#' Class providing chart manager for epiviz app
#' @import methods
#' @importClassesFrom epivizrServer EpivizServer
EpivizChartMgr <- setRefClass("EpivizChartMgr",
.chart_list = "environment",
.chart_id_counter = "integer",
.server = "EpivizServer",
.chart_type_map = "list"
initialize = function(server=epivizrServer::createServer(), ...) {
.self$.server <- server
.self$.chart_list <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.self$.chart_id_counter <- 0L
num_charts= function() {
"Return the number of charts currently loaded through manager."
show = function() {
"Print manager information to screen."
cat("Epiviz chart manager object:\n")
cat("Server: ")
.self$.server$show(); cat("\n")
# st <- .self$list_charts()
# if(length(st)>0) {
# cat("Charts:\n")
# print(st); cat("\n")
# }
is_server_closed = function() {
"Returns \\code{TRUE} if underlying server is closed.
See \\code{is_closed} method in class \\code{\\link{EpivizServer}}."
is.null(.self$.server) || .self$.server$is_closed()
.get_chart_object = function(chart_object_or_id) {
chart_obj <- NULL
if (is.character(chart_object_or_id)) {
id <- chart_object_or_id
if (!exists(id, envir=.self$.chart_list, inherits=FALSE)) {
stop("chart with id ", id, " not found")
chart_obj <- .self$.chart_list[[id]]
} else {
chart_obj <- chart_object_or_id
.get_chart_from_app_id = function(chart_app_id) {
chart_obj <- NULL
c_ids <- ls(.self$.chart_list)
if (length(c_ids) == 0) {
id <- NULL
for (c_id in c_ids) {
if(.self$.chart_list[[c_id]]$.app_id == chart_app_id) {
id <- c_id
if(is.null(id)) {
stop("chart with app id ", chart_app_id, " not found")
chart_obj <- .self$.chart_list[[id]]
add_chart = function(chart_object, send_request=TRUE) {
"Add a chart to the chart manager.
\\item{chart_object}{an object of class \\code{\\link{EpivizChart}}}
\\item{send_request}{send request to app through websocket}
.self$.chart_id_counter <- .self$.chart_id_counter + 1L
chart_id <- sprintf("epivizChart_%d", .self$.chart_id_counter)
.self$.chart_list[[chart_id]] <- chart_object
send_request <- !.self$is_server_closed() && isTRUE(send_request)
if (send_request) {
callback <- function(response_data) {
app_chart_id <- response_data$value$id
cat("Chart ", chart_id, " added to browser and connected to id ", app_chart_id, "\n")
measurements <- NULL
if (!is.null(chart_object$.measurements)) {
measurements = epivizrServer::json_writer(lapply(chart_object$.measurements, epivizrData::as.list))
.self$.server$send_request(request_data, callback)
print_chart=function(chart_object_or_id, file_name=NULL, file_type=c("pdf","png")) {
"Print specific chart to file.
\\item{chart_object_or_id}{An object of class \\code{\\link{EpivizChart}} or a
string indicating the chart's id assigned by chart manager.}
\\item{file_name}{Name of file to print to.}
\\item{file_type}{Type of file to print. One of \\code{pdf} or \\code{png}.}
chart_object <- .self$.get_chart_object(chart_object_or_id)
if (!is(chart_object, "EpivizChart"))
stop("'chartObj' must be an 'EpivizChart' object")
chart_id <- chart_object$get_id()
if(!exists(chart_id, envir=.self$.chart_list, inherits=FALSE)) {
stop("chart ", chart_id, " not found")
if (chart_object$is_connected()) {
callback <- function(response) {
cat("chart ", chart_id, " is being saved\n")
request_data <- list(action = "printWorkspace",
chartId = chart_object$.app_id,
fileName = file_name,
fileType = file_type)
.self$.server$send_request(request_data, callback)
rm_chart = function(chart_object_or_id) {
"Remove chart from chart manager.
\\item{chart_object_or_id}{An object of class \\code{\\link{EpivizChart}} or a
string indicating the chart's id assigned by chart manager}
chart_object <- .self$.get_chart_object(chart_object_or_id)
if (!is(chart_object, "EpivizChart"))
stop("'chart_object' must be an 'EpivizChart' object")
chart_id <- chart_object$get_id()
if(!exists(chart_id, envir=.self$.chart_list, inherits=FALSE)) {
stop("object not found")
rm(list=chart_id, envir=.self$.chart_list)
if (chart_object$is_connected()) {
callback <- function(response) {
cat("chart ", chart_id, " removed and disconnected\n")
request_data <- list(action = "removeChart",
chartId = chart_object$.app_id)
.self$.server$send_request(request_data, callback)
rm_all_charts = function() {
"Remove all charts loaded by chart manager."
ids <- ls(.self$.chart_list)
for (id in ids) {
list_charts = function() {
"Return \\code{data.frame} describing charts loaded by chart manager"
ids <- ls(.self$.chart_list)
if (length(ids) == 0) {
type <- sapply(ids, function(x) .self$.chart_list[[x]]$.type)
ms <- sapply(ids,
function(x) {
tmp <- sapply(.self$.chart_list[[x]]$.measurements, function(y) paste0(y@datasourceId,":",y@name))
paste0(tmp, collapse=",")
connected <- ifelse(sapply(ids, function(x) .self$.chart_list[[x]]$is_connected()), "*", "")
out <- data.frame(id=ids,
rownames(out) <- NULL
register_chart_type = function(chart_type, js_chart_type=paste0("epiviz.plugins.charts.", chart_type),
js_chart_settings=list(), js_chart_colors=character()) {
"Register a chart type name to a JavaScript chart type in the epiviz app.
\\item{chart_type}{the name to use for chart type in R (e.g., 'BlocksTrack')}
\\item{js_chart_type}{the full JavaScript class name of the corresponding chart type
(e.g. 'epiviz.plugins.charts.BlocksTrack'). If missing it is taken from the \\code{chart_type} argument}
\\item{js_chart_settings}{custom settings that can be applied to this chart type in JS.}
\\item{js_chart_colors}{default color palette applied to this chart type in JS.}
.self$.chart_type_map[[chart_type]] <- list(js_chart_type=js_chart_type, js_chart_settings=js_chart_settings, js_chart_colors=js_chart_colors)
print_chart_type_info = function(chart_type) {
"Print settings and color information for a given chart type
\\item{chart_type}{the name for a chart type in R (e.g., 'BlocksTrack', 'StackedLineTrack')}
cat("Settings for chart type ", chart_type, "\n")
cat("Colors: ")
cat(paste0(.self$list_chart_type_colors(chart_type), collapse=", "), "\n")
list_chart_type_settings = function(chart_type) {
"List available settings for a specific chart type.
\\item{chart_type}{the name for a chart type in R (e.g., 'BlocksTrack', 'StackedLineTrack')}
chart_settings <- .self$.chart_type_map[[chart_type]]$js_chart_settings
list_chart_type_colors = function(chart_type) {
"List colors currently used in given chart type"
chart_colors <- .self$.chart_type_map[[chart_type]]$js_chart_colors
list_chart_types = function(col_width=80) {
"List charts types registered in epivizr with their default settings and colors.
Returns a \\code{data.frame} listing available chart types and a summary of the
settings that can be modified.
\\item{col_width}{Maximum length of settings list displayed.}
types <- ls(.self$.chart_type_map)
js_classes <- sapply(types, function(chart_type) {
num_settings <- sapply(types, function(chart_type) {
settings_prefix <- sapply(types, function(chart_type) {
setting_ids <- sapply(.self$.chart_type_map[[chart_type]]$js_chart_settings, function(x) x$id)
out <- paste0(setting_ids, collapse=",")
if (nchar(out) > col_width) {
out <- paste0(substr(out, 1, col_width), "...")
num_colors <- sapply(types, function(chart_type) {
out <- data.frame(type=types, js_class=js_classes, num_settings=num_settings,
settings=settings_prefix, num_colors=num_colors)
rownames(out) <- NULL
.register_available_chart_types = function(request_data) {
for (x in request_data) {
.self$register_chart_type(gsub("epiviz.plugins.charts.", "", x$chartName, fixed = TRUE),
.update_chart_settings = function(request_data) {
chart_app_id <- request_data$chartId
chart_object <- .self$.get_chart_from_app_id(chart_app_id)
if (!is(chart_object, "EpivizChart"))
warning("'chart_object' must be an 'EpivizChart' object")
chart_id <- chart_object$get_id()
if(!exists(chart_id, envir=.self$.chart_list, inherits=FALSE)) {
warning("object ", chart_id, " not found")
chart_object$.update(settings=request_data$settings, colors=request_data$colorMap)
set_chart_settings = function(chart_object_or_id, settings=NULL, colors=NULL) {
"Apply custom chart settings or colors to a chart object.
\\item{chart_object_or_id}{An object of class \\code{\\link{EpivizChart}} or a
string indicating the chart's id assigned by chart manager}
\\item{settings}{a list of settings to apply to the chart}
\\item{colors}{a list of (HEX code) colors to use in the chart}
chart_object <- .self$.get_chart_object(chart_object_or_id)
if (!is(chart_object, "EpivizChart"))
stop("'chart_object' must be an 'EpivizChart' object")
chart_id <- chart_object$get_id()
if(!exists(chart_id, envir=.self$.chart_list, inherits=FALSE)) {
stop("object ", chart_id, " not found")
chart_object$set(settings=settings, colors=colors)
get_chart_settings = function(chart_object_or_id) {
"List chart settings for a specific chart object.
\\item{chart_object_or_id}{An object of class \\code{\\link{EpivizChart}} or a
string indicating the chart's id assigned by chart manager}
chart_object <- .self$.get_chart_object(chart_object_or_id)
if (!is(chart_object, "EpivizChart"))
stop("'chart_object' must be an 'EpivizChart' object")
chart_id <- chart_object$get_id()
if(!exists(chart_id, envir=.self$.chart_list, inherits=FALSE)) {
stop("object not found")
get_chart_colors = function(chart_object_or_id) {
"List colors used in a specific chart object.
\\item{chart_object_or_id}{An object of class \\code{\\link{EpivizChart}} or a
string indicating the chart's id assigned by chart manager}
chart_object <- .self$.get_chart_object(chart_object_or_id)
if (!is(chart_object, "EpivizChart"))
stop("'chart_object' must be an 'EpivizChart' object")
chart_id <- chart_object$get_id()
if(!exists(chart_id, envir=.self$.chart_list, inherits=FALSE)) {
stop("object not found")
print_chart_info = function(chart_object_or_id) {
"Print settings and colors used in a specific chart object.
\\item{chart_object_or_id}{An object of class \\code{\\link{EpivizChart}} or a
string indicating the chart's id assigned by chart manager}
chart_object <- .self$.get_chart_object(chart_object_or_id)
if (!is(chart_object, "EpivizChart"))
stop("'chart_object' must be an 'EpivizChart' object")
chart_id <- chart_object$get_id()
if(!exists(chart_id, envir=.self$.chart_list, inherits=FALSE)) {
stop("object not found")
visualize = function(chart_type, measurements = NULL, datasource = NULL,
settings=NULL, colors=NULL, send_request=TRUE, ...) {
"Visualize data use the given chart type. One of arguments \\code{measurements} or \\code{datasource} must be non-\\code{NULL}. If \\code{measurements}
is \\code{NULL}, the \\code{get_measurements} method in class \\code{\\link{EpivizData}}
is used to decide which measurements are used in the chart
\\item{chart_type}{a chart type registered using the \\code{register_chart_type} method}
\\item{measurements}{a list of \\code{\\link{EpivizMeasurement}} objects
describing measurements to include in the chart}
\\item{datasource}{an object of class \\code{\\link{EpivizData}}, all available
measurements from datasource are used as appropriate}
js_chart_type <- .self$.chart_type_map[[chart_type]]$js_chart_type
js_chart_settings <- .self$.chart_type_map[[chart_type]]$js_chart_settings
js_chart_colors <- .self$.chart_type_map[[chart_type]]$js_chart_colors
if (is.null(js_chart_type)) {
stop("Can't visualize ", chart_type, ", it is not registered")
# check if no measurements given
if (is.null(measurements)) {
# check if datasource is given
if (!is.null(datasource)) {
measurements <- datasource$get_measurements()
} else {
stop("Either 'measurements' or 'datasource' must be non-NULL")
datasource_id <- measurements[[1]]@datasourceId
datasource_name <- measurements[[1]]@datasourceName
chart_obj <- EpivizChart$new(
.self$add_chart(chart_obj, send_request=send_request, ...)
# if (!chart_obj$is_connected() && !.self$is_server_closed()) {
# stop("Error adding chart to epiviz\n")
# }
chart_id <- chart_obj$get_id()
if(!exists(chart_id, envir=.self$.chart_list, inherits=FALSE)) {
stop("Chart object not found \n")
if (!is.null(settings) || !is.null(colors)) {
.self$set_chart_settings(chart_obj, settings=settings, colors=colors)
revisualize = function(chart_type, chart, ...){
"Revisualize uses data the given chart and replots it in the given chart type. The argument \\code{chart} must be non-\\code{NULL}.
\\item{chart_type}{a chart type registered using the \\code{register_chart_type} method}
\\item{chart}{a chart that includes measurements to be used in a new chart}
if (!is.null(chart)){
measurements <- chart$get_measurements()
else {
stop("Either 'chart' must be non-NULL")
.self$visualize(chart_type = chart_type, measurements = measurements, ...)
plot = function(measurement_object, settings=NULL, colors=NULL, send_request=TRUE) {
"Visualize data in an \\code{\\link{EpivizData}} object using its default chart type.
The method \\code{get_default_chart_type} in class \\code{\\link{EpivizData}} is used
to determine which chart type is used.
\\item{measurement_object}{an object of class \\code{\\link{EpivizData}}}
\\item{settings}{list of settings to use in chart (uses default chart settings if NULL)}
\\item{colors}{character vector of HEX colors to use in chart (uses default chart colors if NULL)}
if (!is(measurement_object, "EpivizData")) {
stop("'measurement_object' must be of class 'EpivizData'")
chart_type <- measurement_object$get_default_chart_type()
.self$visualize(chart_type, datasource=measurement_object, settings=settings, colors=colors, send_request=send_request)
.redraw = function(send_request = TRUE) {
send_request <- !.self$is_server_closed() && isTRUE(send_request)
if (send_request) {
callback <- function(response_data) {
if (.self$.server$.verbose) {
cat("charts redraw\n")
request_data <- list(action="redraw")
.self$.server$send_request(request_data, callback)
.redraw_chart = function(chart, send_request = TRUE){
send_request <- !.self$is_server_closed() && isTRUE(send_request)
if (send_request) {
callback <- function(response_data) {
app_chart_id <- response_data$value$id
settings <- NULL
if(!is.null(chart$get_settings())) {
settings <- chart$get_settings()
colors <- NULL
if(!is.null(chart$get_colors())) {
colors <- chart$get_colors()
chart$set(settings=settings, colors=colors)
if (.self$.server$.verbose) {
cat("Chart ", chart$get_id(), "re-drawn\n")
measurements <- NULL
if (!is.null(chart$.measurements)) {
measurements = epivizrServer::json_writer(lapply(chart$.measurements, epivizrData::as.list))
request_data <- list(action="addChart",
.self$.server$send_request(request_data, callback)
redraw_charts = function(send_request = TRUE){
chart_ids <- ls(envir=.self$.chart_list)
for (id in chart_ids){
chart_obj <- .self$.get_chart_object(id)
.self$.redraw_chart(chart_obj, send_request)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.