start <- as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())
## I am going to just copy some of my tasks from here:
## I should therefore just be able to repeat them in my tests
## to ensure that my tnseq functions still work.
a909_microbes <- load_microbesonline_annotations(species = "A909")
expected <- 2200
actual <- nrow(a909_microbes)
test_that("We downloaded annotations for strain a909?", {
expect_gt(actual, expected)
## I copied some of the reference data into inst/gbs_tnseq
gff_file <- system.file("share/gbs_tnseq/sagalactiae_a909.gff", package = "hpgldata")
a909_gff <- load_gff_annotations(gff_file)
expected <- 4400
actual <- nrow(a909_gff)
test_that("We acquired annotations from the gff file used to map the data?", {
expect_gt(actual, expected)
## Combine the two annotation sources
a909_microbes <-
rownames(a909_gff) <- make.names(a909_gff[["locus_tag"]], unique = TRUE)
## I am going to only pay attention to the first annotation for each locus tag from microbesonline.
a909_microbes[["sysName"]] <- make.names(a909_microbes[["sysName"]], unique = TRUE)
a909_annot <- merge(a909_gff, a909_microbes, by.x = "old_locus_tag", by.y = "sysName")
rownames(a909_annot) <- make.names(a909_annot[["locus_tag"]], unique = TRUE)
## Rename the merged start/strand columns
colnames(a909_annot)[3] <- "start"
colnames(a909_annot)[6] <- "strand"
## And drop the duplicate columns
a909_annot[["start.y"]] <- NULL
a909_annot[["strand.y"]] <- NULL
expected <- 4000
actual <- nrow(a909_annot)
test_that("We merged the annotation data?", {
expect_gt(actual, expected)
a909_counts <- utils::untar(tarfile = system.file(
"share/gbs_tnseq/gbs_essentiality_counts.tar.xz", package = "hpgldata"))
metadata <- system.file("share/gbs_tnseq/sagalactiae_samples.xlsx", package = "hpgldata")
a909_expt <- create_expt(metadata = metadata, batch = FALSE, gene_info = a909_annot,
file_column = "a909_filename")
expected <- 2000
actual <- nrow(exprs(a909_expt))
test_that("We created an expressionset?", {
expect_gt(actual, expected)
## Grab copies of some of the essentiality results
a909_wig <- utils::untar(tarfile = system.file(
"share/gbs_tnseq/gbs_essentiality_wig.tar.xz", package = "hpgldata"))
a909_csv <- utils::untar(tarfile = system.file(
"share/gbs_tnseq/gbs_essentiality.tar.xz", package = "hpgldata"))
saturation <- tnseq_saturation(
adjust = 2)
test_that("tnseq_saturation returns expected outputs?", {
expect_equal("gg", class(saturation[["plot"]])[1])
expected <- 21000
test_that("We expect more than 21000 TAs with more than 16 hits:", {
expect_gt(saturation[["gt_16"]], expected)
expected <- 67
test_that("We expect an average of 67ish hits per TA:", {
expect_gt(saturation[["hits_summary"]][["Mean"]], expected)
ess_plts <- plot_essentiality(
test_that("plot_essentiality returns expected outputs?", {
expect_equal("gg", class(ess_plts[["zbar"]])[1])
expect_equal("gg", class(ess_plts[["span_plot"]])[1])
plt <- tnseq_multi_saturation(meta = pData(a909_expt), meta_column = "a909esswig")
test_that("tnseq_multi_saturation returns some fun?", {
expect_equal("gg", class(plt[["plot"]])[1])
## Perform my 'fitness' analysis; which is just a normal differential expression analysis
a909_norm <- normalize_expt(a909_expt, convert = "cpm", transform = "log2")
a909_de <- all_pairwise(a909_expt, model_batch = FALSE)
test_that("all_pairwise returned?", {
expect_equal("all_pairwise", class(a909_de)[1])
## Make a couple tables out of that:
a909_contrasts <- list(
"low_vs_control" = c("callow", "control"),
"high_vs_control" = c("calhigh", "control"))
a909_tables <- combine_de_tables(
a909_de, keepers = a909_contrasts,
excel = "a909_tables.xlsx")
test_that("all_pairwise returned?", {
expect_true("combined_de" %in% class(a909_tables))
a909_sig <- extract_significant_genes(
a909_tables, excel = "a909_sig.xlsx")
expected <- 15
actual <- a909_sig[["summary_df"]]["low_vs_control", "edger_up"]
test_that("Did we get the expected number of up genes between low Ca+ and control according to EdgeR?", {
expect_gt(actual, expected)
removed <- file.remove("a909_sig.xlsx")
colors <- c("990000", "008800", "000000", "0000AA")
names(colors) <- c("E", "NE", "S", "U")
low_df <- a909_tables[["data"]][["low_vs_control"]]
high_df <- a909_tables[["data"]][["high_vs_control"]]
counts_df <-
circos_cfg <- circos_prefix(annotation = a909_annot, name = "a909")
a909_fasta <- system.file("share/gbs_tnseq/sagalactiae_a909.fasta", package = "hpgldata")
a909_kary <- circos_karyotype(circos_cfg, fasta = a909_fasta)
a909_plus_minus <- circos_plus_minus(circos_cfg, width = 0.06, thickness = 40)
a909_low <- circos_hist(circos_cfg, low_df, colname = "deseq_logfc", basename = "low",
outer = a909_plus_minus, fill_color = "vvdpgreen", width = 0.12, thickness = 0.1)
a909_heat <- circos_heatmap(circos_cfg, counts_df, colname = "LRB01", basename = "control_exprs",
outer = a909_low)
a909_suffix <- circos_suffix(circos_cfg)
## This is not passing, but when I run it manually it seems to work fine?
made <- circos_make(circos_cfg, target = "a909")
test_that("circos provided an imagemap output?", {
end <- as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())
elapsed <- round(x = as.numeric(end - start))
message("\nFinished 280tnseq.R in ", elapsed, " seconds.")
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