNT]->() SET c.val = toFloat(c.val)"
query_final <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = NULL)
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
query <- "MATCH (f:Feature) SET f.start = toInt(f.start)"
query_final <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = NULL)
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
query <- "MATCH (f:Feature) SET f.end = toInt(f.end)"
query_final <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = NULL)
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
query <- "MATCH (f:Feature) SET f.nleaves = toInt(f.nleaves)"
query_final <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = NULL)
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
query <- "MATCH (f:Feature) SET f.nchildren = toInt(f.nchildren)"
query_final <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = NULL)
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
query <- "MATCH (f:Feature) SET f.leafIndex = toInt(f.leafIndex)"
query_final <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = NULL)
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
query <- "CREATE INDEX ON :Feature (depth)"
query_final <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = NULL)
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
query <- "CREATE INDEX ON :Feature (start)"
query_final <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = NULL)
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
query <- "CREATE INDEX ON :Feature (end)"
query_final <- .buildBatchJSON(query_in = query, param_list = NULL)
if(!is.null(batch_url)) {
r <- POST(batch_url, body = query_final, encode = "json", authenticate(user = neo4juser, password = neo4jpass))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.