#' Add binary state information to the scd.
#' I am adding these only so that it is easier to visualize the cells
#' compared when performing FindAllMarkers(); e.g. it compares each
#' identity to all others; so I imagine it would be nice to see a
#' dimplot or something of each state vs. all others as a binary pair
#' rather than as n separate groups.
#' @param scd Seurat single cell dataset.
#' @param column Get identities from this metadata column.
#' @return The scd with some new identities set with predicates.
add_binary_states <- function(scd, column = NULL) {
identity_levels <- levels(as.factor(Seurat::Idents(object = scd)))
if (!is.null(column)) {
identity_levels <- levels(as.factor(scd[[column]]))
cell_ids <- colnames(scd)
for (group in identity_levels) {
not_value <- paste0("Not ", group)
if (is.null(column)) {
## A little lisp predicate happiness
group_name <- paste0(group, "_identp")
scd@meta.data[[group_name]] <- not_value
true_idx <- Seurat::Idents(object = scd) == group
} else {
group_name <- paste0(group, "_", column, "p")
scd@meta.data[[group_name]] <- not_value
true_idx <- scd[[column]] == group
mesg("There are ", sum(true_idx), " cells in group ", group, ".")
scd@meta.data[true_idx, group_name] <- group
#' Add VDJ information using some code I found.
#' The original implementation of this idea resides at:
#' https://ucdavis-bioinformatics-training.github.io/2020-Advanced_Single_Cell_RNA_Seq/data_analysis/VDJ_Analysis_fixed
#' The seurat documentation always uses 'obj' for their
#' datastructures; I chose to use 'scd' to signify that I am
#' explicitly adding a couple pieces of information to them. They
#' remain the datastructures returned by seurat.
#' @param scd Seurat object to which we will add some information.
#' @param start_path root of the 10x data in which the vdj information should reside.
#' @param type The type of VDJ we expect, heavy(B) or light(T).
#' @return The Seurat object with some new information.
#' @export
add_clonotype_annotations <- function(scd, start_path, type = "t") {
vdj_dir <- file.path(start_path, paste0("vdj_", type))
vdj_csv <- file.path(vdj_dir, "filtered_contig_annotations.csv")
reference_csv <- file.path(vdj_dir, "clonotypes.csv")
tcr <- readr::read_csv(vdj_csv, show_col_types = FALSE)
ref <- readr::read_csv(reference_csv, show_col_types = FALSE)
tcr_duplicate_barcode_idx <- duplicated(tcr[["barcode"]])
tcr_nodup <- tcr[!tcr_duplicate_barcode_idx, ]
mesg(" After deduplication, the vdj data has ", nrow(tcr_nodup), " rows.")
both <- as.data.frame(merge(tcr_nodup, ref, by.x="raw_clonotype_id", by.y="clonotype_id"))
rownames(both) <- both[["barcode"]]
both[["barcode"]] <- NULL
scd <- Seurat::AddMetaData(object = scd, metadata = both)
#' Add a df of clonotype observations by cell cluster to @misc of a
#' Seurat datastructure.
#' This seeks to count up and provide a couple of metric of how many
#' B/T cells are in each cluster of a VDJ single cell dataset.
#' @param scd Seurat single cell datastructure.
#' @param column Cluster column in the metadata.
#' @param clono_column Column containing VDJ annotations.
#' @param add_sum Add sums of the clusters to the metadata?
#' @return The scd with some new metadata.
#' @export
count_clonotype_by_cluster <- function(scd, column = "res0p2_clusters",
clono_column = "raw_clonotype_id", add_sum = TRUE) {
meta <- scd@meta.data
retstring <- glue::glue("This result may be found in the {column} element of scd@misc.")
cluster_levels <- levels(as.factor(meta[[column]]))
ret <- data.frame(rownames = cluster_levels)
ret[["cluster_name"]] <- ""
ret[["cells"]] <- 0
ret[["has_clono"]] <- 0
for (cluster_num in seq_along(cluster_levels)) {
cluster <- cluster_levels[cluster_num]
ret[cluster_num, "cluster_name"] <- cluster
ret[cluster_num, "cells"] <- sum(meta[[column]] == cluster)
ret[cluster_num, "has_clono"] <- sum(meta[[column]] == cluster &
ret[["rownames"]] <- NULL
ret[["proportion"]] <- ret[["has_clono"]] / ret[["cells"]]
if (isTRUE(add_sum)) {
sum_cells <- sum(ret[["cells"]])
sum_clono <- sum(ret[["has_clono"]])
sum_vector = c("cluster_sum", sum_cells, sum_clono, sum_clono / sum_cells)
ret <- rbind(ret, sum_vector)
scd@misc[[column]] <- ret
#' Create a combined seurat object from a sample sheet.
#' I would like to have a simpler function for creating seurat data
#' structures similar to my create_expt(). This will try to do so.
#' @param metadata Sample sheet.
#' @param expression_column Metadata column containing the base
#' location of the cellranger outputs.
#' @param vdj_t_column Column, which if filled in, tells this to look
#' for VDJ information specific to light chains.
#' @param vdj_b_column Column, which if filled in, tells this to look
#' for VDJ information specific to heavy chains.
#' @param prefix Arbitrary prefix for the location information,
#' included because I am messing with cellranger and have multiple
#' output directories and want to be able to switch between them.
#' @param separate When true, this function should return a list
#' comprised of the individual sample objects.
#' @param types Types of data to add to the scd.
#' @param mito_pattern Pattern used to find mitochondrial genes.
#' @param ribo_pattern Pattern used to find ribosomal proteins.
#' @return Either a list or merged seurat object(s).
#' @export
create_scd <- function(metadata, expression_column = "gexfile",
vdj_t_column = "vdjtcells", vdj_b_column = "vdjbcells",
prefix = NULL, separate = FALSE, types = "gex",
mito_pattern = "^mt-", ribo_pattern = "^Rp[sl]") {
if ("character" %in% class(metadata)) {
metadata <- extract_metadata(metadata)
count <- 1
obj <- NULL
merged <- NULL
initial_data <- list()
if (isTRUE(separate)) {
merged <- list()
cell_ids <- c()
for (dirname in metadata[[expression_column]]) {
path_name <- basename(dirname)
start_path <- file.path(dirname, "outs", "per_sample_outs", path_name)
## Added to match older cellranger versions, I need to look and see if there
## is a smarter way of doing this.
if (!file.exists(start_path)) {
start_path <- file.path(dirname, "outs")
mesg("Loading sample ", path_name, " from: ", start_path, ".")
## This should perhaps instead use the ID column from the metadata.
if (!is.null(prefix)) {
start_path <- file.path(prefix, dirname, "outs", "per_sample_outs", path_name)
if (!file.exists(start_path)) {
start_path <- file.path(prefix, dirname, "outs")
full_path <- file.path(start_path, "count", "sample_filtered_feature_bc_matrix")
## Ibid for older cellranger.
if (!file.exists(full_path)) {
full_path <- file.path(start_path, "filtered_feature_bc_matrix")
if (length(types) == 1) {
## I am not sure why, but doing a pipe (%>%) here fails.
obj <- suppressWarnings(Seurat::Read10X(full_path))
obj <- suppressWarnings(Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(obj, project = path_name))
} else {
## If there are more than 1 type, then obj should be a list.
obj <- suppressWarnings(Seurat::Read10X(full_path))
gex <- suppressWarnings(Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(obj[[1]]))
Seurat::Idents(object = gex) <- path_name
## gex@meta.data[["orig.ident"]] <- path_name
ab <- suppressWarnings(Seurat::CreateAssayObject(obj[[2]]))
gex[["ab"]] <- ab
obj <- gex
if (!is.null(metadata[[vdj_t_column]])) {
mesg(" Adding light-chain clonotype information for sample: ",
path_name, ".")
obj <- add_clonotype_annotations(obj, type = "t",
start_path = start_path)
if (!is.null(metadata[[vdj_b_column]])) {
mesg(" Adding heavy-chain clonotype information for sample: ",
path_name, ".")
obj <- add_clonotype_annotations(obj, type = "b",
start_path = start_path)
initial_data[[path_name]] <- obj
count <- count + 1
} ## End of loop
if (isTRUE(separate)) {
merged <- initial_data
} else {
first_element <- initial_data[[1]]
other_elements <- c()
for (elem in seq(2, length(initial_data))) {
other_elements <- c(other_elements, initial_data[[elem]])
merged <- merge(x = first_element, y = other_elements,
add.cell.ids = names(initial_data))
merged@misc[["sample_metadata"]] <- metadata
## Store the identities in a column 'sampleid' in case we change the Identities
## later and forget to store the old ones.
message("Adding cell identities and percent mito/ribo.")
merged[["sampleid"]] <- Seurat::Idents(merged)
merged[["pct_mito"]] <- Seurat::PercentageFeatureSet(merged, pattern = mito_pattern)
merged[["pct_ribo"]] <- Seurat::PercentageFeatureSet(merged, pattern = ribo_pattern)
#' Perform a series of filters on a single-cell dataset.
#' This function should perform a series of relatively consistent
#' filters on a single-cell dataset, with options to play with the
#' various filters and their parameters.
#' @param scd Single Cell Dataset to filter.
#' @param min_num_rna Drop cells with fewer than this number of
#' observed RNA species.
#' @param max_num_rna An unlikely filter for maximum number of RNAs.
#' @param min_pct_ribo Drop cells with less than this percentage of
#' ribosomal protein RNAs observed.
#' @param max_pct_ribo Drop cells with more than this percentage of
#' ribosomal protein RNAs observed.
#' @param remerge Merge the data back if there are multiple assays.
#' @param max_pct_mito Drop cells with more than this percentage of
#' mitochondrial RNA observed.
#' @param min_pct_mito Drop cells with less than this percentage of
#' mitochondrial RNA observed.
#' @param mito_pattern Regex pattern to search RNA symbols for
#' mitochondrial species.
#' @param ribo_pattern Regex pattern to search RNA symbols for
#' ribosomal protein species.
#' @param min_gene_counts Drop genes across cells which are observed
#' less than this number of times, I don't expect many of these.
#' @param verbose Be chatty about what you are doing?
#' @return Filtered scd
#' @export
filter_scd <- function(scd, min_num_rna = 200, max_num_rna = NULL,
min_pct_ribo = 5, max_pct_ribo = NULL, remerge = NULL,
max_pct_mito = 15, min_pct_mito = NULL, mito_pattern = "^mt-",
ribo_pattern = "^Rp[sl]", min_gene_counts = 3, verbose = FALSE) {
current_cells <- ncol(scd)
current_genes <- nrow(scd)
current_counts <- sum(MatrixGenerics::colSums(scd))
start_cells <- current_cells
start_genes <- current_genes
start_counts <- current_counts
current_meta <- scd@meta.data
remerge_assay <- NULL
if (!is.null(remerge)) {
remerge_assay <- scd[[remerge]]
mesg("We are starting with ", current_cells, " cells, ", current_genes,
" genes, and ", current_counts, " counts.")
if (is.null(current_meta[["pct_mito"]])) {
scd[["pct_mito"]] <- Seurat::PercentageFeatureSet(scd, pattern = mito_pattern)
if (is.null(current_meta[["pct_ribo"]])) {
scd[["pct_ribo"]] <- Seurat::PercentageFeatureSet(scd, pattern = ribo_pattern)
filt_scd <- scd
current_meta <- scd@meta.data
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
mesg("Plotting the data before filtering.")
pre_plots <- plot_seurat_scatter(scd)
sufficient_rna <- nFeature_RNA <- NULL
if (!is.null(min_num_rna) & !is.null(max_num_rna)) {
mesg("Filtering both less than minimum and more than maximum.")
sufficient_rna <- current_meta[["nFeature_RNA"]] >= min_num_rna &
current_meta[["nFeature_RNA"]] <= max_num_rna
} else if (!is.null(min_num_rna)) {
mesg("Filtering less than minimum number of RNAs observed.")
sufficient_rna <- current_meta[["nFeature_RNA"]] >= min_num_rna
} else if (!is.null(max_num_rna)) {
mesg("Filtering more than maximum number of RNAs observed.")
sufficient_rna <- current_meta[["nFeature_RNA"]] <= max_num_rna
if (sum(sufficient_rna) == 0) {
mesg("Not filtering based on sufficient number of genes observed.")
} else if (sum(sufficient_rna) == current_cells) {
mesg("The provided filters on sufficient genes observed did not remove any cells.")
} else {
filt_scd <- filt_scd[, sufficient_rna]
new_cells <- ncol(filt_scd)
new_genes <- nrow(filt_scd)
new_counts <- sum(MatrixGenerics::colSums(filt_scd))
delta_cells <- current_cells - new_cells
delta_genes <- current_genes - new_genes
delta_counts <- current_counts - new_counts
mesg("The sufficient genes observed filter removed: ", delta_cells, " cells and ",
delta_counts, " reads.")
current_cells <- new_cells
current_genes <- new_genes
current_counts <- new_counts
current_meta <- filt_scd@meta.data
if (is.null(min_gene_counts)) {
mesg("Not filtering based on the minimum number of counts across cells observed.")
} else {
sufficiently_observed <- as.logical(MatrixGenerics::rowSums(filt_scd) >= min_gene_counts)
if (current_genes == sum(sufficiently_observed)) {
mesg("The minimum number of counts/gene across cells filter did not remove any genes.")
} else {
if (!is.null(remerge)) {
remerge_assay <- filt_scd[[remerge]]
filt_scd <- filt_scd[sufficiently_observed, ]
if (!is.null(remerge)) {
filt_scd[[remerge]] <- remerge_assay
new_cells <- ncol(filt_scd)
new_genes <- nrow(filt_scd)
new_counts <- sum(MatrixGenerics::colSums(filt_scd))
delta_cells <- current_cells - new_cells
delta_genes <- current_genes - new_genes
delta_counts <- current_counts - new_counts
mesg("The sufficient counts/gene across cells filter removed: ", delta_cells, " cells, ",
delta_genes, " genes, and ", delta_counts, " reads.")
current_cells <- new_cells
current_genes <- new_genes
current_counts <- new_counts
current_meta <- filt_scd@meta.data
sufficient_ribo <- pct_ribo <- pct_mito <- NULL
if (!is.null(min_pct_ribo) & !is.null(max_pct_ribo)) {
sufficient_ribo <- current_meta[["pct_ribo"]] >= min_pct_ribo &
current_meta[["pct_ribo"]] <= max_pct_ribo
} else if (!is.null(min_pct_ribo)) {
sufficient_ribo <- current_meta[["pct_ribo"]] >= min_pct_ribo
} else if (!is.null(max_pct_ribo)) {
sufficient_ribo <- current_meta[["pct_ribo"]] <= max_pct_ribo
if (sum(sufficient_ribo) == 0) {
mesg("Not filtering based on sufficient ribosomal protein percentage observed.")
} else if (sum(sufficient_ribo) == current_cells) {
mesg("The sufficient ribosomal percentage filter did not remove any cells.")
} else {
## filt_scd <- subset(filt_scd, cells = sufficient_ribo)
filt_scd <- filt_scd[, sufficient_ribo]
new_cells <- ncol(filt_scd)
new_genes <- nrow(filt_scd)
new_counts <- sum(MatrixGenerics::colSums(filt_scd))
delta_cells <- current_cells - new_cells
delta_genes <- current_genes - new_genes
delta_counts <- current_counts - new_counts
mesg("The ribosomal protein filter removed: ", delta_cells, " cells and ",
delta_counts, " reads.")
current_cells <- new_cells
current_genes <- new_genes
current_counts <- new_counts
current_meta <- filt_scd@meta.data
sufficient_mito <- NULL
if (!is.null(min_pct_mito) & !is.null(max_pct_mito)) {
sufficient_mito <- current_meta[["pct_mito"]] >= min_pct_mito &
filt_scd[["pct_mito"]] <= max_pct_mito
} else if (!is.null(min_pct_mito)) {
sufficient_mito <- current_meta[["pct_mito"]] >= min_pct_mito
} else if (!is.null(max_pct_mito)) {
sufficient_mito <- current_meta[["pct_mito"]] <= max_pct_mito
if (sum(sufficient_mito) == 0) {
mesg("Not filtering based on excessive mitochondrial RNA percentage observed.")
} else if (sum(sufficient_mito) == current_cells) {
mesg("The mitochondrial filter did not remove any cells.")
} else {
filt_scd <- filt_scd[, sufficient_mito]
new_cells <- ncol(filt_scd)
new_genes <- nrow(filt_scd)
new_counts <- sum(MatrixGenerics::colSums(filt_scd))
delta_cells <- current_cells - new_cells
delta_genes <- current_genes - new_genes
delta_counts <- current_counts - new_counts
mesg("The mitochondrial filter removed: ", delta_cells, " cells and ",
delta_counts, " reads.")
current_cells <- new_cells
current_genes <- new_genes
current_counts <- new_counts
current_meta <- filt_scd@meta.data
verbose <- FALSE
filt_scd <- record_seurat_samples(filt_scd, type = "num_cells",
column_name = "filt_num_cells", verbose = verbose) %>%
record_seurat_samples(type = "nFeature_RNA", column_name = "filt_nfeature",
verbose = verbose) %>%
record_seurat_samples(type = "nCount_RNA", column_name = "filt_ncount",
verbose = verbose) %>%
record_seurat_samples(type = "pct_mito", column_name = "filt_pct_mito",
pattern = mito_pattern, verbose = verbose) %>%
record_seurat_samples(type = "pct_ribo", column_name = "filt_pct_ribo",
pattern = ribo_pattern, verbose = verbose)
post_plots <- plot_seurat_scatter(filt_scd)
message(sprintf("All filters removed %d (%f%%) cells, %d (%f%%) genes, %d (%f%%) counts.",
start_cells - current_cells, (1.0 -(current_cells / start_cells)) * 100.0,
start_genes - current_genes, (1.0 - (current_genes / start_genes)) * 100.0,
start_counts - current_counts, (1.0 - (current_counts / start_counts)) * 100.0))
filt_scd@meta.data <- current_meta
## if (!is.null(remerge)) {
## remerge_idx <- colnames(remerge_assay) %in% colnames(filt_scd)
## dropped <- sum(!remerge_idx)
## message("Filtering removed ", dropped, " cells from the ", remerge, " assay.")
## kept_assay <- remerge_assay[, remerge_idx]
## filt_scd[[remerge]] <- kept_assay
## }
filt_scd@misc[["pre_plots"]] <- pre_plots
filt_scd@misc[["post_plots"]] <- post_plots
#' Extract the proportions of each group/sample in a scd.
#' @param scd Seurat single cell dataset.
#' @param group_factor Set of groups to examine.
#' @param sample_factor Column defining the samples.
proportions_by_factors <- function(scd, group_factor = "res0p1_clusters",
sample_factor = "gexcells") {
raw_df <- scd@misc[["Idents_metadata"]][, c("sampleid", sample_factor)]
norm_df <- raw_df
## The following is how I extracted this information previously
## But I would like to create an easy table to normalize this information
## by cell group/sample.
identity_vector <- scd@meta.data[["Idents"]]
cluster_vector <- as.character(scd@meta.data[[group_factor]])
cluster_names <- levels(as.factor(cluster_vector))
cluster_df_names <- paste0("cluster_", cluster_names)
concatenated_vector <- paste0(identity_vector, "_", cluster_vector)
cell_counts <- summary(as.factor(concatenated_vector))
for (cluster in cluster_df_names) {
raw_df[[cluster]] <- 0
norm_df[[cluster]] <- 0
## Fill in the df of cells observed with respect to cluster of interest.
for (sample in raw_df[["sampleid"]]) {
wanted <- grepl(x = names(cell_counts), pattern = glue("^{sample}_"))
counts <- cell_counts[wanted]
names(counts) <- cluster_df_names
all_counted <- sum(counts)
norm_counts <- counts / all_counted
for (df_name in cluster_df_names) {
raw_df[sample, df_name] <- counts[df_name]
norm_df[sample, df_name] <- norm_counts[df_name]
raw_df[["sampleid"]] <- NULL
norm_df[["sampleid"]] <- NULL
raw_df[["gexcells"]] <- NULL
norm_df[["gexcells"]] <- NULL
raw_df <- as.matrix(raw_df)
norm_df <- as.matrix(norm_df)
## Put these tables back into our misc metadata with a name that makes sense.
raw_name <- glue("raw_{group_factor}_vs_{sample_factor}")
norm_name <- glue("norm_{group_factor}_vs_{sample_factor}")
scd@misc[[raw_name]] <- raw_df
scd@misc[[norm_name]] <- norm_df
#' Add into the miscellaneous SCD slot a dataframe with some summary stats.
#' There are some simple summaries which are nice to have on hand
#' regarding the number of RNAs, cells, rProteins, rmito observed.
#' This function collects them and drops them into a dataframe within
#' the slot 'misc' of the SCD. I may also print to screen some
#' pretty skims of the results.
#' @param scd Single Cell Dataset to query.
#' @param type Type of column to add to the metadata df, named for the column in the
#' Cell-annotation table to query.
#' @param pattern Pattern used for regex-based queries.
#' @param column_name Name for the new column.
#' @param column_prefix Prefix added to the new column.
#' @param verbose Print the summaries to screen?
#' @param group Could up the data by this column.
#' @param assay Use this assay. (might be useful if you have antibody data)
#' @return Give back the SCD with some new information.
#' @export
record_seurat_samples <- function(scd, type = "num_cells", pattern = NULL,
column_name = NULL, column_prefix = NULL,
verbose = FALSE, group = "Idents",
assay = "RNA") {
scd_meta <- scd@meta.data
if (is.null(scd_meta[[group]])) {
scd[["Idents"]] <- Seurat::Idents(scd)
group <- "Idents"
sample_names <- levels(as.factor(scd_meta[[group]]))
test_slot <- "sample_metadata"
if (group != "Idents") {
test_slot <- paste0(group, "_metadata")
sample_meta <- data.frame()
## Check that we have existing information to append
if (is.null(scd@misc[[test_slot]])) {
sample_meta <- data.frame(rownames = sample_names)
} else {
sample_meta <- scd@misc[[test_slot]]
## If a regex pattern is provided, use PercentageFeatureSet to add
## the percentage counts with genes matching that pattern (like
## ribosomal proteins or mitochondrial RNA)
if (!is.null(pattern)) {
test <- Seurat::PercentageFeatureSet(scd, pattern = pattern, assay = assay)
if (class(test)[1] == "data.frame") {
scd@meta.data[[type]] <- test[[1]]
} else {
scd@meta.data[[type]] <- test
scd_meta <- scd@meta.data
## Everything from here down are methods to extract the information
## of interest.
if (type == "num_cells") {
sample_meta[[type]] <- 0
for (s in seq_len(nrow(sample_meta))) {
sample_name <- rownames(sample_meta)[s]
sample_meta[s, type] <- sum(scd_meta[[group]] == sample_name)
} else {
sample_meta <- skim_seurat_metadata(
sample_meta, scd_meta, meta_query = type,
group_column = group, summary_query = "numeric.mean",
column_name = column_name, column_prefix = column_prefix,
verbose = verbose)
## Now put the new information into the misc list of the scd.
if (group == "orig.ident") {
scd@misc[["sample_metadata"]] <- sample_meta
} else {
misc_name <- paste0(group, "_metadata")
scd@misc[[misc_name]] <- sample_meta
#' Make a few of the likely scatterplots provided by FeatureScatter.
#' It seems I have used the same couple of scatter plots more often than others.
#' @param scd SCD to plot.
#' @param set List of plots, use my favorites when NULL.
#' @return List of plots.
#' @export
plot_seurat_scatter <- function(scd, set = NULL) {
plots <- list()
if (is.null(set)) {
set <- list(
"ribo_vs_mito" = c("pct_ribo", "pct_mito"),
"count_vs_genes" = c("nCount_RNA", "nFeature_RNA"),
"count_vs_ribo" = c("nCount_RNA", "pct_ribo"),
"count_vs_mito" = c("nCount_RNA", "pct_mito"))
for (p in 1:length(set)) {
name <- names(set)[p]
xy <- set[[p]]
x_column <- xy[1]
y_column <- xy[2]
if (is.null(scd@meta.data[[x_column]])) {
message("The x-axis data does not exist: ", x_column, ".")
if (is.null(scd@meta.data[[y_column]])) {
message("The y-axis data does not exist: ", y_column, ".")
plots[[name]] <- Seurat::FeatureScatter(scd, x_column, y_column)
#' Summarize scores across observed clusters in a scd.
#' Currently this assumes the set of outputs produced by Seurat's
#' AddModuleScore() for a gsc. It summarizes those scores for each
#' cluster and gives back the mean, sd, and z.
#' @param scd Input dataset.
#' @param fx Function to summarize, this may change.
#' @param column_prefix Prefix for the scores of interest.
#' @param column_range Explicitly set the range of interested columns.
#' @param cluster_column The column containing the information about
#' cluster occupancy.
#' @param real_column_names The original columns get names like bob1
#' to bobn, this can be used to make them more informative.
#' @param abbreviate When using mSigDB information, the category names
#' are exceedingly long with often a consistent prefix.
#' @param min_mean Currently unused, but intended to filter out gsc
#' which are not observed to any significant degree.
#' @importFrom dplyr vars
#' @importFrom tidyselect all_of
summarize_scd_clusters <- function(scd, fx = "mean", column_prefix = "descartes",
column_range = NULL, cluster_column = "cluster_sample",
real_column_names = NULL, abbreviate = TRUE,
min_mean = NULL) {
fx_df <- scd@meta.data
if (is.null(fx_df[[cluster_column]])) {
message("The column ", cluster_column, " is missing.")
message("Here are the actual columns: ")
stop("Cannot find the cluster column.")
test_measure_column <- paste0(column_prefix, "1")
if (is.null(fx_df[[test_measure_column]])) {
stop("Unable to find the first measured column with prefix: ", column_prefix, ".")
column_pattern <- glue::glue("^{column_prefix}\\d+")
wanted_columns <- grepl(x = colnames(fx_df), pattern = column_pattern)
cluster_idx <- which(colnames(fx_df) == cluster_column)
cluster_vector <- fx_df[[cluster_idx]]
summary_df <- fx_df[, wanted_columns]
if (is.null(real_column_names)) {
real_column_names <- colnames(summary_df)
} else {
colnames(summary_df) <- real_column_names
summary_df <- cbind(cluster_vector, summary_df)
summary_df[[1]] <- as.factor(summary_df[[1]])
colnames(summary_df)[1] <- cluster_column
mean_df <- summary_df %>%
dplyr::group_by(!!sym(cluster_column)) %>%
dplyr::summarise_at(vars(all_of(real_column_names)), list(name = mean))
sd_df <- summary_df %>%
dplyr::group_by(!!sym(cluster_column)) %>%
dplyr::summarise_at(vars(all_of(real_column_names)), list(name = sd))
mean_df <- as.data.frame(mean_df)
rownames(mean_df) <- mean_df[[1]]
mean_df[[1]] <- NULL
colnames(mean_df) <- gsub(x = colnames(mean_df), pattern = "_name$",
replacement = "")
sd_df <- as.data.frame(sd_df)
rownames(sd_df) <- sd_df[[1]]
sd_df[[1]] <- NULL
colnames(sd_df) <- gsub(x = colnames(sd_df), pattern = "_name$",
replacement = "")
z_df <- mean_df / sd_df
z_df <- as.matrix(z_df)
if (isTRUE(abbreviate)) {
colnames(mean_df) <- abbreviate(colnames(mean_df), minlength = 10)
rownames(mean_df) <- abbreviate(rownames(mean_df), minlength = 10)
colnames(sd_df) <- abbreviate(colnames(sd_df), minlength = 10)
rownames(sd_df) <- abbreviate(rownames(sd_df), minlength = 10)
colnames(z_df) <- abbreviate(colnames(z_df), minlength = 10)
rownames(z_df) <- abbreviate(rownames(z_df), minlength = 10)
mean_df <- as.matrix(mean_df)
sd_df <- as.matrix(sd_df)
z_df <- as.matrix(z_df)
retlist <- list(
"mean_df" = mean_df,
"sd_df" = sd_df,
"z_df" = z_df)
#' Use skimr to make pretty summaries of cell-data.
#' I think I want to expand this to handle RNA summaries as well.
#' @param sample_meta df of the known samples by name.
#' @param obj_meta The 'meta.data' slot of a SCD
#' @param meta_query Column to query.
#' @param group_column Column used to group the cells.
#' @param summary_query Which of the various data produced by skimr should be extracted?
#' @param column_name Add the new column with this name.
#' @param column_prefix And this prefix.
#' @param verbose Print the pretty skimr table?
#' @return df with some new meta(meta?)data.
#' @export
skim_seurat_metadata <- function(sample_meta, obj_meta, meta_query = "nCount_RNA",
group_column = NULL, summary_query = "numeric.mean",
column_name = NULL, column_prefix = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
if (is.null(column_name)) {
column_name <- meta_query
if (is.null(column_prefix)) {
if (grep(x = summary_query, pattern = "\\.")) {
column_prefix <- gsub(x = summary_query, pattern = "^.*\\.(.*)?$", replacement = "\\1")
if (!is.null(column_prefix)) {
column_name <- paste0(column_prefix, "_", column_name)
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
sample_meta[[column_name]] <- obj_meta %>%
group_by(!!rlang::sym(group_column)) %>%
skimr::skim_tee(meta_query) %>%
skimr::skim(meta_query) %>%
dplyr::select(tidyselect::all_of(summary_query)) %>%
} else {
sample_meta[[column_name]] <- obj_meta %>%
group_by(!!rlang::sym(group_column)) %>%
skimr::skim(meta_query) %>%
dplyr::select(tidyselect::all_of(summary_query)) %>%
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